Boomer Hate Thread Cont.
Boomer Hate Thread Cont
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>Hi, I'm Did you do a shitty job saving for retirement? Did you blow all of your saving on commemorative plate collections, and lottery tickets? Is all of your net worth tied up in home equity that has rissen 300% over the last 40 years? Well worry not because all of your financial troubles can end TODAY with a government backed reverse mortage! With a government backed reverse mortgage, you'll never make another mortgage payment again. Instead, you'll receive money tax free every month for the rest of your life. You will retain ownership of your home until the day you die at which point your equity transfers to the lending entity, and your children and grandchildren will recieve no inheritence as the bank confiscates your entire estate to pay for the checks you recieved. You'll be roasting in hell as your decendants curse your name. So call Reverse Morgage Connection today because you fought hard to dodge the draft in 'nam, you deserve the live your twilight years in comfort and security.
fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, kill, marry, kill, fuck
Boomers are worse than jews
These aren't baby boomers. Gen Xers
Same pile.
>sell your children's generation into slavery for worthless trinkets and mc mansions
>Cry when they don't want the worthless trinkets cluttering their lives
Der Boomer
Boomers are from mid 1940's until early 1960's. Most of those bitches are in their 50's, making them the younger end of the boomers. Right now, Millennials are in their 20's and 30's, Xers are in their late 30's and some are just hitting their early 50's. Boomers are in their mid to late 50's, and topping out in their early 70's.
>Old Boomer tries to give away her worthless crystal wares after selling younger generations into debt slavery to buy them.
Fuck, fuck, marry, fuck, kill, fuck, kill, fuck
These are models for a fashion website. Or ( Look at the font.
Nice add OP
What do the hags mean?
fuck, fuck, rape then marry, kill, kill, fuck, kill
>that's right goyim, hate your elders!!
Those are so fucking hot. Me want, not the nigger tho
They want to be young forever, act young forever, I'll treat them young forever.
I respect elders when they've earned it. Boomers are a pox upon the earth. Not all old people are boomers, schlomo.
>Climbing Kilimanjaro. Shopping in Zara. And lots of sex! Six inspirational baby boomers prove how you can explode the myth of ageing: Now that's what 70 looks like!
Why the hell wouldn't you want furniture? I haven't spent any money on furniture cause I just take what my parents don't want/ give me.
The furniture is probably far too big for their children's houses/apartments.
Dear boomers
Please kick your kids out and sell your house. I know you love them, but you are hurting them and others by coddling them. They have developed an exaggerated sense of worth and value of time. With all their spare time and money they believe everyone has excess time and money. Which we don't. Your children take to the street protest things that happened a century ago, or causes with intangible goal.
As to your houses. Most of you are sitting in your house believing its worth so much. But so many of you are withholding that family that need houses are simply giving up. Meaning nobody want the house that is falling apart around you due to lack of care. Sell it for under market. The realtor is lying to you. They can sit on the house till after you die.
In closing sell your house and kick your kids out. The bubbles going to burst, your kids need to learn financial independence. Because the age of Boomers is ending and all that will be left is homeless people and foreclosed houses.
the only moderately attractive ones are the two on both sides of the redhead
and they still probably have hpv
Most of it is just junk like 45 years of McDonald's Happy Meal toys.
Lmao spot on
>occasions when the China collection was used:
Fuck, fuck, fuck, marry the redhead and ejaculate inside her every night, no, fuck, no, fuck
My boomer parents wasted the biggest room in the house for 30 years as a formal living room that was NEVER used. They spend all of their time in the much smaller "tv room" instead. Because the living room was never used, the furniture was 3 decades out of date, and had been bought according to a short term fad in the early 80's, so the furniture wasn't timeless.
Will they ever die?
1) you want a clean, modern apartment
2) you have the money to afford your own, not used
Have you had 80 year old hand-me-down furniture? They collect things like fine china with "gold painted rims," and tell you the gold paint makes it super valuable. Or blankets from Europe that their mom gave them, with tacky 50's designs. You want your own home, not your parent's home.
Unless you're a poorfag and didn't major in anything important in college. Then, by all means.
It is called Capitalism. Stuff ends up in the hands of people that value it, even if that is the landfill. Myself, I am leaving my grandkids guns, ammo, and gold. I doubt they will say the don't want it.
I screencapped this.....bravo Norway, bravo.
bra fucking o
I'd do all of them except the negro.
>i'm poor and i hate everyone better off than me
>1) you want a clean, modern apartment
Crush the urbanite.
I love these threads! I laugh so hard I shit my deep ends.
I respect a few elders but the boomer generation is pretty trashy.
It's great when you're in school/just graduated, but when you buy your first house:
1. It's old - discolored/torn/etc.
2. None of it matches
3. It's uncomfortable
>t. NEET that subsists on government tendies while defiling himself to doujins all day
To be fair, custom slip covers are cheap. You can just cover all the old shit in white, or whatever color you want and make it all color coordinated. DESU, I don't think millennials have an issue with old furniture like couches, but they don't want crystal decanters, or decorative wall-hanging plates with flowers painted on them, or cast iron floor lamps in the shape of dalmations. You can get a slim energy efficient one that's easy to break down and transport, at IKEA for 30 bucks. I'll gratefully take some nice silverware, some wine glasses, and working appliances, but sorry, I don't have anywhere to put your 30-piece tea set and porcelain animal collection.
No NEETbux for us. It's like the tendie Holodomor here.
That's true, my wife and I mostly bought new stuff cause our parent's hand-me-downs were so uncomfortable. Also we definitely didn't take any of their stupid bullshit - like wtf am I going to do with a wooden display case filled with antique spoons?
>Dear boomers, I want your stuff so gibsmedat
kill yourself millennial
The noise must be insufferable
>the bubble will break
>Your kids is going to learn financial independence
People like you should be banished from Earth.
Boomers have completely fucked everything up and have absolutely no idea they have done so. The worst generation to ever have lived. We went from prosperity and opportunity to debt slavery in one fucking generation. Everyone younger than boomers are FUCKED. Gen X don't realise and are still trying to play the game and are losing. Millennials are aware and aren't playing. Some millennials don't internet, aren't aware and are basiclly nu-GenX ers. Gen Z are young and think they can change the world because they have yet to go through college.
Economic independence became mathematically impossible as soon as (((they))) told us they were going to bail out the banks instead of bailing out the depositors and letting the BOOMER OWNED banks fail, like what happens in a free market.
>first you beat then natives with jewish trickery
>then you become the natives, being beaten with jewish trickery
really makes you think.
they are also in for a rude awakening once they figure out that the next generations won't actually pay the bill they left for them and all their property gets seized
>You want your own home, not your parent's home.
Why is this so hard for them to understand? My mom got super upset when I moved out and then didn't take her along for buying furniture.
I asked her how she would have felt if her mom had intruded on her apartment and tried to take it over. Didn't talk to me for like a week, which is pretty much as good as agreeing that I was right.
>Uses up the all the fossil fuels to build tacky mcmansions in hellish suburbs. Allows all manufacturing jobs to be exported to China/Mexico so they can get that sweet high they get from throwing cheaply-made shit away and buy new junk.
>"b-boomers dindu nuffin. k-kys, millennial"
Not boomers. Democrats fucked everything up and now their Jewish friends in the media have you believing it wasn't them. Wake the fuck up.
No the property of smart boomers won't be seized. My grandson will get gold, guns, and ammo. I doubt that they will let that be seized. Maybe in your family the inheritance is unprotected. My family is not as dumb as yours.
>I know an exception therefore the other case will never happen
Okay then. But a lot of them built their retirement plans around the supposed value of their property, around pension assets that don't actually exist but instead have to be levied constantly from the younger generations and so on.
There are a lot of stupid boomers who'll soon figure out that living on another generation's credit only works as long as that other generation is willing to pay the bill.
I'm dealing with this now. My parents give me shit "passed down" and I can't get rid of it because they'll throw a fit.
Okay honestly if I saw that group walking towards me I'd tear off running in the other direction in a mad panic. I don't know why exactly.
I'd sooner tackle a Jihadi with a machine gun than spend 2 seconds anywhere near this shit.
I mean Jesus Christ....look at them.....
I bet in motion things jiggle too. On the legs...
God dammit....
not all western countries have the democratic party but all western countries are suffering from boomer scum.
LOL. No.
arent these chicks millenials?
Yeah, I means, now maybe I'm old fashioned, but when I'm walking down the sidewalk to get to the corner store, the last thing I want to see is some wrinkly old milf hot beautiful snatch. I don't want to be hiding behind a parked car staring at some lady's gigantic beautiful milktits hanging out of her black lingerie, and jacking off--I got not time for that shit.
In any biosystem organisms that cannot adjust their behavior to the environment get the Darwin Award. They voted for it, they earned it. I spent 30 years warning folks and adjusting my behavior. Those that wouldn't listen and took out 2nd mortgages to finance BMWs and trips to Cancun will pay the price.
>ooga booga gibme yo dats
And those are exactly the kind of people we are talking about, so I am not sure why you get mad and point out that it doesn't apply to you.
If it doesn't apply than you weren't meant by it.
Just go in there, shake the manager by the bootstraps, look him straight in the hands and you've hit the job to get the bricks!
>My grandson will get gold, guns, and ammo.
Mine get silver, guns, ammo, machine shop, cabinet shop, farms, equipment, water rights, orchards, boat, cool toys, and cash.
Forty years ago I bought a chunk of sagebrush and cheatgrass with $7k down. Worked like dog to this day. No debt, great wife, successful kids and grandkids. High school drop out, vet, self taught everything, mad skills that will die with me.
t. 70 yo.
Boomers parents and grandparents were much worse
Prove me wrong
no more pics of these ladies? or video?
checked. I'd very much like second left pls
Exactly. Ten years ago I met a guy who had just inherited a small fortune from an old man he barely knew just as he was getting out of the Army. He said he couldn't believe his good fortune because he was essentially an orphan with no hope of inheritance but was a solid guy, great soldier. He said the old man gave everything to him because his own grandkids were all morons. I loved it.
>mfw I'm a millennial and got my first job by walking in and speaking to the manager directly for an interview with no prior contact
turns out boomers are right about one thing.
Why does the guy on the right look so shocked?
Their complaint is fucking stupid but I'd smash
My boomer grandma sold my grandfather's lifelong American made tools, fishing poles, etc for $50 like a nigger instead of passing it down in the family. I have not talked to her in years but this is what I heard. Boomer aged parents too and they are losers. Divorced, no equity in their houses, blew all their money on stock bubbles and Florida real estate investments. Has to be the most retarded generation in history
Most people don't consider Wendy's chef as a real job
>grandparents worked hard and saved money all their lives
>boomer parents inherit a ton of money, and blow it all on useless shit and traveling to tourist traps
>wife's parents inherited 100K € when wife's grandfather died. they spent all that money within a year. they also sold EVERYTHING in grandpa's house, and my wife didn't get a single memento from her beloved grandfather
>they have all told us that they won't leave us a single cent when they die
>but they haven't saved for retirement so I guess they assume we will support their greedy asses anyway
At least we won't feel guilty when they come crawling and begging for gibs, and we tell them to fuck off.
christ - makes me kind of happy my parents are dead.
1961 boomer checking in. Shut off your goddamn video games and get your neckbeard asses outside and do somthing with your lives.
Get the fuck out of the basement too, no one lives in basements, Christ, what are you a fucking mole? Two years I hit the big 60, and retire, fuck you guys.
Basements have superior insulation so you can spend less on heat and cooling.
kys you old faggot
>He doesn't catfish desperate cougars
>He doesn't exploit the stagnant wasteful cougar economy for mommygf bux
>muh dik
im pretty sure they're going to take all of it.
these articles are just jews trying to get millenials to consume as much as the boomers did.
wont happen.
When did Gramps start posting on 4chinz?
Sometimes I worry that my children will feel this way about the things I collect. But, in my defense, the things that I want passed down to my kids and grandkids are all of my vintage woodworking tools that have been in the family for generations, leather bound books, maybe a few heirloom quality guns, and a wooden sailboat from 1902 that was commissioned by my great-great grandfather who was a merchant mariner
Get a life yourself, you're 62 years old and posting on an anime website created by a 15 year old.
>traveling to tourist traps
Fucking this. It's not just boomers, even a lot of Millennials are this way. I have no idea why people take these overpriced vacations to generic tourist spots that all sell the same shit and everyone basically acts like an American. If I visit Spain, I don't want to sit on a beach in Barcelona for two weeks doing the same shit I could do at a beach in Michigan. I would want to see the countryside, historical buildings, actually speak the language and eat traditional food, visit folk festivals and the like.
Same way with women who say they "love to travel." No, they just like getting drunk and getting fucked by a foreign Chad. And they like shopping for designer brands in Europe because it makes them feel like maybe they aren't Midwestern basic white girls going to college for some retarded shit
That's sucks. Don't help them ,move to another city.
Seinfield and Friends are both shit and were never funny.
>do somthing with your lives
>Boomer passive-aggressive codespeak for "get a job"
mfw no jobs because boomers used up all the oil and exported all the jobs
Gold is useless. What can you do with it? Plow a field, protect yourself, fix a car? No. It's the original Bitcoin. It's an entirely useless object. Sell your gold to idiots, buy something useful.
kill me
>I'm angry that boomers voted Dolan Drumpf into the oval office
That's ok. I'm sure he'll be impeached any minute.
>fashion has not age barrier
Nope, but beauty does.
>The walking almost dead
I jack off to milfs and grannies posting their amateur stuff, so thanks for the pictures of those whores
> ______
> white
> 2017
> _______ hate thread
daily reminder that Sup Forums doesn't hate anything. We are too objective. Only leftshits, coerced from the cradle to by ruled by their emotions hate.