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Theyre already there. Thanks Obama.
>Theyre already there. Thanks Obama.
Yes and Trump will continue and expand his policies.
Thanks for proving my point.
Enjoy watching the DNC crumble. It's gonna be fun watching the only President to ever go to prison be A NIGGER
Taliban is now funded by Iran, Russia and China and they will get new toys. Especially the bombs on these DJI Phantom drones will neutralize lots of American regime soldiers.
>Obama: Lets draw out this war as long as possible
>Trump: Lets get this shit over with, it's clear we can't just leave so lets finish it.
These two things are very different you dense motherfucker.
>Trump: Lets get this shit over with, it's clear we can't just leave so lets finish it.
You forgot the part where he enriches Raythan and mineral companies and fund the Saudis who fund the Taliban to keep this stupid war going.
>tfw Afghanistan becomes a reverse Syria and America is the guys propping up the government while Russia and Iran are funding jihadis
I wish our propaganda was as good as theirs though.
yes. you proved my point. theres already over 10k there. this news is just saying obama was a shitty president.
Is that number on the left before or after Obama announced more Afghanistan deployments?
Both are drawing the war out you retarded Neocon cocksucker.
A few k more troops is not going to change the balance of war. But it'll increase the risk of Americans dying overseas.
Finish what exactly?
Afghanistan is literally where empires go to die.
What would a "win" look like there, user.
Make you can explain that, because literally no one has ever been able to explain/describe that before.
And there is no doubt that said people are a lot smarter that you.
Iraq AND Afghanistan you fucking retard.
Trump has more than doubled the number of troops in Afghanistan. Stop being a retarded dindu.
There is nothing to defend. This is exactly what ((THEY)) want and Trump did it. All of us should be against Trump's decision but wtf can we do?
the spice must flow
you'll do nothing
Then why does this article say 38k total in February 2009?
How does it feel knowing a man who worships Jesus is an honorary Jew? How does it feel knowing Trump BANNED BIBI from coming to the wall with him. How does it feel knowing Trump doesn't think the Western Wall belongs to Israel? How does it feel being a subversive kike?
Remember to archive
oy vey
Do right wing retards understand that Iraq and Afghanistan are 2 different countries?
Yeah, whatever. At least he isn't Clinton
Yeah they're in Palestine in that picture. No country recognizes unified Jerusalem moron.
Keep splerging your autism, I can go all day bitch.
yeah but you're not answering my questions. Because you can't.
You literally have a trumpjew folder that means you're literally here to shill. You know we've seen discord logs with this exact narrative right?
lmao captcha is literally Dixie STOP
Meh, if he wasn't an honorary Jew they would have killed him a long time ago. Since he is an honorary Jew, killing him would be a sin in their religion, and is actually punishable under their laws.
He's outjewing the jews.
How win in Afghanistan will look like?
All of your questions were fake news
Trump didn't ban Bibi.
You think Trump knows where the Western Wall is? He's so retarded, when he landed in Israel from Saudi Arabia, he said we just got back from the Middle East.
This is the retard you worship.
The US of A will never leave Afghanistan as long as Russia is a threat.
I'm sorry. Why the fuck are we talking about Afghanistan?
Afghanistan is about Heroine, everything else is secondary.
No you haven't and if you don't know who I am then you're the newtard here.
A few more trillion shekels wasted.
Big win for Russia, not so much USA
Please carry this delusion to infity where they will ban you for exposing the truth in your FED and shill hugbox.
Russian shills peeing in their pants.
You were asking a question about this figure yet you're too fucking retarded to even read what the figure was for
just admit u fucked up and we're done here
He knows which Jews to pick.
Is there a reason why you spread antisemitism, obama leaf? What will the dems have to say about that when they make a non-binary, genderqueer muslim woman head of the party? Will rural and subarban retards get the nuclear codes?
We actually going there to win this time?
We've got these things called JDAMS. 500 pound bomb, roughly capable of leveling a city block. Due to the magnificence of American military might and manufacturing power, we can drop those more or less indefinitely. If we wanted to "win" afghanistan, we'd wage actual war and start moving people into the New American Desert in under 4 week's time.
Afghanistan started as revenge against rogue CIA agent. (CIA would never forgive such). Now it is going just because of teh habit and PR impossibility of acknowledging its true goal and waste coming from overstay and lies.
More like the Jew knows whom to pic:
But whatever. I'll *leaf* you and obama leaf screaming at each other which puppet or player of the billionair class and Jews will fuck you and the entire world over more gently.
Happy Hannukah!
>we're in Afghanistan because of opium
Do people really think this? Literally 'Iraq was invaded because oil' tier bluepill they teach normies. All our heroin comes from Mexico and Colombia.
Overseeing production of heroin and the distribution of it into Russia.
Destabalize and make money at the same time. Strangle the supply sometimes and watch as Russian addicts die of krokodil.
It's not anti-semitic to post pictures of Trump visiting his homeland.
You're wasting your time man. There morons think trump is a prophet and practically worship him, anything he does they will lie and spin into a positive, every time.
yeah all of them
After it is shipped there for refining from...
Give you three guesses who's producing most of the world's unrefined opium, and guess who is sending 18 year old corn fed, blonde haired blue eyes boys over there to protect it.
>Having an army at all
Seriously, what a racist, imperialistic shithole America has become.
Also, there's only one race: the human race.
God, why can't we all just get along?
Everyone's the same, there's no need for armies or borders, people!
>new just watched a shill overload in real time
>4D chess
>he's outjewing the jews!
>yes, he needs 8 jewish grandchildren to do that!
>fucken shill reeeee look at this screencap haha exposed! ignore everything this shill says goyim
>USA wastes millions of dollars shipping opium from across the world into foreign shitholes right across the border that can grow them cheaper
Finish high school
No one can grow heroin as effectively as you can in the year round, military guarded mountains of Afghanistan. You want to talk about high school education, how about you go ask the CIA how they treated all of Latin America. You think we're too good to put drugs on a plane? You think anyone would goddamn dare stop us if they found out? Get the fuck out of here, faggot, quit shilling for Bush's grandaddy
>States with marriage equality
Yes good goy, keep reminding them!
95% of the worlds opium comes from Afghanistan. More than 90% of that stopped as Talibans took control over Afghanistan, the moment they were stripped of power the opium export returned to normal. You have high ranking politicians highly invested in the Heorine trade across the borders.
Yeah Trump is cleaning up Obama's mess. He doesnt want to pull out early, and turn it into an Iraq type situation where ISIS steam rolls the entire country.
It's ok because Trump said we're there to fight terrorism and not do nation building.
>when fentanyl, LSD and meth exist
First of all, "heroin" is not grown, poppies are. The most basic of facts and you fucked it up.
Second of all, provide one logical reason why the US would take unprocessed poppies from Afghanistan, ship them 10,000 miles to Latin America, a place where they grow them just fine, in order to process it into heroin in some spic jungle lab when the CIA can just do it in Afghanistan, at the source, according to your retarded conspiracy theories.
Third of all, please tell me why nearly all of America's heroin comes from Mexico and Colombia, and all its licit opium used in pain pills comes from Turkey and India. If the CIA is involved in trafficking it why the fuck would they travel across the world and not just ship heroin from Colombia the same way they do coke?
This "America is interested in Afghanistan because of opium" is probably one of the most retarded, basic level bluepills you can think of. You don't know shit about opium and Afghanistan and you don't know shit about the global heroin trade.
>if you commit to destroying your enemy you lose
>getting your hands on LSD
>producing meth (much higher overhead)
You're not too apprised with current drug culture, are you?
Heroin is the cost effective choice for profit at every level. Not so materials or uncomfortable questions about what you're doing with a full thousand boxes of sudafed
Gotta pay for Houston somehow, Afghanistan has gold mines
Still mad you lost the election fag?
fuck off your just throwing wild accusations around to see what sticks
whats it gonna be next week
First is a semantic argument, don't act Semitic
Second is because they process it there where it is significantly easier than growing due to the nonstop cartel conflict we inflict specifically so the supply would remain in our hands
Third is for that same reason as I've already said, dumb ass, they can get more heroin for far cheaper at the subsidized poppy fields your average grunt watches over in Astan now, which is cheaper to send to Mexico because that's how goddamn economics works, you worm, they only just got the ability to refine it in the country en masse.
Christ, meet a fucking druggy or shut the hell up about shit you don't know about.
>a child actually made this
>the Taliban are based stoppers of heroin meme
Oh boy.
Let me drop a redpill on you right now
>98% of Afghan opium is produced in 7 provinces – including Helmand – where the insurgency is most active.
>Between $50 to $150 million a year is funded from the opium trade directly into the Taliban, whilst insurgents facilitate and even manage the trade from production to processing and smuggling
Opium production is completely widespread in Afghanistan, accounts for more than 56% of their GDP. It is grown literally everywhere, and everyday Afghan farmers rely on it to survive - they don't grow wheat, or corn, or anything else in most cases. What the Taliban did by propagandizing themselves as pure warriors of Sharia was called market manipulation. They didn't stop ALL opium production, they just stopped normal Afghan farmers from growing it so they could control the entire supply by themselves. They slashed 90% of opium production for the sole reason of eliminating competition, growing their own, waiting during the drought and reselling it at exorbitant prices, making millions - this is called artificial inflation and it's literally what aggressive drug dealers do in inner city neighborhoods.
You cannot stop opium production in Afghanistan, it has been grown there for thousands of years. We actually tried to put a dent into it with NATO and anti-drug programs but it made the locals pissed off because they couldn't earn a living, and there was so much of it produced that we couldn't wipe it out even if we tried.
>even if we tried
Come on, you know that's at least a little wrong
Requesting that Trump handshake dis on Bibi video.
I am talking from CIA POV. Why bother with large volume and costly natural drug production run by 3rd word drooling retard who ruin everything when literally one synthesis laboratory can supply entire world drug market with aforementioned drugs? Pro tip: CIA have no problems with getting any precursors and production gear.
>hey process it there where it is significantly easier than growing due to the nonstop cartel conflict we inflict specifically so the supply would remain in our hands
Holy shit.
Lemme see if I'm getting this right.
America ships opium across the world, from a region where they have total control to perform clandestine operations and they can get away with stuffing entire planes full of poppy plants, to Latin America because... it's easier to process there due to cartel conflicts.
You're literally saying in your retarded, absolutely RETARDED, 12-year old logic that the CIA would waste millions of dollars to transport opium, FROM A PLACE THEY COMPLETELY CONTROL, into Latin America so they can process it, and this is somehow EASIER than just growing opium in Latin America (literally one of the most fertile places in the world to grow opium).
So basically
>the opium is so cheap that we're gonna waste millions of dollars in logistics causes, take extraordinary legal risks to send it to an area where they already grow it and have been for centuries, just so they can simply process it into heroin, and send it through a complicated network of drug trafficking routes instead of shipping it directly to the US
And you have the nerve to lecture me about economics.
Like I said, you haven't the slightest idea about the opium trade, opium in Afghanistan or just illegal drugs in general. You are quite simply a fucking moron.
>You cannot stop opium production in Afghanistan,
Technically you can but measures required would not be approved politically.
You're not that great at reading comprehension, are you?
Astan poppy is grown>shipped to Mexico for processing>processing takes place so it can be shipped and sold>processing takes place here so they don't ship a bunch of refined heroin through US owned channels>processing can take place here because mexicans are fighting each other letting the CIA maintain a monopoly on supply going over the border
Welcome back to Nicaragua you fucking idiot, it's not the first time they've done this.
Pakistan is going to cut American logistics route to Afghanistan after Trump's reckless comments
If Pakistan closes its airspace to US and shuts down the land route, the cost of war in Afghanistan will quadruple as US will have no proper access to the country.
Have you considered that heroin is the only drug that produced the desired effect? Methheads will work for 5 days straight, LSD users think too much, and Fentanyl will kill your ass if you don't know how to use it far quicker than heroin will.
Heroin, on the other hand, will produce a nation of people who come home from work, check out watching TVLAND and getting cummies on demand until it's time for them to kick it without needing retirement
we should invade venezuela
What are advantages of this complex scheme over couple synthetic drug laboratories one on EU and another in CONUS again?
>what are daisy cutters
>what is agent orange
>what is napalm
there are ways user
Pulls out - Obama 2.0
More Troops - Bush 2.0
Regardless of what was said theres no chance of vindication within your eyes.
Harder to funnel to black projects and more visible to the general populace if it's produced in CONUS.
Heroin addicts are nothing like you described. Maybe 40 years ago it was like that for boomers but now it several years delayed death sentence.
>Harder to funnel to black projects
Wut? They whole sale to real drug distributors. Stream of real dirty drug money coming from real criminals.
>and more visible to the general populace if it's produced in CONUS.
Pls. With CIA oversight you would never find their laboratory or catch its operators.
Motherfucker I know the man, his name is John Drew, he lives on tower road in Raymond Maine. I can guarantee you he's already dead, but if you decide to check my Intel out, you'll find him passed out on the couch with his hand in his shorts surrounded by a half empty bag of tobacco and about 30 smoked cigarettes. Heroin does awful things to people, it's like weed on steroids.
Alright, I'm finally convinced you're some Mexishit beaner who has no fucking clue that opium is actually produced in your shit of a country. Only a shitskin without the faintest recognition of economics would think sending poppies from overseas into Mexico to be refined is somehow cheaper than growing and refining them locally. Only a shitskin would think you can traffic poppies the same way you can traffic refined heroin, cocaine, etc. through CIA drug planes. Only a shitskin would think el malo gringo is da reason we are fighting mang.
Hes bringing the hammer down. What else should he do? leave the nation to isis? or talk it out with them? Huh faggot what should he do?
I'm normally on the side of popular opinion here but aren't we all forgetting George Bush?
You miss the part where they only just got a stable enough foothold in Astan to start refining it en masse again? It's a big part of the equation you're leaving out, we're gonna start seeing either more refined brought into mexico, or it'll just start coming straight from the tap. Keep trying to pretend your time over there meant anything, all you fucking did was guard drugs and make jews rich.
>Mexican government seizures of opium and eradication of poppy plantations have skyrocketed in recent years. The trends are consistent: opium paste seizures in Mexico were up 500% between 2013 and 2014; poppy field eradications were up 47%; and seizures of the processed drug increased 42%. Along the US border they are three times what they were in 2009.
Gee I wonder why all these Mexicans are growing poppy all of a sudden when they can just get it from Afghanistan super duper cheap.
Its Taliban m8, and its base in teh Pakistan. Without destruction of that eternal anglo abomination all Afghanistan achievements are temporary.
Stop shilling Trump as a face of right. He is not one of us. He is not a "honorary" Jew, he IS a Jew. His daughter and her man are Jews. His grandchildren are Jews. Otherwise he wouldn't still be rich after so many bankruptcies.
It's almost like they realized they're getting fucked now that they're not even making a buck to refine it