what is Sup Forums's opinion on albert camus?
Albert Camus
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No one here reads. Come back with questions about YouTube talking heads or memes or shallow understandings of "politics".
never read him. should I? and which book? I always assumed L'étranger was leftist propaganda
It is, he himself was a communist. It's an OK book, but it's the typical nihilistic anti-religious rhetoric.
French authors are a plague. Only Celine saves the day, because he does not buy this post-christian pathos.
OK philosopher, excellent driver
the only thing you need to know about him is how to pronounce his name.
his writings are drivel.
>continental "philosophy"
Wow so clever. nihilism. oh wow... nothing matters ultimately and everything we care about is unknowable oh wow. it's impossible to know how to lead a good life... oh wow so sad. cigarretts omg oh wow... black and white.
Just please shut the fuck up...do some actual work.
It's really not, he loved the pied-noirs and he clearly denounced Communism and it's apologists like Sartre.
"He represents an Algeria that essentially is banished from the map, an Algeria of the pieds-noirs. So this was the world that Camus knew. It was a very segregated society, he really didn't know the Arab world," Hammer says. "So that's what you saw reflected in his work."
>nihilistic anti-religious
he had a strong father
I've read "Stranger". Wasn't bad but I don't get the hype. I am guessing that may be the "film school" effect and what I mean by that is "Have you seen the "3rd Man"? It's the best movie ever because it was the first movie that have this shoots that are used in every single movie now". This or something similar. Don't even want to wast my time dwelling on that.
Saved my life.
>t. Remedial English
Pretty much. Camus was a response to the overwhelming existentialist/nihilist debate of the time. Sartre was the symptom, Nietzsche was the disease, Camus was the treatment. Died too young for sure.
his grandson became a weeaboo and moved to japan to teach japanese to cutie jap popstars.
>French authors are a plague. Only Celine saves the day, because he does not buy this post-christian pathos.
Houllebecq is good. Read it all.
I greet him with cries of hate.
Not a fan of mid-twentieth century French existentialism. Yes, I know he technically wasn't an existentialist, but his work seems like it to me. (FUCK THESE FUCKING CAPTCHAS!)
Isn't he a filthy democrat on the same cryptosocialist level as benoist.
"The Foreigner" is responsible for making me an adult.
This book alone changed my previous with for social justice to the paradigm of personal responsability. If I had to choose one book as my favorite, that would be the one.
Others that I also read and recommend to anyone:
The Plague, The Fall and the non-fictious The Myth of Sisyphus.
His existencialist views, as well as from Sartre, can be directed to an individualist philosophy withou a problem. Socialism were their personal preference for nihilism, but is not a derivation of the philosophy that pervade their bibliography, either fictious or not.
*previous wish for
I've only read the stranger, I though it had some beautifully written parts in it and if anything the book helped me to turn away from Marxist nihilism.
It went like this
Nihilism>Absurdism>Christianity>"I will die and live for the conservation of western civilization. My god is not a divine being but the spirit of me, myself and my ancestors. 14."
HIs books are boring as fuck and sterile just like pretty much every post war french intelectual production.
It's pretty understandable though, France saw 2 world wars on its soil, there was a lot of senseless violence and horror but for what ultimately ? Not much.
Also Camus, just like Sartre or Foucault are people who dismantled everything, they understood the world of ideas and concepts perfectly but they didn't understand real life nor the common man.
Raspail is good too.
>Camus didn't understood the common man.
Sartre was an intellectual stuck up, but Camus had tuberculosis, he was a men of the street and from there he realized the futility of modern gain based life.
How did you arrive at personal responsibility from the book? That's not the most obvious interpretation
Better of reading Nietzsche
I'm not saying Kamu if that's what you're driving at
Stranger was definitely not nihilistic propaganda. At the end, the main character realizes indifference was bad.
IMHO, The Plague is vastly superior to The Stranger. Less philosophy, more plot.
Also... it seems at some point, Camus rejected Communism and became an Anarchist.
We're actually talking about Camus right now in philosophy class. Tell me something smart I could tell my teacher.
Why people around the world praise some shitty french writer and don't read the good ones ?
Leon Bloy, Céline, Rabatet, Roger Nimier...
You should be in class to learn and think, not to intellectually fellate your professor
houellebecq is shit, read Marc Edouard Nabe.