Why do Republicans/Trump voters vote against their own economic interests?

Why do Republicans/Trump voters vote against their own economic interests?

>Implying a more totalitarian government is in our interests.

>muh dirty mexicans


They don't.

Good on him, clearly a state issue.

>I don't know how graphs work: the post
Nice dude, what else you got saved?

Do you think those cuts to regulations 10 days before the flooding had an immediate effect?


you don't know what that word means do you?

>Do you think those cuts to regulations 10 days before the flooding had an immediate effect?

Yes it does actually considering it went into effect today.

>trying to frame it like it's Trump's fault

lmao what the fuck.

They don't. The article is fake news, Obama's regulations never took effect in time

Yes, now it would affect future developments.

>Yes, now it would affect future developments.

Last three years have see 500 year event floods in Houston you cum guzzling queer

Drumpf did Harvey and Dubbya did Katrina. Both don't care about PoC and contributed to man made global warming. Fact.

lol. lies, damn lies, and deliberately distorted statistics.

causation adn correleation are not the same thing.

this is bullshit in pretty colours. and has nothing to do with Trump, who is not in favour of economic freedom.

he is a protectionist and crony kleptocrat.

Lol The medua is already gearing up to pin this ob Trump. Cant wait to see that fag faggot catch the blame and watch his apprival ratings tank harder

implying you do?

relating to a system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state.

plural noun: regulations
a rule or directive made and maintained by an authority.

This may be it boys, CNN is going to expose HAARP just to try to discredit Trump

How would these regulations have prevented failure from Harvey?

The left narrative control is already spinning.
>no! Bad goy! You didn't completely overhaul your infrastructure!
>it wasn't the overpopulation caused by millions of illegal immigrants entering the state of Texas, settling in Houston, and overstretching the city

People shouldn't be living on flood areas anyway.

Good thing legislation has passed where any new building on flood prone areas must either be built at higher elevation or you're gonna have to turn your buildings into one that requires many stairs just to get to the front entrance.

Just another smear attack. If you seek out the article it reads
>ten days before the flood, Trump reversed Obama legislation THAT HADN'T GONE INTO EFFECT.

Nice fake and gay news

This they don't know how the money is spent so they think it's wasted and think climate change is fake

This article would exist no matter what happened, and is only designed to garner clicks from idiots at this point.

No matter what regulations were changed, if any of them mentioned hurricanes at all, even if trump cut a shipment of pencils to texas for hurricane relief, the article title would be the same.

If trump didn't do anything, the article would be

and if trump actually helped with hurricane regulations it would say

The article you linked is not real, and will exist no matter the course of events because it's only there to get clicks.

Fake news man.