What did they mean by this?

I was thinking, we should watch this crap and look for things like this symbol and see if we can figure out what it means, also if we can try to figure out where they are filming then maybe it would be possible to figure out who some of these people are

Other urls found in this thread:


looks like a Roman Numeral clock with an odd symbol in the middle.

I have to tell you about the future

Double syringe injection? 5 million fucking views? Wtf kind of CIA operation is this?

a cruel one that targets children and it needs more attention

There are ones that I caught my kids watching where "Elsa" is shitting colored balls.
Why on earth is this a thing.

I have also seen cartoons with Paw Patrol characters murdering one another.
Something's amiss.

>fucked by psyops

>Tfw these get more views than the highest subscribed YouTuber
>tfw YouTube has refused to close down these channels or respond to criticism on these.

Ask yourself, do you know what your child watches? Because I have a vague idea what 5 million are watching.

Of course, shit like this won't get censored

Has anyone else thought about how these haven't been pulled for dmca? Think of how many videos get pulled instantly the moment a Disney character is being impersonated or used for someone else's profit, and yet this is being ignored. There's no way Disney does not know about this channel since it's gotten all of this attention. Something is fishy about it

Popular culture is a method of liberal imperialism!

Because the world leaders are satanic and the bible is truth
disney is satanic, masonic and a full blown pedo cult, they probably endorse this

>flies nazi flag
>doesn't realize that [national] socialism is a product of liberalism
>that socialism came from classical liberalism (French/American revolutions)
>that classical liberalism came from philosophical liberalism (Renaissance; secular humanism)
>that philosophical liberalism came from theological liberalism (protestantism)
Please, go on.

That's one of the things that drives the conspiracy. I can't explain it either. Disney is nasty as fuck about shit like this. And there is no way they don't know.

Best reasonable explanation is that Disney is getting some kind of cut from some kind of ad revenue scam.

>Best reasonable explanation is that Disney is getting some kind of cut from some kind of ad revenue scam.
That's not the explanation though.

The explanation is disney are a bunch of fucking pedos (this is an open secret in the industry) and they want to use these videos to normalise fucked up behaviour in kids.

Here's the symbol isolated and blown up a little.

And enhanced slightly

Made a thread on /x/ about this. It's a slower, less moderated board. Might be useful to check it each day and give a bump/update.

tl;dr These videos aren't being removed from YouTube even though they seriously violate copyright law. The millions of views are mainly bots, but these views will eventually be used as evidence that children really were watching this vile content. They'll probably call it mass grooming of children of pedophiles, and by way of save-the-childenism manufacture consent to regulate content on the internet.

Couldn't agree more my friend. Jesus will be back soon.

Post a new thread if you ever come across info man. I can't find anything.

John "Skippy" Podesta is making YouTube videos apparently.

Few years ago my daughter was watching Peppa Pig then the 'finger family' thing came on with George dressed as Venom. I thought fuck this and whenever she wants to watch YT I'm with her.

The other day someone got into a private CIA Shadow Gov youtube account and found out they were liking all these weird elsa spiderman pedo videos

Go figure

Wait, what the fuck is this? Can someone give me a link or a run down or both?

It's certainly not goetic. A reverse Sig/Sowilo perhaps?

A convenient excuse when victims of child trafficking come out about adults doing sexual things with them.

When kids start pointing out the people that abused them, their lawyers will use these videos as a reason kids have "imagined" these things happening to them.

Chances are these serial abusers are also using these same masks/costumes to help be consistent with the story

YouTube kids has videos that push the limits of what a moral person would consider age appropriate. Each video consists of Disney characters in scenarios involving feces, pregnancy, drugs, and violence all under the guise of humor. They all have an enormous amount of views and are not being taken down, age restricted, or to my knowledge demonitized. It is rich with symbolism. Look into it

Perhaps. Wish I had a clearer picture to see the inscription.

>Chances are these serial abusers are also using these same masks/costumes to help be consistent with the story
100% on the money

Disney are pedos

Pic related

This shit is really fucking horrifying

I think what's more disturbing is the comment section is completely devoid of the usual people denouncing it. It's full of gibberish; usually you gave some pollacks and 'Rabbi Shecklestein' posters, but not a single one.

It's so fucking creepy

I'm looking these up, most of them are like 12 minutes though. I don't want to wade through all this inane crap just to see the creepy.

You don't have to even wade that long, it gets creepy immediately.

The video the op linked has the Joker sticking needles into Hulk's as in the first minute. -that's all I could stomach before wanting to throw up

Anyone know why there are always so many Arabic and Spanish comments under these videos? And all the English ones I see all say the same thing "I love your video". Seems rather strange

Loads of comments in complete gibberish and just blank comments as well, looks like a whole lot of bots.

When I find time I plan on cataloguing as much as I can. The sad part is I'm not sure how many people care enough to do anything about it.

I dunno man I just watched a few of them, and aside from the fact that these videos are literally sewage for you brain, I didn't see anything that weird. The scene your talking about isn't disturbing at all, keep in mind some of us grew up watching stuff like this:


From the some of the thumbnails, I wouldn't be surprised if there was some weird ass shit going on though. I just want a more specific link so I don't have to keep microwaving my brain.

Yeah man. Can't just let 'em roam.

Fuck you for letting your kids watch Jewtube

stop trying to get people to watch this mkultra shit you weird Scandinavian

There are also those really creepy "learn to count with colours" videos that are probably made by the same people who made these.

Found them. Just youtube "Bad Baby Crying count with colours"

Dozens upon dozens of videos with creepy nursery rhymes, all with millions of views.