What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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Stupid jew loving niggermericans supplying bolshevics in WW2 breaking the back of the wehrmacht.
Hope your niggerdick sucking grandpa burns in hell forever together with you.
If you didn't annex Czechoslvakia and Poland none of this would've happened, stop trying to blame your suicidal tendancies on others Kraut.
>"muh precious jews please import niggers into my country" the post
Wish people back then would have gotten a taste on what kind of world awaits them if they don't support Nazi Germany.
We would long be done with removing the subhumans
He is right though
You reaped the fucking whirlwind, Jerry.
the funny thing is that their civilization will just colapse.
Its not that germany and the EU will change for ever, its that people will stop working for the greater good, and EU countries will turn into the shitholes that those shitskins are fleeig from.
A country is only as great as the people that live there, period.
Another nigger lover?
Too ashamed to hide your muslim dick loving country from us eh?
All your fault, the fault of your grandpa.
If you have any honor left you go and shit on his grave.
>suddenly America is who won the war when krauts need to sperg out and blame others
Lel eternally pathetic
>muh, muh war !
Holy shit, most of you are so fucking delusional.
I hope your jewish puppet fucks you over
Read a book you worthless mullatto nigger.
Damn, Jews hold really strong grudges. They won the fucking war why do they have to destroy Germany like this?
Because if we rise up again we will make the last holocaust look really small time. So they don't take chances and get rid of us asap.
they deserve it.
as you can see, all Europeans will gladly through germs under the bus. Fuck you, fuck your chancellor, and I hope you all die.
America may have produced the gun but you're still the one putting it in your own mouth.
Germans are a dying nation, in just few years majority of their population will be 50+ years old
Germans are tolerant and accepting of a multicultural society.
buhahaha sais the burgerboy...oh the irony...
buhaha you get out of moms basement much ? piss of LARPer
if they have a "sexual emergency" kill them if you must...set an example for the rest of these animals
kraut lack of brain
here we'll see the cycle
>break thing
>given new thing
So, how will native Germans pay for their invador's welfare though ? Who will pay ?
LOL dream on Jerry don't you have a dozen muslims coming over to pound your boypussy?
so this is the antifa invasion of Sup Forums you were talking about huh??? mighty i must say
halt dein maul drecknigger
What went wrong? Jews weren't exterminated.
nice try Shitstainberg
This. Plan worked by design and it was flawless. All of Europe will be totally brown by 2020. It will happen faster than anyone can imagine.
This is what happens when you start TWO world wars, decide to go ethnic cleansing, fuck it up, and make eugenics taboo for everyone but China who gives no fucks.
Germany deserves it to be honest.
So does the USA as well.
Only reason it's bad is because it will spread to white countries that don't deserve it.
I'm not white by the way.
>I'm not white by the way.
Well yeah, flag makes it obvious.
This. Word for word.
hitler wanted to end his own WAR but your shitstain of a country along with the kikes never agreed on peace.
if there were no jews behind the curtains causing wars - wed be living in a utopia worldwide where everyone would help everyone and leave eachother alone.
user... you know that they will come over to us .. don't you?
>muhh america
This right here, is why I don't feel any pity for Germans. No self-responsibility, no backbone, your country is shit and you blame another country who had barely little to do with your demise. Like denazification was primarily a US endeavor and not encouraged by the French and British who knew you faggots would've likely started another war. French was right to punish you faggots after WW1, we were naive and thought you could change your ways.
You people are so fucking pathetic, blaming a country who rebuilt yours. The Russians didn't need any of our funding, they would've destroyed you regardless. At least we turned West Germany into something resembling a state, we should've let Ivan take over the whole shebang and exploited you for resources and starve your population. Ungrateful shitstain.
Bullshit, the U.S. didn't liberate Poland you absolute fucking retard. My grandpa couldn't return to Poland after the war because it was occupied by the Soviets. They didn't give two shits about liberating Poland, the US/UK only cared about crushing Germany.
What is it with retardation Euros who can't distinguish a warning that comes from people who know what they're talking about?
You have to go back, Paco.
No, YOU have to go back, Hans Strudel-Smith.
>Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a Colony of Aliens, who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us instead of our Anglifying them, and will never adopt our Language or Customs, any more than they can acquire our Complexion.
Swarthy, dumb, Germanic scum.
Banned in most of Europe and limited no views/likes/etc worldwide. Hitler warned us.
>rebuilding their country by brainwashing
Stupid anglocuck
Stop larping as a white American, you're brown and your ancestors didn't arrive until the 90s.
Germany supported the Bolsheviks you retarded sauerkraut.
We're going to see in the near future Westerns fleeing to Easten Europe. I already read article after article by alt-Righters who have emigrated there.
I suspect the Baltics and Poland will be the most common destination.
Go back in time and strangle Gavrilo Princep in his bed on June 28, 1914.
>hitler wanted to end his own WAR but your shitstain of a country along with the kikes never agreed on peace.
yeah, he wanted to end war so much that he declared war to yankees in defence of his asian comrades lmao
Oh, it's (((whites))) alright...
Germany doesn't want to lose its population size to UK and France due to Germans and European immigrants having a low fertility. Hence they import from the outside.
shove a bratwurst up your ass ahmed
eat a dick. you are garbage
God, I hope no. Majority will be like american libtards in white flight
it's been in the works for over a decade
Just to say: Of those people, only a tiny minority actually have German citizenship and thus the right to live here. The rest can be sent home once we get an un-cucked government.
Had the Germans not wanted to consolidate German land Bolsheviks would have simply forsaken their plan for world conquest on behest of the Jewish bankers. Of course silly goyim, this entire war was about Poland and Chechoslovakia.
Be sure to thank grandpa for ensuring the mongrelization of America and the west can progress unchallenged
Read the hebrew bible and you'll get inside their sick desertheads
>African ""workers""
Sometimes I wonder if these people have been drinking from the same well they're currently poisoning. The (((financial elite))) look to be even more infertile and distracted than the modern nu-women and nu-men created by their propaganda campaign. Once all of the old guard like Soros and the older Rothschilds die off like Rockefeller did I can imagine their children and younger relatives drastically mismanaging their inheritances and wasting money on frivolities. It might even allow for the rise of the WASPs again (god forbid, biggest pack of traitorous collaborators to ever sit on a seat of power, at least the Jews have the excuse of not being white).
Based Hitler, the eternal anglo once again fucks up the common European interest...
muh patriotardism muh vets fighting for their own enslavement muh national pride muh freedumb and democracy spreading
>once we get an un-cucked government.
IF you get one
fuck germany i hope it becomes huge shithole + France + UK as well.
>Had the Germans not wanted to consolidate German land
I see even slavic roller didn't cure you from your delusions, Hans. At least show true flag. At least rightful owners got Silesia and Western Pomerania.
>Bolsheviks would have simply forsaken their plan for world conquest
krauts were charitable enough to enable them their conquest in ribbentrop-molotov pact
>Of course silly goyim, this entire war was about Poland and Chechoslovakia.
Meh, it was rather about retarded krauts chimping out
To be honest there are three European nations that I would be glad to see extinct - Germans, Austrians and Swiss. Those nations are absolutely insufferable, they combine the worst personality traits that I despise.
WW2 ended over 70 years ago. You've had 70 years worth of elections and chances to enact social and national changes. What did you do? You dug the hole deeper. Sorry Hans, but this mess is your fault.
Wow, great wording. You should become a politican.
"They will be sent back once we get an un-cucked government"
"They will never be sent back."
Good, those germs deserve it.
Germans are uncultured barbarians, they belong to central asia.
Jews and burgers.
Nazism is the single most anti-white idealogy in the history of mankind, but that won't change the minds of the Hiterist zealots
You literally are the same people minus some hungarian and polish admixture
Goymany was practically a puppet of the Allies after the war and america would've never tolerated a nationalist west Germany.
one of my blue pilled friends went to Germany for vacation (I laughed in the inside when he told me). after 1 day in Germany he decided to go to Italy instead because there were more attractions. Kek, I know in the inside he thought to himself why are there so many brown filth in this country
Look, subhuman is speaking.
I'm not a Swede, i'm brazilian i descend from portuguese people.
We have a similar problem in Brazil, the germ immigrants of the 17-18th century want a piece of South Brazil for themselves today, those germs are arrogant and ungrateful!
We should deport germ-brazilians back to Europe.
they weren't taught to be proud of what their ancestors built
Some liberal nu-male faggots that called me ignorant in uni when I brought up brexit being a good thing because the EU is a failed project, unelected leaders etc, and muslims that want shariah should be deported, are now telling a mate of mine they might move to Poland, because it's getting so bad over here.
These fucking cancer ruin everything imaginable, they need to be culled.
You should have sent the fucking refugees for a trainride to hell instead of being all with open arms and shit like that you fucking idiotic morons. Fucking Germans and fucking EU just ruin fucking everything with their PC Principles leading. Fuck!
Give them that piece bro, it'll immediately become much more prosperous than the rest of Brasil
daily reminder there is no such thing as white countries
And you should be deported back to Brazil.
You should be happy that someone wants that piece of shit land.
This, Goyman "democracy" is basically you can get elected as long of course as you are not a nationalist, no restrictions on communists and far-leftists tho... really makes you think... Almost... Almost as if the end goal of jewmocracy is communism
>germany realizes the mistake they have done.
>starts another genocide/removal of nonwhites.
Gets labeled as the bad guy again.
Why do they keep fucking themselves over Sup Forums?
Why are krauts so fucking stupid?
To be fair germany is the most autistic and authoritarian country in the world.
Obviously Hitler should have won in WW2 but I can understand why we'd be smashing these headcases to dust every few decades.
Blame Americans for being cucked
Lol right
my flag doesn't allow me to watch this
That's just the excuse m80, these immigrants will never work as hard or skillfully as germans, and most will never pay off the debt the state is in by feeding them.
It looks reasonable on paper but in reality it will destroy the country long term and kikes just want an easily controllable working/lower middle class that will never be socially mobile.
So you're still butthurt over Tannenberg?
It's not like modern Germany has any culture anymore, they can just move and integrate in some other western country because they're emasculated.
It's good more people are waking up... but like every other conflict ever it's the poor and lower classes who will suffer for a war started by the upper classes.
Money and connections insulate you from the consequences of your actions.
You're a disgusting pardo who belongs in the jungle.
Your grandpa fought for niggers and trannies you dumb fag
The Kraut live with the weight of the holocaust right down on his shoulders and you american made sure to cultivate their guilt
At this point they are like eunuque
Everything everywhere remind them of how evil they were.
They're like dog who have to bow down the head to show they aren't aggresiv
Friendly reminder: We're building a wall.
>It's good they woke up
Fuck that, I hope they die in Poland.
They will just spread their sanctimonious self-hate and suicidal morality to the last bastions of pragmatism and integrity, if we have a civil war and win, they should never be allowed to return.
this is great because there'll be less people to fill the upper pay grades and they'll have to import more slavs for those
cue the tens of thousands of people fleeing the feudal political system in the balkans, it's a win win
Germany and white men in general don't really care about winning. They only care about the LARP. The LARP is everything. White men want to look good, wear spiffy uniforms, and march about shouting about how angry they are. Whether they actually win is pointless (to them). If they lose, then they get to virtue-signal to everyone about how """honorable""" they are for the rest of their pathetic lives while their world turns to ash around them.
If white men actually cared about winning they would do their duty and flood into entrepreneurial endeavors to unseat the globalists wealth and power. But what do they do instead? Flood into low-income, powerless and pointless TRADES JOBS. Once again, they only care about portraying a certain image, virtue-signaling, and LARPing.
The East Asians, Indians, and Jews will win at all costs. The white man could care less. The white race and all of it's countries are over. This is the final redpill.