Lets get this started: >White Men
and white wonder why they are getting cucked by Jamal and Ahmed
he has sad eyes
i have those same eyes. a girl once told me, "you have sad eyes" after I fucked her. she was looking longingly into my eyes.
I realized at that moment, that half the girls I fucked, fucked me because of my sad eyes, and some primal urge to correct the wrong that is within me.
they failed. they all failed. And just to make you mad, Sup Forums: I had my girlfriend abort our roughly 50% nordic 50% german seed.
>unnecessary fetish comment
You need help
>white women
i only fucked one horse girl ever
her pussy as so tight it felt like a plastic tube. i cant even really begin to describe it, i never encountered this with any other girl
she wanted me to choke her to the point of unconsciousness and punch her in the face
>white families
Ever wonder why you're sad though?
You'll never see your genes pass on. That child, running through the fields of wheat, growing strong fromt he sweat of your brow. You too could have had that. But alas, no perhaps your sadness is deeper. I fear its not a selfish type of sadness, as you lie to yourself, to protect yourself. You've suppressed your altruism to the point that it has taken on the mask of apathy, because in truth that is the only way you can live with yourself.
I hope one day the Light of the truth shines upon you, and that you may know wisdom and peace.
Horse girls are weird man...
They get sexually aroused by humping a horse i believe
Literally no one cares fag lol
"sad eyes" is based on morphology you idiot.
>having children becuase Sup Forums told you to
HAHAHAHAHAHhahahaha im fucking crying laughing at this idea
You're right. It's the deepest kind of sadness because the people that have it did everything the jew media told them to their entire lives. They indulged in every hedonistic whim and lived their lives entirely for themselves. Then, they they're finally making loads of money that they only spend on themselves they still don't feel fulfilled. All of the exotic vacations, bizarre sex acts, and alcohol/party drugs don't fill that giant gaping hole in their psyche that is necessary to feel like a human.
It's sad because they did everything the entire media apparatus told them they were "supposed" to do their entire lives and end up miserable as a result. Then, pharmaceutical companies step in to take even more of their money just to keep them from killing themselves.
nah, living for yourself and spending most of your money on yourself is quite fulfilling actually
what's it like being autistic and unable to pick up on subtle emotional cues from people's eyes?
Here's a hint: a genuine smile involves your entire face. Your eyes wrinkle and your brow furrows. It looks like a natural, unplanned reaction because it is.
This man is smiling with his mouth only like a person imitating a true smile because he's dead inside.
How old are you? Your feelings about this change drastically as you age. It's because children/young adults are naturally more narcissistic. You see this all the time: How many women "live for now" in their early 20s and then start to experience catastrophic regret by 30 or 35?
err no it's that his eyes look sad because of their morphology. like I said.
I understand you don't know what the word "morphology" means but ignorance isn't an excuse to reply to me. delete your post, thanks.
>t. raging autistic who probably never smiles
what do you think their sex is like
My wifes son is enough for me tbqhfam
fire apparently since they have three cucklets
they have 3 white kids meaning they have done more to preserve the white race than most people on Sup Forums
>fat, unkempt, unhealthy and consumerist.
>preserve the white race
they are exactly the people that are killing the white race
>slit eyes
Eh I wonder what is like to live in le lmao 20% whites and even they are probably not pure white
>married her
is he wearing a ring?
It'd be nice if I could meet this guy and tell him he can have a baby if he nuts up and leaves the bitch.
Any one of those kids has the potential to awaken the white inside.
^ this
Honestly if you have these same eyes, something on a primal level would not be ok with me if you became a father. He looks like he would just roll over if I told him too. I want to fight this guy and hope he fucks me up. Yes. You read that correctly.
Southerners make me fucking sick. They are completely obvious to Jewish tricks and are completely unaware that they are all around them. They buy mindlessly into (((their))) soulless system and are happily enslaved by it.
nice blogpost faggot
this is unironically true, but at the same time, they're kind of half-assing it. i mean, look at them, they're fuckign poisoning themselves and their kids with that soylent shit and those devices.