Wuz Kangz Japanese N Sheit?
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That's clearly a mixed Chinese/Mongol soldier
I see that fingolian N paternal haplogroup.
We wuz changs
Thats a chinese sculpture, stupid hanburger
HOLY SHIT I just LOL'd so hard
Had the Ainu prevailed you could have been something other than your dead end deviant culture.
There are plenty of native blacks all over Asia. Facts. Idk if they were japs but there are native Afro-asians. Facts.
Africans are the result of Eurasians admixing with apes in Africa 1.1mil years ago. It isn't a matter of regression to the mean - genetics doesn't work that way.
Every person has 21 autosomal chromosomes that fully recombine, and 2 sexual chromosomes that only recombine in certain very, very small portions. On those 21 autosomes, you have two alleles - one from your mother and one from your father.
Among the genes in the human genome, one is called 'MCPH1' and controls brain size. The gene has many alleles, and there's about a dozen ways to have microcephaly - but you have to be a homozygote for the microcephaly-causing allele to express microcephaly;
>Microcephalin (MCPH1) is a gene that is expressed during fetal brain development. Certain mutations in MCPH1, when homozygous, cause primary microcephaly—a severely diminished brain
>A derived form of MCPH1 called haplogroup D appeared about 37,000 years ago (any time between 14,000 and 60,000 years ago) and has spread to become the most common form of microcephalin throughout the world except Sub-Saharan Africa
>Haplogroup D may have originated from a lineage separated from modern humans approximately 1.1 million years ago and later introgressed into humans
is there anything on this website about them being west african
Too bad you can't find all the stages of man in Asia. But can in Africa.
Fake news.
Open your eyes. Faggot.
Let's get technical;
Orange is AA, green is AC, and blue is CC. The three letter codes can be read here;
YRI, LWK and MKK are all African populations, and ASW is the acronym for American blacks.
If you look at the pic, you can see that CC only exists in Africans.
Only homozygotic Africans express microcephaly, but the point is that the CC homozygote genotype only exists in African populations. The low IQ's of every sub-Saharan African country is the evidence required to prove that blacks are clinically retarded, and that the C allele is associated with low IQ - as you can see, AC is also almost entirely limited to the African populations.
We wuz bushido 'n shieeet
From the actual paper;
>Instead, our data are consistent with a model of population subdivision followed by introgression to account for the origin of the D allele
>the lineage leading to modern humans was split from another Homo lineage, and the two lineages remained in reproductive isolation for ≈1,100,000 years
>During this period of reproductive isolation, the modern human lineage was fixed for the non-D allele at the microcephalin locus, whereas the other Homo lineage was fixed for the D allele
>Furthermore, the worldwide frequency distribution of the D allele, exceptionally high outside of Africa but low in sub-Saharan Africa (29), suggests, but does not necessitate, admixture with an archaic Eurasian population
The genetic evidence says that the allele that causes macrocephaly was fixed homozygotically in a Eurasian population of hominids, while an African population was homozygotic for the microcephaly allele.
This reproductive isolated lasted until 37,000 years ago, and sub-Saharan Africans are the result of the Eurasian introgressing into the African population.
Humans evolved in Asia over 1 million years ago, and Africans are basically apes.
Yes. Black people were behind every successful culture on the planet.
The kang meme might be my favorite in a while.
So, what my point is, is that blacks look like Asians due to being ape-Asian hybrids. There were not black Asians.
Also, white people are Asian-neanderthal hybrids, and neanderthals had the same microcephaly-causing allele as the African hominid;
>from Neanderthal individual from Mezzena Rockshelter (Monti Lessini, Italy)
>We show that a well-preserved Neanderthal fossil dated at approximately 50,000 years B.P., was homozygous for the ancestral, non-D, allele
>certainly shows that speculations on a possible Neanderthal origin of what is now the most common MCPH1 haplogroup are not supported by empirical evidence from ancient DNA
Another gene related to brain size, ASPM, shows even stronger geographical division, displaying a hypertrophic G allele that;
>reaches high frequencies in Central and Western Asia, Europe and North Africa, as well as in Papua-New Guinea (but there are reasons to suspect contamination; see Discussion) and very low frequencies in East Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, and the Americas
>MCPH-D is very frequent in Asia, Europe, and the Americas, moderately frequent in North and East Africa, South-East Asia, and Oceania (see comment on Papua-New Guinea), and very rare in Central, Western, and South sub-Saharan Africa
>We propose that their effects involve subtle differences in the organization of the cerebral cortex, with cognitive consequences including linguistic biases in the processing and acquisition of linguistic tone
Lmao this post turned out much different than I thought it would
>white people are Asian-neanderthal hybrids
this myth was actually debunked pretty recently, east asian peoples especially Han Chinese have the highest amounts of neanderthal admixture.