Sup Forums humor thread
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I hope this one doesn't get slid.
I guess this thread is dead?
How about some ACTUAL Sup Forums humor and not some edgy jokes?
someone should make a new hunger games thread pol edition. Its been FOREVER since we had a good one going.
God, I miss these -tan comics.
whats facism
is it like racism but against different faces?
like firing an ugly person is a facist thing yes?
aesthetic imagery desusu
Mods would probably move it to /bant/.
the german eagle and the bald eagle have almost identical wing spans, with the bald eagle edging it out with the slightly larger of the two.. what a bullshit image.
did you figure that out by the part where it said the german eagle has laser eyes?
Didn't even get that far before I saw the need to protect my murican values
No Italian eagle!
It would probably go like this:
Magnificent eagle, not the biggest, not the smallest, a perfect balance of speed and elegance, it only has one problem, it feeds off of carbonara, vincisgrassi and a bit of memes. It likes to recycle old memes on instagram for all normies to enjoy.
That was not my OC but some brit.
this is so retarded but made me giggle
I was in that thread yesterday, that guy trying to debunk the black on white crime infographic was so fucking incompetent.
fucking kek
Oh ok user, still that was pretty good.
"Dude... not tonight" oh okay i'll just go hate some jews over there while this blows over enough I can start making fun of it again
The fuck is this thread