Im a member of Antifa. AMA

Does your name refer to dilating your new "vagina"?

Do you or do you not support anti-government militias in the west?


Why do you guys wear the masks?

Can you kill yourself?

Is it profitable to be jewish pet thug?

Whats with all the animal abuse?


Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

Why are you betraying your own people?

good for you retard, when can we expect to see you going to kiss corporate ass on cnn ?

Why is your movement so fucking uncool?
Do you even maketing?

Serious question, in your own words, what is the definition of fascism, and how is it enforced in your country?

Hint - "enforced" is the key word here.

Why is there only 1 post by your id and why is it heiling hitler?

Can I join you or are only white kids from families with 120 000 per year income allowed to join? It seems that way.

Why did you kill Seth Rich?

How does it feel to be a terrorist?

U poz?

Pretty much every socialist swine in history was known to abuse animals. Guevarra was particularly known for that.


if i take off your mask will you die

Does Soros pay enough to wash away the shame of the fact that you are absolutely worthless as a human being?

This isn't reddit. Fuck off and kill yourself.

What is your name and address

No they use guns. Real men use bats.

fuck off (((antifa))) - show me your best Führer !!

How does your family feel about your terrorism?

The same reason anonymous does.

Does your mother know you are using her internet account to go on Sup Forums?


hey Sup Forums we have all seen the massive and obvious historic revisionism going on, we need to divide those that preach it.

Games such as Battlefield one, the new Call of duty, the new assasin's creed

Movie shows/even documentaries about the history such as: Dr. Who, Game of thrones (supposed fiction but oddly representative of Medieval Europe), History channel documentaries, Discovery Channel.

Our own history books/media: No more mention of whites ever being slaves or abolishing it before others, no mention of Hitlers love of islam or the approx 70k African soldiers and 400k Arabic muslims, 500k Balkan muslims. No mentions of Jewish influence in the development of basically every political and religious ideology. No mentions of genocides against whites (Moor invasion of Spain, Barbar slave trade, 1100 years of islamic expansion and agression, Byzantinium and Constantinople, The famines in Russia/Ukraine that were artificially created and killed 15 million), communism and America's hatred for communism not just geopolitics but genuine hate.

We need to analyze their goal wich is obvious.
1. Remove white identity
2. Remove the feelings of inferiority felt by less fortunate races.

Now the dividing part:
Why are holocaust victims still always depicted "White" in movies and docs, we need diversity in those roles so these comnunities get more income equality.

Also, we could let Commies become aware of just how many of the 1% are jewish and make them address some jewish dem about it, Bernie is so cucked he might genuinly redpill for us.ķ

if antifa hurt horsys and kittys/doggos they got to die, period.

How much sperm does your wife's bull force you to swallow? Just his or does he bring his friends?

Are Dems welcome?


Whenever Soros gives me a much needed pay raise.

"If you dont think like me, you are the other, the inferior, the enemy, you have to go back..."


Im from a poor white family.

You have oral herpes and don't want your boyfriend to know?

Your mom is nearby with her boyfriend Jamal and you don't want her to know you're not at ballet recital?

You forgot to brush your teeth and now the rancid stench of your moms bad cooking rotting behind your braces is making you self conscious, so you're trying to stop your breath from being smelled by Trevor, that blonde guy you have a crush on but you're afraid he's straight and might punch you if he knew how you felt?

>1 post by this ID
>21 minutes ago

You seem bitter everyone thinks the alt-right are faggots.

>1 post by this ID

I have a question for you fags. Why do you read Breitbart, Newsmax, and WND then bitch about "fake news"?

Your point?

Are you poz?

I dont recall MY people running others over with a car or shooting at people. So WHO is the terrorists?

No not at all.

I hope the rest of your life is suffering fuck face.

What a great human being you are.

How far are you willing to take violence?

Do you have more of a problem with the establishment or with self-declared facists?

Who's bright idea was it to attack journalists in Berkeley? I'm sympathetic to your cause, but Jesus Fucking Christ y'all need some better rules of engagement, stat.

TheGashPunisher is a sexist name to use. On top of that you're using an ancaps flag. You're not antifa.

hey it was an (((accident))), faggot

Funny. The tooltip for your flag says 'Anarchist,' but the red makes me think anarcho-communist instead. Isn't the classic anarchy flag just solid black?

What's your agenda?

When will the Revolution officially begin so that the Army and Marines can murder you en masse?

Only vandalism and the occasional sucker punch. I have a problem with money in politics which has allowed and encouraged the rise of all this wanna-be fascism. I'm also against the regressive left's PC war.

And I'm a member of Anonymous
I'ma hack you

I wasnt apart of that. Im on the East Coast.

The car didnt hit antifa, dumbass.


Im not a fan of communism. How can you be a communist and an anarchist at the same time? They contradict each other.

It was a commie that rioted with you guys it's close enough also why are you guys so mad that we killed one of you're guys if you're fine with violence?

for shit and giggles?

You guys were too scared to chimp out in my town lol. Antifa is pathetic spoiled college kids who think they're poor because they grew up in a house with 55,000 annual income. You want so bad to have meaning in your worthless life that you go around calling anyone a Nazi and violently attacking them. You want so badly to feel like you're somebody that you've literally become the very thing you claim to hate. Kys.

Probably the same time white nationalists' Revolution begins also getting them slaughtered en masse.

Who are the biggest faggots and why is it you?

Am i a nazi if i watch Dukes of Hazzard ?
Whats wrong with freedom of speech ?
Why sucker punch, why cant you go one on one ?
Why cant someone vote for Trump if they agree with him, arent you guys just being babys and throwing your toys out of the pram because you cant get your own way ?
I agree, the whole nazi thing is bullshit and needs to be shut down but i agree with some of what Trump says and cringe at other things he says, does that make me a nazi in your eyes ?


And how exactly does that differ from you guys

Keep telling yourself that.

Telling myself what? Which part?

it didnt 'hit' antifa because your landwhale had a flabby airbag integrated it got rid of a tiffy tho, good job

Poor memory

Which drugs do you use?

>If you dont think like me, you are the other, the inferior, the enemy, you have to go back.
hmmm you sound like a nazi, very judgmental, very big like me or die

At least pick the right flag, you retard.

what inspired you to come up with a name as gay as the gash punisher?

We don't really believe in anything.

She gave good head though.

>We don't really believe in anything.

Weed, xanax, ecstasy, shrooms, alcohol, and Merica

how can you be an ancap and ancom at the same time

How can you be an anarchist and communist at the same time?

your life must be very harsh

How often do you use those various drugs?

Why are you such a looser, that you want everyone to suck as much as you do.
Come on, what happened to you?
Did daddy leave your trash mother when you were 12 or something?



do you idolise chomsky?

Where the hell do you guys come from? There never was any antifa before about, what, two years ago.

Antifa takes money from Soros.

Many right-wing extremist groups that you are "opposing" are also funded by the same people.

You do realise all of you are being played like pawns in a chess match. The people funding you are also funding people on the right. Then they sit back and watch you puppets dance while destabilizing your country.

Only on weekends.

thats right, piss on your dead

False equivalence because the right only wants to speak in public and online. That's it. Whereas the militant left want actual communism, which requires revolution, which is doomed to fail because the weight of the military and a militarized police would fall on it, not to mention the fact that the majority of gun owning citizenry is right of center. So you're basically fucked.

All the right has to do is speak to further its agenda.

Prove it. Righties take money from the Koch Brothers.

hilariously enough most anarchists say the same of anarcho-capitalism, the flag you are using

Ally with us, you (((know))) we have a common enemy.

Do you guys actually consider your self genuinely tough? pic;rel