Sersiously Sup Forums

Why all the hate?

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Because Sup Forums tends toward nationalism and can't stand multicultural nations.

well, your country houses the greatest threat to western civilization.
an institute so powerful it can destroy countries.
millions of people live in fear because of the people that flood Brussels and demand that everyone changes to accomodate to their wishes.
and you belgians are not doing anything about it
instead you seem to be proud of housing the EU capital.

I hope you get conquered by the Dutch

Because we're a non-country. We should just split up between the Netherlands and France.

Because you're a non-country and belong to us

no culture
no ethnic people

I for one am proud to be a Belgian and I'm not walloon

what are you proud about

you can have Walloon, including Brussels.

Thats Belgium not Germany, L2 geography pls

That explains your hatred towards the anglo, not to us

our cuisine
our knack for mediation
our rich history
our beers
our beautiful cities


So who is going to post the first actual argument here?

Because ethnic nationalism is the only lasting method for society.

That still doens't explain specific hatred towards Belgium. How about you post an argument next time?

>well, your country houses the greatest threat to western civilization.

the eternal belgian cockblocking germany out of winning ww1 saving france and destroying congo all while being the home of the eu when will this menace be stopped?

Just wanted to post the real lion here

Don't fuck with my best friend, snownigga

>Just wanted to post the real lion here

lol dont you love how wallonia's flag is a litral cuck?

>Don't fuck with my best friend, snownigga

holland vlaanderen aliance when?

Carpet-bomb Molenbeek and all of the EU offices, and all will be forgiven.


ofc I do

Because Belgium is an artificial state in defiance of ethnic nationalism you moron.

I don't hate Belgians, just that it's the seat of the EU and it's degenerate multicultural bullshit.

>Carpet-bomb Molenbeek and all of the EU offices, and all will be forgiven.

lmfao isnt that ironic coming from goymany? dont you have a bull to prep hans?

All good, but I'll never forgive you for inviting 800 000 mudslimes here

>an artificial state in defiance of ethnic nationalism
>U S A

>allways has been multicultural nation state
>shit weather and food of northern europe
>all the negatives off southern european culture
>fuckton of muslims
>wallonians like shooting eachother for some reason?

>Because Belgium is an artificial state in defiance of ethnic nationalism you moron.

2 states w*llonia and VLAANDEREN are seperated dumbass dont talk about other nationes whiteness faggot..


the stupid germninigger also forgets that the invited the rapefugees here and put qoutas on us.

Why so sad OP?

Charles Michel looks easy going AF
Just slow down on the fries and african immigration, youll be fine

>Because Belgium is an artificial state in defiance of ethnic nationalism you moron.

>says mr. 52%

So how retarded are Europeans that they look at the mess that is the US and say, "Yes we want more violent minorities!"

Don't be us.

Sources on Belgium creating the EU please?
>allways has been multicultural nation state
No you eternal anglos made it, we Flemish always wanted independence
>shit weather and food of northern europe
That's rich coming from an anglo
>all the negatives off southern european culture
>fuckton of muslims
>wallonians like shooting eachother for some reason?
Wallonians killing eachother, as if that is a bad thing?

t. japan gooks

But why join the netherlands and uncuck yourselves from a state that was set up for and by the french?
Where is the germanic pride?

The Angl*s and the G*rmans are the destroyers of Europe, we hate them because they are a cancerous existence that endanger the European Race

>Slightly less poor Somalia talking about other countries
Don't you have viking artifacts to melt? Some anti rape bracelet to strap on your wife's daughter? Or is it 'Dodge the truck' season? Do you even remember Ebba Akerlund? No you don't, and you know why you don't you stupid fucking brainwashed commie loving faggot? Because you support/embrace/encourage this on a daily basis. Your own people apologize for getting raped, begging your government not to deport your rapists out of tolerance and peace.
We might be a non-country in many ways, but I'd rather kill myself than be a part of the cancer that is current Sweden.

Flanders is doing fine af, we're fucking rich

I'm still waiting for an argument on why you hate (specificly) Belgium

Oh yes it is still 2010 in europe, I always forget

fix your birthrate problem jap and we will fix our achmed problem.

>Flanders is doing fine af, we're fucking rich

exactly wallonia is the problem there a parisite a fucking tumor on our backs brussels is french too.

I know there's still a problem but the tide is turning there too, they're slowly getting better all statistics considered

savige af.
swede cuck got BTFU.

Agreed, even tho I hate the French (I'm flemish it's in my blood I can't help it sorry). I will always hate the eternal anglo much more than i hate the french. European unity against the Anglo menace when?

>I know there's still a problem but the tide is turning there too, they're slowly getting better all statistics considered

its in wallonia that most of these no go zones (brussels) are honestly we should just jettison wallonia and let france annex them while taking luxemburg for ourselfes.

Met 2 black lads from belgium, both super nice , even invited me and fri!nds there, belgium is ok in my book

>I will always hate the eternal anglo

the eternal anglo is the reason why we wherenent stomped and annexed by germany during ww1 we only held out so long before the brits came to protect our sovereignty.
aka (treaty of london)

>Met 2 black lads from belgium, both super nice , even invited me and fri!nds there, belgium is ok in my book


Still waiting for an argument guys

We're globalist central

Do you even politics? Germany and France have always been in charge of the EU shitshow

and not a single source was given today

>tfw no belgian gf


The country shoud be named Flanderes. Wallonia is rightfull flemish clay.



Ukraine was part of Rus'(sia) and is therefore rightful Russian clay

the french throne is rightfully english

>The country shoud be named Flanderes. Wallonia is rightfull flemish clay.
say that agian you FUCKING hohol i will wipe you of the fucking map.
"There are horrific eye-witness accounts of mothers eating their own children.
In the Ukrainian city of Poltava, Andriy Melezhyk recalled that neighbours found a pot containing a boiled liver, heart and lungs in the home of one mother who had died.
Under a barrel in the cellar they discovered a small hole in which a child's head, feet and hands were buried. It was the remains of the woman's little daughter, Vaska."

africa levels of non country, it is a bit of france and a bit of the netherlands stuck together for no reason

again not specific, you can hate the United States for the same reason. rofl even the UK is a non-country by that definition

>tfw megali idea

>ireland talking about being a non country

LMFAO youre history consist entirely of getting fucked by the british and being buthurt .

you were just as fucked by the austrians, french, germans, or spanish wafflenigger
shut the fuck up

the netherlands and france exist outside of belgium, so there is no reason that two of their provinces should be in a union, the uk and us on the other hand are complete unions

>shut the fuck up

oh vey behora itss anoda patatooe famine!
what is

the french got annihilated by peasants.

If we take in conaideration from what liberal shithole ur coming from
Theres a way higher chance ur the mooslime ;^)
One of the lads was a former muslim and was shitting on islam, he sounded redpilled tbqh

Look around you user

>Anglo-French creation to antagonize other European powers
>Leopold I was a personal friend of the Rothshilds
>Brussels is an important hub of the Grand Orient freemasons
>flashforward to 1940s: NATO HQ placed in Brussels
>EU hq in Brussels
>our politicians are the lowest of the low

>le great famine that happened 150years ago xDDDDD
>linking a battle that happened nearly 800 years ago
stop being a retard wafflenigger. both of our countries were raped by foreigners

>If we take in conaideration from what liberal shithole ur coming from

you mean wallionia? vlaanderen is not a shithole nor is it cucked.

>stop being a retard wafflenigger. both of our countries were raped by foreigners

maybe should we combine our counties into one to create a real one?

>maybe should we combine our counties into one to create a real one?

and we shoud include ukriane and montenegro an alliance of non countries.

>allying with a non-country
I'd rather not ;^)

>I'd rather not ;^)
where both non counties idiot:D

>a british created kingdom given to a random noble with no connection to any royality at all vs a country that fought for its independence
Guess which one you are, non-countryman?

Flemish people are pretty red pilled though. We were the first country in the West where a far right party won the elections.

If it wasn't for Brussels and the EU, Belgium would have been dead by now. The true enemy isn't the average Wallonian alcoholic lazy fuck that votes communist (although he's a degenerate of course). The true enemies of the noble Flemish people are among us: the freemasons

>>a british created kingdom given to a random noble with no connection to any royality at all vs a country that fought for its independence

The (((British))) chose Leopold I because of his good relations with the Rothschilds


What is it with this multicultural state meme? Except for the language and work ethics, flemish and walloon culture are completely the same.

Agreed! I just hope that we'll have a VB + N-VA majority government, if they ever decide to put their differences aside and work towards Flemish Independence.

>Anglo-French creation
You're an Anglo creation

We would have annexed you if it wasn't for the Anglos

Estonia should be blue. Fix dat map