So, does the stormfag, alt-right section of Sup Forums has something intelligent to counter Kraut and Tea? Or are you still autistic screeching?
So, does the stormfag, alt-right section of Sup Forums has something intelligent to counter Kraut and Tea...
Fuck him, if he didn't report Rage to her employer for hate speech I'd argue with this faggot.
He is a hypocrite, and a pretentious one at that.
Skeptics are the polar opposite of SJWs.
He went and is going to great lenghts to debate racists, when in reality they are all really low IQ, thus they will not listen to all that.
Who cares if he reported or shits on your silly skeptic club, what's important is his arguments.
>ill debunk race realism
>my biologist said its dumb
>now let me talk about r/k types
>alt right btfo
>Calls us skeptics
>has an argument
>needs to shut down opponents by reporting them
Pick one civic cuck
Fuck off and stop shilling your shit here Du Judenbengel.
fuggin sauSAGE
There is no point in debating someone who doesn't want a civil debate in return.
The original argument was supposed to be against race realism and iq.
His argument for that?
>my biologists said its dumb
Their too stupid to realise the answer is simply hundreds of years of religions promoting the nuclear family compared to communal living is the only real difference.
Aydin already put him in his place.
Also there is no point in debating someone that denies facts we would literally be debating someone who doesn't believe in evolution.
Sup Forums will do nothing but throw around adhominems and non sequiturs because they know he's right
Nah it has more to do with being in colder region the further north the race or ethnicity evolves the more intelligent the race or ethnicity will be.
You prefer nazi?
I don't defend him for reporting the based hot nerdy Jew, but who the fuck cares, she was the one that decided to close all her accounts. She wasn't gonna fuck you anyway britcuck.
r/k selection theory is actually bullshit tho when applied to humans. Kraut is still shit though and I can't wait for his entry level "debunking" of race realism
Well since we are arguing about race realism I'd prefer to be called a race realist you kuck
Kraut and tea debates Jared Taylor when?
kekistanis and demoshits trying to meme an e-celeb
Fuck off cunts.
>Implying Kraut won't pee his pants when he talks to a real man.
Use sage you idiot
>Whoooowyte man
I'd like to see Kraut debate Ryan Faulk from alt-hype. That guy has an impressive amount of autism, he really knows everything about race realism
Fuck you memecountry.
I hope he continues getting "educated". I hope he also debates memeneux although the coward would never agree unless is at his show with his rules.
what's the vid about? the title is pretty gay
>asserting that this "Kraut" fellow hwon't precipitously urinate himself upon realising his hworldview is based on utter baloney
Jared Taylor has been on Molymemes show
>believe in evolution
>denie the existance of racecial diffrances.
no white guilt already destroyed al his weak points.
Here you go OP
>humans aren't reptiles therefore all races are equal
How will the alt-right ever recover?
30 minutes of strawman argument
>Jared Taylor
Another CIA Zionist playing the part of a White Nationalist. Why don't you pathetic celebrity worshiping TV obsessed losers try to think for yourselves and stop being lead around by Jews and .gov agents?
Fucking sad
What country are you from you cowardly faggot fuck you and your shill thread cunt.
>Jared Taylor
>hereditary mental attributes aren't real
>but hereditary mental disorders are
>China is presently working towards using science to effective create racial cognitive disparities using CRISPR.
Please justify why I should spend my time listening to this obsolete brainlet.
Where do you gain knowledge then you retard. You have to research all points whether is "ecelebrities" or books by other authors.
The greatest country of earth. You can suck my cock now.
> first sentence
> uses the word theory instead of hypothesis
Where you get that? As far as I know China is using CRiSPR to correct cancer related genes. Not cognitive traits.
You all are getting triggered over nothing. This video if anything is directed to Milenial Woes, most people with an IQ of at least 100 know the guy is a joke, so really Kraut hasn't debated shit. He just went after the long hanging fruit.
>debate racists
Who is been debated in the video here? It's just him grabbing one of the more obscure argument, the r-K selection, remove any nuance and instead make 2 complete binary extremes, reptiles(r) and mammals(K), says we're not reptiles, therefore we are not r-type, instead we are K-type therefore all races are equal because we are all K-type. That's about as deep as he goes into it.
I've never seen or heard of Kraut actually debating anyone on race-realism even though it would be really easy to if he just gave out the call that he wanted.
I know, I hadn't seen the whole video before commenting. Like I said this is a jab at the retarded Millenial Woes. For him the r/k theory is like the virgin/chad meme.
Eceleb nonsense. Stop giving a smuggie an audience
yup, classic strawman tactic. He won't debate because he can't actually form an argument outside a very finely crafted set of strawmen and half-truths
Who is the kunt te i keep hearing about?
funny enough the guy he asked for help "doktorant" is a bleeding heart liberal
>race realism is nonsense and not worth my time
That's about as deep as applying r/k to humans goes as well
Meme science is garbage, go to tumblr if you want to do that shit
Probably a fucking Jew as well you and your refugees comming here can fuck off.
It's a theory, one just a minor part of the Alt-Right and Woes' arguments and it's not even a bad theory. Woes isn't really at all scholarly nor does he claim to be. He's not that smart but he can at least analyse important issues and news without autistically having to remove any context from them and he'd blow Kraut the big brained sceptic out of the water if they had an actual debate.
r/K selection theory is just applying parent investment to human behaviour. Low investment parenting(r) tend to create environmentally/societal-dependent low-IQ people while high-investment parenting creates more independent, high-IQ succesful people. This goes across all races but you can apply it to races too, blacks make shit parents, their women go for shitty dumb men who usually only have superficial physical or social qualities while lacking the resources to take care of her and her children. These men then leave after a while, usually leaving one or more bastard children behind who grow up without a father figure and instead become dependent the government, or in case of Africa, the environment, which is/was highly rich in natural food resources. In the black's case this has gone on for ten-thousand years which embedded such behaviour in the genes making them even more common place and because of this most blacks go into poverty, have unstable relationship and are dependent on the government no matter where they are.
Op is a faggot
Op is a faggot
Op is a faggot
Open up a book about marriage and family in Africa instead of making shit up based on obscure blog posts by uneducated burgers, you fucking cretin
>small part of the argument
>makes about 5 videos of that shit
>he's not smart
>but he can analyze important issues
Like that or more retarded?
Pseudoscience is still pseudoscience, retard
Fuck off, Kraut and Cuck. Earn your shabbos goy shekels elsewhere, you pathetic race traitor
You can tell Kraut lineage is a bastard one. You think his grandma willingly slept with the russians?
Funny how he whines that Germany is getting islamized, but opposes any solutions even close to right wing.
Funny enough, the cucked IB tried to gain their alliance. Fucking retards. Especially Sellner.
If white race is superior why can't you get girflriends?
Know any other neuro specialist that is a conservative?
Yeah, didn't think so.
African societies are highly polygamous which is low-investment parenting which is possible because of the prevalence of food resources. If we take African history before 1850 when Europe started taking over then it was thousands of years of tribal warfare, mass enslavement of most of the population, polygamy and promiscuity that created the modern blacks, not that inconceivable.
>has 5 videos
>has 700 videos
>most of them made more than a year ago
The other poster argued that this video was mainly directed for Millenial Woes which would be pretty retarded seeing how small of an argument it is on the whole.
>>has 5 videos r/k selection theory
Having white kids won't be enough if white countries are forced to accept africans and muslims that reproduce ten times faster,while anti-white propaganda is promoted by the media with shit like childless white family promotions, race mixing, forbidden to talk about white identity etc.
Get it now? btw, tell Kraut to pay you better, you're doing a bad job at shilling his channel.
His argument in a nutshell.
Take notice that he's a very good goy because he fucked a nigress once.
And I forgot, he once mentioned that he does amateur porn.
MW has a gf and presumably sex
Moly has a child, a wife, and sex
Moly is not Alt Right
I don't get what is implied here or when any Alt Right person said "Evolution is like Gender Studies." I'm pretty sure Moly and MW both believe in evolution while also saying that gender studies isn't a real discipline, so...
t. has sex and a girlfriend
His entire argument is linguistic and he was correct on that, he didn't address the point however.
>African societies are largely polygamous
That guy has such an annoying voice that screeching is honestly all he can hope to get. I would love to hear his arguments, but I simply can't listen to his condescending voice.
>uses wrong wiki
>uses google
>google scholar:
total joke
meanwhile look at all the chicks that show up for enlightened centrist meetups:
>complains that german antifa unjustly attacks him fro wrongly labeling him as a nazi
>calls some random e-celeb thot a nazi and forces her employer to fire her
He's the skeptic you fucking retard
>implying intelligence is the only necessity for getting sex
>implying craving sex doesn't imply stupidity
He needs to respond to Millennial Woes hour long demolition of him.
>>implying craving sex doesn't imply stupidity
If you don't want sex, you are retarded.
>Fuck you memecountry.
Says the guy using the Kekistani flag
if you have a girlfriend why are you on this site?
What if I'm too busy writing my thesis? Does this mean intelligence is evidence against evolution?
Polygamy has traditionally always been something that the powerful and wealthy did in any given society, including Europe up to the middle-ages, where monogamy was enforced for inheritance reasons. Then nobles just took mistresses and gave their sons to be raised by wet nurses and tutors.. are you saying european elites behaved like niggers and somehow evolution can work on a scale of a few centuries when it comes to reproductive behaviour ?
I like how you switched from 'black dads gtfo' to 'well they didn't gtfo but they didn't care', taking a long ass time to craft that bullshit weak response after looking up some superficial info on the net, you mongoloid ape
He's right about this, go back to r*ddit asshole
You don't spend all your waking hours writing your thesis. You probably spend barely an hour a day. I speak of experience.
From the limited German I know and from his video titles he seems to be a sceptic whose channel is almost identical to Kraut's channel. None of his videos seem very scienitfic though. Seems Kraut just got someone who's exactly like him that calls himself a doctor, says he's a totally unbiased source on evolution and tries to make his video look well sourced and scienitfic by using him as source and sucking his dick all the way through it.
The AIDS epidemic all over the continent for starters? You have presidents with multiple wives, know Zuma from South Africa? He currently has 3 wives. It's not that hard to figure out.
It's legal in the vast majority of African countries, in some it's completely legal, in others it requires a bit more effort, only completely illegal in a handful of them
And this is after 150 years of Christianity and western influence.
Ecelebs are cancer
i dont want sex right now and im not retarded
Some of them are /our cancer/. This one is not, though.
>i dont want sex right now and im not retarded
Sure you are.
>why doesnt Sup Forums care about some random nigger on youtube saying things?
I dont know, user, you tell me.
also; saged
here have some guilt by association
No. It just means that the crave for reproduction is stronger than the crave for education. If you choose the latter you're a literal cuck.
Then provide a simple source surrenderfag.
i dont mind kraut but the way he speaks sounds put on and pretentious, or am i just bigoted
So he made a 28 minute about lizard people and women not having tiddies? Really stomped the alt-right arguments. Is this the intellectual powerhouse of the skeptics?
No matter how "cucked" you claim them to be, women at least show up and participate in the skeptic community as equals to the guys.
...Meanwhile the alt-reich crowd it's like those 1980s degenerate neo-nazi skinhead gangs , where there is a 1-100 female to male ratio, and where the one "redpilled" girl fucks the whole band to be accepted.
You are, but he objectively has a disgusting way of speaking. I can't listen to him at all without wanting to kill him. Someone should write his arguments here.
So Kraut makes a video which refutes many of the Alt-Right's claims, then the Alt-Right autistically screeches that they were only pretending to be retarded this whole time. Top wew, it's no wonder no one takes the Alt-Right seriously. Even the manlet Ben Shapiro gets more people at his talks/debates than all the Alt-Right figures combined get at their rallies.
Is Sup Forums alt-right, or who are you trying to offend?
Why would I use an intelligent argument to counter a retarded leftist cuck?
It's his fault he's retarded, not mine. I don't owe him anything