Why is the MSM suddenly shitting on Antifa?

Let's face it, Antifa and the Black Block has been active for decades, burning down buildings and kicking the shit out of innocent people. The MSM has largely given them a pass since in their heart of hearts they sympathize with their antics, however of late there has been a flood of anti-antifa articles in many major news outlets.

What changed?

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It sells.

> Trump labelled the alt-left as violent after Virginia
> Trump called Antifa out by name


Soros might love no borders no nations, but the Democrats don't want to lose their jobs.

This mainly. They went the opposite way to get views and ratings and now they're swinging the other way for the same thing.

You think the MSM suddenly agrees with and supports Donald Trump's characterizations now?

blac bloc edgemasters, anyone with some time can identify your ass with photoshop. they just don't care about you.

They started beating up reporters. Even the US MSM isn't so cucked that they can describe someone as peaceful who physically punched them in the face.

No they don't.

>see 139603534

The idiots are no longer useful.

because they can't fight enemies on multipple fronts. Google/Youtube are hemorrhaging shekels. CNN is capsizing. Russia narrative dead. MSM is jetissoning dead wieght.

Hopefully they're sick and tired of the hypocritical bullshit these movements participate in, much like 99.9% of people.

But it's most likely because they can't be seen to be condoning random acts of violence against people who have a slightly different opinion

bike locks and piss bottles.

They realized their comrades are overreacted after the events of Cville, so the media are starting to distance themselves before Antifa actually ends up murdering a normie Trump supporter. Normies are starting to wake up after Trump actually brought attention to Antifa.

>tired of the hypocritical bullshit these movements participate in
Fucking This

If Antifa feels that their backers have betrayed them, then they will likely double down and turn against the government. They can't get us to riot so they're going to use their idiots instead.

Because Trump cucked to the Neo Cons now the Establishment is going to get rid of their useful idiots called ANTIFA. It's pretty fucking obvious this is what happened.

I understand what you're saying, but I disagree. I think that our MSM *IS* that cucked.


They started chanting "George Soros, where's my money?" and the MSM covered it.
Next thing you know, Jew York Times comes out with a negative piece against Antifa, and everyone else followed suit.

It almost feels like what happened with Gamer Gate. Many writers for gaming sites secretly detested gamers but none of them were willing to go out on a limb and print their vitriol. However once a major outlet took the leap, everyone else jumped on-board. Kind of like a herd of geese.

Master Soros gave the marching orders to abandon them as they're becoming a liability.
Watch for more $ and attention pumped in to the Southern Poverty Law Center and similar scam organizations

the media and elites have gotten very good at dissuading political violence.
doesn't matter to them which sides they argue for/against, only matters that they're easily controlled.

theres a reason people celebrate MLK but ignore malcolm X

it's a relatively untapped market

Civil war between whites isn't in the jewish interest, they know which side will win. And if they win their globalist agenda gets a massive setback.

It's amazing, my local liberal newspaper disavowed antifa on the front page article, calling them out as being against free speech

I don't know how liberals do it, it's like they all got the message from high command that we're all simultaneously going to push a singular narrative. And why that narrative happens to be disavowing antifa, I can't guess

They don't agree but they are forced to cover it now that normies know (due to trump and media overreaction to his statements)

2 things, or a combination of them: 1.) internal polling is showing that the public identifies antifa with democrats, and it's killing them in 2018 swing races, and 2.) the MSM, who 99% of which never knew antifa existed pre-Charlottesville, has had enough to time nowmto realize antifa is the perfect foil for Trump to act Trumpian.

It's pretty clear from the variety of answers that /pol doesn't have an agreed upon answer, but lucky for you I'm here :)

It was assured that the big shoah from YouTube, FB, et al was going to keep the real story of what happened in VA and with antifa in general from getting out. But it wasn't tight enough. People know it wasn't just a peaceful counter-protest and know about antifa.

In panic they tried to defend antifa but that only horrified normies. Now they have to disavow based on Berkeley, though still trying to insist VA was nazi violence.

They're fucking with people's minds now via duality.

>to piss off the alt right
and it works


They likely know that it's going to be labeled as a terror group.


The focus groups probably started shitting on antifa and the ad/sales departments gave the talking heads their orders. Thank fuck I gave up on wanting to be a journalist.

Nazis have infiltrated the fourth estate.
Be afraid Jew.

Because the truth was leaking out at rates they no longer could withhold.
So they switched narrative, the next step would be to censor past publications.


They need to views, so they will bait whichever side they need to in order to raise the bank notes.

They scurred. Trump called em out and they shit themselves.