Protip: You can't
Prove to me the Charlottesville violence was a left wing plot or accident
What violence? You mean that one obese coalburber getting Dodge'd?
One American citizen getting killed in an act of hatred and terror that is
Violent groups that have legitimised violence attracts true sociopaths looking for reasons to be violent, which radical Marxist intersectional feminism has given them.
Coal burners are holding the sign bro.
*in a car accident
Shouldn't have been standing in the middle of the road.
Except radical feminists don't go killing people, they spread their message through love peace and words while white supremacists are violent and kill
They were protesting, of course they'll stand in the middle of the road, that doesn't give people a reason to kill them
They don't perform the actions, but they argue in favour of the actions. They justify, legitimise and persuade people to commit associated acts.
Maybe those ones were just holding a sign, but somewhere out there is some feminazi who hasn't even read capital.
How exactly does holding holding flags and marching through streets showing unity against acts of hatred and bigotry promote violence in any way possible?
If you continue to be at that event marching alongside them, in some way you condone their actions considering you're both marching to make statements.
If you believe vandalism creates unity... you're living in the 7th century.
okay the vandalism is bad, but its nothing compared to ramming into a crowd of people to drive your point
Which has to do with my argument... how? You actually can't connect a schizophrenic man to the pacifist argument of staying out?
Yeah we can
The LoS actually went to Kick Ass.
>Yeah we can
You can't. But you can't prove it was terrorism either. I guess we will have to wait unitil the court case. In the meantime, I would like the media to shut up about muh right wing terrorism.
>b-but why don't you apply the same doubt when a muzzie pulls shit like this
In this case there is more reason for doubt than in the truck of peace cases. The Charlottesville driver did not drive into a section of the road that was closed off for vehicles, like the Ramblas, the boulevard in Nice on 14 Juliet or a Christmas market. This means that a car that just wants to go from A to B could appear at the location the protestors were in, the same cannot be said for the trucks of peace. The footage shows that his car was hit with a flag pole before he drove into the crowd. That could have easily been the trigger for the driver to plank it.
>You can't.
Read the thread idiot
>Protip: You can't
>>Protip: You can't
This doesn't have anything to do with the car attack. This only proves that Antifa commits violence too, which I've never disputed.
If true, this proves that the mothers reaction to the car attack is staged. That doesn't mean that the car attack itself was staged.
don't illegally stand on the street if you don't want to get run over, it's pretty simple.
btw. you'll get what's coming to you soon too, muhammad.
Peaceful protesters don't throw piss bottles at cops, assault the helpless elderly, or swarm and attack cars
Was that before or after they attacked the spergtard in the mopar? , and the tattooed tons of fun blocking the road with the honda? From day one it was obvious there was too many cameras at the scene for the anteefers narrative to hold water, maybe it's best if you let the story die you are only encouraging more people to look into this. Dumbass with the dodge will plea to man2 and walk with probation and a suspended license, if it goes to a jury he walks.
Battle of sacremento, you fags love to brag about you victory over the evil oppressive power walkers