So according to this, the enemy all along is the deep state and money hungry jews who profit on war, energy consumption, and food industry (ie monsanto).
My question is why? So that they can false flag a war against the ayys and keep the money flowing at the expense of the people? Or is it because (((they))) are trying to form a one-world government in order to be apart of a galactic community? Or is it because they know an actual non-false flag war is coming and they are trying to unite the world to fight off invaders?
And who exactly are these ayys? was the reptilian meme and actual thing?
Requesting a basic gestalt on this since my head is starting to hurt
Just saw this film
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Bump, I wanter to see this movie
I mean why would (((they))) want to start a war with a civilization far more advanced than our own? It cant be for money because earth would surely loose and we wouldn't have a civilization anymore.
I started watching this and it's pretty good so far, but I've only made it through the first half. I kind of got bored when they went from aliums to muh neocon military-industrial complex and all republicans are evil and oil blah blah. If you've been paying attention, all of that bullshit narrative hasn't really held up. We've seen the middle east completely fall apart, the 'total control of the Middle East' never happened, and the oil bullshit only served to make Halliburton and Cheney a quick buck, not turn out to be this evil neocon master stroke of ultimate new world order power.
That shit annoys me, but luckily that documentary goes deeper than that shit and yes, I think the ultimate goal begins with one-world government, currency, monoculture, etc.. for control and power.
And if the whole zero point energy thing is true then these jews seriously need to fuck off. Im all for capitalism but if this new technology exists and its not being used because it would be unprofitable despite being able to provide essentially free energy to mankind
They are the Chosen People
They believe more deeply in religious hocus pocus than anyone else on Earth
It is the root of their nepotism
The difference is they worship Satan and literally believe in destiny
It's why they always lose in the end
People eventually see through their shit and they are exiled or massacred
shamless bump
Steven Greer is full of shit, just watch the Joe Rogan Experience episode with him on. Everytime Joe asks a question he dodges it completely.
Ya I wanted to watch this movie but this guy isn't very credible
Turned it off when I realized it was nothing but liberal jew propaganda.
>Steven Greer
Sup Forums needs to do more research
He talks about contacting alien spacecraft through meditation..
And his other "documentary" called Sirius, is all about a tiny human featus with birth defects and they call it an alien. And in the end the result of the DNA test is that it "has human DNA"
If you want a truly simplified answer: a common global market with the (((USA))) and their (((greatest allies))) at its top is the goal for a very long time now. For this to achieve you need to erase or dilute national, religious or ethnic idenity [except for a certain (((someone))) of course]. And at the end of the day the military-industrial-complex is just one bloody part of the market, looking to expand.
Not sure about the ayys, but the principle is essential the same: you need an external (and internal) enemy, preferably something invoking xeno(s)phobia, to unite the country and justify taking their rights and freedoms. See patriot act, NSA, fema, militarization of the police, etc.
This is the truth. Every profram they fund, forced immigration, regional destabilization its all to mix the races, lower the iq and pacify the stupid groidic underclass so they can rule over them easily with their NWO. They believe it is their right as gods chosen people, to do this.
>earth would surely loose
thats just something losers say.
we literally have no idea what ayylium technology is like, its totally possible that we could hold our own with just a few updates
But this was always the resource for unifying nations, it worked for the romans, for the summerians, egypt, etc...
You need an external treat to unify people that otherwise would rather live peacefully and alone, that's what capitalistic individualism got right.
Given enough resources, individuals would rather live apart from other people besides their close connections.
Ok so the guy is a hack, what about the evidence he finds tho? Even a hack can find something thats true, im not saying its all 100% true, especially eye witness reports, but surely even 10% of it is credible
eye witness report is a fancy phrase for "story".
In his sirius doc, they examine this 6 inch skeleton and they end it on a cliffhanger. Then when the results came out later, it was human DNA, but he sold the doc like he has found an alien. great marketing on his part.
The only thing that has ever really bother me about Greer is how often he tends to make himself part of the story. He's dead on when it comes the reason for secrecy when it comes to the petro-dollar. Take E.T. out of it -- there's nothing certain (((forces))) wouldn't do to maintain the current energy paradigm.
World government, but the ayy part could be a (((misdirection))) and means to justify a world government
The fact that it was human DNA opens a whole lotta questions, besides they found a large group of undiscribed DNA wich it's interesting too.
I can assure that whatever that thing was, it wasn't a fetus.
Bump, I'm watching the movie right now
All they would have to do is throw an asteroid at us. We'd be fucked in a conflict with them. Good thing everything points to a benign nature to them.
OK, I must ask why the aliens are in In touch with the deep government if they are exploit humanity
Or they are not in touch?,and all of the technology come for research and finding of wreckage, and confiscation of patents?
The atacama humanloi was not a human infant. The bone plates confrmed it was T least 7 y/o yet the body was only a few inches long. And it had 92% similarity to human dna yet most apes have close to 98% similarity to us. So whatever that was was further away from us then chimps yet looked human. Lots of people bileve we were bred by ETs by mixing their genes with earth apes