I'm looking for the story about the teacher who is redpilled from teaching inner city coons and the public defender writing about niggers in court. Anyone got em?
Nigger horror stories
Other urls found in this thread:
Here's the law stuff, I'll see if I can find the teacher one.
teacher one
Da hood one.
Peace Corps one.
DOJ and Law Enforcement - Thank you Obama, and Eric Holder.
just by reading this i get fucking shivers my subconcius *german order* kicks in and i just want to forget what i just read...
damn the american racism might be the most shallow dumbed down version of it but u get that some thing are just like they say...
i need a drink ...
Heh, dude, you have NO IDEA what you are in for. Your immigration has just started. Soon, your culture will begin being changed.
People in European countries have lived in an ethnocentric bubble of security and oneness for so long, you've forgotten why it is that the continent was conquered and the moors evicted centuries ago.
You daughters will start talking like slags from the UK. Your churches will go unattended, and your neighborhoods will be overrun with the socially depraved.
> i just want to forget what i just read...
This is the problem. Your liberal indoctrination has deceived you into thinking that the problem will "work itself out" in the end. Yeah, it will! It will work itself out with the destruction of your society, one generation at a time.
But that's OK. Go back to your bars and forget about how your entire identity as a people is being actively erased. At least you can have a drink and "forget about it" while you focus on more important things like that bet on the soccer game, or Merkel's dismantling of your entire system of laws with Sharia-friendly policies and ignoring the rape victims.
Keep in mind something very specific about the rapes. This is very important. Nearly 50% of women --admit-- to having these types of fantasies. The realistic figure is likely higher. What does this mean?
This means that subconsciously, your women are WELCOMING these violent pets in knowing the risks, and ACCEPTING those risks as if there were some inherent value in it.
Your passivity, progressivism, and man-lessness has bred the environment which donned an era of "Woman First" decadence which will devastate your landscape forever. Europe reminds me of this scene.
The jelly donut represents your progressive western civilization with women on pedestals, serving in public office.
The men of Europa are Private Pyle.
The Marines doing the pushups represent your entire civilization in decline.
Can't read the things because jewdroid compresses the pictures. Somebody has the texts?
>Within the first month of my independent practice a man called a man called to ask if I could "put a suitcase on a cat".
>After much inquiry I realized he wanted to know if I could file a law suit against someone
>Within the week I got another call asking if I "did luggage". Since I now knew about suitcases, I said yes, I do luggage.
This is the reason I gave up after six weeks of working in an immigration law firm.
>the most unusual name I ever came across was Iisszzttadda
we dremoras now
Commencing Dump
Here's a solid one
part 2
Please do some research before saying stupid shit. Niggers never bother doing any research, either.
Catherine Solinski-Bain's killer got life in prison. That's not "walking", is it?
I obviously didn't create the fucking graphic faggot. That shit has been around for years.
Do you own research you fucking aspie. Here's a fucking hint: There are other mistakes in there.
It's all just a cross section of the problem, anyway.
How about some nigger fantasy stories as a fucking olive branch?
Fast forward to about 47min15seconds and listen for at least 7 mins.
One of the most horrible shit i've ever heard in my life.
->the teacher is repeatedly punched in the head and falls to the ground during the attack
You don't know what you're talking. There has always been immigrants in Europe. There were always people that didn't fit in, and we managed to get by.
>open to legal residents
Dios mio, das raycis
in these numbers, though?
People didn't used to bend over backwards to accommodate them. I wonder if that aspect may be a first in history.
The pressure to assimilate is very low since natives are actually ashamed of their own culture and many believe they deserve to be replaced.
So to be ethical, erase the part that says the killer walked. If you propagate it, you're responsible for it.
>There has always been immigrants in Europe.
There has never been a MASS MIGRATION of millions every year. People that belong to a culture that tells them 1) to reproduce like roaches and 2) to kill infidels.
Nothing like this has ever happened. Every generation they at least double. France is already 10-12% muslim. Do the math and find out when they'll be the majority.
Jesus fucking Christ.
I wasn't ready for that.
You bitches keep bitching, Imma go colonize this super hot brown sugar
Don't let this distract you from the truth that white men marched into non-white countries,took resources, abused the populace and raped their women all for profit.
I was 10 years old waiting for the tram alone in the evening in October. A big literal basketball American came from out of nowhere. And he asked me... for the time. I was spaghetti as I looked into my wristwatch. I couldn't remember the right way to say it so I raised my hand to show him the time. He smiled, chuckled under his breath and said "thanks man" and continued walking down the street with a training bag over his shoulder.
It was terrifying. I an't a crook, son, I'm just a shook one.
>just by reading this i get fucking shivers my subconcius *german order* kicks in
it's like you retard germans didn't learn a single lesson from america's experience with 'diversity'
how could you guys be so stupid?
you deserve everything you get.
My Lad the natives where slaughtering each other like crazy. Of course, what happened to the natvies was very cruel. This is humanity, the history of mankind is basically the history of war. Replacement isn't a nice thing, and white people don't want that to happen. The natives weren't the first ones to live in america, neither were the fucking turks in turkey. War is natural, cucking a nation to death isn't and it will collapse very soon.
>and we managed to get by.
You've NEVER had USA levels of blackness and sub-standard culture raping/pillaging in the name of "we gotta help these poor desperate ignorant child molesting law breaking religious ignorant fucks" going on. All while self-hating and white apologetic liberalism is the standing rule.
You're fucked.
To be fair we didn't learn shit from South Africa's.
I am sure for all the same reasons too: (((them)))
>be city cop
>niggers are terrible, almost no exception
>have to interact with them daily
>kill me pls
You picked your job
ThisStop being a little bitch you snowflake. Can't be that bad
I urge you to reconsider your stance. I spent some time in Austria last year and it was a fucking utopia compared to many places in the US. You will not be able to retain your culture with the current flow of migrants. Please dont be fooled by your leftist media.
The end of slavery
>nigger horror stories
Sums up my entire middle/high school experience.
Cant argue that
Kill as many as you can.
Wow, no wonder people are getting tired of dindus in the States.
You didn't notice the slavs and other lesser shits anymore, huh. Because we made them Austrians. We have a way of dealing with people that make them conforming to our way of life in the long run. They start as niggers and are despised. If you don't have a servant mentality you're not getting anywhere.
Are you afraid that you can't control cattle?
I remember this.
Thx for asking for it.
Never heard this before. When the other woman finally spoke the pain in her voice took me from sadness to rage. I have to go for a walk.
Tell us some stories
>seen a childhood friend few days ago
>he's very well educated,a I'd say a very good and fair person
>he worked in an international company,travelled around the world
>last year he worked in Germany,had to spend a week sharing a room with 5 Nigerians cause there was a fuckup when company booked a hotel
>starts talking about it
>"look I don't wanna sound racist,but those fuckers smell like shit-it's insane"
And I thought that nigs smelling bad was a meme
I have this one
It's the meme real?
I always assumed it was just pol.
I truly can't know if its real as i literally never seen a black person in my entire life
>White people smell like wet dogs
It's almost like race is deeper than skin colour, that our pheromones are different much like how dogs can differentiate pack by smell
"The whole system is built to pull people down to the lowest common denominator."
Holy batshit...that sounds like a Democrat run city!! hahahahahahaaa!!!
I haven't read that one. I read the teacher one.
The thing about the phone numbers is right though. I worked at a Juvenile detention center. The non mulatto blacks could never remember their parents phone numbers, fucking addresses or even anyones addresses.
I would ask them if they were homeless when they'd get picked up and they would say no. So I would ask them where they lived and they'd say "I dunno, in X city."
If I even got ahold of parents they were usually drunk. This is the same for whites that came in.
And let just bump this with a WOW!
My dad got jumped by niggers when he was visiting NYC in the 70's. They gave him a black eye and took his wallet. He just got out of navy service too.
> controlling and assimilating cattle
So many at once? To assimilate it has to be few, and slowly. I can tell you that many Mexicans immigrants haven't integrated, some don't even speak English. Muslims in Dearborn Michigan. Muslims in England. You're too cocky from lack of experience, Austrian bro.
I've seen this written out almost exactly the same only it was from a man named Mike
Trayvon was nothing more than a tool to inflame racial tensions. How many hundreds of nonblacks were killed by blacks during the months long news cycle?
This is why I NEVER leave home with a gun.
I live in a 70% black town in the "Clinton Archipelago", google it.
That story is fake kid. People make up all sorts of stories to justify whatever they want
The lawyer one always gets me.
I used to assist debtors in reaching settlement deals with their respective creditors. They're always fucking confused. I used to call clients to let them know that I reached a settlement for them and I would explain the pay arrangement that I had set up for them and they had no idea who I was. I would repeatedly tell them "Sir/ma'am, You have hired me to help resolve your debt. I have reached a settlement that I think is in your best interest to accept" and it was always "I ain't payin you shit" They could not distinguish the difference from me and a debt collector, even after I had explained whom I was and attempted to communicate with them in every way imaginable. The ones who DID agree to the terms that I had negotiated for them would 75% of the time miss payments and would null and void their agreement, which would make them responsible for the full amount of the debt, then they would say that I never helped them. They would also never read their contracts and god forbid I mention the word "fee" to them. It would open up a huge can of worms with them and they would accuse me of ripping them off or not telling them about the fee, which I would happily respond with "According to the agreement of which you read and signed, in section 3 paragraph A in the bold lettering we have outlined our service fees. I can send you a copy of your contract so that you may confirm this information" and they would immediately accuse me and the company that I worked for for being purposely deceitful.
I'll keep going if anyone wants me to continue with my clients who had legal actions taken against them.
Do it
Without* I take it?
sambo why you think black Americans are so much lighter than Africans? Our seed has populated your entire race in this country already. Enjoy your leg up on all other blacks on the planet thanks to our seed colonizing the black wombs of yo womenz Sambo
Hey everybody, check out how delusional this guy is.
Buddy, this time is not like the last time.
> Reference to full metal jacket
Top kek
It's not a meme. I live in the ghetto. Black people smell fucking disgusting.
Open in a new tab and delete the m at the end of the url. If the original was a png you'll have to change that too in the new tab
You wouldn't even be able to name the last time since you're a LARPing 14-year-old faggot.
fucking checked.
Sometimes if the account was aged enough the creditor would hire a law firm to come after the client if regular debt collection agencies did not yield results and the debt was significant enough.
I would always get the angry calls of "You ain't doin nothing, why haven't you already settled this?" and I would ask if they had additional funds available so that I can try to reach a deal for them, to which the answer was always no.
After awhile they would get court summons, which is a little tricky cuz I was at a LLC so we couldn't really give anyone legal advice, but I would make sure to let them know that they needed to at least show up to the hearing, let them know that they are working with our company and they can bring in copies of their contract and whatnot, and usually the judge would be pretty lenient.
What do they do? Not show up, or expect me to show up for them, which I legally could not do as I was in no way able to practice law. They would scream and shout and tell me how they "didn't know about the court date" even though we would speak for hours about what the legal letters entail, they would make excuses all the time. They refused to go, I once had a client straight up had a police officer show up to the store, WHICH HE OWNED, and take every dollar that came across his counter until the debt was paid. the FULL amount of the debt. They would have a lean on their home, they would have their wages from work garnished, everything. I would tell them consequences of failure to show up and how the court would default since no one was there to explain their situation. Once this would happen they would immediately call me and tell me whats going on, I would tell them since they did not listen to my instructions that I cannot do anything about it as the court had already made a decision and that is final, their only option out was filing for bankruptcy, which they often did
There's no way they pay you enough to deal with that level of subhuman user.
Once they decided to file for bankruptcy I would basically tell them it is a legal declaration of their inability to pay their creditors, and that it would have very serious consequences in regards to their credit eligibility and in most states that the bankruptcy would show up on their credit report for at least 7 years and would also have tax consequences for the money that was written off. DESPITE everything that I would tell them about why to NOT file bankruptcy, I was meant with "Hol' up, so what you sayin iz, I dun have to pay shit? SHEEEIIIIT why didn't you tell me that sooner"
... the whole point of enrolling in our settlement program was to avoid bankruptcy. Why the fuck would even enroll if you WANTED to file for bankruptcy in the first place?
It was all commission based. I felt bad because I knew alot of my clients were scared about court hearings (especially old people) and I would always feel that it was my job to help them, but I would end up spending so much time trying to help people with court cases (which usually we didn't collect a fee on) so I wouldn't get my commission, and depending on how badly I needed cash, I would straight up ignore them. But trust me for every one case that the person was genuinely nervous and needed assistance with the court hearing, there were 100 nogs who were committing credit fraud and going to lose the court case anyways. I eventually ended up losing money by actually trying to help my clients and at that point I ended up threatening to leave the company, which ended up being a good deal cuz my boss saw my point and made a department for legal cases that he wanted me to be the head of, which came with a good bonus and an actual wage instead of having to compete for commissions. I ultimately left the company a few years later though.
find a pdf online or buy it, easiest to digest redpill of all time
>I'm not ethical
Problem solved.
More nigger fantasy to sate the other dixiefaggot.
>Going downtown on Saturday night via bus
>Some stupid nigger tries to open the door of the bus 100 meters before the stop (the bus is going FAST)
>The nigger gets angry because the door won't open and starts punching the door until the bus stops.
>Leaves in a huff as if the bus has wronged IT.
Mine in afghanistan:
So the afghans arent really muslim. I mean they are but kinda in the way lots of westerners are "christian." Theyre pashto or dari or norzai or tajik first, then muslim 2nd. Tribe is always first, and its governed by this insane complex set of laws that arent even written down. Its called Pashto Wali, and its an honor code that puts Bushido to shame in its complexity and esoteric interpretations. Basically everything is decided by local elders who just judge whether something is right or not based on how pashto it is.
Imagine in america if every law was decided by how american the accused behavior was. Thats pashto wali. So sometimes murdering your neighbor or raping a 12 year old girl isnt just accepted, its praised because in some obscure way it was representative of how the culture has always been and thus the elders decide that its admirable. They might even make the victim's family pay the perpetrator for his trouble.
He's full of shit. You can still pick out the "assimilated" slavs he is talking about. He's probably some half slav from Vienna making excuses why he's inferior to us real Germans