Math Ability is Entirely Genetic!

Genetics explain all differences in math ability. You're fate is entirely determined by genes. Latest study shows that math ability is genetic in nature and not environmental or cultural.

The correlation between reading and mathematics ability at age twelve has a substantial genetic component

Importantly, our analyses show that a substantial proportion of the observed correlation in reading and mathematics abilities is due to genetics.

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Genetics have been scientifically proven to determine:
- Behaviors
- Looks and body type
- Health
- How you think and mental ability at tasks

SJW/Culture/BS has been scientifically proven to
- NOTHING because it's bullshit.

well not everything, my father is good at math but my mother isint, my older brother is terrible at match while Im good at it, seems pretty random

QI 50 heer
me agrii somwutt butt me no tink det is interiley gentik
envirtronmnet play roll too so doo jeans in envirtromentte

Stupid post. Everyone is a mixture of Father/Mother. So you will be on a statistical distribution based on parents.

Families are not all the same exact height, why do you assume intelligence would work differently? Tall parents = high chance of being tall but it's still a distribution.

because it is random as far as we can tell.
this thread is about genetics you got not the genetics you might get from the long linage of ancestry.

random makes people think two asian parents can have a black kid.

It's a distribution of genes from parent and mother. So you still inherit genes based on the patterns of your parents. It's random in a limited sense. With increasing use of embryo selection technologies it will become less random though.

This is true. My great-grandmother was a math teacher (at a time when a woman was not favored for such a position so had to be very competent). My grandpa and dad are human calculators and could always solve high digit calculations mentally. I am the same and work in mathematics. My brothers also work in math heavy fields.

exactly so its not everything, there are other things to account for too

Yep its important to spread the truth of genetic determinism

You are misunderstanding things completely.

Your genetics are not equal to your parents individual genetics. Your genetics are equal to your genetics. It means at 1 month old someone with ideal data could look at your genetics and determine your ability, behavior, and how you will look as an adult.

That genes determine all of these things is an important truth to accept. People falsely assume on no evidence besides wishful thinking that we somehow choose how our face will look, how we will behave, or how we will reason based off something besides genetics.

It's all genetics.

Yeah like will any external source or too much fluoride consumption make you a retard before you can actually use any of that genetic smarts.
external factors left out your genetics are all theres no magic involved.

personality isint based on genetics though, there has been no connections between parents and childrens personalities or cognitive functions, they are pretty random and is not something you can find from peoples genetics, ie. you cant figure out persons favorite type of music or movies from genes, but you can figure out their eye color and bone structure


It is based on genetics.

>people start with the assumption genes dont do anything
>any evidence to the contrary is ignored and excuses are made why it cant be true
What is real is real. If you turn off your bias and start from an open perspective you will find 100000000000000x more scientific and practical evidence for genetic determinism than any other theory to explain results.

It is clear from multiple lines of evidence that all researched behavioural traits and disorders are influenced by genes; that is, they are heritable. The single largest source of evidence comes from twin studies, where it is routinely observed that monozygotic (identical) twins are more similar to one another than are same-sex dizygotic (fraternal) twins.[11][12]
The conclusion that genetic influences are pervasive has also been observed in research designs that do not depend on the assumptions of the twin method. Adoption studies show that adoptees are routinely more similar to their biological relatives than their adoptive relatives for a wide variety of traits and disorders.[3] In the Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart, monozygotic twins separated shortly after birth were reunited in adulthood.[50] These adopted, reared-apart twins were as similar to one another as were twins reared together on a wide range of measures including general cognitive ability, personality, religious attitudes, and vocational interests, among others.[50] Approaches using genome-wide genotyping have allowed researchers to measure genetic relatedness between individuals and estimate heritability based on millions of genetic variants. Methods exist to test whether the extent of genetic similarity (aka, relatedness) between nominally unrelated individuals (individuals who are not close or even distant relatives) is associated with phenotypic similarity.[38] Such methods do not rely on the same assumptions as twin or adoption studies, and routinely find evidence for heritability of behavioural traits and disorders.[34][36][51]

you should have read it yourself
>the field broadly investigates genetic and environmental influences
so yeah, genetics are 40% and environment is another 40% rest is random shit like diet and radiation

It's all genetic. The environment is determined by genetics in the short term. In the long term both combine into simply genetics.

It's 95% genetics 5% random events like getting struck by lightning or getting a lobotomy.

Genetics don't work like that, Pekka

>environment is determined by genetics
so you believe in destiny is that is?

well why wont you educate me then Carl-Göran?

Genetics determine your learning rate but cannot be blamed for the fact you're a dumb retarded shit.
A genetically gifted person can be surpassed by a genetically non-gifted person in math if the person without a gift starts learning math much sooner and spends much more time daily on it.
Of course, the gifted person cannot be surpassed by a non gifted person if the genetically gifted person too invests a maximum amount of time on learning.
Your limit is not set by genetics (as long as you don't have some serious genetic aberrations). If you are really really dumb you may not be able to finish university, but you can still achieve great success in your desired field if you commit your life to it.

This works on the small scale not on a large scale.

You can say quantum mechanics makes it so all sorts of weird shit happens.

That won't change a boulder flying through the air taking a predictable path according to newton's laws.

A singular human being with high IQ can be shot in the head at age 12 and do worse than a low IQ person life outcome wise.

When you zoom out to larger societies it becomes far more clear that genetics are like Newtonian laws. So yeah, that dumb fuck shit genetics person can work hard and do okay. Won't change the fact he will be an extreme outlier and literally shit on by genetically talented people in the same field.

seulgi reads books, everyone

Can you're parents spell?

The time for genius sperm banks... is NOW.

The single most unequal thing right now is genetics. For real social justice we need this.

Keep hoping for an excuse chink

Absolutely wrong. There is indeed a "limiter" based from intelligence, where no matter how much time is spent on something, you can NEVER learn it if your IQ is too low. Not only that, I actually read an article where intelligence is actually better than knowledge even in a particular field.

Think about it. Can a crocodile ever learn calculus even we dumped the entire world's income into it? Or it lived 500+ years?

Assuming what you said was actually true though, how COMPETITIVE would you actually be?

I beg to differ. I am a genetically inferior person. All throughout prime and high school I utterly sucked at math and my learning capabilities were total shit. By dedicating myself to it I have developed my learning skills and went to study medicine. I am now the top of my class, because I spend literally less than an hour per day 365 days per year on non-essential needs not related to studying. Christmas Easter summer and all.
Oh, it's true a talented person could do better than me if they tried as hard as me, that's what all the "talented" kids say when I shit on them. Theoretically it is as you say, practically no it is not.
Whilst a genetically gifted person will pass on their genes to their kids, I will pass on my hard work as they grow up, and my kids will shit on theirs again.
It's true genetics+hard work is the best possible combo, but individually - hard work>genetics.

This implies your work ethic isn't genetically determined.

This old dude nails it, I'm a Hapa and scored high on tests all my life, although I have an IQ of 130-140 I experience the mental issues that Hapas generally exhibit. Social anxiety disorder, paranoia, aggression, insomnia, etc...

Your example between crocodile and calculus is what I referenced when I meant when I said "serious genetic aberrations". Like, as long as you're not forest gump, dirt negative IQ stupid you can do good and better. What people are complaining about here isn't legit mental retardation, it's the difference between a person who spends 10h learning something that a "gifted" person spends 1h learning.
It is not.

*is what I meant when I said
Did some editing there, did not proofread...

your low quality shilling ability is genetic

I'm Hispanic and I'm very good at math.

you are not genetically inferior

you understand that the average White person is not able to summarize the contents of a newspaper article, right? you are imagining that you are working harder than others for the same amount of knowledge but this is most likely not true.

Yeah, it's what Sup Forums has been saying pretty much right from the beginning. Did you really doubt for even a second that Sup Forums could be wrong?

Genes don't really work like that friendo. There is an element of randomness to which genes become active.

>read it and it turns out to be partial at best
libs BTFO

So identify the mathsmart genes and sell them already. The world is a product! Brand it and sell it!

The best thing you can do is keep smiling, and laugh a lot. Hide whatever you're feeling, and you will eventually feel better and forget about feeling anxious and sullen. Try and make people around you laugh.


What if my parents have the genetics to make them good at math, but they don't listen at school and turn out to be terrible? How does that affect me?

Genetics determine everything.

its called genetic recombination ghenghis


what's 'good'? what type of hispanic moreover?

My parents are bad in maths, my brother too, but I am very very good.

Maybe because I like it...

are your grandparents good at math? genetics can skip a generation, remember, like how brown eyed people can have blue eyed kids.

I was really good in maths and physics but now I'm shit. You should learn a lot if you want to be good in these things not only have talent.

hispanic is not anything related to genetics. 100% euros can be hispanic.

Hmm... that's bad jews. Now libtards have a reason to drop math entirely from the curriculum.

He's not your father, friend. Do happen to have a niggro postman or something in this direction?

Slugshitters ladies and gentlemen

Seulgi is a pure aryan

Yea, no. I sucked badly at math in highschool, and ended up studying stats and graduating cum laude

What country do you live in where you can graduate in cum?

that is more evidence of genetic determinism, even with poor effort your genetics carried you through.

More reason I shouldn't have kids, I'm dumb as fuck.
Tfw I have a badass sounding German last name and ansestory but my mother is a dumb fucking Celtic so there's no point in me having kids.

More like purely Finnish

explain this


we all know (((who))) forced this style.

nurturists btfo
eugenics when?

> pic related

Niggers ruin everything, including environment.


>move africans to any first world country
Their neighborhoods and areas will quickly degenerate into slums with high crime and low education.

>move asians into same country
Their neighborhoods will be low crime and high achievement

genetics determine outcome

No, it's not random. Those may be the genes of your grandparents. Genes can skip mpore than one generation.

This pasta may help you understand:

To try and illustrate, lets say we have a simple recessive allele that affects height. If you have a very tall man with two copies of it, he will pass one on to all of his children, but it won't be active if the mother doesn't pass one on as well. This should be clear. Now lets say we have 1000 such alleles affecting the same trait. Since our man is very tall, it's likely he carries double copies of many of them. If the mother, too, is very tall then that is the case for her as well. But nobody has all the genes for height(statistically impossible). If the man has double copies of height genes #1-150, and the mother #100-250 then most of the height-genes that contribute to the parents' exceptional height will not actually be active in their offspring.

It's also why selective breeding works. If you establish a new population from such deviant individuals then the first generation will be much more normal than the founding stock. But the first-generation aren't selected, they're random. There is no sampling bias, they're not lucky. So the mean observed in the 1st-generation hybrids will be stable, there is no more regression towards the mean because you've already sorted out the luck.

Ireland is there purely on us being homogenous white. There is fuck all money spent in this country on education and no special focus on maths.

>Math Ability is Entirely Genetic

That's not what the article says.

kek, you are not as stupid as you think

To reach Sup Forums you need at least an IQ of 100. That's why niggers can't even reach Sup Forums.

>believing money spent on education does anything

America spent a fuck ton of money on pre K education for niggers. Some years later study from Obama whitehouse determined it did nothing to affect scores after a few years.

>The correlation between reading and mathematics ability at age twelve has a substantial genetic component

They are trying to convince people that environment has an impact on intelligence again. So fucking sad for the US that their whites, asians and jews seem to have both the genetics and the environment in their favour and blacks and browns do not.

Yes, but our enemies say the opposite from the same results. Fire with fire.

Parent culture and peer pressure has the larger effect than education funding I think. I was thought in a prefab with second hand books and nothing else. My friends all wanted to be professionals so I did too. Good parents also. They would punish us for acting stupid.

Yes because they have decent IQ. Imagine if you had a 80 IQ parent that was teaching you to twerk

We were segregated from year one based on ability. Thats the great thing about homogeneity. No one had any money but we were still seperated out and kept away from the dumb kids and race didnt get in the way of that.
