ITT; Nigger hate

ITT; Nigger hate

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i don't understand


I hate racist inbred retards a lot more. You people are the cancer of humanity.

thank you for sharing this with us

>implying Mozart wasn't black

idk if someone with an iq of 65-85 could have composed so many pieces of music tho, i think this is just more historical revisionism


I actually agree with this to a certain extent, but having spent my whole life interacting with niggers, I can safely say they are the most vile, foul, ignorant, flat out stupid people to ever walk the face of the earth. america would be so much better without the nigger animal infesting it. at least white trash minds their own business most of the time

Get ready to be enriched, wh*te boi


lol i wonder how well behaved they are? haha

To be fair I think this is a good idea, even if it is a lie, it is a goal for intelligent and well behaved black people.

When did /pol get infested with nigger lovers? Probably a bunch of fat roasties. Go take the Dodge Challenge lardo.

>all this bluster
>white boys can't even begin to rap or rhyme

LOL threads like this are just full retard for fragile white who want to think they're speshul over other races



nigger what

And where are these so called intelligent and well behaved nigger?


This always makes me and the rest of the world black. Niggers will believe anything. They are so stupid you can convince them that donald trump is actually a black man in disguise. Niggers are the dumbest group of subhumans on the planet.

>white boys can't even begin to rap or rhyme
i can rhyme

however, rap and hiphop are dog culture so i don't want anything to do with it. if you want to look like a dumb animal go ahead i guess.

mentally challenged leftist logic:

niggers have culture

europeans don't

Here :

>implying with the amount of whitewashing and minority erasing insecure white males did throughout history and media it couldn't very well be true

compiled list from a couple previous threads, thought it might be appropriate here.

>implying Einjew wasn't black

So a nigger singing somehow translates to a well behaved and intelligent black? Nope. All niggers sing, and typically sing well. They are still niggers


I would run away from that nigger faster than i would a loose gorilla


We are not playing a game of hypotheticals Motzart wasn't black, neither was abe lincoln, which niggers believe. Niggers are so stupid that they believed the first president was black and then actually showed a picture of him. Yep, thats right, they claimed they had a photograph of the first american president who was black. The fact that photographs didn't exist before George Washington did not matter. Niggers still belived it, and continue to. We can also assume the egyptians were snow white eskimos. Maybe niggs eskimo washed it. But your nigger logic doesn't hold any water with the rest of the world. Niggers are stupid, you can get them to believe anything. Liberal fags are a close second.

good post

i'd tell the person holding the camera to leave the room and barricade the door until i tell them to open it, then i'd proceed to rip the dog's face off

ITT: butthurt white boys

Goddamn, how many times has that pic been screen capped and re-uploaded


Yep, einstein was black, george washington was black, george bush was black, the queen of england is black. Everyone is black. Didn't you know. When you are to stupid to have a culture, just claim everyone else's. Remember this rule goy, and you will go far. Just ask the niggers


A gay whtie boy talking about nigger penis and white "bois". LOL

You've obviously never went fistacuffs with a baboon

nice thumbnail

are you kidding me. if there's one thing you have to give black people credit for it's their rich, creative musical history from past to present. wonderful voices and taste.

you've obviously never comprehended the contempt I have for dogmonkeys

also funny picture ty

what about their cuisine?

dust doesn't really appeal to me so i can't comment on it

talk shit all you want but the world will be half black by 2100 and white boys wont even exist LMFAO


Im sure niggers thought the same thing 500 years ago and 1000 years before, and 10,000 before that. Niggers will believe whatever they are told if it makes them feel good. Niggs are gonna nigg. Sub human IQs and all.

It in faact is the only thing that blacks legitimately can take some credit for. That and maybe basketball and football. THATS IT!! Throughout time and space that is all blacks have accomplished. They can play football and basketball and sing. We wuz everydang and sheeittt

Ali used explicit, repeated, and vicious racial imagery against his opponents, comparing Frasier to a gorilla on one occassion.
>inb4 muh reporters
Ali was an abject racist and the worst sort. The kind when you're a black teasing other blacks.
I bet you have never seen that, have you sugarbritches?

its gonna be great

This I gonna rustle some Jimmies


This was (((their))) plan

Yeah those raciss neckbeards sure to a lot of raping, robbing and destruction of once great cities, don't they?

Fuck off. Niggers are much, much worse.

Kek it keeps growing. Everytime I see this photo there's a new article

Brit, what is this shit pic related? Really, im Sad bro

The next one might be about the rise of cannibalism or eating scat or setting up business importing mud cakes because their own mud isn't nutritious enough.

post yfw the op pic isn't even a meme

this would have made me really angry a few years ago, but it's hilarious. the thought of the consequences is funny to me.

>it's a "low IQ 3rd worlders don't understand 3 or 4 dimensional concepts" episode

the veil will soon be lifted. they can't keep up the charade much longer, they even burst out laughing because of how retarded it is while that homo seriously tries to play some emotional music over it


that's a severe case of prognathism, possible exacerbated by mild microcephaly.

i really feel like these guys were running a scam.

they even had to hold back laughing.


this is what happens when your a christfag that fell for the "were all created equal" meme

Chevalier de Saint Georges was literally black Mozart.



>Christians are to blame

Of course its a fucking German spewing nonsense like always
They are rich,sheltered American libtards without a single clue to how the real world works

Sage goes in all fields


>dem tittays

i wonder how that boat smell like


like french rap and lynx africa

>no Father


im not blaming christians. But these were obviously some cucky american Evangelicals.

like that distinct black people hair smell
everybody knows the smell I'm talking about

What is this supposed to be? Really?

Like doctors and engineers



It's offensive in the south during summer.
Don't EVER get on a public bus in the south when it's hot.



It smells like cigarillos and grease

Sadly I must agree with you on this one
I've been to many American """ churches """ and its fucking blasphemous what I have seen In many of them
One church was full on "Jews are the chosen people"
It almost seemed as if they where worshiping the Jews themselves instead of the Almighty
The subversion of the churches is real, thankfully Jesus warned us about it two thousand years ago


>the cancer of humanity.

good analogy for black people really.

There used to be a black girl at school and I would have to leave the room when she came in because I couldn't breathe over the smell.

Anybody know what causes it? Is it because they don't wash their hair?

>Puts bucket on head

Im ded m8

yeah when they have weaves they dont wash their head for 3 weeks or more

holy shit gota watch this
source please

Blacks are the least developed people becuse they did not have great empires to "colonize" them.
Mozart is german, germanic people were nigger tier tribes that got lucky enought to meet the superior Greek/Roman civilizations.
What would be of blacks if Romans conquered/colonized them 2000 years ago?

Like sheeeit

White men do not nedd to rape, white dick is like a master key to all pussies.


> Mozart is german
Somali education everyone

Black women are useful to breed slaves.