Netherlands ambassador compares Hungary to ISIS

Hungary severs ambassadorial ties with Netherlands. Good job bros.

>“We won’t settle for an explanation behind closed doors,” Szijjarto said, adding that Scheltema, who was already scheduled to leave Hungary soon, was no longer welcome at any Hungarian ministry or state institution.

>In the interview, Scheltema was critical of Hungary’s unwillingness to participate in a European Union plan to relocate asylum-seekers from Greece and Italy. He also criticized the Hungarian government’s campaign against billionaire financier and philanthropist George Soros and drew parallels between the government’s efforts to “create enemies” and those of the Islamic State group.

>Government spokesman Zoltan Kovacs said Scheltema’s statement equating political campaigns by Hungary’s government with those of extremist groups was “totally unacceptable and impermissible.”

>“There is no need for such unprecedented statements, neither in bilateral relations nor in Europe,” Kovacs said. “We decidedly reject (them) and we expect the Netherlands to take steps in this regard.”

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>He also criticized the Hungarian government’s campaign against billionaire financier and philanthropist George Soros and drew parallels between the government’s efforts to “create enemies” and those of the Islamic State group.
>create enemies
How about importing millions of third worlders and teaching them to despise the locals? Does that fit the bill?

Still love my goulash-bro's though. Fuck our cucked government.

he doesn't represent me hail jobik

>philantropist, george soros
>investment mogul who openly admits to not caring if entire countries crash and burn as long as he makes money

What are his charities? The sowing the seeds of racial hate in america foundation?

It's another 4D chess move by based Hungary. Manufacture outrage over this in order to force the Dutch into a corner and induce an apology. This makes Hungary look stronk, and the west weak. Hungary has been making moves like for years now, and getting away with it every time.

>philantropist george soros

We're not actually mad, we just want others to notice us.

>George Soros

Wow, poor Hungarians, now they are probably crying behind their BIG FAT WALL

We make more money in a day than Hungary has made in the last few years.
If Hungary wants to play this game then they need to take back the thousands of their people who are stealing our welfare and dealing drugs all over the place. Worse than fucking P*les and T*rks. Fucking gypsy scum.

Reminder that Hungary's crime and poverty levels are still much higher than ours despite the fact we let in a few thousands refugees and are "cucked".


Shut up. We're mad.

Go and plant some tulips turbocuck.

You forgot about your daily dose of weed cuck

So is "literally I*is" the new "literally Trump" ?

stfu retard. If they can fix their own country the ones here are likely to return. If they stay here we can use them as an excuse for tighter wellfare and controls of other eu migrants.

>we make more money
Porn stars make a lot of money too, faggot.
>stealing our welfare
Those are brown people, the ones you love so much, faggot
>Hungary's crime and poverty levels are still much higher
Wrong. There is far less crime in Hungary. Plus Hungarians don't live in poverty. They may not be frivolously rich, but that's a complete different story.

You are a loser. Hungary is weak atm because we tried to conquer the world faggot. We are infinitely more relevant historically then you will ever be. You are nothing compared to us, just a little globalist bitch. You're on your knees sucking nigger dick, and the globalist kikes throw money at you like the cheap whore you are.
Men don't need money, they need dignity. And we have it, and you don't. Now take our gypsies and suck them off too, loser.

But hungary-chan we always notice you.

Damn, what an asshole... Sorry Hungary bro's, sorry for our stupid out of touch politicians and diplomats.

Scheltema sounds like some major fag.

what a cunt

Those are not hungarians you fucking western prick. Those are gypsies and they will never leave, only if they find a richer host country.

PS: I hope one of the kills you. And every member of your """tolerant""" hypocritical society

>we tried to conquer the world
we? you mean Hungary?

I can't recall that part of our history either.

when you say goulash you also mean us. there is no germany without austria or no hungary without austria

>Jamal and his friends are gangraping my girlfriend but our GDP is higher hahaha cucks!!

When will the eternal basketballgerman and the eternal paprikamongol finally pay for their crimes?

ya wot mate

it sucks when your country is still led by cucks. hope we'll have better luck next election

It's not soros' fault that the west is full of idiots who are easily influenced. You live you learn.

I don't see why Sup Forums hates soros. He's like one of the worlds greatest shit posters who causes normie apocalypses all over the world.

>Ha i'll call them ISIS this will definitely make them reconsider what they've done.

Someone please explain to me why modern politicians are dumber than spades?

Keep up the good work, Hungary.

This made me so mad, i threw my frikandel on the ground.

Hungarian food is the devils work, it tastes good but it wrecks your asshole

And what kind of subhuman wears wooden shoes?

That's why the Dutch and Hungarian people deserve death

>country wants to halt the growth of Islam
>liberals compare it to ISIS

We're going to need more helicopters

>don't accept ISIS
>"literally ISIS"

> And what kind of subhuman wears wooden shoes?

Maybe because they last longer than soft chinese rubber sold at a %10,000 mark up?

jobbik are cucked as hell

fidesz has been the new jobbik since 2015

Hungarian food is God tier.
>it wrecks your asshole
I've never had this problem.

Hungary is scary poor, but nice and based country. Im afraid they gonna loose anyway. U either dealing with western liberal muslim cucks. Or Russia.

Recently people have been saying Dutch are the most butthurt posters, but damn this exemplifies it

That's just an excuse

The real answer is that the Dutch are all pussies, real men don't wear shoes

That's because you're a fat burger

Burgers are next on my list

Scheltema is insane and we disavow any responsibility for him.

I don't think they're as bad as their pandering would indicate. It's just difficult to get more right wing votes in Hungary when Orban is so adept at taking your best right wing policies for himself, so out of necessity, they have to do some chuck shit. Well they don't have to but otherwise they have to wait forever for Orban to screw up bad enough to lose his right wing support.

Lmao look at the triggered eastern european shitholes. Stay mad (&depressed).

Putin was just here at the capital this week, while we cut diplomatic ties with one of the western faggot countries. I wonder which side we will choose.

Nah, you're wienerschnitzel-bros. Nothing wrong with that, just not goulash-bros.

I'm not fat, but then again I have Hungarian genes and don't have IBS like some Austrian genelet.

Since when we need to deny a level of ethnocentrism?

When will the former USSR countries, Italy, Greece, and Spain just fucking leave the EU?

It's clear the "major" European governments have nothing but contempt for them and only keep them in the EU to have captive markets and access to cheap labour and vacation homes.

Triggered. Everyone in your country is depressed.

Go Hungary!

Do these refuphillies ever engage about the unsustainable nature of their programs? I've yet to see any of them make any kind of economic argument past "muh aging societies".

They've got solid relationships with both Russia and Turkey and literally nothing else left to lose. Putin and Orban were chilling yesterday.

as with most organizations, half it's members are only there to inflate the number of members and nothing else.

I've said for years that it's inevitable that there will be another major European war in my lifetime.

>wrecks your asshole
Háháháháháháháháháháháhá give back Őrvidék

It doesnt matter they are cucked and fidesz is too so it wont matter gypsies and chinks and other migrants will overwhelm us

>don't have IBS like some Austrian genelet.

Delete this senpai

>percentage of countries with citizens that have been pacified into pro-globalism subservience

Fixed the graph title for you.

Lol. Apparently that makes everyone in your country depressed. Makes you think.


Canada is one of the most demoralized countries on Earth.

It's political suicide to claim we have a culture.

You're pretty much fucking right.

It just underlines that the whole point of the EU is to turn every EU country into a multiculturalist / globalist goo to create Nurope without any real nation states. Whenever a country opposes or threatens to oppose (by increased support for "far right") this evolution, the hysterical rhetoric comes out.

Honestly i visited a month ago and you guys are doing fine.

One day we'll have a government too.

has anyone seen a hungarian in his life? you don't see hungarian tourists in the west, you don't see hungarian economic migrants in the west and unless it's about refugees you don't hear something about hungary in western media. it's like hungary.... doesn't exist.

Makes sense really, the biggest opponent to a United Europe is the nation states and their cultures with it. It's why they keep boasting "European" culture instead of saying what it is, French, German, Polish etc. If they mix it hard enough and turn enough younger people into the idea that they're "European" citizens instead of their nations then they have a better chance of pushing this disaster on us. Nearly worked in Britain with all these pussies crying about their "Right" to "Love, Live and Learn" in Europe. Last time I checked those were not rights, nor do the French people see you as their people.


user., Austria is a papist country and right now Hungary has a Christian P.M.

No. Besides, not really anywhere else either. I only jacked it many times to Rita Faltoyano.

>people calling Orbán based

He is literally Hillary Clinton tier. If Sup Forums saw a video of her saying we need a wall and gays shouldn't marry from the 90s, would you call her based too? Both of them only say what gets them elected, and everything they do is for money

We have insane taxes and everything is embezzled. Sold our country to every foreign company from Germany to Russia and China, all for personal bribes. Every time a Hungarian company grows big they use public shaming and police bullying until they go bankrupt, so they can be bought for cheap.
And how much have we spent on military?
The polaks just made 50 billion dollars worth of investments, we have one fucking fence!
Believe me, when the EU civil war starts every politician and their entire family will run away to some Caribbean island with pallets full of gold, then invite Germany or Russia to rape and loot the rest!

Stop talking about a country you don't understand!

At least we won't have shitty Labour politicians embarrasing us in Europe in the coming years.

The Dutch are such stupid, leftist faggots. God, I hate them.

Materially, most Western countries are doing "fine"

But the soul is gone. Canada, France, Germany, the Lowlands, Scandinavia, and the British Isles are all zombie nations. They have the structure and outward appearance of being alive, but are actually rotting from the inside out and spreading their plague to others.

>I don't never have no problems

Those few thousand niggers in Hungary are already strange enough, they've started writing songs about flour.

user., nah, who knows about what he does, however he does go to a Christian church. May the whold planet be Christian one day.

That is 3 negatives, so it technically makes sense in the same way fucking a corpse technically makes you not a virgin.

>>In the interview, Scheltema was critical of Hungary’s unwillingness to participate in a European Union plan to relocate asylum-seekers from Greece and Italy. He also criticized the Hungarian government’s campaign against billionaire financier and philanthropist George Soros and drew parallels between the government’s efforts to “create enemies” and those of the Islamic State group.

I apologize on behalf of my country/people. Never change Hungary and Poland. Leave while you still can, expel your politicians that have already been bought.

>refugees from Syria escaping war
>migrants from Africa looking for money
pick one
They can play their games all they want, all i see is controlled opposition and same old capitalism. It's migration, plain and simple.

>It's not soros' fault that the west is full of idiots who are easily influenced.

t. Alex Soros


>If Sup Forums saw a video of her saying we need a wall and gays shouldn't marry from the 90s, would you call her based too?
Probably not because flip floping away from wanting awesome things like a wall and banning gay marriage is anything but based. If you presented me with such a video I'd have to concede that she was right though.

>pick one
>They can play their games all they want, all i see is controlled opposition and same old capitalism. It's migration, plain and simple.

They are fleeing radical climate change you straight white cis xenophobe!!!!!

he is a joke

>I wonder which side we will choose.
the only one that brings prosperity: neutral side in the next war

You guys make tv series with black guys LARPING as roman brits. You guys are 'worse'.

You clearly have no idea what you are talking about.

The dutch are complete douche nozzles anyways.

Our (((christians))) were all commie informants, including Orbán himself.
They still haven't released the secret police membership lists, how convenient

>Stop talking about a country you don't understand!

You could have all that to the same or a fuller extent while seeing your people and culture slowly decline into non-existence. Count your blessings.

>Burgers are next on my list
>implying some faggot Austrian ever was or will be able to kill off entire countries

>You clearly have no idea what you are talking about.

If not for the part and parcel flag he'd be right though senpai.

They are starting to call Haitians refugees in Canada and we all know what the problem in Haiti is, too much of not giving a single fuck, they pop out babies, they exploit land without planting anything or renewing anything, then they move when there's nothing left to be eaten. Reminds me of locust plague, human locust.

Dutch diplomat was everything but diplomatic. So what chances does he have in his job? None.

Hungary is right. First they call you terrorist, next they call you Nazis. Can't let that happen.




Aletta Ocean :DDDDD

Oh boy he sure does go to that church. So much so infact he just gave them millions of HUF to build a "nursery" out of the blue