Half the state of Texas is underwater and he's pushing for World War III, starting to seriously wish this faggot Trump would off himself.
Is this guy a fucking retard or something?
>starting to seriously wish this faggot Trump would off himself.
I hope he starts a war so he can use emergency powers to have people who say this treasonous shit interned or executed.
I hope he uses FEMA as an excuse to bomb any leftist cities, especially the one you're in.
You have to go back
It is a trap, if the U.S. takes military action against NK without U.N. mandate then China will invade NK, and NK will become part of China. It will be like Crimea.
Fine, let China run NK
>implying that firing missiles through Japanese airspace isn't pushing for WWIII
Nork nooks are gonna be launched first, I reckon. And last I checked the msm isn't saying much about how trump is handling texas
>firing missiles through Japanese airspace isn't pushing for WWIII
Japan owns the airspace over it? Remind me again why the fuck I should care?
Just fucking start whatever is already planned to go down. NK war, Civil War 2.0, whatever. I'm tired of being tired over this bullshit. Let me guess though, nothing will happen and it's right back to the slow boiling frog.
>Trump is one of the good guys, mmkay?
I only voted for Trump because he's a shit poster and stirs the normie hive.
I would have voted for Hillary if Trump wasn't running.
trump wont do shit. kim already called his bluff. move on.
At this point the entire world knows that Mattis and Tillerson control international affairs and to ignore Trump.
i love Trump more and more everyday.
OP is a cucked faggot
You know there was this former president called GWB that you would have loved just as much as Trump.
you realize that politics is a sit-com, right?
like, how some people think/thought wrestling was real?
yeah.......it's made by the same people.......
Nice lefty reddit tier meme you faggot.
Nice projection
> oh no, i'v never seen this image before, i'm against Trump now.
I could care a less about jews and arabs. I voted Trump for the lols and rivers of salt.
My personal doctor was jewish; just retired and the best doctor i'v ever had.
Sure thing Dave Smith, tell us more about jewish ancapistan.
ok leftypol, can you get back to your containment board now?
Listen, hugbox redditors. Not everyone who disagrees with you is deep into psyops or a shill. Some people just disagree. For instance, me.
Rural white voter here. Voting for Trump was possibly the biggest mistake of my life. Probably the worst president we've had in the last 250 years. We must impeach him now and lock up his most fervent supporters. The travel ban is racist and the white house is literally full of islamophobic texts and art. Hate can only be defeated by destroying it from the top down.
On top of his blatant racism, now he is literally destroying the planet earth and ruining young and promising female entertainers' lives. What about our children? Do the right thing, fellow rural white voters. Call your senator or congressman and set things right.
Japan is our waifu and anime must be protected at all costs.
They already do. Fuck China
I've seen this pasta before.
>governor of Texas has not requested assistance
>NK gets buttfucked if they start a confrontation
>their only move is to psych us out
So the Solution to stop us warmongering and global bullying on smaller nations is to hope enough natural disaster in us?
NK has concentration camps.
>My personal doctor was jewish;
You will be the first to swing on the day of the rope.
Third week of NoFap and you post this shit...... Faaaaaaark
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. It's hilarious watching him crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy any longer next to the nuclear codes!
Join the fight, tweet #ExtermineTheWhitesTheyreAllNazis now, brother
>free speech
kys commie
yeah china totally wants to take over a pointless expanse of land filled with hundreds of thousand or millions of undertrained useless refugees
Now I've got a good derail for this thread
I declare this thread is now a NoFap debate thread
Why did you stop fapping user? Scared of not producing enough sperm further down the road?
Is it weird that japs literally don't make my dick twitch at all?
plumpf is just bluffing
he and all the world leaders know south korea is fucked if someone attacks the norks
Why don't you join them, libfag?
You faggots need to try harder. I can see you talking in the channel about shitposting.
new clear chodes
new cheer clodes
>Half the state of Texas
Houston. Just Houston. You know, that place that's only 80ft above sea level, and basically in a bowl?
>pushing for World War III
They launched a missile at Japan. We have Marines there in Okinawa. Fuck the Norks.
>wish... ...faggot... ...would off himself.
Now you're projecting. It's unhealthy. Please seek help. Jesus loves you.
1. For the personal achievement
2. To rewire negative neural patterns
3. To get the edge on the competition
Trump doesn't want Guam or his best buddy Japan underwater.
Everyday now im wishing this
>t. has never read the definition of anarcho-capitalism
anarcho-capitalism = Bitcoin
and I do cryptocurrency exchange (day trader)
I guarantee I'm at least 20x wealthier than you
Fat buffoon is right this time. Fatland shouldn't pay Norks shit. In fact, US should carpet nuke that hellhole.
1 and 2 are fair as long as you don't go full hermit
I don't get 3 though. Are you talking high energy to pick up sluts?
James "warrior monk who never married or spread his seed, hell bent on keeping trannies in military" Mattis
A fence is not protection?
>the whole world stops because it rained in texas
Somewhat, but it kinda ties into 2 where not getting that quick fix and staying focused leaves me more motivated with gym, work, creative endeavours, etc.
Protip; bitches know if you've been spanking the bacon, and I'm recently single so i'm tryna slay all the pussy I can right now
>implying NK would ever cause WW3
A conflict with NK would be regional, not a world war. And I know your post was bait but Texas is being dealt with, NK however, hasn't been dealt with by any prior US leader. It's about fucking time someone stood up to those little fucks
We are in a declared war that predates the UN though. UN can suck a fatty
Nofap=higher test. I've noticed higher motivation at the gym/during social interactions.
Can also confirm user
Srsly user. Fuck you and fuck your beautiful waifus you fucken cunt
He has already committed spiritual suicide to the system he was in.
He is no longer subject to your hater.
Over him, the second death has no power!
Off-topic and Sup Forums-tier threads will be deleted (and possibly earn you a ban, if you persist). Unless they are quality, well thought out, well written posts, the following are some examples of off-topic and/or Sup Forums-tier threads:
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China ruling NK would be an improvement.
7 more years, bitch.
>7 more years, bitch.
Till your balls drop right?
Who here ready to take Korean refugees? I certainly am I've went ahead about bought two extra beds and blanket sets.
hello schlomo
>daytrading crypto
Oh wait you're a retard, probably a kid trading derivatives
Have you tried these ones instead fampai? These might be more to your liking.
meh, Korean girls aren't that much fun, now chinese girls, that's a whole other kettle of fish.
saged and reported to the secret service for advocating the death of the president
enjoy gitmo