Remember the fat chick that got run over by a dodge challenger.
Turns out her mother is a crisis actor they have used before
Remember the fat chick that got run over by a dodge challenger
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Of course it was. CIA is on its last breaths.
They're getting so bad at psy ops. They're freaking out
Why no one takes you idiots seriously: Exhibit A
If you're so sure get it on infowars.
JK that's another psyop they wouldn't show the truth.
Does the truth even matter when no one will listen, user?
sleepy. . .
Seriously dont fall for this guys. Its 50/50 at best, and if we're wrong, we look fucking retarded. Keep researching it, because the videos arent enough.
Sandy Hook has much better talking points than this, and Charlottesville was probably NOT a set-up.
>research by Suzi Goldberg
fuck off retards
^ thread archive
Don't let this slide.
>crisis actor they used before
Every fucking time. Do you honestly believe we're dealing with complete morons here?
Of course it was. Don't let this thread slide
That's not even the same person you massive faggot and I know Sandy hook was a false flag
But it was, for sure, a car accident.
To a degree, they are.
They don't always bother with unique skin suits for generic people.
Charlottesville was real.
Stop saying otherwise.
Stop searching for 'clues' that simply aren't there.
>being this autistic
Reminder to report sage, folks.
Calling sage is bannable
But I was always totally convinced the whole thing was a deep state production.
You're not very good at this leftypol, CVille was already confirmed an inside job, it's an established fact now
Skip to 8:42, it shows the purple fan blocking the one way street
Of course it was real. But the driver was not the guy they presented. And the victim seems to have fake parents.
Other than that it seems ok.
Goddamn niggers.
Keep this thread up. Cross pollinate. The videos are the whole story
any opposition is a psyop
Why wouldn't they just kill an actual person and then let it develop organically from there with help from politicans, media, etc.? Then all you need is for the operative to succeed and not have too much video evidence/non-involved officials to figure out that they switched perps, which is STILL a tall order. Inserting multiple actors unnecessarily just exponentially increases the number of ways you can get caught.
If I'm the Deep State, it makes no sense to not just get a mega-effective driver/assassin and kill whoever happens to get killed, and then put up your fall guy and let it roll, rather than insert all these potential loose ends into my operation. They're not going to overcomplicate an already incredible complicated op by ADDING opportunities for people to deconstruct what really happened if it isn't 100% critical. Which it clearly wouldn't be in this case.
Their accents are very different.
>Research done by Suzi Goldberg
>Blurry low res image
QUAD 4s!? How rare is this!?
I had always heard of crisis actors and shit like that but never believed it.
Can someone RATIONALLY explain to me why the fuck they would do this? Basically what he said
Holy shit how did she age 30 years in 6 years then?
Asks the devil....ffs
Obviously two different people.
More like 10 Satan
= Fatness, light grandma hair, make-up, and evil makes a person look old.
Ya no shit faggots like op are trying to discredit real truthers
the driver was paul walker.
A CIA operation doesn't just happen. It is planned by committee for months. It is simulated and trained dozens of times before going hot. They us actors because they are control freaks that must have absolute control over every aspect. Even the asphalt temperature down the the tenth degree.
>Turns out her mother is a crisis actor they have used before
well of course. there's only so many crisis actors these days. they have to reuse them.
big if true
Yeah that's massive amounts of bull shit. It that where ture Sandy hook would have seemed real and not the micky mouse bs that it really is.
None of this would be happening under Sharia, just saying.
but they are not actors they are flesh suits
>None of this would be happening under Sharia, just saying.
Sharia is just Judiasm in its final form.
That guy Andrew Ford Fischer was the luckiest guy in world history filming Charlottesville. He was able to video the Dodge in 3 different locations before and after the so-called accident in a 10 minute span. He was also able to be filmed with Faith Goldstein and a group crisis actors in a parking lot 4-5 blocks away from incident. That's a lot of coincidences in 10 minutes.
But it IS the same woman. I think that's pretty fucking serious, don't you?
Sup Forums already retarded
same story with the jew who filmed the Nice truck attack and the shooting at munich shopping mall
Richard Gutjahr, 42, who filmed the scene unfold, said: 'I stood on the balcony, right on the Promenade des Anglais, and saw how people celebrated there, and how suddenly a truck drove through the crowd,' he told AFP on Friday.
Local reporter Richard Gutjahr described the scene at the shopping center as something "out of a bad movie," with the shopping center completely surrounded by police, a helicopter overhead, and police carrying semi-automatic rifles. Gutjahr was not able to confirm reports of deaths or injuries.
Richard Gutjahr who filmed the Nice France Bastille Day Staged attack is married to Mossad agent and Knesset member Einat Wilf. To quote Mossad agent Richard Gutjahr this video is like something "out of a bad movie"
Archive or screenshot please
>motherjones com/politics/2016/07/multiple-people-killed-shooting-munich-shopping-mall
You kill someone, the family makes it their life's work to find the perp. You times that by however many people you kill and you've got a lot of eyes trying to out you. Crisis actors allow for deaths with an dead-end revenge-wise. The psychological effect on the population is the same without the possibility of some ex-military fiancé going lone wolf on you.
Who knows man, maybe a parent that has lost his child doesn't wanna do a media tour and push an agenda 24/7. Maybe they just wanna be left alone to grieve. Who knows if they have tried doing this before and it hasn't worked and they don't want to leave it up to chance.
But look at these pictures, if this isn't the same person they are long lost twins
yes and daniel day-lewis doesn't really sound like bill the butcher
I really don't care much about this. Mom is like daughter...a fat, semi-childless (1 child and failed at raising her), slut that hates her own race.
And now she is getting paid shekels to make propaganda against her own race.
White Sharia now. White Sharia forever.
All right, running with this -- we're saying cia/mossad did the attacks to discredit muslims? and strengthen white nationalism? Because that's the effect. Or they think it will give them a freer hand in middle east interventions and get people more on israel's side if/when they fight too?
is that phone case shopped?
karma and the laws of the universe
Or the muslim attacks are real, and this hoax shit is just aimed at discrediting American nationalists. That makes sense.
charlottesville was aimed at discrediting white nationalists and softening our attitude to islamic terror. Now the conversation about trucks of peace has a heavily publicized white nationalist equivalent to virtue signal over.
meant for
If you're not playing both sides you're practically a filthy goyim.
You know that guys like Soros and all the rest are intelligent and are perfectly aware that the ever increasing PC leftist culture will create a right wing backlash. What matters is what gets done with it, (problem, reaction, solution)
A muslim blowing himself up, can also have the effect of a government closing in on everyones rights. Sweden unironically are talking about banning cars, the UK has CCTV everywhere and are making literal thought crime laws online and now talking about shutting down 'hateful websites', in the USA you had the Patriot act come in after 9/11, etc etc.
Notice how with many terrorist attacks it always turns out that the terrorist was 'already on a list'? Or 'being watched'? They're ALLOWED to do these things. Out of chaos comes order.
it crossed my mind, , but there are a few photos where she showing it off. I dunno what shes trying to get across
Nose looks a bit different. Might just be camera angle though.
Then again, how many fat moms with longer hair and glasses are there?
Truthbombs DESU!!!
Trying to start a trend?
Seeing what they can get away with?
It doesn't even look like she's holding it in this picture...
look at the last pic in this compilation
looks exact to me. obviously she's at least 5 years older now
Hair is dyed on the left. No reason why it wouldn't be on the right.
digits confirmed!!! this is going down!
Yeah... Not a chance.
The only reason they both look similar is because they're disgusting balls of lard with hidden bone structure. By all means keep looking, but I think you struck out on this one.
Yeah, it is. Only a retard would be fooled by her hair. Everything else matches up, they're getting lazy at this point.
Those are weak gets, I don't believe it.
>>> holy shit checked. this is the smoking gun. OBViously the stress and guilt have been weighing on her conscience. That'll age you.
Liveleak has a morph vid of the two faces
100% confirmed same perspn
NOW you trust them?
Again, I still haven't heard what the benefit was from faking Sandy Hook.
lol there's even a lingering indent in her nose because she took off her glasses for the right side pic
Where do they get these people, the crisis actor parents? Jew Temple? Heather Heyers so-called father looks like Seth Richs so-called father, they look like brothers.
Brazen attempt to pass "common sense gun laws".
It failed.
Lotta CIA niggers in this thread. Keep fighting the good fight, OP
glad Sup Forums is finally realizing white people all look the same, not asians
I agree. Unless I missed the viki soto iphone photoshop joke. It never really occurred to me just how distasteful the phone is.
Hahaha keep trying cia niggers. You pedo cunts are awful at this shit
oh baby yes
I think they are both wigs. Her normal hair is probably short. Also that dudes arm is nowhere to be seen. Is it under his shirt?
wait. is that seth rich's (((dad)))?
what the fuck man
this is some tinfoil hat shit but ever sinc ethat guy laughing and joknig at sandy hook who started crying immediately when he was told to...
I dunno I never saw seth rich's dad. What he look like?
>The same glasses
Are they even trying?
They could at least have made her lose wait before they had to use her also.
I don't think so, but that pic is pretty shitty resolution
If some fat faggot detective in his moms basement can "spot" the similarities, it just seems too fucking bold to me to keep using the same people.. most fat people balloon up and look similar to every other fat person. OP grasping at straws
It's a calculated risk...
Trustworthy and competent crisis actors don't just fall out of the sky... They're hard to come across and trustworthiness is something that is earned over time.
You can't just take anyone, give hem a polygraph test and expect they will always stay stable and not spill the beans on whatever the fuck they're being used for over time.
When you have actors that have proven trustworthy and competent, it's probably better to reuse them despite the very small risk of people actually finding out they're duplicate and that information somehow becoming mainstream over finding new, trustworthy and competent crisis actors to play the game all over again..