Save the white race #lefreekekistan
Opinions on kekistan.
Save the white race #lefreekekistan
Opinions on kekistan.
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They are young but full of spirit.
This makes me cringe.
It's a retarded meme made by Scrotum of Mossad to co-opt chan memes way from da evul raysiisisis.
Wait we can talk about our own political movements.
>white race
this is some leftypol faggot pretending to be alt-right. fuck off.
Le epic pepe from le epic leaf
My favorite thing about these threads are the people that get genuinely, unironically triggered that they start posting frail commie losers in some attempt to defend the honor of kekistan, but both sets of people look equally retarded and inbred
Yes, because kekistan isn't a painfully shitty movement that just spams pepes and jerks off to sargons ass.
Useful in their own way.
Kekistan is, or at least originally was meant to be identity politics as a counter to libcuck identity politics. They sue when they are "opressed" for being 89 x 10^15 different genders at the same time, we now have a retort. Kek is useful in that way
cringe brigade unite
pic related
For faggots, by faggots
No one takes tem seriously, literally no one. They have no use what so ever.
He thinks that he's some kind of secret society insider because he goes on pol time to time and start his gay threads about himself. Then goes on jewtube and brags now he has the latest secret plans.
Anyone who associated themselves with that flag should be gassed regardless who wins
it's anonymous for the new generation.
Commies look worse. So it's understandable.
Simply in the fact that it irritates lefties, that is it's use. The fact that it now works on pol as well is unfortunate
kek is cringey shit for retarded faggots who aren't autistic enough to realize that everyone hates them
side note: ever blonde male that i've ever met was a fucking sperglord
if you don't have brown hair you shouldn't be called white
Its dumb, but it is a thing that brings people the redpill so I dont mind these cringe kids