Are hemorrhoids a jewish invention who has the purpose to force the white man to have stuff in his anus thus initiating him to homosexuality ?
Are hemorrhoids a jewish invention who has the purpose to force the white man to have stuff in his anus thus initiating...
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Nice to see that someone else came to the same conclusion as I did.
Yes. Bidets too.
Nothing is more important than having control over the Goyim asshole. They are teaching you to be a faggot. Look at europe. They spray birth control water into their anus. Estrogen fed directly to their balls.
You've reached levels of autism that shouldn't be possible!
they've ruined my life. im basically disabled and always have a finger in my butt
Testicular cancer is another Jewish invention designed to induce men to masturbation by being forced to fondle their balls checking for lumps
Are hemorrhoids, dare I say, /ourguys/?
Retard, the external hemorrhoid isn't really INSIDE the anus. If hemorroids were really a jewish invention wouldn't they have made all of them internal? Think!
Sweden is such a sad story
Cause of high blood pressure.
I had external but they receded by themselves, cream helped a little bit but eventually they were gone.
>creamjew meme
It works usually, but I think hemorroids are just butifel
now way that cream doesn't have xenoestrogens in it.
That's my personal guarantee. Official LOCK OF THE YEAR
Yes. The jews have gone to great lengths to sell foods with low fibre as well as pushing the seated toilet meme which makes it more difficult to pass stool. The result is that you will be required to strain more and your risk of developing hemorrhoids will increase. What you need is a high fiber diet of rice and beans and squat toilets that allow for ease of passage when going to the bathroom. You should probably stop using toilet paper too and begin using your left hand as they do in more enlightened countries. Reject the jew and save your ass, OP.
eat some brocolli ffs
Crohns is the white man fighting back, shitting out the xenoestrogens.
hemorrhoids prompt the white man to stop sitting around in discomfort and get shit done
I've had that + a tear in my anus for about 3 years now
Every time I have a shit I bleed profusely from my arsehole and I have to manually push the hemorrhoid back into my anus
Why don't hemmorhoids cause blood poisoning?
I'm pretty sure that with any other part of the body, rubbing feces over an open wound would cause infection, sepsis, and all sorts of other horrible things. But somehow, the asshole is completely immune to this.
>stuffing in your anus
Ishygddt. That isn't how you treat a roid.
don't you have customers to serve ?
Specialized immune system or something for that part of body
Your asshole is made for shitting.
Ya niggas need to squat more.
Be careful with that cream. I used it and the roid ended up clotting and turning purple. Most painful shit I've ever had in my life. oddly relevant to this thread a Jewish doctor cut off (while making jokes about it being a pain in the ass). since then my anus is weak and I get hemorrhoids easily, even simple squats or carrying a few things, any kind of exertion really. Since I don't want to be a fat slob I suck it up and deal with constant ass bleeding and occasionally go to the doctor to get a steroid shot in my ass.
mucous membranes.
Just make a small hole to your rectum and you're dead.
The massive amounts of shitposting coming from Canada right now across every thread is stunning. They must have had a shift change at Sharejew.
Hemmorhoid game plan: have hemmorhoids because of hard shits. Eat Kellogs All Bran. 1-2 servings a day. Drink plenty of water. They will go down in a week.
cortizone cream to reduce itching
Desitin to reduce moisture. This is most important for if the skin is irritated from sctarching.
Don't scratch.
Finally after applying a small amount of the creams stuff a 4x4 gauze pad, or just a soft paper towel folded in half just enough up your ass until it stays put. This will absorb mosture and allow the skin to heal as well as keeping the medicine in place.
Also, quit whatever activity is keeping you immobile and on your ass for 12 hrs a day. Fiber part is the most important and if you just eat All Bran every day they won't come back.
Mix it with pudding or yogurt if you dont like eating it normally. It's good for you.
same here man.
I rode motorcycles all weather for 20 years, now got bloody roids.
fucks sake.
why would i use my hand when i got scotts whats scotts plain white restroom quality fucking paper have to do with shit you stupid retarded fuck. oh yea sure seating toilets then talk about this shit. you fucking fuck go kys. By diagrams, squat toilets are better.
>Why don't hemmorhoids cause blood poisoning?
I'm fairly sure it does?
When I had a hemorrhoid (with visible blood on the feces) I think I got a (slight) fever as well.
Not 100% sure the two were related but I assumed so.
Our own poop is safe brah. Try eating a bite someday, not bad!
I also ride a motorcycle
tfw: jews infiltrated your anus