German hoe screaming like a bitch, muthafucka

>Linda Wenzel, German teenager who left everything to join ISIS
>Hoe gets captured by Iraqi forces (a bunch of muslim savages)
>Bitch has an injured leg
>Muslims are singing that characteristic "tiri-tiri-tiri-tiri"of them
>Bitch screams like a bitch due to pain while walking
>Sandniggers make fun of her

HAHA! Whitey cucked once again. Webm and video related (watch the video and hear that shit)

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Too bad.

Time for that Aryan to get enriched

Traitors get the worst of punishment.

Is this considered white in german, top kek, the mighty has fallen

She's clearly (((not Aryan)))

gas her


>>Bitch has an injured leg
Animals should be put down in such a situation. Letting her live is not fair to her or humanity.

she looks like turk to me.

they hang her yet? or will she get the stone

based muslimbros. hope they rape her and kill her afterwards

good. Fuck this cunt. Shes no different from terrorist who flood into western countries just to fuck shit up

she got fucked 10k times by isis cock

>no new news
This happened months ago you stupid spic!!!
And we want her and her unibrow to get raped!!!

Fuck her. Fuck her family. Fuck my retarded government for wasting tax money on attempts of returning her to Germany.

will do for sure


>Earlier in the year, she had told her parents of her growing interest in Islam, but hid the fact that she had converted to the religion. During Ramadan, she told the family she was on a diet. “We didn’t think anything of it, and even bought her a copy of the Qur’an,” said her mother, Katharina.

Her cuck parents were probably proud of her being interested in becoming a muslim

Please archive or screenshot

more please

I want to FUCK princess highground


she's got some damn brawny eyebrows.

So sad.