

Other urls found in this thread:

google.pl/search?q=kim noble&client=firefox-b-ab&dcr=0&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjnhcm2jv_VAhXBNJoKHVczClAQ_AUICigB&biw=1680&bih=941


I wonder what could this one be about.


The documentary also mentions children in cages during the second part.

Bump stupid niggers.



when people tell me I'm crazy for believing this, I ruin their life.

If you are struggling with depression or have issues keeping your friends around because you talk about too much offensive depressing shit.

YOU SHOULD avoid these threads. They will not help you in any way shape or form.


what is this "art"?
what the fuck is all of this?

>implying you wouldn't shove a babby up your ass.
You don't have to lie on the Internet senpai.

Watch the footage at 16m35s.

Well, i didn't watch OP yt video but I read about one girl who was making art as such. She had multiple identity disorder which was caused after trauma she had to endure. She is beliefed to be a victim of MK monarch as far as I recall. And she said that her art is something she saw with her very own eyes.



so basically everyone on this site should avoid them is that what you're saying?

>She had multiple identity disorder which was caused after trauma she had to endure.
>After talking to Elina
>it dawns upon me Noemi's father
>must have programmed her
>from an early age.
>Noemi can only endure the
>horrible things she went through
>by splitting herself up in different personalities.
>One of them is a robot that follows
>her fathers order mechanically
>and apart from that there is the
>girl playing with her dolls at home.

>Well, i didn't watch OP yt video but I read about one girl who was making art as such.
Can you track down the article?

do what you wanna do. I was just making a suggestion

>YOU SHOULD avoid these threads.
>I was just making a (((suggestion)))
>2 posts by this ID.

Ugh, it was in Polish so I don't expect you to need it. But if you really want I might try.

so whats your point?

You think i'm some child rape shill? Time to take the tin foil hat sweetie.

That 'mother' needs to be shoved into an iron maiden and then the door slowly closed on her.

My advice is that you should not come into investigatory and exploratory threads and suggest they be shut down on the grounds of all of our wellbeing.
Fuck us. Most of us are complete scum. I've come to terms with my own scumbaggery and I really want to do some good in my life.
And compared to some of you, I'm a saint and a chad. Yes. Investigating this shit is not good for our mental health. But you know what it is good for?

GETTING THIS KIND OF SHIT SHUT DOWN AND DESTROYED. Go advocate for the wellbeing of actual victims.
>advocating for the mental health of anons here
what are you even thinking?

>Being this much of a weeak willed fag

Stick your hand in the sand goyim
Continue to sleep, I know it hurts, zzzzzzzzzzz waking up is painful, goy

(Also >not being able to separate your redpilled ideas from normie blending in and compulsion to spill you spaghetti all over the place)

Well fuckin said. This isn't about us; it's to save actual innocents

Keep it up chad

Shut the fuck up faggot

Watch 20 mins. Had to take a break this shit is fucking hard to watch.

its Kim Noble probably
google.pl/search?q=kim noble&client=firefox-b-ab&dcr=0&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjnhcm2jv_VAhXBNJoKHVczClAQ_AUICigB&biw=1680&bih=941

Yeah, you are right. It was article about her.

>Stick your hand in the sand
feels nice and warm

What in the fuck are you?

Go back to tumblr you fucking piece of shit landwhale

>They ordered me to cook water
>and pour it over the child
>meanwhile they hit the child
>first with a belt, then whit a piece of wood.
>They put out cigarettes on her body.
>Then they could cut off her hair
>and ordered me to cut off the little girl's clitoris.
>I didn't know what that was.
>THey said 'clitoris' and they showed me that it was
>with the words 'here, cut if off'.
>My father told me I had to do
>it, he showed me where to cut
>and the I did.

>this whole fucking thread

Just watch out not becoming a monster yourself don't forget why you doing that bruh

>I went in. The courtains were closed. It was dark.
>There were carpets on the floor.
>They told me to sit down, so I sat down at the table.
>There was a table the priests were standing at.
>They were wearing darkred robes, almost black.
>They were chanting around the table.
>It took a long time.
>There was something covered in
>cloth, the same color as their robes.
>They took it to the table. It was a child.
>My grandfather took it in his arms.
>My brother Pierre was next to him.
>My grandfather then showed my brother
>hot to kill the child. And then he did.
>Obviously the child started screaming.
>They said some prayers, and sent us out.

You have something to said shill ?!

>After 45 minutes or an hour, I don't remember exactly
>they came out themselves.
>The ceremonies would always end the same way
>after it there was a feast on the terrace.
>There were two large plates with meat.
>I now know this was human meat.

posting past archived thread with the vid on the OP and many others if you wanna dig:



What the fuck is going on in this thread

Nothing important really.. just Luciferian pedoring eating our children's alive .. you can go back to Fox News now

God needs to be real, because we need hell to be real.

They didn't play ball.

another pedo baiting thread where anons will promote pedophilia while pretending they denounce it
lots of anons are currently fapping to the descriptions, Sup Forums has always been that way

Avoid reality?
Sorry, I just can't be ignorant by choice, doing that would gnaw on me so much more to the point it would actually destroy me, this however does the opposite. This at least benefits the cause in some way by spreading awareness, something shoving your head in the sand does not, but sure, if you are a pathetic fuck then maybe its a solution to just close your eyes

Can confirm this is true for me at least

>the priest

>no actual proof
>just abstract paintings that vaguely look like something sexual if you already have a depraved mind from browsing this shithole website for years

Haha, Donald Dump and his deplorable neo-nazi white supremacist followers btfo again. It's officially over now, his approval ratings are going to be below 25% by the end of the year.

Face it, She will be elected president in 2020 and if you cucks keep shitposting about Podesta until then, he will most likely be picked as Vice President.

>everyone who doesn't agree with me is a shill!
the absolute state of nu-Sup Forums everybody

Ps. Do you think I'll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?

archived thread with plenty of good stuff in it about pizzagate:


Careful with these projections user.
What can we expect from gooks?

WoW nice

impeccable shilling. If only actual shill firms had talent like yours... I know you're not an actual shill because of how genuine your shilling is. You've shilled from the heart.

Fuck off Skippy, any chance of returning Madeline?

Why do you think it's perfectly normal for all these people to have paintings and sculptures of people being fucking gored and raped?

What am I shilling exactly?
Oh wait you're from redit and you just parrot things without understanding what they mean, I see now. Never mind

I give my life any time to save one child from abuse lets send them back to were they are from together brofag..

St. Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou,
O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan,
and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruin of souls. Amen..

You a fiend shill and you gona go back to were you from

Is this some of that Satanic Ritual Abuse shit? Like the shit that was proven to be totally made up by hysterical god botherers?

t. pedo enabler

>Face it, She will be elected president in 2020

"She"? Hillary Clinton? Leftists are more delusional than I thought. She'll be dead from the kuru by then, if her owners haven't killed her to keep her from testifying at the Awan trials.

its a work of fiction that t_d rapefugees and faggots who like to larp on Sup Forums use as absolute facts

Yes it's all in our head ... don't you have more important things to do like reading a fucking book to be able to point your own fucking country on the map !?

WoW Shill inbound brace yourself folks

Watch the video you fucking shareblue kikeniggers. Does that kid look like a t_d user to you? Kill yourselves, as soon as possible.

Look maybe you're too young to remember the 80s and 90s. This shit was all over the TV and it was all completely fabricated. Look up the Mc Martin daycare case. They got those kids to testify they were raped by giraffes in hot air balloons. The kids all described an underground bunker where they would play "naked movie star" and they dug up the entire property, there was nothing there.

Oh right, pedophiles do not exist

somebody should dig on this pic, it looks awfully similar to Marina Abramović

Did I say they didn't exist? Do you really need to make up things I didn't say to win an imaginary argument? What is wrong with you?

Wtv you said chump

>They got those kids to testify they were raped by giraffes in hot air balloons.
So furries on a fantasy setting.
No wonder no one would believe them.

What he said is true though, children are extremely unreliable witnesses due to their extreme vulnerability to suggestion.


Sup Forums is a LARP board. Has been for about a year now. You either ignore them, or you point out their fallacies and get called a shill. you cannot argue with a child

You think?! Maybe you should fix your TV program then stupid fuck

The problem is that everyone believed them and it turned into the most expensive court case in US history. Over nothing.


god bless you OP

gas the jewish pedophile bankers and social engineer occultists hiding in their satanic covens

You put wayyy to much energy pointing fallacies on this treard it's suspicious


Theme: m.youtube.com/watch?v=on_qCkV14-o

this was a bad post

That's the Mai 68 leftists mentality...

Not so long ago Le Monde, Libération and many leftist celebrities were trying to push laws to make pedophilia lawful and arguing that a six year old could give consent.

Dozen of celebrities signed that shit, none went to jail for it. They should have been shot imo..

Same kind of people who had a hard on on Pol Pot as well as actively helping Algerians murdering French people...


This people are the ruling class these days.

Rope + (You) = Soon.

Why is that skippy?! Don't want me to expose your new tool fiend

I would rather watch ISIS chop heads off than think about the terror these people in power, who live in plain sight, do to children.

thank you for proving my point.

at least school starts for everyone next week. maybe this place will be less of a shithole

Do me faggot

John Podesta and Hillary Clinton and all of her closest friends are the most demonic disgusting murderous human beings on planet earth and this stupid people of this country called it a conspiracy when a beam of light was finally shining on their crimes.

You don't get to be a famous leftist and keep your job unless you make a pact with the devil, and to keep you quite they force you to rape and murder in rituals.

There is literally no evidence that that's what those paintings depict. The paintings are very subjective and only actual pedophiles and psychopaths like yourselves see them as being anything sexual or violent.

Donald Dump will be impeached soon now that Russian collusion has been proven.

>Look maybe you're too young to remember the 80s and 90s. This shit was all over the TV and it was all completely fabricated.
read a book you walking piece of shit

If I'm so wrong why don't you tell me exactly what happened at McMartin then? I mean surely you have some proof.

Sup Forums larp threads with wild accusations taken as absolute fact by you t_d faggots do not equate to truth though

That book is not on any of my torrent sites and I am not paying 22 dollars to argue with some conspiracy theorist on the internet, why dont you tell me what it's about

Is this what true detectives saw on tape, OP?


>St. Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou,
O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan,
and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruin of souls.

>from that book on the McMartin case
An astounding total of 460 children reported being sexually abused at the three closely-linked Manhattan Beach schools. Even more astounding, investigative author Michael Newton (among others) has noted that Children’s Institute International determined that: “a full eighty percent displayed physical symptoms, including vaginal or rectal scarring, anal bleeding, painful bowel movements, and the 'anal wick reflex' associated with violent penetration.”
> “a full eighty percent displayed physical symptoms, including vaginal or rectal scarring, anal bleeding, painful bowel movements, and the 'anal wick reflex' associated with violent penetration.”
The stories told by the victim/witnesses were remarkably similar as to the nature of the abuse, the locations where the abuse took place, and the perpetrators of the abuse. And these were not, as is commonly believed, all preschool children telling these stories; some of the witnesses were former students in their teens and twenties, and their stories corroborated those of the children.
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