There's a level 4 bio facility without power in texas
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any ideas on what they store there? ebola? smallpox?
airborne AIDS
they store the gay virus there
>what are back up generators
>what are fail safes
They probably have mechanisms in place to just incinerate fucking everything.
Uh oh.
that is a fukushima-tier location for such a facility
>shit that was in fridge all dies
The zombie virus.
Probably shit thats been eradicated for a while now but due to antivaxxers and other shit could be really deadly.
Viri/bactera generally have trouble surviving outside a host, let alone inside a giant ocean.
Also, isn't having multiple power supplies in the BSL-4 specifications?
>flesh-eating hiv by 2018
Let's get this happening
Steeeeeers n Queeeeeeeeeers!!!!!
Smallpox has a vaccine and I'm pretty sure they've developed one for ebola too.
They have a universal constructor in there to construct a virus that the public has dubed "The Gray Death". This virus is like no other seen in Human history. It was actually comissioned by the United Nations to aid in there goal of cutting down the human population to under a billion people by 2025.
Yes to the both of those agents being the sort of thing kept in l4 biosafety
Wow watch 1 episode of walking dead and you know everything now.
Surely the generators won't fail? They must have a failsafe if this shit happens.
>implying there's no back up generators
I was thinking the same thing. So can I bring my wife there to get nearly raped by my cop buddies?
>dead virus escapes
>only antivaxxers die
nothing of value would be lost
>vaccinate for smallpox
>smallpox goes away
>populace doesn't have an immunity to smallpox
>smallpox gets reintroduced
Guess what happens next.
Holy shit.
you never got your pox shot?
America 2 electric boogaloo
>people who don't want to be slaves with mindcontrol chemicals in them deserve to die
nice try CIA
Do you fuckers even read things before you post?
>the problem is if and when fuel for backup generators run out
>built to withstand cat 5 hurricane and 30 feet above the 100 year floodplain
I was just using smallpox as an example. Fuck if I know whats in that lab. Could be turbo-autism for all I know.
no it isn't you fear mongering mongoloid. These facilities have not only primary but secondary and often tertiary back ups to ensure that no matter what happens the key areas that need critical support systems remain functional and operational
malariaids and choleric mrsa
we'd be imune to it
All kinds of strains secretly locked away in underground tunnels beneath the facility which will get flooded. All those strains mingling together will merge, mutate and evolve into real life's very own:
Blacklight Virus
Everybody who isn't vaccinated goes and gets a vaccination. Seems pretty simple to me...
It's sunny now.
You think they wouldn't use 1 helicopter out of how many hundreds in southeast texas to carry some jerry cans?
So it begins
>not making your own vaccines
pleb tier
woah its like I'm really on r eddit :)
Oh, you've visited, user?
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
Huffingtonpost Article to summon Nordbot for thread bump.
antivaxxers btfo
how come whenever diseases come up on Sup Forums the brain damages white boy squad has to come out?
But we don't fuckers.
t. Huffpost
Source? I'm genuinely interested.
Sup Forums should start backing up everything on 1000 years DVD and archive this shit up in time capsule .. just in case (((they))) try to fuk us up
Roasties btfo
I can't even find an article with that title or any information on it but this guy "knows" exactly what's in it. What an active imagination you kids have.
Yo nordbot man
Archive this plox?
oh and thread theme
o fuck
>the zombie apocalypse starts in your back yard
Not sure how I feel about this.
Actually they will incubate it and then pass it to kids and the elderly. Getting a vaccine won't stop you from getting sick if exposed to a fully incubated virus. Therein lies the problem with anti-vaxxers. If it only affected them, it'd be a much different issue.
The OP-F virus isn't transmissible because the infected quarantine themselves.
If I were you I'd find a durable knife, a handgun and some ink ribbons for a typewriter.
Well shit, that's not good. This is why people shouldn't be fucking with shit they shouldn't be fucking with.
It's real tho.
MJ12 will also distribute the vaccine "Ambrosia".
Sneaky bastards...
I bet it's the CIA's secret nigger-exterminating plague they were saving for a rainy day if crack cocaine and abortion didn't work.
Be sitting at my battlestation like:
Well if you McLardasses weren't the most lazy and incompetent country in moder history, maybe your weak-ass military would go in there and refuel them.
Your entire country is functionally retarded but at least you're nor Germany
they only store diseases that are incurable (atm), or weaponized forms of bacteria/fungi/virii etc that are altered by man in order to create greater amount of death and incurability.
nothing silly like bubonic plague, most of biological agents there have possibly never been heard of or studied by others, these are typically weaponized forms of diseases that were made at the lab.
the stench around Houston must be unreal.
Will it affect only the American continent?
It can go airborne and spread in the oceans then to other continents.
It's already been predicted by the card games but hasn't happened yet unlike the Frog God card or S.M.O.F
So it must happen if not sooner then later.
Also what are the chances the "flesh eating" part of the virus is actually it making it's hosts seek flesh to consume in order to mutate/regenerate? Zombies in other words.
no, our biological weapons are designed to spread globally with just a cough or sneeze or handshake.
All it takes is one businessman from the US to shake hands with a Chinese investor/company for that continent to be screwed.
But here in Sweden it will be "C.U.C.K.S..."
>level 4 bio facility
>any ideas on what they store there? ebola? smallpox?
no. They store /comfy/ beds, dry clothes, XBoxes, cartoons of Newports and Malt Liquor by the truckload. We need to tell everybody on Twitter.
>MFW Sup Forums is the last horseman of the Apocalypse.
>our biological weapons are designed to spread globally
WTF is wrong with burgers?
insurance, incase our nukes malfunctioned due to a soviet attack or were wiped out before launch, our nuke submarines will strike and we will unleash hell upon the world with our biological weapons. If there is no America, then we will not allow this planet to continue.
>you get nigger aids
>you get nigger aids
>you get nigger aids
i wish the pain caused by these biological agents was as mild as the AIDS virus.
Think skin melting off like liquid, lungs chemically burned until blood starts to fill them and you cant breathe, then the blood starts coming out of your tear ducts, ears, mouth, and the convulsions begin, etc..etc..
The military will have no problem delivering fuel to it.
Jokes aside he's the only horror video game enemy that I respect.
The fear factor wasn't entirely in his looks but in unpredictability like popping up around a corner with a launcher. Not even making cheap jump scares or anything because you get to hear him open doors or see him run a distance before he truly makes contact. Sometimes even waiting to ambush when I exist a saferoom(again with warnings). Even Alien Isolation can't match this game but that's probably my nostalgia talking.
>canada is literally the closest thing to germany rn
literally kill yourself
Sounds pretty groovy.
Do you really think that a place like that was built without any kind of protocols in place for power outage or flooding scenarios?
Harvey will be turning the freaking frogs GAY! No wonder they are serenading people's doorsteps!
pretty sure i read an article about that being in the ocean already. look it up
>implying norwegian archivists haven't built a "Great library of chanology and eternal jewry" under a mountain already
how about you leafniggers put out your fucking fires
What a fucking third world shithole joke of a country it is...
They have a aerobiology lab.
Well this is good news.
nonsense bro, canada is completely forgettable its not even a shadow of germany.
If Canada anounced it was leaving the UN, who the fuck would care? The world wouldnt be affected in any way.
Canada is more like... a white version of fiji islands.... unimportant and insignifcant.
>see that smoke/vapor
What is being incinerated there? I'm betting on PP-sourced fetuses.
Looks like they chose a new pope.
Still got a little annoying by the middle of the game though.
Why was the bitch dressed like a hooker? And what was she waiting for while the whole city became zombified?