Are you buying Stefan Molyneux's new book Sup Forums?
yes so i can cleanse the guilt of not donating yet. this purchase should keep me guilt free for another five years or so.
just donate you fucking freeloader
something about that guy is unsettling
it's like he's constantly holding himself back from choking a bitch
Are you getting paid for this? How much and what company do you work for? For Stefen himself?
The Art of the Argument
Chapter 1: Dismissing arguments by calling them non-arguments.
Chapter 2: Being loud and interrupting.
Chapter 3: Telling your gimp to interrupt and end the discussion because you are getting roasted
Chapter 4: Make sure to donate at freedomainradio dot com every dollar helps, and by every dollar I mean at least 20
Nobody cares about his book.
Only if it costs one dollar.
Has anyone read Molyneux's other books? You know, the ones he made before he went paleo? (Hint: they're free)
Why would I buy a gay cult leader's book?
sixth post best post
I rather get MDE's Book
>Don't do stuff that you don't like done to you xD
why do retarded ancaps think the golden rule is an argument?
I agree. There is something, just not right with this guy. Reminds me of a budget Hannibal.
Looks thin.
He is a terrible writer.
He's a psychopath.
why would I waste my time on someone who only spouts their ideology and when placed in a debate setting gets BTFO by an old dying communist
even worse. he is jewish
>Doesn't even state the number of pages
Makes me want to send one dollah.
No, I just gave him a buck last week. Think he'll send me a PDF if I email him?
buying a "book" from a lolbertarian currently sperging into fascism just so he can milk some shekels from the brainless drones of freshly ""redpilled"" alt-tards.
Stop sending him more traffic you fucking idiots. He's an e-beggar bitching about non issues for clickbait.
No you might as well call it the art of the strawman.
Holy shit /pol really has been raided
That's not a document.
Not an argument
>all these non-arguments
>all the non-philosophers
>bet they don't even donate more than a dollar
> "donates 1 dollar"
I donate and will also buy the book probably.
I am not a content creator myself, in fact I work in the greater-ZOG I'm sure, but I enjoy right-wing content and believe it should have more influence so I transfer my ZOGbux into the anti-ZOG economy.
>anti ZOG
Did he ever ship those? I'm still waiting on mine. I'd imagine it takes time and I just need to be more patient.
I want my dollar back
His ego is so inflated.
>the art of the argument
let me guess
>acuse the person you're debating of "not [having] an argument.
>derail the conversation into something not related, and lowkey use slippery slope arguments, that the majority of your audience will support
>Work on your cadence, say something very softly with a smile and then get very serious
When did you grow out of stefan?
>buying media instead of pirating it
>reading books
>supporting e-celebs other than Sam Hyde
Of course it is he has like a million in bitcoin.
> I transfer my ZOGbux into the anti-ZOG economy.
he is a jew if u arent aware
someone give me a pdf link please
What's the over/under on the page count of Moly's war and peace looking book?
One. Dollar.
Even if so and assuming you aren't just a D&C shill, how can a Jew be ZOG if they don't believe in government?
is it better than his last one?
Yea I agree. He seems like he's going to snap one day.
Because a Jew would enslave us in an ancap society too.
You should call in and let him know. I'm sure he'd be devastated to find out.
But then that would be a ZOG, not AnCapistan
>go to amazon
>read preview
>that kerning
>that leading
>em dash is an en dash with spaces on both side
jesus christ, what is it with e-celebs and terrible formatting
go eat antifa ass you cuck
>muh private tyranny
piss off, Chomsky.
I ain't buying shit from a hack like Molymeme.
maybe I'll go check out piratebay and torrent that shit.
Bump. I'll be buying it. many faggots in this thread.
This is so grotesque. He often speaks with sense but when I see a video like this one I start to really question his sanity. It's like listening to Vice City Public Radio with Maurice Chavez interviewing pastor Richards except is actually real.
Cough up the money, people!
Sounds accurate.
The Elements of Typographic Style recommends those dashes. They are the Canadian standard, and he is Canadian.
Does it contain a list of things that are not an argument?
should be fixed for international releases. They aren't international standard.
This psycopath dumped all his family and friends in the name of living "virtuous".
I am not saying its good, I am explaining why it looks like that.
It's a product he publishes for free.
He could easily ask a price for his content, but he doesn't.
Instead, he guilt trips gullible people into paying for a free product.
>but the programmes aren't free to produce
Then I'm not the economic mong here.
No. In the interest of time and space it instead just links to Sup Forums.
I couldn't help but bust out laughing when he said "one dollar." Where's the original video though? This is spliced together.
When will people finally realize that Moly is a delusional idiot, his ancap beliefs are retarded, and that he's literally a cult leader with a god complex?
>not The Final Argument
He wants to be the next drump?
Why would I donate to someone making videos on a free platform. I never demanded that he make videos or even wanted them. He's the one that put them up on a free platform, if he wants to get paid, he should move to another platform. Are you a communist or something?
Probably when you make an argument :^)
Jesus. I really like molymeme but this video is just fucked. Made me laugh hard as shit though.
The Stefan Death Cult.
Not an argument ;)
Trump cashed an 13 cent check from Spy magazine and never bitched about it.
I'll buy it, and recommend it to my friends, fuck your character assassination threads.
He is angry af.
We don't even think about you.
But you just did
Don't get me wrong
>Don't get me wrong
Don't get me wrong
>Don't get me wrong
>Don't you get me wrong
>Are you buying Stefan Molyneux's new book Sup Forums?
No thanks, I already own "Everybody poops!" and have no need for the sequel.
You just now noticed this?
After watching this pathetic worm desperately flinging argumentative fallacies at cultured thug in one of his latest videos, I have vowed to never give this enormous faggot any more clicks or attention. Fucking autistic libertarians. Not even once.
already ordered the kindle version (pdf) .... youtube fucked him over. it is worth supporting him
You are correct. Its a fagarama.
>already ordered
lmao cringe
>Are you buying Stefan Molyneux's new book Sup Forums?
No, just like I never bought any books by L. Ron Hubbard.
In his video where he talks to a fascist, he makes the claim that the only reason people aren't perfectly rational economic actors capable of forming a stateless free society is... mediocre public schooling.
Moly is good on data, but philosophically and dogmatically, he's a complete moron with a high verbal IQ who just talks in talmudic circles around people instead of making arguments.
>continues to be a single father neet begging for donations
>here's how to argue :^)
>verbal IQ
lmao cringe
Does he require that I sever all contact with my parents to buy his book?