Is the world hitting the boiling point?

So recently I've been having some very vivid thoughts and images of western media getting very weird, like their masks have come down and they're pumping out insane stuff that inflate a lot of damage.

I can't stop seeing and feeling it all being very surreal like they're clinging on to whatever straws they have left and causing as much shit as they can.

On top of this, I can see the world in general getting very weird. The people getting so low that they become a total puppet and run against the wall of consumerism and alcohol culture until they're all dead, or something similar to that.

Is anyone else getting weird visions of feelings about the near future of this planet? I don't wanna feel crazy ;__;

Other urls found in this thread:

Don't know whatcha talking about, I can't wait for the future!

Is that guy holding a taco? Do tacos have fluoride in them?

Jesus Christ Sup Forums redpill me on tacos

The future is bright!

The fire rises.

We deal with reality here. We can talk reptilians just because the conspiracy theory is they control politics.

Secondly, you spit fluoride every morning. Lots of governments have taken steps to rectify this but in fact you need to outlaw fluoride from toothpaste.

Tacos are tasty, but it's not fun unless you eat it messy.

We'll get deeper and deeper into this literal psychosis we're experiencing untill we all as individuals decide; no more.

As long as we 'keep going along' for comfort or fear of making waves, we'll get more and more of this. The biggest danger is people being so deep into this, that they love it so much, sinking deeper into degeneracy, that they'll not want to live a normal, natural, moral life.

Comes down to a fork in the road. We either regress by keeping our consciousness engrossed in the animal senses and comfort of the material world, or we realize there is something higher to be attained and we actually wake up to this higher entity/attainment/consciousness and we change gears toward our sustainable, basically infinite future among the stars.

It's our choice.

t. illuminati

really though, good post.

Truth right here, folks.

We need to start leveling up in this layered game.

Can you stop being so abstract and actually tell me what you're talking about?

Israel will be wiped off the map by the year 2070.

Out of 200 people on facebook, only 2 or 3 give any feedback regarding various redpills I post there. Things that I believe would make any “normal” thinking man sit up, and say “whoa! Wait a minute?!! Is that really happening? That’s fucking crazy and not right! I want to do something about that!” But, it seems no one fucking cares. Either my friends are all the wrong type for me, they’re not seeing my posts, or there’s a fucking lack of motivation to preserve truth and freedom in America. Fucking depressing. Sorry.

The world it's always at a boiling point, the job of politics it's to make sure it burns even for the overlords.

its like the kids you went to school with you could either be the peice of shit that goes nowhere and burns out or you could be the kid that gets the big house and the awesome degree but you cant be both you have to choose whether to be a content with nothing or you choose to be satisfied with trying to be more than what you are now

Hes holding a burger...

What is an abstraction? An abstraction is a simplifcation of ideas and concepts you see daily, into a format that cuts out all the excess details and boils it down to it's most simple principles.

I'll lay it out for you, if you're confused. All that exists is consciousness. The entire Universe is driven by consciousness. The 'place' where energy comes from that drives every natural process is actually consciousness. An infinite 'source' you can view it as. We are a complex enough arrangement of this conscious energy that it 'folds' back in on itself, what we call self-awareness.

See consciousness as a human experiences it has rules. There's right and wrong. Truth and falsehood. Right leads to what we call positive outcomes and wrong leads to what we call negative outcomes. What we input into the feedback loop of consciousness determines what we see given back to us on the 'screen' of life.

If we act right (moral), we get positive consequences. For us that means security of existence mainly, or order you can see it as. If we act wrong (immoral) we get what we call chaos, or insecurity of existence.

We are in a constant relation to a consciousness that is seemingly infinitely greater than our own, what we call the external world. And what we do as individuals internally, what types of thoughts we have and as a result what actions we take, directly influence the external world through cause and effect. It's that simple. So we either act morally toward ourselves (diet, excercise, reading) and others (compassion, patience) and get good results. Or we act immoral to ourselves (smoking, fastfood) and others (impatience, hatred) and get bad results.

Of course this is a complete simplification of it, with lots of details omitted, but it's the gist of it.

Kys fluoride faggots

Why is fluoride in tap water?

Okay I see what you're saying.

Maybe it's just me though, but I don't see people becoming more immoral.
I don't see what makes you say "We'll get deeper and deeper into this literal psychosis we're experiencing" here Or why OP says "Is the world hitting the boiling point?"

I don't see people acting more and more degenerate or immoral.
But maybe I just live in a bubble.

a war of massive proportions will start next month
>things will change

in the right amounts it can help prevent tooth decay so they add it the problem is too much can actually cause tooth decay
it can also be absorbed through the skin and cause do stuff to the thyroid im not sure what but in the 70's it was prescribed to be added to the bath water of people for just that thyroid stuff.
the problem is we dont know how much is being added to the water supply and everyone even babies are gonna be absorbing that crap.

I think this guy is going coo coo for some life flakes

No that's the "that stupid garbage really came out of his/her/they/[insert gender pronoun here] mouth, what a fucking ignorant dolt."

Degeneracy is just a side-product of civilization. But it does decrease or increase based on what the value system of citizens in said civilization are. Rome went under because of the total downward spiral into having, what comes down to, have 0 moral guidelines. This creates a sick, decaying civilization. And while yes, we as dutchmen are semi-isolated from this degeneracy, America for example is not. And western Europe is typically about 10 years behind the USA in terms of social trends etc, with that gap only getting smaller and smaller due to instant acces to the social trends of America via social media etc.

I have a nice analogy for you that fits this perfectly. If you place 1 bacteria in a bottle at 12:00 and the bottle is jam-packed full of bacteria at 1:00 and the amount of bacteria doubles at a rate of once per 1 minute. So at 12:01 its 2 bacteria. At 12:02 its 4 bacteria, etc.

When is the bottle half-full? Answer this to yourself before reading on.

Our gut wants to say, well obviously at 12:30. Half of time gone, bottle half full. We do this because the human brain is extremely bad at perceiving exponential growth in any significant way.

In reality of course the bottle is half-full at 12:59. So at 12:58 it's a quarter full. At 12:57 it's 1/8ths etc. So it seems as though we have all the time and space in the world at virtually every time except 2 minutes before 1:00.

Just because you have seemingly alot of space and time left, doesn't mean it won't run out in the blink of an eye. Things come at you faster than you realize, and 1 minute before crunch-time is too late to react.

You are not crazy. Crazy is a moment. It is transient. You are not crazy.

it definitely is

every country you look, the sides are going further apart and the extremes grow stronger

my prediction is that when the inevitable race war white genocide happens in south africa, it will have irreversible consequences in all the globe, first with english speaking countries then the rest. and the world will be embroiled in a giant race war, it will be called the World War Race

All of the above. Plus, you left out that you're intolerable and annoying. Sorry. But. Now you know, you can do it better.

aqua fresh makes an almond activing remark here

Postmodern philosophy has turned a huge number of our fellow citizens into brainwashed goons.

These people only "think" via emotions - and their emotions are controlled via emotional programming. Show enough sad stories about former ISIS jihadis looking for work, and they will invite these people into their homes, and have no concept of how foolish that idea is.

They need to be re-conditioned and we need to break the system that produces these conditioned morons.

Oy vey, now wash down your estrogen pills with some victory gin like a good goy.

yes, this

Imagine being this blue pilled

It is sad to read, but no surprise considering newspapers political view.

You're probably shadowbanned from facebook. If you use gmail your mails can be going directly to your recipients' spam feed, simply for visiting pol...

To turn men into beta cucks, so the Jews and Masons can exploit them. Also plastic food packaging leaches into the food. They might be putting soy into food on the sly also. That historically has been used to turn men into cucks. Pic is what a man should look like naturally.

>I've been having some very vivid thoughts and images
>I can't stop seeing and feeling it all being very surreal

because those are your thoughts you loon. Nobody wakes up in the morning and says "Im gonna be the bad guy today."

It's sensationalist news being used as a result of being the most lucrative. Economic incentive always beats out feels,

I like this image but tobacco isn't an issue.
Don't buy into the "cigarretes are the worst thing ever" propaganda.

jesus than end it you delusional faggot...

Nah faam, best time to be alive

I have dug into conspiracy theory documentaries that talk about the astrological ages and how the earth is in a different enough spot to change the makeup of people's minds.

We are currently moving from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. Supposedly, the change over in the age takes a bit of time to realize. They've been harping about the Age of Aquarius since the 1970s.

An astrological age is about 25,860 years.

But interestingly, there is often a Dark Age, followed by a Golden Age. We are heading into a Golden Age. They cite ancient civilizations like Egypt which went from a Golden age to a Dark age and how the civilization changed.

It's gets into metaphysics where the new position of the earth is supposed to open up our DNA and allow us to see the lizards and all the lies. We get telepathy and shit. If you study Indigo children, this makes sense.

So it's very possible that (((they))) are loosing their grip on the control structures as more Burgers become enlightened to the lie we live in. That would explain the ratcheting up of the Happenings.

Do you know when the transition into Aquarius starts or when it started?

I've read that it happened in 2012 but in the same article it said that this was a theory.


The way I understand it, an "Age" has no certain start date down to the day, hour, minute like eclipses, etc. It's more of a generalized term to mean that we are traveling aligned with the Aquarius constellation now.

I don't understand the ins-and-outs of it all but that is the gist.

I would be willing to believe that the change-over was 2012 because that is when I first got red-pilled. My life completely got turned upside down that year. I began having the strange dreams; intuitions and became ultra hungry for red pill knowledge.

This. I think what some here and even many jews don't realize that if the muslims take over then israel will be burnt to the ground, if western civilization dies, the jews die with it.

I remember once, years ago having a dream that felt prophetic. I got up one morning and stepped out my front door to find hundreds of people, ordinary people from the town, all lining up to voluntarily have their heads chopped off by a guillotine. Think it means anything?

People are using their free will to destroy themselves, perhaps?

I mean, it's true and all.

>The social upheaval of the 1960s in the West, coupled with songs announcing the birth of the Age of Aquarius, led many people to believe we entered the new age. Actually, a close study of history shows the first rays of Aquarius have been hitting the Earth for at least 200 years. Possibly the spiritual “seed” of the Aquarian Age was planted as far back as 1781, when astronomers discovered the planet Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius.

>Some astrologers put the beginning of the Aquarian Age within the next 50-100 years. Others set the date as far ahead as 2375. Still another group say the Piscean Age began several centuries before Christ’s birth, and therefore the Aquarian Age began early in this century, about the 1920s.

>None is positively “right” because not only are the constellations unevenly spaced through the Zodiac, but it is impossible to measure their exact boundaries.

>We do know there is a period of transition between the ages which extends over hundreds of years. And we are living during one of these periods between the outgoing Age of Pisces and the incoming Age of Aquarius. As will be shown later, intermingling of the cosmic influences from both star signs has initiated a period of great change and upheaval.

grats you realized that most people are actual fuckin idiots with no self awareness, spooki innit. In the end were just animals and apparently already alot of people are reaching the limits of what their brains are capable of, a ceiling of understanding.

This post made me kek.

That thought has crossed my mind.

Still, I think (((they))) envision a sort of Hunger Games society were the people have some freedom but mostly live as sheep-drones. It's Marxism 101. Give the people two narrow choices but control those choices to give them the illusion of free will.

Have you heard the phrase

"He who controls the money, controls the people".

It is the clever jew who controls the money. I think their master plan is to create a world wide conflict, reduce the population down to about 500 million and then be Hungry Games like controllers.

Every thing the Clever Jew does right now sets us up for the Big War. Divide and Conquer. Turn genders on each other. Turn race on each other. Until it's a powder keg and we do all (((their))) work for them.

After the big war, (((they))) still plan to be in control of the banking system. And they know if this is the case, they'll control the societies. Mostly likely it will be the New World Order with One State; One Religion; One Currency and (((they))) will control all of it.

But I think it likely that they will fail and the earth will go into tribal chaos again. That is what really needs to happen. Many millennia of tribal chaos and animals running around like crazy mother fuckers.

I've understood this for quite some time now but I sometimes get images and feelings about future events that feel almost certain to unfold considering the current trajectory of Earth.

People have been brainwashed for hundreds of years but today we're slowly breaking free and no one ever goes back.

What do you do if you are half cucked? Is there a way to reverse this?

>muh astrology

Please tell me you don't actually believe this.

I honestly don't really have much of an opinion on the topic because I have never properly looked into it before.

I'm only interested because people have said the age of Aquarius brings about change in the world and it just so happens both of those things are happening.

Yeah that's what it felt like. Also it made me feel the chilling effects of groupthink, like they had all collectively been convinced that the cool thing to do was get their heads chopped off.

You see the path to take user and you know that all it takes is for you to make the right decisions that will ultimately guide you to being your greatest version.

Make a change today. Improve yourself.


That probably couldn't be more accurate when applied to today's global society as a whole.

The fact that these images always feel surreal or chilling or creepy seems to be quite repetitive among those that have them.

Free will doesn't exist. Everything is deterministic. Prove me wrong.

I don't explicitly believe it, but I got to give it to starfags - the bible makes a TON of references about bovines (i.e. all of the bull/idol worship in the old testament) which is basically happening during the age of Taurus.

And then Christianity happens, and all of the symbolism about fish (the darwin symbol, Jesus feeding everyone with Fish, etc..)

and then all of the symbolism talking about the next age being the age of the water-bearer (it's in the bible, i forget exact passages someone can probably confirm) and we ARE heading into the age of aquarius, the water-bearer...

Everything always revolves around 12, too. whether its Jesus and the disciples, the black sun, etc... It's easy just to brush it off and remain ignorant, but there is something there

I think free will only truly exists once you realise that there is no free will.

Either way, there will always be a future that exists right now, however who's to say that there aren't an infinite supply of futures that exist and it will collapse on one based on collective actions of free will?

I have thought about that subject a lot and honestly I'm just happy to be a part of the experience :^)

no were not dumbo, this brainwashing is quite recent post ww2 for certain, its just that it was more anti x country propaganda then, while now people are just blatantly shoving shit into others faces. What youre witnessing is just the wide array of information on the internet and find answers that suit you the most, every movement every ideology has an opposition, these things always end in revolutions it just takes time to fire up the ovens and piss enough people off. Its almost scary how much history actually repeats itself.

There is nothing BUT free will.

You are so free you can choose bondage, many do.

I used to think astrology was complete horse shit that housewives dabbled in while their husbands worked.

Still, I've watched enough documentaries on Sacred Geometry to understand that there is some mathematical power that is hidden within our reality.

What I learned about Coral Castle blew my fucking mind. I straight up believe we have anti-gravity technology and that it's been hidden from us for a long time.

Combine this with ley lines and the fact that many of the temples are built along ley lines.

In many respects, this is all a computer simulation but there is still hidden knowledge in the position of the stars planets.

The very idea of an eclipse is preposterous. The sun "Just Happens" to be 400 times bigger than the moon and the moon "Just Happens" to be 400 times away. That is no coincidence. That is a mathematical order of our reality we don't yet understand.

And gravity. We know how to describe it but no, we have no idea what the fuck it is.

No. We aren't talking about fluoride here, autismo

go on

I mean, didn't that ex-KGB guy basically say that the russians started all this modern communism with seeds in our culture, and now they are growing up? I think it was Yuri Bezmenov. I'm not sure how credible he is though.

Intriguing image-post.

I always considered the Burgers the agents of change. I studied on Indigo children a while back and learned that in each new generation, DNA strands are opening up and the ability to have a much deeper understanding is inherent in these new generations (eg: Clairvoyance; Telepathy; Dimension Hopping)

But, as conspiracy goes, so are the drugs and propaganda these kids are given to keep them dumb.

Is there a limited amount of souls or have these kids been cut off from their souls???

I choose to believe the latter.

>expecting anything out of goybook

kys my man

interesting read. i would tell the author to be careful not to sound like this

>i'm not like the other goys, i'm different. yea i'm not really into the radio, i listen to REAL music. i only read good books, everyone else has shit taste

he literally complains about a 'whiny/high horse' mentality while complaining on his high horse. that said, image saved

The Killuminati serious on YouTube was my first red pill.

I've never been the same since watching that series. It eventually gets into Coral Castle and Ed Leedskalnin. This guy was in the illuminati. There are hints all over Coral Castle that correspond with a a Masonic Temple in Penn state.

They start talking about Leedskalnin's "freewheel" and debate on how he lifted all the stone. It is widely believed that he had an antigravity machine. The stone was lime which has crystals inside of it. He was able to find a sound frequency that neutralized gravity.

Once you grasp a general understand of Particle Science, you figure out there is no such thing as matter. Everything around us is "projected". I would go as far to say that gravity is a projection that can be "hacked".

I've also studied the Hutchenson Effect and how he "melted steel" with nothing more than a sound gun.


it's literally 5 different people

Or the stones were just lifted using an older technology.

Like this.

birth control in the water supply has found to turn fish transgender. think it was ny post

but mostly this

I'm just hoping that I can naturally increase testosterone enough to combat all the shit in what we eat, etc. and that it's not permanent.

I've seen that line of argument. I've seen the dude up in the north country who moves stones with levers and stuff too.

It's a plausible explanation but as you dive more into the mystery of Coral Castle, especially the mathematics, you realize there is more to it. They get into prime quadruplets and prime numbers manifesting within the wheel points.

I've been offered this explanation you gave often as the "shut up and leave it" but I don't just leave it.

Once you start studying the Hutchinson Effect, you realize there is something to this. Hutchinson was able to bend, melt and levitate solid metals with nothing more than a sound gun.

And I also follow closely the theory by Dr. Judy Woods as an explanation for 9/11. I find it very plausible the USA has a secret energy weapon we do not know about and it was used on the towers.

This rabbit hole is much deeper than you may think young one.

Anti-gravity machine is also an energy weapon. Also very likely explains UFOs.

Eru (god) Made the world singing.

Tolkien confirmed for illuminati

Esta pasando

Its not really easily determined. Some say aquarius will happen 2100 some say now, some say it was 100 or even 500.

Fuck you, dumb ass, coral castle was built with 6 car batteries, three comealongs, a used motor and a shitload of rollers. It's impressive as he'll because one white dude used his big brain to build it, not woo woo space bullshit.

I think you need to trim the hair in that big hook nose of yours....

the association of freedom with getting drunk, acting like a slut or roaming around naked is now pretty much ingrained in the culture propagated to the youth

we are going back, intelligence is shrinking, we are devolving, our results are lower and lower, our mastery of mathematics is getting worse and worse, i personally have someone in my family who at 12 is incapable of doing substractions

parents at work, big sister just as useless as the 12 years old kids... we are regressing

and when i try to help them? they label me pedophile

when you bombar the girl's mind with shit like "you are the strongest, you are the best, you are always right, you are never wrong, women rule the world. women are the best" they just become the most egoistical cunts there is on earth, and will use any tricks in the book to get what they want, until they need serious help

they dont know i will just dismiss them that day

fuck these cunts

fuck wome n

It depends on your perspective. From the perspective of a human mind who can't predict the future, free will is as real as it needs to be. If everything is determined, it doesnt matter to our world, we humans can only see the world through the medium of perception, meaning, and choice.

freedom in 2017 means being a slave to your primal instinct. how degenerate and devoid of meaning our society must be that we consider that freedom, and fucking around to be "finding yourself".

primal instincts* i should say

I regularly wake up thinking about the impending doom of our civilization.

for me the most depressing part isn't that it's falling, i've long come to terms with that, it's how slowly and agonisingly it's happening. i want off this ride :(

I think you need to quit flying my flag until you're ready to pretend you're smarter than the average 15 year old.

right and wrong are flimsy moral concepts. Some negative shit can lead to a better future. And some stuff is seen as positive when it just weakens us.

fuckin A, man

You're more closed minded that my sphincter when I'm on top of your wife with a hard cock inside of her.

And that's how I know you're just some larping faggot, or just a petulant child. Cuckolding is a game for faggots and degenerates, not proper natsoc gentlemen.

Remember that semen is more powerful than you think. Stop letting the Jews steal your precious bodily fluids.

>I think free will only truly exists once you realise that there is no free will.
>All that exists is consciousness.
^These are the stupidest statements in this thread, by far. New Age bullshit is not an escape hatch.

>I think it was Yuri Bezmenov. I'm not sure how credible he is though.
His videos are great but also realize that he predicted a Mondale landside win over Reagan in 1984. And he thought Mondale was a total commy. The impact of Soviet + communist + Jewish + capitalism on American degeneracy doesn't come close to equaling the natural decline implicit in the easy living and alienation aspects of technology itself and artificial environments.

>I can't stop seeing and feeling it all being very surreal like they're clinging on to whatever straws they have left and causing as much shit as they can.
Yes, it's almost like the control system is in its death throes, spazzing out completely, like a cornered animal, wounded and very dangerous. But on the other hand I can't see this system dying anytime soon, or not soon enough for my liking.

>On top of this, I can see the world in general getting very weird. The people getting so low that they become a total puppet and run against the wall of consumerism and alcohol culture until they're all dead, or something similar to that.
Yes, people are doing this, throwing themselves into manias. I see it everywhere, from middle-class people spending several hundreds of dollars on variant cover comic books with no cultural significance, to women crocheting large tapestries to give them as gifts to family members they barely even know. It is all an insane show. The extreme "sacrifice" is probably those odd white people who want to put themselves into bondage for blacks, but really that could be seen as a microcosm of the great sadomasochism that so many people feel. "Sure I will sacrifice $200,000 of future income in exchange for a collegiate degree that is worthless." etc.

Who on an anonymous image board is not playing a role?

Who are you really Rosebud?


Tap water in the USA isn't managed as one giant system. It's whatever your state or local government decides to do. The content of the tap water in different places can vary a lot. I'm sure you can find loads more chemical shit in tap water in big cities like NYC or Chicago than what you find in little country towns and the little country towns probably vary a lot depending on region. It's a non-trivial assumption that there is flouride in any given water supply.

Be good, find god

I used to be skeptical of any spiritual or "higher consciousness" shit. But a few experiences I've had in the last few years as well as one very strange friend I've made have forced me to rethink so much of what I've known.