Destroy The Goolag

Well you want to join the fight against Goolag and the Behemot Alphabet inc? You came to the right place rookie.
Here is how we roll:

>Destroy their Ad Revenue
Goolag relies on companies, small and big who pay them to display their ads to users which are most likely to buy the cheap Chinese shit they sell,creating profiles of you and tracking you, making you made of glas

>How to stop them
Currently the best option seems to be a program named AdNauseam. It automatically clicks on ads without displaying them.
>What does this do?
It renders the profiles Goolag has of users useless and stops them from effectively tracking you and selling ad solutions. Means if you are a 400lbs basement haxxor masturbating to anime who starts clicking on car insurances for 50+, Goolag will at some point not know which ads to show you, and other users who have similar interests. It makes their service useless for companies who wants to sell anime porn AND car insurances for Boomers, so they might stop paying Goolag and drain their funds to create their Filter Bubble Utopia.

>Come on just tell me how I can do this
Step 1:
Get a Browser that isn't controlled by Goolag. We have tested so far

Step 2:
Download AdNauseam (
Install it

Step 3:
Disable other adblockers and no cookie options, else the ads will not be "displayed" and AdNauseam can't click on them.

Step 4:
Either search manually for expensive word combinations ( )
Or open the following script, ignore and tweak it like this to not get detected so fast and forced to solve a captcha
>await Sleep (10000)
>await sleep (60000 + (Math.random() * 60000))
>click run in the upper left corner
Step 5:
Do whatever you want in the mean time. I suggest read a book or have sex and make some babies

Other urls found in this thread:'s-Permission

No thanks is not that big of a deal

Isn't await sleep (60000 + (Math.random() * 60000)) too much time?
I have set mine to 61456 ms and it works good.

>Install under Vivaldi and other chrome forks's-Permission
You need to enable developper mode, unpack the download and install from folder

>Additional word lists
A few new keyword lists to mess around with. You would just replace in the "var keywordsURI" section of CodeFag's script.

top 5500 keywords -- all over $100

Top 20K CPC -- average is $almost $97 each

For something completely different, the top 20K ranked Alexa sites.

A few new keyword lists to mess around with. You would just replace in the "var keywordsURI" section of CodeFag's script.

top 5500 keywords -- all over $100

Top 20K CPC -- average is $almost $97 each

protip, change the values in the new await sleep(etc.) to 5000, it's not given me any captchas or anything yet



Clicking ads every 5 seconds will surely get you blacklisted almost instantly by Googles anti-clickfraud software.

Both seem to work fine. Yours is probably better as it doesn't click all the ads and make it much harder for goolag to detect you.

Don't fall for the AdNauseam meme. It's a dud, and it's a Trojan horse. If you already used it, you wasted your time: Google doesn't lose a cent. Yes, Google refunds money. But none of that money comes from Google's own pocket. It's the money paid by advertisers in advance: part of it is simply returned for fake traffic, most of which is ditched early on and comes from competitors attacking each other. Now, who takes the hit? Small site owners whose ads you're targeting. Google loves punishing them for "bad traffic", when some asshole simply click-spammed them. On the other hand, Google turns a blind eye on big kike sites like major news outlets.

Don't underestimate the ad industry kikes. They'll just come up with more sophisticated, sly and Jewish kinds of ads that will fuck up your internet space even more. Google won't suffer, major kike sites won't suffer, but small NEET-owned sites will. Don't be an ass, let the little guy earn his cent. All ads are geared towards normies anyway, not you.

AdNauseam claims that its goal is to protect you from surveillance. That's a totally false premise and a lie. There's nothing easier than to stop getting tracked: all tracking is done through cookies and associated accounts. Just don't stay logged in to your Google account and use Private/Incognito mode. Or use cookie cleaners. As simple as that, you're not tracked anymore. The real goal of AdNauseam is to push its agenda. And it pretty much exposes you, too.

The creators of AdNauseam are literally SJW Marxist Jewish homos and trannies, this is not an exaggeration. You're basically taking part in kike wars and serving as a voluntary promoter of a yet unannounced product. It's their 4D chess. Now, what happens when AdNauseam clicks on ads for you? Your IP address, the whole information about your location is passed down there. You're not only not saved from surveillance, you're being surveilled on repeat. Do your math.

This is the "woman" behind AdNauseam, Helen Nissenbaum.

for some people numbers such 10000 works but for other even 30000 are too low, check it and if it dont work then just increase about half minute

Piss off Sundar.

wut? it's been clicking fine for me

plus the random number*5 seconds

>yfw Google just makes machine learning system that filters out Ad Nauseum fake clicks (they already have ML systems to filter out Russian and Chinese click farms) and then deletes Gmail accounts of anyone who used Ad Nauseum

A few new keyword lists to mess around with. You would just replace in the "var keywordsURI" section of CodeFag's script.

top 5500 keywords -- all over $100

Top 20K CPC -- average is $almost $97 each

For something completely different, the top 20K ranked Alexa sites.

The website list got me captcha'd in about an hour, but I wasn't using a VPN.

>Sup Forums just makes their own plug-in
>Google counteracts with detection software
>Sup Forums modifies plug-in

Already in the works. We'll adapt.

Will update OP and make an extra line to explain what it does and why one should do it personally, looking what works best individually.

await sleep (5000 + (Math.random() * 5000));

works for me

I'm doing my part
Already cost Goolag 240$ ad bux

60 sec is fine, you get 3 click every minute, 180 clicks every hour and 2160 after 12 hours. repeat whole month and you get over 64k clicks, you are literally impossible to track with higher timeouts. high, fast peaks are worse than slow consistency


New fanart

and i was using 30000 minimum and google detected me, 5sec will not work for everyone, most likely only for minority of people

Do you think Google lets the bots know when detect bot clicks?

Bot farms go on for months before Google suddenly subtracts all the revenue and closes the AdSense accounts.

That's why bots haven't made Internet advertising completely dead and moot already despite like 50,000 Russian script kiddies working on fraud click bots full time.

ah, I see.
Well I'm opening 5 taps with the script in now, I'm tempted to grab another laptop

daily reminder that AdNauseum is a bot net reconfiguration identify the pot calling the kettle black. you cant do anything to google. move to the deep web instead.

For next bread, you need to add that you have to Enable Popups.

Also, GooGun tutorial updated with the instructions to use Incognito/Private taken out.

Also, we should have Opera instructions added to the tutorial, as well as a separate one for just Opera. With the built in VPN, I think it should be the goto browser for this (plus, I really like it as a browser, general)

Enable Popups: Opera icon (top left) --> Settings --> Website --> Allow all sites to show pop-ups

Enable VPN: Opera icon (top left) --> Settings --> Privacy and Security --> Enable VPN

Turn of Opera AdBlocker: Opera icon (top left) --> Settings --> Basic --> uncheck "Block Ads"

btw, please provide screen shot of how fine it works or your trust level might be down the drain

Should I use Opera or Pale Moon?

>Don't fight. You can't win. Hide instead


gibe a moment b0ss

With Opera it works out of the box after applying this "tweaks" With palemoon you need to adapt the securiyt setings or something. Personally I abandoned that Browser. Waterfox and Vivaldi working fine, with the last you have to install AdNa manually

From last thread:

"i tried 30000 as minimum and got detected, it all depend on your situation, if you have external, unique IP then you can put lower numbers because google cant know that you are the only one using it and not hundreds of customers, but for someone that have a ranged IP bigger numbers are better"

turns out 5 tabs was too much for my little laptop to handle

Just clarification on this. We should have Opera instructions added to the tutorial, SOON, as well as a separate one for just Opera. Sent these instructions to the dude who made the graphic.

If you're retarded enough to not log out of your regular gmail account and then make a throwaway account to use while running these scripts then you deserve to have Google delete your account. Google is dogshit anyway, you're better of not using gmail or the Google Chrome botnet at all

also instructions to activate the VPN in the opera config page

>580 clicks in 70 minutes

If Googles anti-clickfraud software didn't detect that, they need to fire a few thousand people immediately.

only opens 1 tab for me who is searching for keywords

I'm not from Google but this is really fucking stupid

The software lets you adjust how often does it click ads

Opera or Vivaldi seem to be the lowest pain in the arse options. Go with whichever one you don't want to use for other reasons, I guess.

>go on for months before Google suddenly subtracts all the revenue
Let's hope so.

According to perhaps Firefox is still the best browser for this because it can spoof user agent with an addon.

Firefox is also probably the hardest to track once you have done the configs on

So if anyone want to run it on your primary browser, use Firefox and then config it to standards.

Needless to say, don't log into your Google accounts with the same browser while you are clicking.

Stupid like a fox.

IKR? its crazy!

Couldnt this work in a blog/webserver type setup to generate real revenue instead of trying to skimp googles?

Fuck off with your adnauseum shilling. Sup Forums isn't a place to market your shit

>It's a Sup Forums pisses into a universe of piss episode

We're pissing in an ocean of lager this time.

might be, personally I will not use SJWFox for obvious reasons. But the one making the next OP will be free to add this, as it will not be me.
Cya lads, three browsers running it now

>>await Sleep (10000)
>>await sleep (60000 + (Math.random() * 60000))
>>click run in the upper left corner

Ill make this a part of the script so people don't have to change it manually. Thanks user who wrote that up cause I am to lazy to do it myself.


>it's a shill farts into the wind of weaponised autism episode

Warnings won't pop up when they detect you. They'll just blacklist your IP, meaning every click is disregarded by the AdWord system.

There's a 99,9% chance you're blacklisted.

>jewing the jews who are jewing the jewest jews

No it doesn't work that way.

I hope the police reads this thread.

This is like soooo wrong.

t.civic nationalist

Your are a god among men

Suppose so, but it'll get shoahed. The whole point is to make google shoah their own revenue.

how would I know? is there a way to find out?

It will be, as noted here

>41 ads after going to 5 sites
Fuck you goolag,fuck you!

When I replace the wordlist with
it only searches undefined. Looks like it does not work.

God bless. Could you also change it from top 2000 keywords to top 5500?

1000 virgins stopping to use Jewgle for 2 weeks isn't going to accomplish anything

Got any proof for that or are you asstalking agian?

I'm doing great on that list, did you copy-paste it in right?

2 windows should pop up. Just close the one with undefined. The other one is making the searches.

why do i have the feeling they trying to get to the tipping point just to make a 180° and sell it to google?

No, it's set up specifically so it'll be blatantly obvious to ad companies that the clicks are fake, thus ensuring that they'll ask for a refund immediately, also there's far better, harder to detect adclicker scripts out there if you're looking to make money from ad revenue

>stopping to use Jewgle
Does anyone speak Burger?

So how would they detectit?

Lets say you host a website/blog/discussion forum for IDK politics or some shit, we can all shit post there all day long, or rip shit right from Sup Forums, then using this same method we could generate fake traffic to generate fake ad rev, then claim ad rev losses against google while at the same time collecting ad rev from google.

yes the warnings will pop up, i already had like 4 of them

or use brave, block all ads, scripts, force https, block all tracking any everyfuckingthingelse.

Nice grammar, spic.


I went for 45secs + (~0-60secs) instead

Just doing my part

Ill change it later.

You should all also look at
its a userscript that you can use to report all videos you watch on youtube.


So what you're saying is that slow and steady wins the race?

time to use their autoplay against them

and anybody wanna tell a non-techfag how he can know if he's been niggerlisted?

Take out the instruction pop-up that tells you to use Incognito/Private, also, please.

Some users made it clear to me it was required is this no longer the case?

You will never kill Google from the outside. You need to attack their leadership within. We are apparently on the wrong side here. Google does have a system of promoting and paying men more. It's because men are better leaders and more competent, but shaming Google into promoting and paying women more is the only thing that can actually destroy it.

Still going to be 99% clickbot, and they get the gas every time.

You do that anyway. This is just smearing shit on the walls as you leave.


No, in fact AdNauseam does not work in incognito mode.

Doesn't matter, rev up the VPN and make a new Google account whenever you have a minute to spare.

They even shilled that shit on /leftypol/.

Those fags hate Google as well, so they're also on the AdNauseam train.

why? will jewgle accounts take up space on their servers or something?

No, but they have to detect and blacklist you all over again.


and if I just stay logged out?

Theres no reason we cant do both. Come up with a decent strategy.

I had that happen as well, when he first made that list. I assumed he had probably fixed whatever the issue was because it seemed to have been working for others. I've just been running the 20K word list, which I made, and it is working fine for me.

"My solution to the Wage Gap is to take the money Google should be paying Female employees away from them in different ways"

With the 20K word list only 1 tab works

Anyone got any recommendations for good playlists to leave on in the background overnight to fuck with Google and YouTube?

What is an ip adress

nevermind, now both work


All Gadsdens, for the time being, must be considered infiltrators, shills, spies and persona non grata.

Anyone saying "Google is a private company and has the right to-" Is proving their own ignorance, at this point. They're a monopoly, and not anything close to a private company.

Google must perish!

>Sup Forums will defeat (((Google))) in our lifetime

Sends shivers down my spine. Let's do this guys!