Well Sup Forums, who thinks this isn't fake and gay?
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More CNN faggotry, what a shock
CNN goes out and rescues people while trump is doing rallies again.
Watch vid and decide for yourself
Where would we be without heroes like CNN?
Why didn't they just deactivate the atoms?
>CNN saves 1 man from truck, condemns millions more to death and poverty from all the wars it has promoted over the years.
Could he not just hop out of his car and wade through the water? Swim? To land that was 2 meters away?
He is an American so he's fat but surely he can swim 2 meters?
You'd be surprised how few of us can swim.
You can't swim in water that's moving fast enough to carry away a pickup truck like that.
wtf I love cnn now
guess I'm #withher
I didn't watch this vid and i know by now already you're lying
The truck is floating, the water is barely moving
Floating away
Arm out the window
They just don't give up do they
impossible to tell but the timing is too coincidental to ignore
Wait....I'M lying???
Wow this comes off as desperate and fake as possible. It's like an SNL skit without any jokes.
Did you guys notice how their accent changes? All the reporters get caught up and start talking like locals.
So basically a normal day in CNN field reporting?
Yeah, you're a faggot OP
>the timing is too coincidental to ignore
Sup Forums. where brains go to die, or are already dead when they get here.
If they were going to fake it they would have made it look dangerous. the truck was not going to sink and they did not save his life, unless he was going to panic and somehow drown instead of just climbing out of the ditch.
>anarchist flag
>using faggot as pejorative
>mfw antifags are becoming the Sup Forums
Paranoid burger.
Why would it be fake?
Stop it, ya big meanie
Low energy there mate
That did look dangerous you fucking retard.
Jesus fucking Christ.
I literally just got out of bed and started sipping on a cup of coffee give me a break.
A ravine is generally a fluvial slope landform of relatively steep sides, on the order of twenty to seventy percent in gradient. Ravines may or may not have active streams flowing along the downslope channel which originally formed them; moreover, often they are characterized by intermittent streams, since their geographic scale may not be sufficiently large to support a perennial watercourse. A ravine is a deep valley which is formed due to linear/dendritic fluvial erosion of loose unconsolidated and bare soils.
>If they were going to fake it they would have made it look dangerous.
>implying CNN puts any effort into fake news
They brought the mic.
>Well hey, I wanna thank CNN fur sayven mah laife. And fuck Drumpf. CNN is real
>If they were going to fake it they would have made it look dangerous.
Also, cool it with the reddit spacing.
When the water level is up the door the weight against it is enormous, you have to wait for the water to come in to balance it out. The real answer of course is that he was an american who had gone 4 minutes since his last corn syrup infusion.
I don't know, the clips not fake, but the way they gloat about it is gross
> oh look! a river right in front of me. i wonder if i should.. drive.. right into it?
> carefully evaluating his options
> drives in
> car sinks and gets carried with the stream in super slow motion
> could easily get out of car and make it to shore
> thanks for saving my life lmao
im homosexual and i was very offended by your use of that homophobic slur, please stop using it
i truly support antifa but if theyre a homophobic organization i wont support them anymore
I don't think there is a single place in Texas like that. IIRC the Brazos river is 800 miles long and has something like an 8 foot drop in elevation. Something like 98% of Texas is less than 300 feet above sea level. At least it sure seemed that way to me growing up in New Mexico. You can literally stand in Odessa and see Lubbock.
I like him falling to his hands and knees and panting, like he'd be treading water for hours instead of y'know... just crawling out of his truck and being dragged a few feet.
I know he's an old Ameriburger, we're not big on cardio, but that's just embarrassing.
And it comes a day after this:
"What The F*ck!": Rescued Woman Blasts CNN For Exploiting Hurricane Harvey Victims
What a coincidence!
I imagine everybody posting ignorant shit like this to be a pale stringbean basement virgin.
Oh wow that ravine looks like a road and they were unable to capture that whole thing live they have to edit it down. Wow really makes you think.
That's what I noticed he rolls down his window like he was going to sa
>whatcha fellers doing out there on the hill?
Then he's somehow out of breathe with a 10 second swim
It looks real. Nothing worth faking. I understand being skeptical about everything we hear, but I honestly don't see this video as fake. You extreme leaning conspiracy theorists need to chill out.
Why don't you go swim in a river and tell me how it goes?
You're probably a rural or suburban retard aren't you OP? Only those kind of people kind make that kind of outlandish retarded claims that easily
>old dude has survived thus far
>decides to drive his truck into a newly formed river
Yeah, seems totally legit. Let's just chock up his apathetic response to "shock", while we're at it.
Are you full of niggers?
Check your privilege.
>Why didn't he just overcome the combined fluid-dynamic and buoyant forces sufficient enough to carry away a 5000 lb pickup truck? God what a weakling.
I'm honestly shocked at how mentally retarded people are.
What kind of faggot eats a kiwi with the skin off?
are all texans this retarded?
Maybe texas is where the incompetant middle aged white man meme comes from.
Why would you leave the skin on? Save to remind you of the last wooly jewish asshole you ate out.
I was going to explain how you're retarded but
>when cnn films your insurance fraud and you have to pretend you were in danger
hello CNN, or is it Antifa? I can't tell the difference anymore
either way, we're coming for you, never forget that.
I just explained how retarded you are you fucking pile of shit.
>muh leaf
This is what happens when North Korea doesn't nuke Burgeristan.
You get fucking burger posts like this.
wew, you can even see him sweating bullets at the end
The skin is delicious and adds some more texture to a fruit that is otherwise extremely soft
Hey Jake, what do you want for lunch? Pizza or hot dogs?
this, except he was so retarded that he probably was going to die in the process
This actually seems like a plausible angle. "drove into a river" is a not uncommon insurance fraud method. Like there was a local insurance fraud case study here where the guy allegedly went off the road into the river, and they caught him because he left his rope that he used to not die tied to a tree nearby where he went in.
>you see that new ford bronco, i need one but i got so much time left on this truck payment
>drives into flooded ditch
>see cnn
>woops, uh thanks for saving my life guys
>14 posts by this leaf
I can't stop laughing, this is beyond pathetic
Nuff said. Gas yourself summerfag.
What do you expect from muricans?
Okay there Sven. Let's see your Aryan master race body make it across a flooded channel on muscle power alone.
Don't worry, (((they))) will suicide him
From Winnie they said? I know someone from that small town of 3200 people. Will be asking them later today who this man is and if they've ever seen him around before.
It's not just a single incident of fake news. They're doing an entire campaign.
Redpill me on the new Ford Branco
Are there any pictures out of it yet?
t. rural retard
wait, the footer says they pulled the driver out before it even happened?
actually nevermind, it was a replay later. thank you BASED CNN
>It's like an SNL skit without any jokes.
So like a normal SNL skit.
Driver sounded like he is from the deep south, like Georgia not Tx
>get yelled at on live television for not helping
>actually helps a shitton
Way to go cnn
He gave them his full name. Probably to old to be on FB
I'm sure it's just a coincidence that this occurred less than 24 hours after they were yelled at.
Again, another coincidence, and has nothing to do with the fact that there's a CNN HQ in Georgia.
It's pure happenchance that truck has Georgia plates on it and a CNN bumper sticker
Fuck it worked on me, I teared up. I wish I could be in Texas now helping.
extremely fake
>"so you just drove right into this river didn't you?"
wtf i love fake news now
In other news, our data mining overlords do not think happenchance is a word
Jerry Summerall, Winnie, Texas
Would be beast mode if we could find out the county on the plate and it was Fulton, Cobb, or something like that..
>Georgia plates on it and a CNN bumper sticker
I did not see that in the video
I don't understand these comments, a few people in the thread act like the river is some trump all magical phenomena. It's a fucking river, we go swimming in them all the time.
kill yourself
faking news since gulf war