He had one fucking job
Blurmf is a joke
He had one fucking job
Blurmf is a joke
Your point?
Fuck you!! Where's Obama when Katrina? Golfing right?!
Sup Forums btfo
Fake news.
Texans aren't victims, they're gonna fix their shit in record time
It was CNN so it was almost certainly fake news
>Responded better to a natural disaster than Obama did
>"Omg how dare he talk about the American spirit and not the bodycount"
Lol go get fucked, CNN dickholster
Ok well please give me a different source where Klumpf mentions the victims of hurricane Harvey
First, it was Melania's shoes.
Now, they want him to mention a bodycount.
There's no point in speaking of the dead when there's so much work to be done saving the living.
>still supporting cheeto benito this late in the game
it's like you guys are being willfully retarded
Fucking MSM, undermining every single thing he does. The man could kiss the feet of every Texan and they'd still wreck him in the headlines. You don't need to be conservative to be irked by this. That people tolerate -- and welcome -- such biased reporting really illuminates this country's collective sub-100 IQ.
Houston is enemy territory.
Bend the knee, and we will talk about your precious fee fees.
wew lad
>chooses to talk about death and destruction
Please God tell me the man in that photo is just joking.
and into the trash it goes
>mentioning victims/losers
>not just focusing on heroes/winners
Nobody gave a fuck where Obama was during Katrina because he was the junior senator from Illinois at that point.
>they're gonna fix their shit in record time
Texas' proximity to an endless pool of illegal migrant workers will ensure a rapid and inexpensive rebuilding.
Could you imagine how better America would be if the media were 100% honest?
let me explain for a moment why you are falling for a piece of fake news. The article you have linked would exist no matter the events that occurred.
The clickbait title is carefully crafted to get you or your friends to link it around on social media but the ultimate body of content is empty, depending on what has happened it will shift and shimmy itself into a form that looks vaguely negative for trump, but ultimately even if trump
>ever reading/watching CNN
But shouldn't Trump mention the victims?
He really brought bad optics to the Trump administration with his nazi larper type shit. I'm glad he's gone, just a huge distraction like Flynn.
Dallas was livid after obamas trip when those cops were shot
Pointing fingers and preaching gun control when his policies contributed to the low preparedness that got those cops killed is so much worse than anything trump did.
we only care about winning in america. fuck off losers.
Back to your DUmpster.
Which is one more job than you have...
at least he was fucking there compare that to king obongo
>HE VISITED TOO EARLY [actual reporting]
Pick one. The media is absolutely fucked.
Remember when he was in Ireland or something, and that really bad twister hit the south and completely BTFO everything?
He said like a full week ahead of time, "I'LL BE THERE TUESDAY GUISE :D "
Why Americans are such a embarrassment? In Europe, we have whole country that's almost entirely below sea level and they don't have a single flood since 1987, yet America can't develop infrastructure capable of preventing "little" rain floods... Embarrassing..
>be Obama
>Dallas cops shot because of you
>media: *incessant sucking sounds*
>obama: okey doke
Europe's idea of severe weather is a temperature increase of 5 degrees and half of France dies.
You close schools and enact state of emergency when it snows a little
Both are accurate. Trump was neither early or late, he should have went right in the middle.
He went to the place, why should he say anything?
People only get angry when he says stuff.
It's because the prophecy is true.
"Well the time it is coming for them to get a message of their own, Donald Trump is the ultimate punishment and WE ARE HIS FUCKING EXECUTIONERS, I think it's quite conservitave to say that Tens of Thousands of Men are anxiously awaiting for the words to fall out of the right persons mouth telling us the wait is over, and we can fulfill our purpose in life by competing to see who can kill the most Communist. We are not weak or gentle or unaware of what is being done to us, we are the same ruthless monsters who mastered the art of warfare before your favorite demographic discovered the wheel, but neither are we the dim-witted Communist Revolutionaries or the Islamic Jihadist you fight over today. We are a disciplined, calculating menace waiting for the time to strike. Luckily for us who are anxious for the chance it cannot be far off. We have seen Terrorism, Race Riots, False Flags and Now shots fired, we are not going to sit here and watch you topple an elected President waiting to see what Democrats prefer to Democracy. We will smash, stab, shoot and bomb you in a manner that will make the Islamic State look civilized by comparison. We 'll slaughter your males, rape your women and leave your children in the company of the pedophiles you've set free upon our streets. If anyone is going to impose an UN-elected Government on the continent of North America it's gonna be us and the only thing we're going to be more liberal with is the fucking death penalty!"
Christopher Cantwell, Libertarian, Political Prisoner.
Texan here, call me a victim and ill stomp a mudhole in your ass and walk it dry
>"Why did Trump, on average, kiss white feets 1.5 seconds longer than nonwhite feets?"
>picture of trump making a funny face
>author has stein in name or is a white man, has black framed glasses, being to bald hair, and facial hair
>being this insecure in your masculinity
Thousands of Texans, perhaps tens of thousands, showed up just to see Trump as he arrived in Texas.
The fact that his visit is triggering the fake news and their retarded viewers is icing on the cake.
When was the last time a hurricane hit Europe? Go be a caliphate somewhere else you faggot.
That's because the 'victims' are a bunch of looting niggers. Anyone with half a brain cell (i.e White's) made plans and left
Cry more ass face
I'm dying
Stop replying to these threads you STUPID motherfuckers
sage sage sage
sage sage sage
sage sage sage
sage sage sage
Shill bait thread
>only hurricanes flood
It was only a year ago, too. You people have such short memory.
Texans aren't ever victims. Just people with another obstacle to conquer. Trump knows this. We don't need any pity. Just your prayers.
>CNN mentions Texas only to use it as political tool against Trump
I used to believe that there was always a possible compromise and no matter how extreme, there was always at least a shred of truth and a sliver of just cause to any political position, but after seeing the "Anti-Fascists", corporate media, and business monopolies coming together against The People who stand up, to, as a single entity, crush them, I don't care about parity or peace anymore. i don't want to preserve their rights of speech, demonstration, opinion and so forth. I just want all of these people to suffer and burn, and see a better state grow out of their ashes.
>t. Houstonian
Diane, it appears we have a CNN sympathizer.
he's likely not, which leads me to a question that someone on here might be able to answer...
in school i remember having to write essays and reports and shit. the only guidelines for sources used to be "no wikipedia". do teachers nowadays tell students "no sources from w/e the opposite side of my political spectrum is"?
I know what you mean.
I used to naively think you could reason with modern leftists.
Maybe it's just rose colored glasses, but I'd look back on Newt and WJC in the 90's and even though they hated each other and were at least playing the parts of diametrically opposed entities, they found ways to work together.
Today you show an alt-lefty a fact and they point at you like a pod person would in Attack of the Body Snatchers and they start screaming "you're a racist!"
Fuck 'em.
>clinton news network
And since they have taxpayer funded flood insurance everyone else has to bail them out.
As a Houstonian, aren't you a little offended that Trump remarked on the "crowd" when he spoke? And as much as I want to signal about fake news, the fact is Melania is a fucking retard with her stupid stilettos. We would insult Michelle if she'd done this, and she never would have. It's basic common sense and that cunt has none. I hope Trump divorces her.
I love everything Trump's done lately (except firing Bannon), but he could've been better and he really needs to get his bitch in check.
Begone with that patriarchal language immediately.
Except for the ones that didn't survive I guess.
>trump did all this, but he didn't do this
>it isn't enough
these are people who will never be satisfied. nothing is ever perfect. these are people who would, if everything WAS perfect, complain that trump is too perfect.
they dont say it
but if you use them you will get a failing grade
this is how it was for me 7-8 years ago
Because Texans are not victims in Texas. This whole hurricane thing is just a setback. However, Texans still need to leave my state and go back to theirs.
Can't speak for highschool, but my Honors professor in composition - a lefty, mind you - never accept those sites as sources for anything. I had a classmate who was writing an essay on modern feminists and Gamergate (surpriiise) whose sources were shot down constantly because she could only find the material she wanted from clickbait shit, HuffPo, Salon, etc. My professor wanted her to do more research and provide compelling sources, but it didn't happen; inevitably recommended a different research topic. I respect that professor immensely, especially because they had classic Sup Forums-level intolerance for ethical compromises in hournalistic integrity and /lit/ levels of autism in all areas relevant to English composition and virtuosity. That's no doubt why they were teaching Honors courses.
Guy in the back needs a turban.
Fuck me, I miss phoneposting from my od Lunia 1520.
no because we're not Faggots like you.
Liberals hate Texas, so does this mean they love Trump now?