Is this the most iconic political image of the 21st century?
Is this the most iconic political image of the 21st century?
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German hyperbole thread. Checklist to see.
Paris Agreement was never debated or voted by US Congress, which is the branch of US Government that handles money and laws. But President Obama entered an agreement that would cost the US money anyway.
I'm waiting for the mass flooding and death from not giving free money to 3rd world countries because the US runs on an infinite money cheat code. Nuclear holocaust, waiting on that too.
Great thread by a German who has no vote or say in American politics. It never fails to amuse me how much Germans kiss up to the CIA, Hillary should be in jail.
Can you explain why people think the emails are important? Most lefties I know have no idea what was in the wikileaks. They think it's just random stuff.
Wow I never knew the president of the united states had the power to summon a hurricane, really activated my chakras.
"Well the time it is coming for them to get a message of their own, Donald Trump is the ultimate punishment and WE ARE HIS FUCKING EXECUTIONERS, I think it's quite conservitave to say that Tens of Thousands of Men are anxiously awaiting for the words to fall out of the right persons mouth telling us the wait is over, and we can fulfill our purpose in life by competing to see who can kill the most Communist. We are not weak or gentle or unaware of what is being done to us, we are the same ruthless monsters who mastered the art of warfare before your favorite demographic discovered the wheel, but neither are we the dim-witted Communist Revolutionaries or the Islamic Jihadist you fight over today. We are a disciplined, calculating menace waiting for the time to strike. Luckily for us who are anxious for the chance it cannot be far off. We have seen Terrorism, Race Riots, False Flags and Now shots fired, we are not going to sit here and watch you topple an elected President waiting to see what Democrats prefer to Democracy. We will smash, stab, shoot and bomb you in a manner that will make the Islamic State look civilized by comparison. We 'll slaughter your males, rape your women and leave your children in the company of the pedophiles you've set free upon our streets. If anyone is going to impose an UN-elected Government on the continent of North America it's gonna be us and the only thing we're going to be more liberal with is the fucking death penalty!"
Christopher Cantwell, Libertarian, Political Prisoner.
Iconic is either this
This one
Or this.
No, since here emails are real and no atomic bombs have been dropped.
No but separating from the Paris climate agreement definitely didn't help. I wouldn't be surprised if the hurricane was triggered by the changes Trump implemented.
>Trump is responsible for a natural disaster
The stupidity of leftists never ceases to amaze
Fucking lol ok bud
Germans still butthurt about the pounding everyone gave them in WW2. We killed so many krauts, it was incredible.
>An international slush fund that makes the US pay for Ugandan coal burning would have stopped a fucking hurricane
These idiots still can't grasp that Hillary lost and therefore is irrelevant.
You are offended because Americans did not consent to dump $ Billions into a My Little Pony scheme of international corruption?
Help? These agreements will have absolutely no impact on climate change. Only a total transformation of civilization in industrial terms would actually accomplish anything, that is if you believe in any if this nonsense
>Hillary should be in jail
Uhm, sweetie, didn't you get the memo?
That played great before the election, now we don't care.
>lmao duped
Hillary and DNC fucked Bernie
All if not most of the violence at trump rallies were people paid buy the dnc (especially the bernie bros to make them look bad)
Pay for play politics
Literally all the sceezy parts from house of cards but IRL
>All if not most of the violence at trump rallies were people paid buy the dnc
This. We all know Trumpcucks are too beta to actually stir shit. It must have been libs.
Hey, Hans, stop being a faggot and be this:
Nnnnnnnnno :^)
Jew detected.
I'm still patiently waiting for the day that Clinton and the DNC machine and whoever on the Rep side gets thrown in fucking jail. Time for white collar crime to have a harsher punishment than a murder or rape. It affects more people when you can siphon a trillion dollars out of the economy or set your friends up as the sole owners of a countries gold supply.
>I'm still patiently waiting for the day that Clinton and the DNC machine and whoever on the Rep side gets thrown in fucking jail.
Sorry to break it to you this way :^)
Holy shit nigger
>engage photoshop
Same joke fagit
Not even remotely funny, looks like it was edited with some cheap shit software, it's objectively shit and the answer to your question is definitely NOT
You act like DJT is the only person who determines what is enforced and prosecuted.
News flash: He's not.
Like I said 'patiently'. Let's see how things shake out.
I'll keep voting for the DJT's of the world.
>News flash: He's not.
News flash, sweetie: the FBI doesn't care either.
Triggered? :^)
There's a NYT article about the current mayor of Houston and how he was RIGHTFUL to not declare an evacuation because, logistically, it'd have been impossibruu!
Fuck that. Tell people to evacuate. Those without transportation, you begin efforts as logistically as possible. End of story. Prevention is always the best cure.
sauce plz
Hilldawg purposefully went to the trouble of getting a private server for her e-mails instead of her gov account where congressional committees could then actually read her shit if they wanted to. Then of course after literally fucking years before congress found out about this shit, emails went missing. The real scandal was less the content of the emails and much more about HRC's apparent intent to hide her communications in a manner that was shady as fuck and implied she would be communicating things that she would never in a million years want congress to find out about.
>Is this the most moronic political image of the 21st century?
Fixed it for you
Dumping my iconic images.
search your digits hans
you know it to be true
the left can't meme
Hitler? The guy who thought he was the embodiment of the master race, and then proceeded to eat a bullet because he was scared of Russians?
lass dir nichts sagen bruder die amis sind doch nur lappen das weist du schon längst
Suffocate on horse cock
Yeah because the Drumpft presidency has been so different. We still have
>the same tax code
>the same wars
But don't forget
>all the liberals calling for civil war to prevent civil war
mal Trump nebenbei, Klimawandel existiert und dagegenzustreben indem man Emissionen reduziert ist halt etwas was man tun muss. Des mit dem Plastikscheiss was juckt mich des mit den Meeren jetzt da ist nocht Zeit für andere Generationen xD
Meine Aussage an OP hatte nichts mit Klimawandel zu tun. Er ist einfach nur ein enormer faggot und sollte für so einen bait Faden an Pferdepenisen ersticken.
aber ist doch lustig die Burger anzulocken, ab und zu halt
The image makes no sense. Why would that be printed on a road sign?
Fucking retarded.
Are you autistic?
lyin' ted
Read the entire quote, fucking hell.
How's cucked EU cuck German eurofag cuck? Houston over whelmingly voted Clinton.
>Saturday 10th, December 2016
the fact that leftists have the gaul to downplay the email scandal, which the (((media))) barely even covered and when they did it was clearly under duress, is fucking insane. its a huge scandal of actual historic preportions, just like all the other scandals involving king nigger's administration. think about what Nixon did. now compare it to any one of the things the Obama/Clinton cabal got caught doing. if there was any justice in the world, that commie nigger would have been executed by now. its a testament to the American people that the country is still standing after all the damage he did.
Why would there be a road sign that begins with "but her emails"?
I thought liberals were supposed to be artistic, not autistic
You seem to know a lot about cucks.
I wonder why :^)
it's missing a boat of illegal immigrants sailing by. a dirty MAGA hat stuck to the front of the boat.
lol.. Yeah.. so far.
boo hoo
but all intelligence agencies in the united states have confirmed that Russia interfered in the election to help Trump.
No, this is.
They use junkies and mentally ill people as the muscle of their organization. its pretty sad.
>They use junkies and mentally ill people as the muscle of their organization
I know. Very depressing.
The Sec State ran the State Dept. out of a bathroom in Denver, Co, on an unsecured server.
If you can't tell why that's a problem, you're a fucking brainwashed imbecile.
The deleted emails were mostly the Sec State accepting bribes from people and foreign nations for things the Sec State did in office.
so, bribery, treason, and massive release of classified material, some even fucking SAP classified.
(Wonder how ISIS knew to hide when the bombers were launched?)
Ahmed shitposting over here
I can confirm this. When I was in the voting booth, Putin grabbed my hand and forcefully made me select Dolan Blumpfth
The leftest version is 'But muh russia'
Why would the entire phrase be squeezed up at the top of the sign? Why would there be a sign saying this to begin with? As usual the left can't meme properly.
>I wouldn't be surprised if the hurricane was triggered by the changes Trump implemented.
We're reaching levels of delusion that shouldn't even be possible.
Compelling political policy.
Trump eclipse pics are so great
What do you guys think about based Bill Whittle?Is he redpilled?
hows that muslim dick taste?
hows merkle workin out for ya?
keep your dirty nose out of us politics, we dont want to end up like you - led by an unfuckable ogre, letting refugees rape your women by the thousands, while it's illegal to stand up for yourself or have any pride in your heritage or ethnicity.
>There was no criticism of shillary kiketon except her mishandling of classified information
>Mishandling of classified information doesn't matter
You had the entire western media, Hollywood, wall street, D.C., the UN, the EU, billions of dollars of donations, rigged polls, millions of illegal voters, and 17 speed bumps in your opponent's primary
And you still lost to a reality TV show host, and lost big league
Agreed. Do Nazi stuff, faggot.
We don't know what was in them because she accidentally deleted 30,000 of them, including emails containing classified information, and then accidentally ordered her clean up crew to smash all of her devices with hammers
People who think that the only objection Clinton haters had was just some email drama are the biggest fucking pieces of shit human garbage imaginable
They are trying to over simplify and dismiss the many grave concerns raised against that total evil witch
Anyone who posts an image like this or shares it on social media should immediately be punched in the face
We should have given Him a third term. He removed His hand of protection from our shores. Repent.
>we dont want to end up like you
You don't want to end up 90% white? :^)
>rape your women by the thousands
So true :^)
>have any pride in your heritage
Tell me about it :^)
oy vey a redpilled german, you're ok in my book.
I'm not German, I'm Bavaryan :^)
Drumpf hasn't been President for a year, yet Texas is already underwater. I hope you're fucking happy Sup Forumstards.
keked and rekt