Imagine hating America this much
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haha fuck hurricane victims amirite? that's what they get for voting for blumpft
>takes a natural disaster for he government to show up.
They seem to be under the impression only white people live in texas. Iv been watching streams and the only ones needing help that i see are the niggers, whites are the rescuers.
What kind of news agency tweets random comics
There are two people in that photo!!!
Imagine being so stupid you don't realize small government =/= no government. Of course conservatives see nothing wrong with government disaster relief. I fucking hate these retarded liberal cartoonists.
Literally the enforcement of the NWO
weird how its only stupid niggers and spics that end up on their roofs instead of 50 miles north when this shit happens, yet they think its white people that are being """saved"""
Sent by Trump.
Wtf I love big slow bureaucracy now!
What a realistic comic. I'm sure that the coast guard and victims both acted exactly like that.
Kek of course they had to make the rescuer some shitskin. Of course. Even though it's the reverse in reality, poor shitskins getting rescued by whites. Liberals literally operate on a reverse plane of reality. That's why whites commit all the terror attacks and blacks are the reason America was built, for them.
I've been watching nonstop and it's mostly minorities that need saving.
>Imagine being so stupid you don't realize small government =/= no government.
It's the same group of kikes that pretend to not understand the difference between "immigrant" and "illegal immigrant". Same kikes that pretend "racist" is a one-way street. Same kikes that lie about what a "refugee" is.
It's funny because community efforts are doing more with apps than government is telling people to wait and die
I have to say. Leafs have really stepped up with their bait. Bravo leaf. Have a (You)
they sure don't waste any time
They should label house with a D or and R
The Ds have to wait for government the Rs can get rescued by The Cajun Navy and volunteers
Imagine page not existing.
Oh shit lmao good eye
>Kek of course they had to make the rescuer some shitskin. Of course. Even though it's the reverse in reality, poor shitskins getting rescued by whites.
Absolutely this too. It's almost always a bunch of nigger "victims" and white government officials.
The comics were always dumb, but were at least a little bit clever. Now its just full on lecturing. What happened?
>coast guard, sent by the government
lmao is this satire
>best way to help Texas is to ensure your money goes into politician pockets!
Sarsour is also getting BTFO on Twitter for trying to grift hurricane donations to left wing political orgs.
Tweet is missing, did they delete it?
>Implying all americans are retarded backwoods secessionists
bye bye red state.
honey, you still want to deny climate change?
I dunno comic is still up though
White people in Houston? What kind of fantasy world is this.
>Love from your sister in Islam
They felt bad about triggering so many people.
she literally said to donate to the islamic cultural center or whatever
Houstonian here
This is bullshit propaganda.
80% of rescue teams were volunteers or with the Cajun Navy. The rest were local law enforcement. Liberals will lie through their teeth for more voters.
They deleted the tweet, the artist is still defending it on Twitter though.
Stop using "literally" in every fucking sentence, you inbred hick.
What's his Twitter name?
>white Texans get together with their boats to rescue people
>Liberals have the audacity to make this cartoon
stop being so literal when you do outrageous things
>saying "thank god" means you're crediting "muh sky fairy" for things people do
I fucking hate atheists
Also technically God did send them since he created humanity, which is what created these rescue squads so fedorafags BTFO
You happen to have link to his twitter? I wouldn't mind seeing him get BtFO. Really, really fucking therapeutic seeing people put aside politics for a few days to shit on people being jackasses.
>I am America
>If you hate me, you hate America
>"Imagine hating America this much"
Little does anyone here know, OP is trying to sway our opinion in a very subtle way..
What's the point in having dual pistols?
>Smug leftists showing their clear superiority by unironically creating and praising shit anti-white propaganda replacing god with government
No one could have predicted this one
Politico is part of the fake news/liberal cult propaganda machine.
Boycott fake news sites and networks.
It pisses me off even more because my community banded together for one another and these cock suckers are trying to say everyone was saved by FEMA. Special thanks to the Cajun Navy who did a lot of work.
>Average citizens band together to try and help one another
>Neighboring states send impromptu Cajun navies to help
>Solidarity and brotherhood and kinship
>Media obsess about Melania wearing heels, Trump 'not showing empathy', and mocking victims.
And they wonder why people hate them?
>don't worry the Feds will definitely float us outta here
Houston is liberal as fuck.
Yeah, but FEMA hasn't shown up yet. It's been volunteers that have been the main part of the rescue. But you just keep waiting for the government to come save you.
I actually laughed out loud when I noticed the person coming to their rescue was brown. Bravo.
Holy shit you weren't kidding.
What's amazing isn't that they're this disgusting, but that millions of Americans follow people this disgusting right off the cliff.
Except instead of FEMA it's a bunch of rednecks with boats rescuing their fellow statesmen because they'd die if only the government were out there filling out 100 pages of paperwork before they could gas the fucking rescue boats up and then the government stops working when it gets dark and unsafe but the citizens keep at it.
Can anyone make a cartoon that actually expresses reality?
It's amusing because there was a rescue boat in Houston with a prominent Confederate flag on it, and while it was saving black people, Leftists on Twitter were losing their minds.
This will be a fine addition to my "shitty political cartoons about Trump" collection.
Ben Garrison. A Wyatt Mann.
>libertarian pays taxes to finance coast gaurd
>Dude thinks the government would magically exist without the taxpayer
>dude prefers getting rescued to owning a helicopter
Really makes me think
do leftists have anything else other than "republicans are ugly"?
also wasnt it leftists who held a protest sign upside down?
but that would be racist :^)
>hurricanes didn't exist until industrialization made them possible
did somebody archive it?
>a disaster
>better kill your children you stupid plebs
Let's go down the list tp see if it has all the features of a shitty anti Trump cartoon
[X] Small Hands (get it cuz he has a small dick lol)
[X] Trump is orange
[X] Trump has ridiculous lips
[X] Trump's hair looks ridiculous
[X] Trump's supporters look like dumb ugly rednecks
Government has it all covered
everybody else should just step aside for the one true God
Conservatives who aren't so fucking stupid as to live in a disaster area are t happy with it.
t. Houstonian refugee
I love this because it crushes the Liberal narrative of
>if you support confederacy heritage you're an evil Nazi!!
Dual-wielding can do wonders for your dps.
It must be confusing for leftists
>Texas is a racist red state, supported Trump, they deserve to die
>Those small government racists are going to want big government now!
>Racist white Texans/southerners out rescuing blacks and others
>Blacks loot
>Balcks have contributed more deaths than Harvey within the same time frame
>But there was this one guy in Charlottesville that killed a fat commie
>Literally a bunch of rednecks with fishing boats saved thousands of lives with their own private resources
I have worse. I should really make a thread of them at some point.
>antifa and liberals are the ones who currently hate our govenrment
>"lol let's make the silly characters in our comic old white people"
People that hate southerners tend to forget their hospitality, their love for their neighbors, their disproportionate number of combat casualties in war, and their amounts of charitable giving.
that is kind of funny tho
We should get a petition going for the WH to formally award the heroic efforts of the Cajun Navy. It will really piss off leftists.
I'm in the coast guard and we had a gadsden flag in the barracks at boot camp.
Also the majority of people I have met are pretty redpilled.
guys we need more money for our search and rescue teams its time for us to increase income taxes the dingys get pretty pricey and they pop easily
Nice straw-man you have there.
Where can I get a girl like this?!
Do they even realize what they're implying about Mexicans when they make these? Holy fuck they're dumb.
These faggots are so desperate that they're doing their everything to have some dirt on Trump.
>natural disasters happen
>therefore you must have open borders for all the niggers in the world
Gadsden flag goes back to the first continental army. He is using to suggest the guy is also a tea partier.
>do leftists have anything else other than "republicans are ugly"?
Leftists are also obsessed with thinking about other people's dicks. Can't forget the dicks.
does the tea party still exist?
add politico to the Sup Forumsuzzfeed raid!
>comparing mexicans to a hurricane
Gorge Bush Is A Great Ape From The Zoo
Still fly them on Navy ships.
>We must BAN them. WE MUST RESIST!
In liberals minds
>Wears masks to conceal identity when looting
>Posts to Twitter under his real name
Niggers never cease to amaze me.
Amaze you? To me, they're doing exactly what I expect of them. Nigs just nogging.
literally the literal use of literally