Redpill me on Ratko Mladic, Serbs. Dindu nuffin or ruined something great?
Redpill me on Ratko Mladic, Serbs. Dindu nuffin or ruined something great?
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Serbian militias genocided Muslims but never got the command to do so from above. It was kind of like the American massacres in Vietnam. The only difference is that Serbia isn't a superpower so bill Clinton was able to bomb them into oblivion to make sure Serbians are poor forever.
Trash. Subhuman. Just like every dinaric piece of shit politician.
Didn't the Serbs just want the Muslims to leave? Shouldn't the Muslims have just left?
ruined something shitty
they only leave if they get promised gibs and blondes elsewhere
It wasn't genocide
Which they sorta did, didn't they? I mean, they fled the fighting elsewhere.
*General Ratko Mladic
He is a hero. He dindu nuffin. Srebrenica was a setup. Serbia will rise again.
Milosevic tried to make yugoslavia more centralized but the slovenes and croats gave him the opportunity to make a federation.
He declined shit escalated and war started.
The chetniks are none of my business since all of these extremists are in the wrong.
not as bad as they make him out to be but he is not a hero like a die hard Serb will say but to go as far as attribute genocide to him is propostres
Where will the next happening in the Balkans take place? I think a Macedonian civil war will happen in the foreseeable future. An EU-backed irredentist Albanian uprising in the country will probably happen since the Slavs were stupid enough to give a reason to do it with their attempts to undermine the Albanian culture and language, further balkanizing the Balkans. Nothing brewing in Bosnia, Croatia, Albania, Greece, or Bulgaria at the moment it seems.
the republic of srpska will start a referendum soon.
He is good at burning the village bad at actual war
1. we don't need this thread
2. what do you care
3. fuck off
4. sage
>In 92-95 period over 3000 Serbs (so far confirmed, not like there were any significant efforts) are killed by Oric in the villages around Srebrenica enclave
>Mladic tries to handle this the nice way, signs an agreement to strip Srebrenica enclave of arms and he will stop the attack
>Srebrenica muslims arm themselves despite this
>Unlike Muslims, he leaves the women and children alone, even helps them escort themselves, while he kills exclusively men capable of fighting and thus presenting an immediate threat to the Serbian population
He is neither a hero nor a villain, he just did what any sane general would have done
He also BTFOd Milosevic when he realized he was a western puppet
He dindu.
This should tell you everything you need to know.
>Croats genocide Serbs
>Serbs genocide Albos
>Albanians break off in Macedonia
>Serbia has to get involved because more Albanian separatism is not in her interest because of Kosovo
>Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia and Albania all have claims so there is possibility of further involvement
>Republika Srpska follows suit, breaks off
>Muslims don't allow it
>terrorist attacks change European views on Clinton's formation of two Muslim countries (Bosnia & Kosovo) in Europe
War's gonna start, and gonna spread pretty easily, user
>Another Balkanigger Wars: Everyone VS Everyone thread
I actually I don't have to go anywhere, you have to portugese s*rb
Mladic was a real president of Serbs all over Yugoslavia and not some faggot NATO puppet Milosevic who sold Krajina so he could run the country for another 6 years but then decided to fuck with Soros so he got removed anyway lmao
He's a serb that lives in Portugal, lurk in balkan threads, he's always shilling yugoslavia and all that other shit
>Naser Orić and his paramilitary comprised of islamic religious fanatic terrorist mujahedeen from middle East, north Africa, albania, France,etc. and local Muslims was terrorizing local Orthodox Christian Serb civilian people. They had no military targets or objectives, omnly islamic religious fanatic terrorist ones in the Bratunac area. General Ratko Mladić and his regular army had problems with this islamic religious fanatic terrorist paramilitary as it didn't attack military targets. Only civilians were killed, pillaged, exiled and terrorized. General Mladić was chasing a shadow in military terms. He managed to surround Orić and his terrorist Muslim mujahedeen. Orić and his closest jihadi escaped, while a few thousand mujahedeen were captured with some local muslim population. Dutch faggots were expelled, women and children were set free and the rest had a chance to surrender the foreign Muslim mujahedeen. They refused and we're massacred.
кaкo јe бpaћaлa?
out of the serbs which Sup Forums idolizes, the only one who unironically did nothing wrong.
Hијe лoшe, знaм зa гope.