)))MGTOW Surrogacy 1488(((

Get rekt shills.

Gynocentric societies cannot sustain themselves. They either collapse, or become a society of parasites. Jewish society is what you get when gynocentrism reaches close to its most extreme form. They evolved into parasites. The side effect of gynocentrism is that over time, weak beta cuck genes begin taking over the gene pool. Thus you get the stereotypical hunch backed jewish male.

The solution to have babies without cucking to (((women))) is to have a trap wife. You can then pay women for surrogacy and impregnate them with your seed. Both you and your trad wife (male) can have genetic offspring.

Mgtow, sex robots, traps, legal bookers, less welfare, and economic worsening all will drive down the cost of hiring a surrogate as women seek easy financial support.

Single mothers are the single biggest indicater of whether whether or not a child will grow up to be a violent delinquent. On the other hand, single fatherhood has no such correlation. Female nature is toxic to children, families, communities, societies, and the world as a whole (women drive mindless and irresponsible consumerism with 80% control of domestic spending. This is why commercials are so emotionally based, rather than rationale based. They are catering to women).

Why is the anarchy flag ancom (which is an oxymoron)? Communists have to culturally appropriate and ruin everything. This is why we can't have nice things.

this will work. boipucci is the only real human right

>tfw traps cant have tits and be thicc
>tfw traps age and end up looking weird
>tfw same happens to twinks but a bit less

>in all fields

Because all forms of anarchism are basically communist, aside from ancaps. And ancaps already get their own flag.

You sick piece of shit.

Ancaps only exist on the internet, and anarchism was historically always anti-captalism. Anarchism is anti-hierarchy of all forms. In order to defend millions of acres of private farmaland, rich CEOs need police protection. Banks need government assistance, etc. Anarchists (correctly) see the state as existing to enable captalism by protecting private property.



i see trough your tricks (((shlomo))).



That's right goyim, the only way to keep your race going is by putting your dick in other men!

>Gen Z is the most redpilled and trans

Both are a waste of time and resources. Remember, Isaac Newton, widely considered the smartest man to have ever lived, was a smug celibate.

One man in a thousand is a leader of men. The other nine hundred and ninety-nine follow women.

women age and end up looking weird too not much slower than traps.

We already have artificial gestation. It's only a matter of time before women are replaced the way cars replaced the horse.

>muh genetic argument
Good luck preventing voluntary exchange of goods and services without state apparatus.

>We already have artificial gestation.

quit LARPing you dumb faggot its the same argument with automation.

crispr will make designer babies a thing.

Lol bro I charm/lure transgenders IRL then murder them

But we do have the technology. Keep up with the times, grandpa. You're also in denial or uneducated if you don't think automation is inevitable.

Remember, women are the primary reason leftist policy gains traction.

>gifts for sex
never bought my girl anything
>doesn't love dick
my girl adores my dick and treats it accordingly
every now and then, not often though
>doesn't swallow
she does
>no creampies
plenty of them
>average blowjobs
I'll give you that one
>can't cum inside
birth control my man
>never horny for dick
just got to know how to turn them on
>lives for money
we are poor and happy
sure, but it balances out my complete lack of emotion, we work well together

You just don't know how to turn a woman on, you're a failure with women so you go after mentally ill boys pretending to be girls, and it's pathetic


I had a trap gf for a month or so. Best sex of my life.

get a trap gf

Fapping to traps is fine but they are disgusting.

Their voices are still of a man
They still smell like a man
They will get uglier than woman when they are old
Anal sex is bad for their health
If they are trans they will probably kill themselves or stop being one

Don't fall for the trap meme, it's a ploy to make alt-right men gay

>actually typing all of this out
please fucking kill yourself

Traps are Gay and Women are Useless
Work and Travel and Vidya For life

you jelly I can fuck girls while all you can get are sheep?

>lick left
>fuck right

post more pics

>fapping to something disgusting
>this is entirely dependent on how much effort they put in to training their voices, also there are vocal surgeries that work miracles
>hormone replacement therapy alters the biochemistry of the body. Bodily smells literally change, BO is non-existant, etc
>if on HRT, they age like females and never go bald
>only if it is performed too often. Oral is an excellent alternative
>stop believing this shit meme

That's just trade. Anarchists are mostly against wage labor.

wage = exchange of goods for services

Vagina is superior to asshole

>They will get uglier than woman when they are old
Everyone is equally ugly after 40 (not counting rich celebrities).

this is the real truth, I've fucked a fair amount of both and asshole doesn't even come close to pussy

I'm not fucking some guy and then have shitskins come here because "muh declining population"

>not liking vagine

Kill yourself pedo
Sage in all fields

You should be hanged


I just wish I had a qt nazi sissy gurl for me.


>fuck some failed man's asshole
>fuck a girl

Easy choice faggot

Castration removes the male scent, just as it does in animals, and makes these boys soft, thicc, and pliant. Now, if you weren't a degenerate, you'd know the correct way to have sex with a woman (male) is Oxford style--intercrural. Maybe they wouldn't kill themselves if they had a sweet husband to give them headpats. Have you ever thought of that? Of course not.


we know they kill themselves anyway because as society have become more accepting they have killed themselves in even greater numbers so obviously its just not fucking healthy and increasing the amounts of victims falling for this increase the amounts of people who kill themselves

Having sex with a mutilated man is not having sex with a woman.

Why is it that a girls asshole is cute and mans asshole is ugly always.

>its just not fucking healthy
But user, castration increases lifespan by 15 years. If anything, to be intact is unhealthy. Only 40% of men breed anyway. What to do with the rest? War isn't the culling ritual it used to be.

Mods are completely worthless faggots

>anarchist flag

Get outta here ya damn shill, I ain't never finna fuck anotha man unless he acts like a man, I don't like all that dress up bullshit. I wanna settle down wit a women who can take care of a kid wit me and have kids. I'd rather admit I'm GAY than fuck a trap and marry it.

These both give me a boner, what's wrong with me?

I am generally inclined to agree with every point you made, especially the last one.

You're a faggot that's whats wrong with you. Consider suicide.

What about gay twinks that are the same and adopt 5 white kids

Suicide kinda prevent you from appreciating those potential fantasy years of life span

>Gynocentric societies cannot sustain themselves
Depends but typically, no.
>Jewish society is what you get when gynocentrism reaches close to its most extreme form. They evolved into parasites. The side effect of gynocentrism is that over time, weak beta cuck genes begin taking over the gene pool. Thus you get the stereotypical hunch backed jewish male.
Are you using Jew as a metaphor or what? Have you ever met a Jew?
>The solution to have babies without cucking to (((women))) is to have a trap wife. You can then pay women for surrogacy and impregnate them with your seed. Both you and your trad wife (male) can have genetic offspring.
This is how I know you are a shill trying to turn Sup Forums degenerate. You don't know what ((())) even symbolises, do you?
Pick one.
Do you know how many women even offer this as a service? Do you even know the effects of homosexuality on children? Do you even know that for most successful upbringing of children, you need a man AND a woman, and that it is better for the child to be biologically theirs?
>Mgtow, sex robots, traps, legal bookers, less welfare, and economic worsening all will drive down the cost of hiring a surrogate as women seek easy financial support.
When? When the majority of men turn into gays?
>Single mothers are the single biggest indicater of whether whether or not a child will grow up to be a violent delinquent. On the other hand, single fatherhood has no such correlation. Female nature is toxic to children, families, communities, societies, and the world as a whole (women drive mindless and irresponsible consumerism with 80% control of domestic spending. This is why commercials are so emotionally based, rather than rationale based. They are catering to women).
Single mothers =/= mothers with their male partners.

OP fails at logic and is blatantly a gay.

Want me to show you a pic of me? I'm twink, 22 and people confuse me being 16. Twinks could stay cute if they don't age and give up on their looks.

Nothing's wrong let it take over you

>Men aren't capable of doing anything to stop women from spreading bullshit like Marxism
>It's all the women's fault
This is how we know you're a betacuck.

Why wouldn't hierarchies and hired protection exist in the absence of government? I'm not a lolbertarian ancap either, I'm just genuinely curious why anarchists think the lack of a state would suddenly mean hierarchies, profit, and policing would disappear.

Common filth was right about Sup Forums.




Checks out. You had a boyfriend and found out you were gay. At least you're in the right country.


Surrogates are cheaper than wives in the long run.

The fuck is going on in here.

Men take gigantic shits, women take dainty pebble shits.

Jesus Christ, you delusional faggots need to kys asap.

Can't wait until White girls fuck dead bodies and maggots.

But remember what the kikes said, this degeneracy was always latent in whites... they only need the push in that direction

>>if on HRT, they age like females and never go bald
Jesus, Do you actually believe the shit you post? Is American education this bad?

>no emotions

Yes, surely the mentally ill faggot has better control over his emotions than a normal woman

Traps/fags are fucking crazy across the board. They will ruin your life 10x harder than any woman ever could. This is reason enough to avoid them

So is a bullet to the brain.
Why enjoy life at all if everything costs too much?
Just go full degenerate, exit the gene pool altogether.

Show pics

someone please post image.

Eunuchs don't go bald. Estrogen isn't even necessary.

I now understand the sexual deviancy during the end of the Roman Empire.
>Be roman
>Woman are bitching, fucking barbarian immigrants
>fuck traps instead
>empire dies
>be American
>Woman are bitching, fucking niggers and other assorted shitheads
>fuck traps instead
>country dies

Well then... roll

Ariel... please god, Ariel.

you forgot princess leia


>if on HRT, they age like females and never go bald
Kiss me I am beautiful lady!

You realize that's bullshit? Increase in estrogen will make you go bald.


you've never seen jap girls poop. those are some big logs.

same man

Gender is a social construct and men, as they do everything else, make the best women. That's why the greatest warriors the West produced, Spartans and Greeks, railed the boipucci.

Genetic engineering will eventually produce hot traps who don't age and require culling. (Hon stage is gasworthy, only youth matters!)

that's what happens when 90% of your diet is fish guts and seaweed.

So you're advocating for mutilating kids for your future sexual pleasure then?
Why do you people even try to justify your sick fetishes as something normal and healthy?
Fuck off.

>women take dainty pebble shits
Pretty sure they don't shit at all

Upgrade is not mutilation. Castrati enhanced the Vatican choir. God approved so STFU.

>Gender is a social construct
Gender is a nonsensical term created by a psychotic pedo. Normal people adopted the term as synonymous with Sex. There's no way to a Female as a man.

Blatantly a tranny.
You too.
Especially you.

Is this an /lgbt/ raid or what? Are you trying to get yourselves Chad husbands to make you pathetic losers feel more "womanly"?

Nobody wants you. Not even other trannies want you. You're failures. You gave up. You'll never be women, and everybody who tells you you're "passing" is either a faggot or a sympathising loser.

That's a girl

>Vatican choir. God approved so STFU.
Of course the pedo tranny would advocate also for the Catholic church.
>God approved

>Nobody wants you.
You couldn't be more wrong about that. Never underestimate a man's thirst.

Why is it that gays, pedos, jews are always catholic?

Men might fuck trannies like you as a means to get off, yes. But it's like Muslims fucking donkeys or goats. They're not trying to start a life with you. They know they're not women.

You're just a means to a very sad, desperate end for people who are in the closet about being gay.

Mistaking fetishism in the depraved for love is woefully pathetic.


Otherwise yes, I agree with you. Most of them I expect were fiddled by their local priest as kids. Child abuse of boys often leads to homosexuality when those boys become men. And child abusers often abuse children themselves.

Same with most kinds of abuse, the abused become the abusers.

>They're not trying to start a life with you.
I'm sure that's a very comforting thought, but if I so choose I don't have to spend my nights in a cold bed. I've met mothers, contrary to your belief that I'm only good for one thing. The beauty of having the sharp mind of a man, and lamb-like flesh is that it makes men desperate for my company. Believe it or not, I've turned down a marriage proposal.


>I'm sure that's a very comforting thought, but if I so choose I don't have to spend my nights in a cold bed.
Not comforting thought at all, I don't really think about or care about you or your narcissistic kind.
But I do know most trannies are single for obvious reasons. Namely the "I'm a woman like any other!" and not understanding why a man who isn't gay wouldn't want you.

>I've met mothers, contrary to your belief that I'm only good for one thing.

>The beauty of having the sharp mind of a man, and lamb-like flesh is that it makes men desperate for my company. Believe it or not, I've turned down a marriage proposal.
And here is the narcissism. All of you are the same. I bet you were going to kill yourself but pussied out of that too and decided to commit societal sudoku instead.

And again
>lamb-like flesh
The blatant fetishism of the young is fucking creepy. You people have no idea how mentally ill and disgusting you sound.

I'm sure there are equally as fucked up men who are desperate for your company. It doesn't somehow make you "normal". It just means you've found others who, like you, are at the end of the homosexual depravity rainbow. Go on, get gay married. You'll still be a pathetic beta male.