How do Germans and Poles feel about the Oder-Neiße line?

Does the average German, today, care about it, or even KNOWS about it? I find it appalling that nearly a whole quarter of German territory was stripped off by the Soviets, 10 million Germans expelled from these lands, not to mention the resettlement of Poles from former Eastern Poland and very few Germans (I have contact with a few of them every once in a while) seem to even KNOW about that, and the ones who are not oblivious to these facts don't think it is a big deal.

It strikes me as odd since the territorial losses brought upon by Versailles, smaller than the ones from 1945, and envolving mostly non-Germans, ethnically speaking, save for Alsatians, seem to be still acknowledged, and they were enough to evoke feelings of hatred among Germans.

Other urls found in this thread:ńsk)

Stay on your fucking side reee stop stealing!!!
Means nothing, muh reparations, remember muh 6 million, dont mention Polish death camps, dont mention Polish concentration camp guards

As a side note, whenever I talk to history majors, they all know about Versailles, the Polish corridor and the territorial losses from 1919, but "strangely" they are oblivious to the removal of this quarter of land by the Soviets (and all the crimes committed by them).

Polish expat. Know one family who told me their parents were put on a train and sent to a german city that was recently ethnically cleansed and were given a krauts apartment in city center. Literally a new people just took possesion of all the houses.

It's weirdly never talked about. I guess it doesn't serve anyones interest. Allies certainly don't want to talk about. Germans were beaten so bad, they went from killing polish chad's (according to US holocaust museum) to pic related

Former Eastern Poland and the forced resettlement of the Poles from these areas means nothing? Really?

Do Prussians still exist?
Where do they live?

Ask Putin for it.

Actually, I guess it mostly went to Belarus, not to Russia properly.

I wouldn't mind if Poland stayed within its ethnic territory, Danzig and Breslau are mindlessly pro-West and the president of Breslau even proposed that Soros moves his university from Hungary to here. When Kate & William visited Poland, Danzig greeted them with literally flags of Danzig, instead of polish flags, to show that they're so open and cosmopolitan. Somehow I doubt Poland will be able to keep Breslau and Lower Silesia within its control. This region is full of german investments and I don't think Poland can withstand such powerful country as Germany. So if tensions in Europe increase ever higher, then who knows, maybe the local population will want some sort of autonomy

You mean after the war from east to west?
There was no forced resettlement, but alot of incentives instead, such as cheap land, free access to homes and alot of job offers etc.
Germans like to meme alot but if you actually drive from Poland A to east Germany only thing that differs is the way they paint their roads.

Don't forget about 2.5 millions in Sudetenland. Germans were forever cucked in WWII. Should have expelled them all the way to the west of Elbe while we could.

Parts that became Western Ukraine and Lithuanian Vilnius were more important. Brest and Grodno are fucking empty.

Germany knew well that if they lost world war 2, they would be eradicated one way or another. If not by direct Soviet occupation and mongrelization, than by long term Jewish cultural marxism and racemixing. The plan for the eradication of Germans was well out in the open.

Germany today is not Germany. Germany doesn't exist anymore. It's occupied, unsovereign, globalist territory. The Germans born after the war have been taught to hate everything about their glory (while, if any people have a reason to be proud, it'd be Germans)

The end of World War 2 started the Commu-Capitalist Jewish occupation of not only Germany but of the complete of Europe. Western civilization ended, all former colonial territories seized existing, all great European empires gone. Europe and European world civilization began a 100 year long road to decline and eventually, a total collapse.

We could have had the greatest time in human history if things had turned out otherwise, but alas. The current world order is bound to end in great catastrophy, likely by a total nuclear war. People have been tought to hate goodness and to love hate. Everything is upside down.

But fear not, (((they))) are the ones who will go down and die out. We will never die out, we may be reduced to the millions, but we will form our own exclusive, off the grid, farming villages, cities and societies until the storm's over. It may take a few hundred years but so be it, eventually without us they will die out and when they're gone we will inherit the earth
we are a self sufficient people
they are not.

AFAIK, the Soviets expelled the ethnic Poles that used to live on former Eastern Poland (the territory invaded by Stalin in 1939 and annexed by him).

Prussias gone man. An entirely Aryan nation completely ethnically cleansed of the map. Prussians exist like rhodesians still exist, as expats living in their now smaller and cucked home country. Pic relateds Wikipedia page says he was born in Poland

Here's a redpill: The central thing Hitler wanted from Poland was permission to build an autobahn from Berlin to Konisberg

WHAT!!?? But (((they))) say that West Germany was already independent in 1955, free from the Allies!

Now that I think about it: you are more than welcome to keep them.

"Tehe. You take them."
"No, no, no: YOU take them!"
"NO! YOU take them!"


slesvig holstein rightful danish clay reeeeeeee

>weaklings talking shit after the fight
How did you like the Lebensraum?

In the end, Patton was right. The wrong enemy was fought. Too bad he took long to realise it.

I like the fact that you lost three times as many people as we did. That Stalin killed more Russians than Hitler. But sadly he did not kill Bydlo kikes like you. :^)

It's a huge mistake Germany still exists today. If I were Stalin I would have treated Germany like the Romans treated Carthage after the third punic war. Burned and razed it to the ground, salted the earth, shipped the survivors off to work in Siberia. And all Germans would die inside an Uranium mine.

Say whatever you will. In a generation or two Germany will be no more and Slavs will inherit Europe. All talk, no action.

Not to mention that West Germany alone took a mere 15 years and little Allied help at all to go from dust to biggest economy in Western Europe again.

But I believe Turkey's existence is an even bigger accident.

>little Allied help
Yea, right
>The Marshall Plan (officially the European Recovery Program, ERP) was an American initiative to aid Western Europe, in which the United States gave over $13 billion[1] (approximately $130 billion in current dollar value as of June 2016)
>approximately $130 billion in current dollar value as of June 2016

France and UK received 3 or 4 times more help, in fact most of Europe received more help, and they weren't nearly as destroyed as Germany was. Nor were they occupied, with their patents stolen.

>All Hitler wanted was the Sudetenland.
>All Hitler wanted was the rest of Czechia.
>All Hitler wanted from Poland was permission to build an autobahn from Berlin to Koenigsberg.

Cool story, brah.

That's a good thing. Nothing worse than the eternal Pr*ssian. They got what they deserved.

Newsflash, good things don't happen when you lose wars.

>eternal Pr*ssian
>Literally don't exist anymore
Do you understand the concept of what "eternal" even means?

Pro-tip: the Baltic coastline and northern Germany was populated by Weat Slavs and Balts (Pomeranian, Old Prussian, Yotvingian, Curonian, Selonian and speakers) before Germans started to settle during the Hanseaic league.

So this area wasn't even ethnically German land originally anyway.

2bh the only legitimate claim Germans could have is Szczecin/Stettin. It truly never was a Polish city.
But then again Berlin is Slavic and both Germany and Germans got it REALLY easy at the end of WW2. It's truly an allied conspiracy that the German state even fucking exists.

Correct. The poetic justice is that the nation of kin slayers and Rothschild lovers has an even worse police state than we do now. Even though they created, on purpose, an anti-German system.

At the end of the day, deep down, there is still some of that spirit of resistance alive.

You cant even take care of your rat problem roach

>not realizing that the existence of your state was an allied conspiracy at the end of WWI

The spirit of malice and destruction of the Prussian lives on in federal German politics, despite him having lost is material form.

You and the Czechs are personally responsible for ethnic cleansing and genocide of Germans that was motivated on the grounds of pure racial hatred. You actually did to Germans what the propaganda attributes to Germans doing to Jews. And not only did you ever pay meaningful reparations for that, nobody ever fucking talks about it, because the Allies would have to admit their guilt as with their alliance with Stalin.

The only thing that keeps this world order together is a package of lies and Jewish money.

>Prussias gone man.
Good, Poland creating Ducal Prussia in 1525 was a complete mistake.


>Does the average German, today, care about it, or even KNOWS about it?

NO THEY DO NOT KNOW. Let me tell you something. German school history knowledge is so poverty, you know barely anything relevant. Most Germans today don't care and don't know that Germanys borders changed in the lest 100 years. Yet, THEY DO NOT KNOW. They don't even know that Germans were expelled from their clay after WW2, displacing up to 13 million and killing an additional 2 million along the way. When they hear the name Prussia, it seems like a fairy tale country with lots of military who happened to speak German, yet they would not be able to point on the map where it might have been.

Even public talks about this die down without anyone knowing. In 1990 during our reunification, there were talks that Germany gets it's clay back, i.e. west Prussia and East Prussia, basically the post WW1 borders. Our chancellor said "naw we don't want it, Poles can have it". Yet today, even older folks, don't even know that ever happened.


Cool historical revisionism breh, treaty of versailles happened a year after Piłsudski secured power over the lands and military, Russian Empire fell into Civil War, A-H disintegrated by itself and German Reich did not have the resources to fight national uprisings. Treaty just secured Poland as an internationally recognised state.

>You and the Czechs are personally responsible for ethnic cleansing and genocide of Germans that was motivated on the grounds of pure racial hatred.
Kys stormnigger, German population got what it deserved. They were only driven from the lands they took by force and the same forced settlements years before. There's a reason those territories are called Reclaimed Lands not "Stolen lands". No idea why you all insist on pretending like they wuz good bois who dindu nuffinz. They just asked them to leave unlike the "peaceful germans" who preferred to wage culture war and forcefully and systematically eradicate any and all slightest remarks of Polish/Czech culture. What were Poles and Czechs supposed to do? Leave a massive fifth column so future German government could undermine the local government once again? Fuck no. So please stop being a drooling retard.

And you sure told me posting a picture of a british racemixer and her ugly mongrel.

Sure, but it is still a remarkable recovery.

Yes, yes. Keep screeching eternal pole. I hope you and your entire people rot in hell for the crimes YOU committed. You genocidal fucks.

I live on the lands that some of Sup Forumsacks and especialy Sup Forumsfaggs consider German. Next to my city is Santok.
So I don't feel like I would be liveing on lands that does not belong to me.

That was never German territory, history self rejects them here. But I don't feel like they would fell ambition for this lands when they visit and they visit a lot. I love my neighbours even if Sup Forums commands me to do diferent.

>As a side note, whenever I talk to history majors, they all know about Versailles, the Polish corridor and the territorial losses from 1919, but "strangely" they are oblivious to the removal of this quarter of land by the Soviets (and all the crimes committed by them).
Treaty of Versailles is repeatedly cited as a reason for ww2 whereas this hasn't led to any significant world event as of yet. I still find it hard to believe history majors are literally unaware of the shift in borders, maybe just not the finer details of it all.

you larpers truly are dumber than blacks

Can you feel it now Mr.Kraut?

But it was germanised. It had been German for at least many centuries, nope?

>Kraut cucked by Eternal Pole once more
Time to bend that ass boi!!!!

>There's a reason those territories are called Reclaimed Lands not "Stolen lands".
I think that is indeed what non-Poles call them. Seems like commie newspeak to call areas that were 90% German and had been for hundreds of years recovered territories just because they were Polish in the 1100s.

>say that West Germany was already independent in 1955, free from the Allies!

Topkek, this is bullshit. AT LEAST until 1990, all relevant decisions in West Germany had to be relayed to the Allies. Some media, like Der Spiegel, was created by the CIA. West Germany was a bitch to the Allies through and through. There are even conspiracies around in German media saying there exists something called the Kanzlerakte (Chancellors file, google it Germans). This says that the newly elected Chancellor of Germany has to sign a document, giving sovereignty over the country to the Allies.

Interestingly, a former leader (Gerd-Helmut Komossa) of the Militärischer Abwehrdienst MAD (equivalent of FBI or NSA, not sure) wrote a book claiming in there that this Kanzlerakte is real. He was not able to publish this book in Germany, but in Austria and nobody has heard of him since. This Kanzlerakte, i.e. the unofficial occupation of Germany is said to end in the year 2099.


Bantz aside, this would unironically be better than our current situation.
Just realizing this makes me dead inside.

This would be a blessing, yes please help. And please raze Berlin to the ground, we need to rebuild this city from the start.

>Merekl x Putin

Nice fanfiction buddy. Btw you elect her once more? Good :DDDD


No but really, what you Nazis don't understand is that Hitler was a lying, deceiving twat, and y'all just following a cult based on lies.

Read a book.

Didn't you grasp the irony? Not even after 4 + 2 there was true independence, let alone when the BRD needed allied authorisation to absorb the DDR.

>call areas that were 90% German and had been for hundreds of years recovered territories
First, learn to count. "Hundreds of years" lol.
Then, read how exactly Germans ended up as the majority in those territories.

History didn't start in the XVIII century contrary to what 90% of Americans believe you fuckwit.

>I think that is indeed what non-Poles call them.
On stormfront - maybe.

>Seems like commie newspeak
"everything I don't like is communism", emotional 14/88 german american's guide to history


I have the impression that far from Merkel, the ultimate cuck was Kuckrad Adenauer.

USA is native American land. BTFO immigrant! Dirty rat!

>Seems like commie newspeak to call areas that were 90% German and had been for hundreds of years recovered territories just because they were Polish in the 1100s.

it was a mix of both, they didnt even need to expell us from ukrainian soviet republic because nobody wanted to stay near rabid hohols

>This map shows ethnic composition of Silesia around the mid-17th century (in mid-1600s). Black line shows the later border of Prussian-controlled Silesia as of 1905. Red - areas with ethnic Polish majority. Blue - areas with ethnic German majority. Yellow - areas with ethnic Sorbian majority. Green - areas with ethnic Czech majority. Ethnic boundaries are more detailed / reliable within the black borders than outside:

>By comparison approximate area with ethnic German majority in Silesia ca. year 1333 (so ~300 years earlier than situation shown above):

Chart posted below shows political history of Silesia in years 1100 - 1700.

It is, however, not fully accurate because it doesn't take into account some of small duchies and lands, which were in the end reunited with the kingdom of Poland during the 14th and 15th centuries. Precisely - in Lower Silesia: duchy of Namysłów (reunited in 1341) and land of Wschowa (reunited in 1343), while in Upper Silesia: duchy of Siewierz (1443). However, land of Namysłów was again lost to Czech Crown in 1356. It also doesn't take into account the fact that duchies of Opole and Racibórz (both in Upper Silesia) were ruled by Polish Vasa dynasty between 1645 and 1666.

Authors actually do admit this in their notes (in the lower right corner of the posted scan) to this chart:

"(...) Dukes who were just co-governors of individual provinces were not listed (apart from a few exceptions). (...) Short-lasting and less important territorial changes were also omitted."


Śląsk Górny = Upper Silesia
Śląsk Dolny = Lower Silesia

Bright blue = Polish duchy before and Polish kingdom after the feudal fragmentation of Poland
Pink = Polish duchies ruled by Władysław II the Exile and his descendants
Bright violet = Polish duchies ruled by Bolesław IV the Curly
Green = Polish duchies ruled by Casimir II the Just and dukes of Cracow who were his descendants
Grey = Saksonia (Saxony)
Dark blue = Królestwo Czech (Czech Crown / Bohemian Crown)

It would be ok then if Bretagne broke away from France and tried to Make Gaul Celtic Again.

It was Celtic before the Romans.

German settlers coming to Silesia since the second half of the 13th century, called the native Slavic population of this land "Wasserpolen", and in further centuries this name was also extended into slavic speech of inhabitants of Silesia: "Wasserpolnisch Michsprache". A German geographical description of Silesia from year 1689 notes - for example - that between Oława and Kąty Wrocławskie "sehr polnisch redet". In Kąty Wrocławskie (Kanth) in year 1641 almost half of all artisans / craftsmen belonged to a separate, "Polish artisan guild". One of first decrees of Frederick the Great from year 1764 was directed against the Polish language - by this decree German language was introduced as official language and by the same decree from 1764 it was forbidden to employ in schools teachers who did not use German language. Restrictions for Polish language in schools and offices were introduced.

Initially, Germanization affected the area of Lower Silesia - especially all large cities located in that area. The city of Wroclaw (Breslau) thanks to German settlement became a bilingual city. Gradually Polish language was being replaced by German language in Wroclaw, but nevertheless for a very long time the right bank side of Wroclaw, located on the eastern side of the Oder River, was being called by Germans "Polnische seite". Even a document from as late as 1789 says that population living in the suburbs of Wroclaw was still using Polish language.

In the 19th century Jerzy Samuel Bandtkie wrote:

"The capital city of Silesia has many Polish-speaking inhabitants, because already 1,5 miles from Wroclaw there are entire Polish-speaking villages, and just 2 or 3 miles from Wroclaw there are entire parishes with majority of Polish-speaking populations, located at the Oder River."

I feel like WW1 was the start of the downfall, most of old Europe was butchered up and by the end of it the communists were openly at war with western civilization. WW2 was the nail in the coffin.

In a brochure from 1791, an ethnic German pastor from Breslau - J. W. Pohleg - wrote:

(Source: J. W. Pohleg, "Der Oberschlesier verteidigt gegen seine Widersacher", published in 1791):

>"(...) What is the native language here in Silesia? Because rather not German? Basing on the names of cities and villages in a particular land, we can establish without any doubts, what was the most common language in this land when those cities and villages were built. What do words such as Glogau, Bunzlau, Wohlau, Jauer, Breslau, Brieg mean in German language? Nothing. On the other hand, in Polish language all these words have their meaning! Isn't the conclusion, that when those cities were built, Polish was the regional language in Silesia, true? Isn't this thus true, that accusing a Lower Silesian of speaking German language is more justified than accusing an Upper Silesian of speaking Polish language?* There is so much ignorance shown by your agitators**, who complain so loudly. The thing which they criticize,*** is rather worth praising. Honestly, how pitiful is a nation, which is jeering at people due to their mother tongue - people who are not at fault for using it - and the ones who are mocking, have not enough virtues to judge others genuinely and earnestly. (...)"

* He wrote this after Frederick the Great started oppressing Polish language in Silesia.

** He is writing about agitators of the Prussian king - Frederick William II.

*** And this thing is the fact that Upper Silesians spoke Polish language.

Damn if only der ewige kraut didn't invade the only country that had experience fighting and winning defensive war with the soviets

If only Poland gave them their land back.





Apparently, the policy of de-germanisation of Alsatia, carried out by the French since pretty much EVER, is also not very much of a topic.

WW2 could have been prevented easily if Britain had accepted the peace offer. They would have kept their empire as well. The death of 50 million Europeans would have been prevented. But Britain was in no position to accept or deny anything. The decision makers were the Jews. And they rather saw 50 million Europeans dead than 15 million Jews.

in 1795 we lost war with Russia, Prussia, Austria and lost territory

germans lost war= lost territory

thats all

So? When cockroaches infest your kitchen to whom does the kitchen belong to? You or the cockroaches?
Same with the germans, they invaded, bred like rabbits, resettled native population to "legitimize" them being there and pretended its their.

what about our clay?

cheeky shirt. Too bad I can't wear it due to schengen.



Britain shouldn't have guaranteed Poland's integrity when there was no viable strategic way of helping them other than invading all the way through France, by which point Poland would've been long gone. It was false hope and Britain betrayed the agreement anyway by allying the Soviets who also invaded Poland. WW2 is a farce. Lots of things should've and could've gone differently.

It's just why the Germans invaded isn't it. Looking at it in hindsight, Poland not giving back Danzig and some of Prussia really wasn't worth the end result of WW2. I don't entirely blame Poland's choice but it probably wasn't the smartest.

>Bavarian detected

We conquered it from the Old Prussians because you kept whining to the Pope about their paganism.

>I hope you and your entire people rot in hell for the crimes YOU committed. You genocidal fucks.
Oh just KYS you stupid apologist revisionist neo-Nazi Goebbel's cum swallowing pathetic waste of air.

Germans are the biggest civilian murdering and clay, city, culture and history stealing white niggers in Europe I've ever seen while studying history.ńsk)

Why are the borders of Poland always changed by their neighbours after every war?
Ta da, now I'm a Lithuanian.
Alacadabra I'm a Prussian.
What the fuck mang, now I'm a Byelorussian??
Also how come you guys are always talking shit about the Aryans whose toilets you clean?
Aren't you just a nation of itinerant beggars that is moved around by its neighbours?
How are you superior to a gypsy?

I've been found out.

German propaganda did a lot of work, (and we know that Germans are very precise) to make it look like a lot of polish clay was theirs. There was a whole proces of germanisation. It was made for Polish nation, to convince them, their roots didn't exist.

There is nothing wird, that Americans belive in this lies, and other Nations, that was not interested in Poland existance. Becouse you have to realy get into history, to know what happened, and on what terms.

>hitler invades and annexes literally all of poland
>hitler continues to do this to all of continental europe
>he loses a portion of his country in the east to a nation that also lost eastern land
>gdansk would be african and turkish right now if it wasn't taken by soviets and poles

If you're angry about this you're a pathetic edgy nazi xDDD larper, stop larping

filthy polacks sums it ups

Stfu emu.

Play stupid games win stupid prizes

>An entirely Aryan nation
Since when are Poles Aryan according to stormfags?

Majority of Prussians were Germanised Poles and Balts.

Teutonic order was invited but then decided to break all deals and usurp power in the region. And so for the first time der ewige kraut had to be brought down

Holy fug, that women's smile says it all.

Not to mention that Teutons forged documents and ignored Papal decrees and courts.

thanks mate saving this for future use against Krauts