>cheering intensely to a graphical murder on TV
Is this society fucked?
>cheering intensely to a graphical murder on TV
Is this society fucked?
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is that way friend
I'm not even shocked at this point. Also inb4 game of fags fans.
People cheer at actual murder and you're complainning about a TV show?
Sort yourself out.
>fat chicks
Why does the fat fuck not finish his fucking books. I refuse to watch that sjw tv fuck.
Just large scale virtue signaling. You think any of those pieces of human garbage actually care about anything beyond their own selfish little lives?
lol the tits on the girl on the front tho.........................
Fucking game of thrones fans man. It's like these people are in a cult and just need to talk about it over and over. It's really quite bizarre.
i'm tired of waiting for the the shows on HBJEW
After this season where about in the books should i start at
I was actually feeling for the big guy, must've been extremely painful
I really wanted to see the next step of his masterplan
God this is why I don't fucking go to watch parties
Kills the entire experience
Well he was the Jew of the series without a doubt soo why not
Look at the people that assist that fucking show...Fucking zombies... I bet they get more emotional rush from a fucking fictional TV show then they do in their daily lifes...
Is this type of hysteria that makes me not wanting to watch that show.
No, that's probably why they all advocate for open borders.
It's a TV show, dork. It's not real, don't try to pretend you weren't stoked when John McClain pulled a gun he had taped on his back and mercd Alan Rickman.
This is one of the gayest things I have ever seen in my life.
People used to cheer to real life executions, fuck off.
it's modern day theater retard. They used to go to theater houses, Remeber Shakespear? Same shit .
>not gay
it's what people did. They same case can be made for video games. You think it's healthy sitting in front of a screen alone for hours on end? at least they went to a bar to experience shit with other humans
I'd give the fat one with the boobs a good pounding in the mouth man
>4channers honestly implying they dont watch vioilent as fuck anime and movies and video games
>Whispering poison into the ears of rulers to divide and conquer
>Immoral, subversive
>Chaos is a latter
>Master of coin
Fucking shit how didnt i see it before? They sure are sneaky.
nice retort kid. Go back to playing xbox
Ah, there goes my favourite character. Thanks for no spoiler alert. Fuck you and HBO
Disgusting lard tits. You have to be a nigger or a degenerate.
My senile grandmother loves this show.
note the hilarious head-bobbing of her neighbor hahahaha
There's nothing else to say... You'll never convince me that you're little faggy show isn't shit. Just like I will never convince you that it is. So I'll just sit here and call you an immense faggot and leave it at that.
I'm worried for her
She is in the same spot, in every video they've ever uploaded. Getting drunk and watching a tv show for attention.
Also, this is the best she has ever looked.
She needs a family.
>americans actually clap at their TVs
lmao I thought that was just a myth
If it's fucked it's not because people are cheering for a fictional death. It's fucked because they're so emotionally committed to a goddamn TV show.
Wait, is clapping actually not a normal human function like laughing?
Do you people not clap?
I'm a little disgusted, that doesn't even seem human.
I don't watch this show but from the clips I've seen it appears to be a whole show dedicated to showing "strong womyn" defeat and lead pathetic excuses of men. Am I wrong or is it really just a subversive tool to socially engineer the destruction of gender roles?
>People weren't committed to books back in the day
>people weren't committed to a new hope when it came out
Sure must be hard to be this retarded.
>that one dismayed littlefinger fan
>Little girl slicing a grown ass man's neck
What the fuck is this edgelord cringelord fedora horseshit?
i'm so fucking sick of hearing about got. i can't wait till its over
Clap is a gesture showing appreciation. It's not a natural response like laughing much like how showing your middle-finger isn't a natural response. Do you flip the bird to your microwave when it doesn't work?
>watching gay of thrones
I prefer "Hebrew Box Office"
plus, i'm resentful of the fact that mad men didn't get this much attention.
i guess because it was character driven and not dragons and tits.
>Claps at the TV
>Claps after the cinema.
>Claps when the plane lands.
>Claps when the waiter serves their food.
It's borderline retarded i tell you.
yeah. I fixated on them too desu.
>till its over
They are planning on a prequel series I think.
It's too profitable to simply just let it end (despite all their whining about lost shekels from piracy). They will drag it out forever like they do with other franchises nowadays.
Reminder that if the OP doesn't hooktube these types of videos then they are a shill.
Clapping at a TV and at a live performance are different.
Just that generation, bunch of man-children
Props to the very SJW looking glasses girl going >"oh fuck they just extinguished an interesting plot line to serve these sheep"
It's okay user, i unironically clap when laughing, other people are just fucking autists who are too scared to show their emotions.
At the fucking start of the first one.
No room for clever shit here they are off the rails. It's all about muh feminism with some fuck whitey sprinkled in.
>Not being inhuman cold autist
fucking southron xD
>Huge tits
American.. that's not how...
>there are people who take this show that seriously
WHO IS SHE??????
post more of her than bitch!
"Disgusting lard tits" is now my go-to insult for fat women
>cheering intensely to a WHITE MANS graphical murder on TV from a WHITE WOMANS word and hand
Also, pls keep your faggy memes on Sup Forums
lol came here to post this
>wanting women and normies to ruin Mad Men
Imagine the shitty top 10 lists on MSM and tumblrs shipping different characters and talking about the Mad Men "fandom". I'm sure you could easily find furry or pony renditions of any GoT character. For Mad Men there might be a few but you'd need to dig a bit at least.
It is a blessing that they find it too boring to get through a single episode.
Disgusting hamplanet
She is not cheering, shes trying to catch cheeseburgers.
Wow...I never knew what late Roman decadence before total decline actually looked like.
Now I do...
However: what will our new medieval age look like? European civil war and mosques?
fucking lards i swear
start the civil war already i want you gone
>Wait, is clapping actually not a normal human function like laughing?
t. mentally ill subhuman
I bet you can't even shit in public toilets because you're scared of people hearing you.
As a normal human being, you're supposed to make your presence known at all times while doing anything. Talk as loudly as you can in public places, walk with your head held high up and flail your arms around, be dominant.
Fucking cuck piece of shit nigger, i hate Sweden.
Yeah got to be honest, those are really good
top fucking kek
a generic fat hipster chick.
>flail your arms around
I don't know where this one came from but it's hilarious. Is it simply the opposite of awkwardly holding your arms still at your side because you don' t know what to do with them when walking or standing?
He is a small guy
Not even weebs does this.
These people should be machine-gunned into a ditch
Why do all of the men have glasses?
thats true. luckily it ended before all this SJW shit really got going.
i don't care what you fags think, i'd want those tits in my face
Without Christendom there is heathendom, and the masses shall delight in violence and in sensuality, and the truth shall flee, and wild and unholy passions shall burn brightly over the surfaces of the earth in the hearts of the unconscious masses.
That's the white people with below average IQ.
>flipping the bird at inanimate objects.
All the time, aquafresh, all the time.
Okay get this you autist:
You're walking down the street and there are some slow fuckers in front of you and some fast walking imbecile behind you.
Only way to make everyone of your presence, you aggressively swing your arms around your body, so the piece of shit behind you can't walk past you and you allowed to hit very hard the slow cunts you're about to pass.
They even fucking say sorry afterwards, that's how cucked your ave
>tired of waiting for the the shows
>wants to read the rest of the story in the books
I have some bad news for you...
why call me a fag I WANT THEM TOOO!!!!!
> t. butthurt game of thrones fag
Maybe its because they need them
>that scene
america was a mistake
not you. the other fags.