I started uni yesterday and my english professor turned out to be some african nig from morocco. Turns out he immigrated to america without knowing english and somehow managed to get THREE PHDs. He is actually literate and intelligent, not using ebonics or anything, like what the fuck. Is the myth that all blacks aren't bad actually fucking true? Help Sup Forums I don't want to like a nigger!
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Yes, of course, all africans aren't dumb as fuck.
But most of them are.
That man is an exception
There are exceptions in every subspecies
The majority of niggers are still niggers
You were given a frequency by leftists to become a racist so that they would have an enemy to fight against that the media could exploit for political gain.
Don't be a cuck to identity politics. Fuck Dick Spencer.
remember the law of averages, 1% of 1% will be decent but the other 99% well take a guess
Not all blacks/muslims are bad, just the majority. It's completely normal to be bigoted. And if they are pieces of shit its normal to be racist. But if they are decent you should treat them normal.
Daily reminder that it's genetic.
What if we use these black people as a genetic startpoint? Let's say that every black person but them dies: would black people turn to shit again in 3 generations? Or would the problem be fixed for good?
africans are probably 10x smarter and 50x more driven than any afro-americans.
When you say that blacks are dumber than whites, this is only about group averages. The individual can be vastly different.
>not knowing basic statistics
>thinking yourself superior to others
>all blacks
there's your problem. it's not that blacks have zero gifted people, it's that if you fill a town, city, country, whatever full of average blacks you end up with a dysfunctional shit hole. niggers gonna nig and mr black magic can't do anything about it since he's out numbered a million to 1.
Black guy saved my life when I was a child...from drowning of all things. I was in a tube float and I flipped upside down, couldn't get out. I was like 4. Black guy picked me out of water by my leg in Beaumont TX at Rogers Park. They get manipulated same as everyone else. I'll take decent blacks over white liberals any day.
Two-parent privilege is a helluva drug
>An exception to a rule means fuck the rule
IQ stats are talking about AVERAGE IQ. Good job on finding an outlier. He deserves respect.
Reminds me. 20 years ago a friend came back from sailing his boat around the Caribbean. He stopped in to fuel on an Island, can't remember the name. The guy came out to fuel his boat and said, "You're from the US?" He said, "Yeah". The guy immediately launched into a furious tirade, "Nigger this, and nigger that, the niggers are fucking everything up." He couldn't believe it. He said the guy was so black he was damn near purple. LOL. My friend said, "Wait a minute. I don't say things like that, none of my friends do." The guy said, "And there's the problem. You let those blacks in the US fuck everything up for the rest of us. We aren't like them niggers."
inb4 he murders some coed randomly and stuffs her body in a briefcase
Didnt you read? He's african, not afro-america.
African blacks that immigrate legally are often pretty cool people. It's the illegals and fugees that are shit. I'd rather have Nigerian petroleum engineers that shifty poor niggers any day.
Why would you hate this man just because of his skin? He accomplished something impressive and deserves your respect.
Making broad assumptions on a large group based on past behavior is reasonable, and correct in most cases, but don't use that as an unbreakable template for individuals you meet. Thats idiotic.
I also had an African professor who was an incredible man. Smart, preached hard work and discipline. He was chair of the department and also a fucking pastor at his church. Amazing guy.
I don't hate all blacks or anything. But you can't deny that African Americans as a group have many many problems. Crime, drug abuse, gangs, poverty, joblessness, fatherlessness, unemployment, lack of education and skills.
Again you can't say this is all black people. On a individual level there are millions of blacks who are smarter than me, who work harder than me and take care of their families.
Unfortunately there is a large section of blacks in the cities who have fallen prey to this toxic thug and gang culture.
I don't know if fixed for good but that'd be the way to deal with it in the long run: you're essentially selecting them for those desirable and inheritable traits.
He might be an immigrant nigger but now he worked hard and now he's a teacher,which contributes to the society. He is no longer a nigger,he's not just black
thats because the smartest of them flee to the west
Exception to the rule doesnt break it if anything it proves it
>english professor
>immigrated to america without knowing english
Most legal African immigrants I've met have been god fearing hard working people. The "African-American" community has so thoroughly been destroyed and manipulated by the Jew, actual Africans don't have anywhere near the victimhood complex & learned helplessness.
saged reported etc
>black man from morocco
things that never happened
THIS! the majority of educated blacks are from different countries. Every black/ African despise African Americans for being entitled brats
Also this
You just learned a lesson in remembering to always judge a person individually, but beware of mobs and identity politics, the dark side are they, consume you they will, as they did Schiklgrubers son (who overcompensated and radicalized too far).
thats the state of "racist"/edgy/faggoty (OP)/"realist"/and the majority of "white" people these days. screaming praise from the rooftops because their world got turned upside down from one incident
Of course it's possible.
Blacks are less intelligent *on average*, not all blacks are dumb.
You know what average means? That means there's simply less intelligent blacks, not that ALL blacks are dumb.
You have dumb and retard whites. Why wouldn't intelligent blacks be the case?
People here have no idea how science works, huh
>You just learned a lesson in remembering to always judge a person individually, but beware of mobs and identity politics.
Next time just stop there and what you are saying wont sound completely retarded.
>t. 110 IQ retarded college kid
In the US you're exposed to millions of afro-americans, and you notice the worst of them for the dumbasses they are
In your university you see the very few africans who were bright enough to make it all the way to here, and you go on to assume the 1 billion of LITERAL retards inhabiting Africa are ok
this is probably a stupid troll but just incase
Blacks are ON AVERAGE LESS INTELLIGENT than white people.
In America their mean IQ is 85 compared with 100 for white people.
Which means that less than 20% of black people will have an IQ above 100
which means that only the smartest 20% of black people are even average by white standards.
It also means that there are intelligent blacks , but they are MUCH MUCH RARER than intelligent whites
Fuck off Star Wars Jew lover
Daily reminder that all Star Wars fans will be purged on the day of rope
Can't believe this still needs explaining.
All too easy
He's like 1/50k
Why do (((THEY))) keep trying to force this narrative? The individual is fine. It's the group culture that's cancer. KYS you racees.
>muh anecdotes are representative of a whole race
Bad quality bait, lurk more Mr liberal infiltrator. This thread won't be useful for the TED talk your planning to do on this.
>Daily reminder that all Star Wars fans will be purged on the day of rope
thank god
Just exterminate them all you kike faggot
Not that I'm interested in entertaining this notion, but the big challenge is knowing whether the person is an anomaly in his own family.
If his entire family are 65IQ subsaharan africans, but he turned out a genius, then it's very possible any children he has could end up low IQ as well.
On the other hand, if his entire family was intelligent then it suggests a common, powerful genetic component in his family.
>university english professor from morocco
Leaving affirmative-action aside for a moment, we know that this guy has at-least the bare-minimum qualifications to do an acceptable job as a professor.
For a guy to make his way from Morocco to the US like that and make a like for himself as an academic, he's an extreme outlier and in the top percentile of his population in terms of intelligence.
This is why native-africans in the US *hate* african-americans, as they only remind them of what they fought to escape.
Not only that, the *best* africans (few in numbers and we want them contributing to our economy) experience unwarranted prejudice based on the actions of nigs.
There has to be a kernel for that kind of behavior and it tends to be low intelligence.
Intelligence(IQ/G) being 50-80% heritable means that there is a large contingent of African Americans who were never going to be intelligent regardless of their economic/social circumstances.
The same applies to whites, asians, etc but because their bell curves are further to the right, they'll do better on average in every aspect of life.
I think you guys are both correct in many aspects. Any culture that africans brought with them to the US did not survive, so they essentially existed in a cultural vacuum.
Having not opted to return to their homeland, they filled this vacuum by taking on the culture of conservative southern white men originating primarily from England i.e. rednecks. This is why the only other dialect that had "I be doing...", "We be sittin'..." is in England.
So we have a bunch of blacks trying to emulate the same southern rednecks who hate their guts, leading to yet more conflict throughout the years. Rather than building their own identity, they sought to become "white" in the eyes of society, which is impossible.
Conservative southern culture has it's historic roots in herding societies, where thieving or troublesome neighbours are dealt with individually, not by any law enforcement. This is part of why rednecks/blacks cannot tolerate "disrepect" without reprisal, as historically that would make you a target for thieves. This is the opposite to the city dwelling descendants of protestant settlers, who were used to disputes being handled by the courts.
So we have a bunch of black rednecks of below-average IQ with an inferiority complex and resentment towards the whites they so badly want to become.
Sup Forums lied to you. Now suck this man's cock and redeem yourself. You can make it.
There's a reason why most racist people live in the least diverse parts of the country. They're inbred hillbillies afraid of the unknown
I know I'm TL;DRing, but another point: not only is average IQ important, but the conditions in which this intelligence can be realised makes a big difference too.
Even if blacks are just a few points behind on average, the *potential* that is unlocked in a culture that is anti-intellectual (again, another part of redneck herders) is much lower.
I know Sup Forumssters like to harp on genetic differences etc, but that will *never* gain traction as it's just as easy to release a "study" that "disproves" you. The african american culture itself has SO many easy targets for criticism - for instance, how come all of a sudden people have just forgotten about the vicious and disgusting misogyny that dominates hip-hop to this day?
Sup Forums never said all blacks are bad.....they distinguish between based blacks and niggers all the time. They even call Irish and Italians degenerates and trailer trash whites are consistently labeled as nigger tier. I'm pretty sure that's not racist. Racism is a meme. No one hates people because of the color of their skin and stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason .
>being around nigs/mudskins
stay away from me you commie
Nobody is afraid of anything retard. Your candy ass wouldn't want to live next to one of these so-called hillbillies so why the fuck would they want to live in shit infested nigger pool cities? How about you retards just mind your own business in your shit cities like the nice rural people do.
>vicious and disgusting misogyny that dominates hip-hop to this day
Are you fo real ma nig?
I iz, Tyrique.
The science-based approach would never work, not least of all because people are far more driven by feelings than facts, and will ignore the latter for the former.
Conservatives need to find a way to effectively portray the truthfully negative aspects of this and other cultures (Islam, looking at you). Sup Forums circle-jerks over average IQ may entertain but it's nothing more than a distraction.
Analogy: if you're crusading for climate-change prevention (a world-changing, noble-but-ultimately-abstract cause), that's time and attention *not* spent on organising litter-cleanups and lobbying for local government to deal with pollution.
Get them to stop thinking about the big picture, and instead to look at the damn litter that's on their doorstep.
>What is a bell curve distribution?
Anyone know the term for this fallacy? I.e. disregarding averages or general truths because of rare exceptions
>1 post by this ID
in everywhich field one shalt set a sage
Not All X Are Like That
Basically it takes anecdotal, subjective experiences and tries to do away with the statistical averages that better constitute reality.
daily reminder the same statistics whites use can be justified to remove all whites
alt right literally doesn't have any integrity and are just threatened by women and minorities because they're fragile white autists
But is there a term accepted by the scientific community that you would find on Wikipedia like other fallacies
>"Hasty generalization is an informal fallacy of faulty generalization by reaching an inductive generalization based on insufficient evidence—essentially making a rushed conclusion without considering all of the variables. In statistics, it may involve basing broad conclusions regarding the statistics of a survey from a small sample group that fails to sufficiently represent an entire population.[1] Its opposite fallacy is called slothful induction, or denying a reasonable conclusion of an inductive argument (e.g. "it was just a coincidence")."
With a large helping of confirmation-bias.
Don't worry, user-kun. As a black I'm ok with you being racist. As long as you realize that the jew is the real enemy then you are a friend in my book.