Germany 2017 what should i vote ?
pic my wahlomat result.
need arguments
Germany 2017 what should i vote ?
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SPD , CDU is not votable for me
i was thinking about AFD, die Linke or NPD
Linke and NPD are memes. Vote afd at least that shows you want change in migration politics
Also for the krauts who aren't aware, wahlomat has a left leaning bias and is owned by some jew
im doing it with translator
what does this mean:
Arbeitsverträge sollen weiterhin ohne Angabe von Gründen befristet sein dürfen
That there should be time-limited contracts without a particular reason.
No, voting for AFD means that it wont collapse next election.
Which is what the bankers want.
As long as AFD exists no actual right wing party can rise.
I am sure this will be objective and balanced
Ich hab bei Spiegel das Lesen aufgehört.
For non-German fags: this is the entire German MSM
and what is Solidaritätszuschlag
A German tax, raised to rebuild the former GDR (direct translation would be something like "solidarity surcharge")
was ist du.?
"Die Urbanen", weiß nicht genau was das ist.
I'm voting FDP but hoping for an AfD shock.
CDU/SPD/Grüne are ruining this country.
>As long as AFD exists no actual right wing party can rise.
If you honestly believe that a party to the right of the AFD has a chance of gaining any significant political influence in Germany you are mistaken.
The AFD in its current form is as right as you are going to get, at least if you don't want to nd up with a meaningless fringe party.
No, didn't mean that.
What i meant is that AfD is a controlled opposition party.
Its a ruse.
dude you are talking about Germany. They wont vote for actual Nazi or openly racist parties
Muh controlled opposition. No argument, just a defeatist shill.
maybe, maybe not. Who cares as long as they steal votes from Merkel and the left
A goldman sachs lesbian.
I am OK with AfDs position on the political spectrum.
I am not OK with goldman sachs lesbians.
German people agree with me seeing how AFD went from 20% before her election, to less than 10% now.
They can give SPD the ruling seat.
Do you want a all left coalition?
Or a SPD with CDU. But with even more SPD?
Your baits are 0/10. Really. Just stop.
The NPD text is political bad.
i really think about voting it.
disprove it.
i get it that 90% of people who support right parties are from east germany
Honestly, Die Partei. Not even memeing.
AfD polls went down after the migrant crisis wasn't mentioned in the media any longer. They had 7 % before electing Gauland and Weidel.
That's not worse. There is NOTHING worse than Merkel on this planet. Red-Red-Green would be better because Wagenknecht would be in the government. Also they would implode after a few month.
The other way round. Eastern Germany is more right-wing but overall there are more people in Western Germany, so also more right-wing people.
I can guarantee you that Merkel will win this shit again
Haven't you read Shultz quoutes
The new germany exists only to serve the jewish people.
A red germany could also be a nice breeding ground for a putsch.
Based Croatia.
You need a few things to understand German elections and how people vote.
1. Anti-nazism starts in elementary school. Literally children get indoctrinated since starting school.
2. Germans are afraid to be called nazi. IF you are known as a nazi your social life is basically dead. This is caused by 1.
3. Germany isnt as bad as Sup Forums makes it out to be. Most people never get into real contact with migrants so they actually don't know what the fuss is about. Migrants (read as mudslime) are heavily concentrated in NRW and big cities like Hamburg, Berlin, Bremen, Stuttgart.
4. Migrant crimes almost never get media attention.
5. Germans trust the msm.
I watched this Interview with Gauland and I have to say that he is a top dude. Maybe a bit angry but the interviewer is a beta cuck, maybe that´s why.
>Anti-nazism starts in elementary school. Literally children get indoctrinated since starting school.
thats also true here and most kids are still heavily supporting of ndh
i cringe when i come to germany and see your kids being all skateboard pussies looking and acting like little girls
Redpill me on wagenknecht, and i will stop my attempts on (you)s
I already got plenty
here have a free (you)
>thats also true here and most kids are still heavily supporting of ndh
I doubt that they show you KZs and "jew" corpses in elementary school.
How the establishment sees the World and what they do. All hipsters. Watch this:
To defeat your enemy, you must understand him.
they do
they also have sex education and still over 60% of kids oppose faggots
we are 100% developed western system
These quotes were pushed by Sup Forums to attack pro-Schulz memers. He has literally 0 % chance of becoming chancellor as long as Merkel physically survives until 24th September.
She tried a Querfront strategy to unite the left and the right by saying that accepting migrants isn't solving problems. She often attacks (((them))) (codeword: bankers) for destabilizing the middle east.
Sadly she was cucked by her own party and nearly got thrown out. She was also caked last year.
Im Voting FDP or CDU i think
It just means that all these "partners" embed the Wahlomat into their websites, not that they are directly working with or on it.
I'm voting green because of the environment
I found this poll on some Antifa guys' profile, you guys know what to do.
pic related is my result
>querfront strategy
Querfront is just a buzzword that progressive leftists call classic leftists to denounce them.
She isn't on the right in any way, she just realized that you cannot have a welfare state and open borders at the same time (and that the Linke loses working class voters to the right).
It isn't. Hitler succeeded with that, Strasser not. Dugin tries it too.
AfD or kys
sadly this
>3. Germany isnt as bad as Sup Forums makes it out to be. Most people never get into real contact with migrants so they actually don't know what the fuss is about. Migrants (read as mudslime) are heavily concentrated in NRW and big cities like Hamburg, Berlin, Bremen, Stuttgart.
this was before the big wave started. now you find a muslim in every little town. i feel so bad about this.
I have no clue what those parties represent, someone pls help
and don't forget SPD invented hartz4
Thanks user for the daily Reminder.
What the fuck is one of your political parties ganondorf?
piraten -> some anarcho computer party
BGE -> wants garantued monthly money for person can buying food. In moment we have welfare but it can be cut to 0%
NPD -> national left social party
hummanisten -> anti religion, for social and science
Die Linke -> left party
CDU/CSU -> middle christian party
SPD -> social middle party
AFD -> national right party
I already accepted that Merkel will win this... But god pls no Martin Schulz
2 crosses for AfD
NSDAP you retard.
better vote AFD . the FDP will betray you for commercial interest and is also a merkel whore.
hans we have 2017 now
Schulz, sometime i think media hyped him for short time to let SPD vote him leader and then have a badder opposition to merkel. He makes merkel looking the better choice.....
The candidate doesn't matter as long as you vote with a gun.
der typ sieht unglaublich abgefuckt aus
CSU oder einfach gar nicht Wählen.
Technically he's correct I mean you can't really live without blood.
NPD its like AFD but social left
Stop hiding your flag
>Stop hiding your flag
i dont hide it
I think Hitler is going to win
At least that is what i hope
I wish there were actual socialists in politics.
Not liberal soc dem cucks who welcome the replacement of the workforce by cheap labour.
thanks, here have one too.
I'd guess she's a real socialist.
The rest of Linke are total cuckolds right?
>she just realized that you cannot have a welfare state and open borders at the same time
this, NPD looks more and more plausible to me
NPD are just secret police agents.
Wouldn't trust them. Infiltrated as fuck.
Kinda shit that the best party is cucked by the gov
True. Her husband, Oskar Lafontaine, is ok too.
The party positions doesn't matter as much as you might think. NPD is 1/3 Verfassungsschutz (secret service) and overall just a meme party.
>better vote AFD . the FDP will betray you for commercial interest and is also a merkel whore.
But the FDP came first in my cuck-o-meter and I gotta do what that thing says.
last time i voted for Die Linke
but i dont like their open border policy
i thought about voting AFD for anti islamic but i dont want vote an unsocial capitalist party.
so it seems NPD fits me
Wouldn't trust either.
FDP has a history of cucking to the gov.
AfD has investment bankers in high ranking positions.
You can vote for NPD or other far right party as a protest vote.
Or vote for AFD and risk it.
AFD seems more safe. But since the kicking of Hocke, i have lost faith in the party. You could say that with his kicking the popularity fell.
I hope he takes the party back.
If there is just capitalism and communism I'd take capitalism. But AfD is for organic capitalism, not free-market capitalism like FDP.
Höcke is not gone.
>You can vote for NPD or other far right party as a protest vote.
NPD is national left , not right
AFD is national right
so i go with NPD. Or convince me now to not vote NPD
Anyone who'll remove muslims and commies.
You don't need anything else
I can understand you, capitalism is the cause for all of this.
NPD just seem fake. Vote for NPD is a semi wasted one.
You will not contribute to the political situation in any way, but, you will show the requirement for an anti migration non capitalist party. Just NPD are really fake.
But, voting AFD can show Die Linke that they need to become more right wing socially(especially if you are in east germany).
But yeah, vote for NPD. Best choice it seems.
Good adverts too.
I won't. But by national left you mean third position?
I am economically leftist too.
They won't pass the 5% barrier. Have fun literally wasting your vote.
any German on Sup Forums not voting AfD seriously deserves to get raped by a pack of muslims
yes thats my main vote target
but i also a social political left person in my heart
the muslim part
It isn't a literal waste.
Voting for NPD shows other parties what the voters want.
Look at UK and how greens are influencing labour, and how UKIP are influencing both major parties.
These small parties show that there is demand for other ideas.
This. People who vote muh NPD (literally controlled oppo under 1% of the vote) or the FDP (Merkel's dogs) don't belong on this board.
Killing commies and muzzies over heart
>Voting for NPD shows other parties what the voters want.
No, all it shows is that you are retarded and don't understand anything at all. Have fun being part of the reason why governments under 50% of the vote can form you literal retard.
>Look at UK and how greens are influencing labour, and how UKIP are influencing both major parties.
Less than 1% of the vote. Will not get a single seat. Will not affect anything at all.
>These small parties show that there is demand for other ideas.
Less than 1%. Stop being retarded.
as a poorfag i would vote against my interrest if i would vote AFD