Are there any oldfags here that say whether there has ever been two huge counter-cultures like we have today?
Are there any oldfags here that say whether there has ever been two huge counter-cultures like we have today?
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Last it was this radical was the French revolution or during some of the more violent German periods, luckily this time there are no Bastilles or barracks to storm.
Seriously, antifa are saying some dumb shit and you think the alt right aren't just because smart people who aren't are associated to them. There are some special kinds that the real alt right try to meme.
>There are some special kinds that the real alt right try to meme.
Honestly no, I'm not an old fag only 19, but I can still vaguely remember that things were never this divisive during the bush years
>spiteful contrarians vs spiteful contrarians
that's how i see it too
Friend, idiots so idiotic hearing them stutter has made me fear them. What strange and wonderful powers placed that man there? All sides of the extreme are pretty retarded, I get shut down pretty quickly when I larp radical libertarian as well.
But antifa's stupidity should be just a granted.
perhaps the original antifa versus the national socialists of germany.
they didn't kill the jews though. hope they learned their lesson by now.
i was a kind of insecure, uneducated, edgy punk socialist in the bush times
how i remember it was "the establishment" vs everyone else
this guy saying about the french revolution is further back than i meant (obviously none of us were alive so there is no personal recap) but he might be right, i duuno honestly but i would like to know what the two groups were
lel, no. They believe all the same things as every university professor, HR lady, and corporate jew. The only way they could be more mainstream in their beliefs is if they went around with fast food logos on their clothes like race car drivers.
Even still, there wasn't as much animosity between the people themselves as there is now (pic)
Like you said, it was leftists both soft and hard against the "establishment" now it's leftists against individual right wingers both soft and hard
The Greasers & The Socs of mid 60s Oklahoma
Stay Gold Pony Boy
oh, i get it now.
i feel a bit threatened by them (both sides) for societies sake
higher education has (at least as far as i know of) had elements of extreme views for the times they were in
the main larger bodies i remember were amnesty int, peta and environmental groups
cheers, never heard of them
isn't that the plot to Quadraphenia
>cheers, never heard of them
The Outsiders, it's a gay book from the 60s
Oldfag here (56)
In America, no. At least not in my lifetime. The Left has always controlled the youth, but this time it's different. I'm not talking about anti-hippy shit spewed out by pandering two faced country bumpkins faggots like Merle Haggard
Pls tell us more, like how it was the last time it got crazy.
thanks mate, has nationalism/patriotism been counter culture at any point you can think of?
have one of his good songs
Mid-Late 60's Vietnam war era.
Then, you saw the EXACT same kind of riots/protests/political emnity.
Pro war vs anti war
Black vs white
Dem vs Repub.
Hippie vs conservative
There was a sentiment of nonviolent protest that followed in the steps of MLK etc., However, then was the first real uprising of marxist factions within the universities. Once that started, you saw the rise of groups like The Weather Undergound, later to be names The Weathermen. FUN FACT: Did you know that one of the members of the Weathermen Bill Ayers, is not only an active communist, but a good friend of obama? One of the main differences between then and now is that law enforcement took zero shit in terms of civil unrest, whereas now most of the old hippes who protested then are in public office and "look the other way" at antifa, blm, etc. Communism is rearing it's ugly head in the U.S the same way as it had in the 60's - the difference now is that you may not have the government to rely upon to stop it's spread.
One never saw that kind of venom back in the 60s from either side. Maybe Bill Akers and a handful of his buddies but that was about it.
Genesis does what ninten-dont
This is absolutely nothing compared to the clash between the pro- and anti-Vietnam protesters during the Vietnam war. Positively nothing. These groups look like candy asses compared to the fury that they had in '66.
i thought about that when i made the thread but i thought the "pro war" weren't so much a counter culture but more of contempory/normal culture
but yeah, i guess the average joes just went on with their lives and didnt get involved
lol where were they on voting day?
fake news is fake news.
The only time things got crazy was during the late 60's and 70's however there was no organized resistance. Was there blow-back? Sure. Nixon was elected after the DNC convention devolved into a shit-show and Reagan was elected after the catastrophic Presidency of Carter who was impotent against double digit inflation and a prime interest rate > 20%, but other than Evangelicals taking to the ballot box, there was no true in kind push-back like we see today.
My problem with him is the fact he embraced degeneracy in his private life. He gave lip service to his fan base, but never lead by example.
You have to consider that it is still early on in the process. The more that the left feels emboldened by govt officials giving stand down orders, etc., the worse their behavior is going to become. Look at the progression. It went from bands of people out marching and making noise, to a few Trump supporters getting attacked, to progressively more attacks, and now outright attacks, all while blatantly displaying communist flags, etc. Take a look at what happened with the M.O.V.E. organization. they ramped up as well until the city chose to firebomb their headquarters. Unfortunately unless the govt. gets a handle on it now, they will only continue to wreak havoc.
Well I guess it wasn't as bad back then. Now we're close enough to the edge to see the fall people are freaking out. My mom told me stories about black power protestors marching into her school durung the 70s so I always wondered how it compared with the American movement. It's portrayed as pretty peaceful, they don't teach us about the riots. I read Malcom X so I can only imagine what it was like.
Antifa is not counter-culture.
Antifa is mainstream culture, a bit more radical but still mainstream.
The result of marxist subversion and indoctrination.
>i have aspergers the jpg
Take a look at this:
Now the police just kettle protesters and write them a ticket.
Nothing this well-defined since Civil War 1. Tho not THAT old, I do know that that was the only other time in US history where the two major parties had completely different sources of news and information.
Even during the 60's/Vietnam era, it was mostly just law enforcement with the mostly tacit agreement of normal white America for the police to go in and crack communist and nigra skulls when they went too far, so it wasn't mostly like it was two distinct sides.
I'd like to take a moment now and tell you something they took out of your school texts, and most history books--during the mid 60s, for 3 years, cities would burn during the Summer months.
Of course, we've never had in-the-open wealthy chair-throwers like Soros.
>ut i thought the "pro war" weren't so much a counter culture but more of contempory/normal culture
No, you're right and I believe he's giving you the wrong answer for the question asked. No, during Vietnam, it was never this bad between mostly normal, popular movements:
Don't get me wrong, things were bad. However there was no in-kind resistance like we see today vis a vis the alt-right
Good thing there is conflict though
Yea... I remember that era.
Hippies would stage a protest in Manhattan and the construction workers would beat the crap out of them.
Found a pic on the line: