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it's all just so tedious.
No cumskins allowed*
You disgusting untermensch deserve to drown.
Ngl that picture makes me sad
Bacon is too good for that book
This doesn't sound like an apology, user
says the literal goat fucker
Churches, local infrastructure and private civilians do the same... But no one cares.
For what?
And why is this news?
It should be normal to help people in need, right?
Oh, and build some proper fucking dams you retarded fucks.
>giving niggers and spics cereal
Oh wow
so do most churches, but they don't virtue signal.
your point?
Good for them.
untermensch can swim and afford aquatic transport, unlike you.
>muslims are helping other muslims
Not the churches or community center though, eh? Just the mosques?
They need to check for bombs and terrorist group CAIR connections
Dams don't repel rain water falling from the sky you stupid fucking nothinglander.
50 + inches of rain falls, it collects at localized low points and flow channels. Those spots flood.
'Durr durr we have dykes' yeah and you've never seen rainfall 50% of this level. shut the hell up
>Acts of terror from some muslims does not represent all of them
>Acts of kindness from some muslims represents all of them
Really activates my almonds.
Fuck you. Helping flooding victims does not make your pedo-worshipping religion ok. Kill yourself, its what allah would want
Why would the media report on Christian Churches helping everybody?
Or average people (mostly white) going out of their way to help their neighbours?
>all niggers and spics in picture
Harvey didn't drop enough rain... wipe the fucking city off the map
Then build some pumps and water reservoirs away from urban areas you can fill up.
Your infrastructure is just shit. You have hurricanes every damn year but do fuck all about it.
The only good mosque is a burned down mosque
haha, there's no white people in houston, you don't have to worry about that
Jake Aryan Paul will show them.
He's on his way.
is there any way to mail or airlift "supplies" to the evacuees? just necessary stuff- but inside the boxes the items are wrapped with pictures of Mohammad.
27 posts and I'm the only one to scrape some potential lulz out of this? shameful.
Archive time
>abcnews go com/Entertainment/wireStory/joel-osteen-houston-megachurch-shelter-people-needed-49486486
"build some pumps" Houston is over 600 square miles.
"infrastructure" 50 inches of rain is the highest in United States history. tell me about this amazing nothinglander infrastructure that can handle 50 inches of rain in 2 days.
in a muslim majority country infidels would be driven off and aid given only to the believers
>Muh Texas flood
You have flood all the time. I supposed the NY and New Orleans floodings have slipped your mind.
You just can't accept you have 3rd world tier construction that was built back in the 40's and hasn't been maintained since.
Meanwhile we're constantly pumping back water because 70% of our country is between 2-7 metres below sea level.
>I hate reading
>believing the action of religious centers wipes the slate of a 600+ year bloodlust
Remember these are actions of just a few Muslims don't let this action done by a tiny minority be the face of a religion with 1 billion followers
New York is 1600 miles from Houston
The US assuredly has more modern flood and drainage infrastructure than The Netherlands
It takes a lot to update what we have, but we have more and a lot of it is better and more substantial than what you have, it just isn't wide spread
Katrina: 2005
Sandy: 2012
Harvey: 2017
As far as I'm aware the Gulf hasn't had a hurricane in a year or longer
Has the Netherlands ever experienced a bad storm on the level of 50" of rain in a week? I didn't think so.
>local zoo animals learn how to mimic human behavior. More at 11.
>It takes a lot to update what we have, but we have more and a lot of it is better and more substantial than what you have, it just isn't wide spread
Such as?
Also your country is subdivided into states, right? And they each have their own state governor, right?
Now why don't these cucks work on improving defenses against hurricanes. Instead they just let it happen everytime only to have billions upon billions of dollars of damage and destroyed homes.
What is it, no budget? Jewery? Corruption?
>muh magical infrastructure
>just build pumps huurrr
Wow nobody ever thought of that. Not the army corps of engineers or anybody. Thank god we have you to assess you retarded fuck.
You're very much welcome.
Everybody does that so why are only muslims getting the media attention?
Why are Christians such shit people when it comes to natural disasters?
it's not, and there is no reason to actually thing they are helping beyond what they do for that photo-shoot. It's interesting that you need to advertise this though, but there is no need to advertise Churches doing the same thing
that's one Church, an outlier.
From your reasoning, why shouldn't we judge all muslims?
sage in options field
The Mafia and Yakuza were also extremely well known for doing "charity" work, despite what else they did. If the general community likes you, less likely they will be to rat on you to the authorities. These Mosques need to be investigated, they are likely hiding a terror cell(s)
>muslims never letting an opportunity to make shit be about them go to waste
i'm sorry we ever let them into our lands
They do it to create more of their own and thus a fertile ground for people with a history of killing my people. One act of kindness cannot change that reality.
What possible scenario can you conjure up in your fantasy land where natural disasters such as these are beneficial to a politicians career?
Historically, these storms are make or break machines for government officials careers. Every single president and gulf state governor has had to deal with these in their lives.
It's not a matter of just fixing the issue. These aren't appropriate places to live.
AYOOO How dey den kill mosquito dem BAKA senpai...
>Sup Forums is triggered
I'm sorry for getting in the way of jihad