Brit/pol/: House of Hanover Edition

>Ps' anger as Christian girl is forced into Muslim foster care: Demands for inquiry over five-year-old's plight

>Britain trails Poland, Baltic states, and parts of former Yugoslavia on education spending

>UK and EU negotiators call for more progress

>Economic issues are a priority, say UK and German firms

>Theresa May attacks 'unacceptable face of capitalism'

>Ransomware behind NHS cyber-attack

>Notting Hill Carnival crowd hit by acid attack


Other urls found in this thread:

First for pissing on eddies grave


lads, i'm hating muslims more and more with every passing day

less than an hour ago i was out taking my dog for a walk and there was a funeral procession going by. these two paki women in a car come zooming along and start beeping the fuck out of their horn because the traffic was going too slow for their liking.

To the lads talking about National Service in the last thread, this country doesn't even require you to do any voluntary work while on benefits, so the chances of bringing it back, military or otherwise, are extremely slim. I think it would definitely be useful for young people especially those with no chance in life (chavs, etc) but there you go.

My point about those being rejected was, we are soft on children these days due to the rise of diagnosed conditions, i.e autism and such, they get special treatment in schools and colleges, even universities -- therefore I doubt the government would force them to do work against their will.

We're going out HARD.

Should have thrown a brick through their window


If they don't want to work or contribute then sterilise them

Also saying stuff like sterilisation is ridiculous, that won't happen either. Parents are happy that their children have these conditions and in some cases continue to have more.

>so the chances of bringing it back, military or otherwise, are extremely slim.
Don't get me wrong, I'm under no illusions to the contrary. Even in countries which do still have it, like Israel, it's on the wane because yoofs keep complaining about not wanting to do it (as if that doesn't just prove the need for it). I just think it would be a really good idea.
>we are soft on children these days due to the rise of diagnosed conditions
It strikes me as wanting to defer the responsibility for raising them to doctors and pharmacists, and of cause state-sponsored carers.

It's great because I don't think for a minute this is what May intended.


Fuck, forgot to take my meme trip off. Sorry if I caused offence.

It would make more sense to try and change their attitudes than just outright remove them from the gene pool.

Has anyone seen Tommy's new video?
The absolute madman.


I am in complete agreement with you user, everything seems to be going to shit everywhere and there is nothing we can do about it.

I would definitely support bringing it back though, but if it were a referendum, it wouldn't pass because of the youth vote.

pubes got annihilated last night

I truly believe she did want a hard brexit. Just with all the leftists complaining she's bowed to the (((pressure)))

Funnily enough that came to my mind as I was typing that post. A sad state of affairs, indeed -- 4 kids who will never be successful in life.


>and there is nothing we can do about it.
Just try and get people to think about it, user. The more people you can make question the status quo the more likely things will change in the future. The next 10/15 years are fucked, but the push-back can still happen.
>Teach the children quietly
>For some day sons and daughters
>Will rise up and fight while we stood still



Do you believe him?

Obviously straight white people are to blame

I said in another thread.

Don't police the carnival AT ALL next year.

Make the police do absolutely nothing.

Then we will see how innocent they are.

>loaded gun
Probably a shitty converted replica that can only be fired twice before blowing up in your hand.


EvErYThInG iS dEaD

Easier said than done.

>in4 he tries to recover from this

day of the rope for all tripcunts SOON

Why is he saying this? This guy usually insults us constantly? Why the change of attitude I wonder...


I imagine they only patrol to contain the damage to Notting Hill itself, rather than letting it spread over the entirety of West London.

If you don't talk like a spacker and start calling for the kikes to be gassed you should be fine.

Fucking kys. Not even joking.

Leave the decent ones alone though, Faux and WN aren't that bad.

>Make the police do absolutely nothing.

But they do such an important job.

What happened

>muh community servants
>muh got to be friends with everyone
No, fuckers, they're faceless, emotionless enforcers of the law. It's the CPS and the courts who need to be human.

Some things you don't fucking joke about

They shouldn't either desu

But that's just my opinion, not what would probably work


Fucking scum, this is shameful. Fucking shameful, the police need to be sent to camps and reeducated in the ways of policing, no more of this diversity bullshit.


I dno, hes probably been drinking again. Apparently Sup Forums makes him miserable. Which is weird because he been making us all miserable for years

I reckon sometimes you have to take context and circumstance into account, and consider what would be most useful for the specific individual as a part of society.
But not for the police. They just need to enforce the letter of the law as laid out by our representative Parliament and approved by the god-backed monarch.



Possibly yes. Use goons to carry out the dirty work.

This has a lot of potential. If you missed it last week, James hung up on Peter while he was making a point.
Listen here:

Also, I just checked the archives. Concerned about honk tbqh

How can we have a free market without having (((globalism)))

I'm hype

>It was Eddie being schizo all the time

Why should we have a free market?

The alternative is socialism

you can have internal free markets

Or a regulated capitalist market

We have what our Jewish overlords tell us to have. We really don't have a choice on the matter.

does it matter? being a dumb fuck isn't a defence, he should go to jail.

>level 3 btec in it
its going to be very pajeeted isn't it?

That could actually be really good, please remind us when it's about to start

also add in croydon

Monthly question:
So what happened to your Brexit?

I refuse to believe that.

why do the jews want to create the greater islamic state of europe? Is it to purge the middle east of the young strong and intelligent muslims to ease israeli expansionism?

What the hell happened to my image?

Just passed the first continuous 21 minute run yippee ladzzzzzzz.


it's been several months out of a (at least) two year process

They don't really care so long as they still have Israel

Electrical Engineering BTEC? It's not a bad one.

Do that wth two A-levels.

We've agreed to join the Japanese coprosperity sphere

but isn't this just enabling islamists, and giving them access to tech and capital? doesn't seem a good long term strategy for the jews

So pubes lives in on Chester's Road, Bearsden in Glasgow?

Maybe they think if they put up a bigger fight they won't look so bad when they nuke every Muslim city

If Islamists were capable of acting as a unified, coordinated group, maybe. But the history of Islam is a history of internal divisions and splintering. They'll cannibalise themselves before they get to the Jews.

No computing

I think that proves that Jews aren't actually behind anything. They may or may not hate us, but a weak, Islamist infested Europe and US certainly isn't a good thing for Israel.

You're an idiot if you believe that.


Oh dear.

The Tripcunts entered these threads under the rather childish delusion that they were going to insult and belittle everyone else, and nobody was going to dox them. In Brit/pol they put their rather naive theory into operation. They sowed the wind, and now they are going to reap the whirlwind.

The day of the Tripcunt is soon at an end.



THE Jews aren't really doing anything.
But the ones who are doing everything do all happen to be Jews. Historical reasons for accumulated wealth, disposition towards self-segregation in the West, tendency towards lefty politics, etc.


Bull-Queers, Mongrel-Theists, Jewz...


unless the jewish homeland prevents the formation of a globa
list jewish order

But why would they do that? If Europe and the US falls to Islamists, Israel and the Jews would be wiped off the face of the planet.

i can guarantee you poobs won't come back after what happened

>quit for being a mong
>quit of own accord because he was sick of the floods of retards
>quit because of a fucked up personal life



how do you justify preube getting doxed?

Because they themselves are self-segregated so don't get much of the fallout, are getting incredibly wealthy from it, are able to get the feel-good vibe from promoting their lefty ideals, and can always sod off to Israel if push comes to shove.

They do it to themselves.

Read the last part, an Islamist West would destroy Israel.

Afternoon lads. Is anyone not really giving a shit about the Norks kicking off?

Nobody gives a fuck because nothing will happen.

Who cares about that, We're finally making brit/pol/ 100% tripcunt free.

it's nothing new.

No it wouldn't, Judaism and Islam have a lot in common. More so than Judaism and Christianity or Islam and Christianity.

Islam and Judaism had a historical alliance, the Jewish aided and helped the Fatimids to storm the Christian quarter of Jerusalem and burn down the Holy Church. Hell even today Israel says to leave ISIS alone and ISIS has apologised for attacking Israel.

Don't go confusing the Palestinian problem and hostilities with any kind of ancient grudge, most Arabs don't give a shit about Palestine, at all. They see them how people here see chavs/gypsies.


I want to run my cock on the sole of her boot

Did we finally get Preube lads?