Scented Pansy

>Scented Pansy
>A website where women sell their worn undergarments.
>Men paying for women's worn undergarments.
>Paying money for dirty panties.

>Woman makes thousands selling used knickers

>A 24-year-old who found herself in almost $10,000 of debt has decided to try a rather unorthodox way to make some extra money.

>Yasmin Night, from London, has pocketed more than $82,000 selling used panties, sanitary towels, hair and even toenail clippings to ‘paypig’ men who get a kick out of being exploited.

The former cleaner turned to the online fetish market in 2016 and is now encouraging cash-strapped women to follow in her >footsteps.


Wow. Women having to sell their precious panties to perverts just to get out of debt, pay for college, or make ends meet.

Have men gone too far this time!?

How do you feel about this?

Other urls found in this thread:

They are capitalizing on an untapped market with huge potential. I see no problem with this. They could use that money and invest in cryptocurrency to make more money than doctors if they so pleased.

This shit is gonna turn me into a fag some day.

is it legal to sell the used undergarments of your daughter? asking for a friend.

clean up your room...
otherwise you will end up a cuck!

No. Not really

Hans, fire up the ovens.

that pic made me feel a lil sick

buy the undergarmets of an degenerate that burns more coal than china... wise mate

So youre telling me I can cum on womens underwear and sell them? Thanks.

i'm certain these spergs could figure out a way to get this shit for free like holy fuck

the chicks that do this aren't necessarily that attractive even so there's really no excuse

lol feelsbadman, I got a bad story about finding dirty pants in a bag.

why is money so hard to obtain for men :(

How old is she?

It's so easy to impersonate online what's to stop a man buying female underwear, BBBRRRRAAAAAAPPPPPPing in it then selling it to some other weirdo? Could be a good money spinner.

Can i sell my cumstained boxers somewhere? Anyone here willing to buy them? srs answers pls

We have to close the panty sell gap REEEEEE!!!!1!!!1


ya man, totally legal.

reminder that these types of men are the reason the west is in the condition it is in now.
because men will literally throw money at women just for the sake of being women.

Imagine some dude jacking off with panties that you sharted in

this is fucking disgusting.

imagine wanting anything to do with your girlfriend's rank, stained underwear.

We live in a time in which conservative strong aryan ubermensch the future of the white race, drool over and fantasize about effeminate mentally ill men and try to rationalize their own fetish as "not gay" and normal. Is anyone even surprised that women will do such things as mentioned in the article OP provides ? If there is no demand there is no supply, this says something about the state of men.

free market wins again.

>he hasnt taken the boipill
absolutely sort your shitout

Sadly this.
Thirsty betas are as much of a problem for the west as the women who prey upon their wallets.

Imagine the smell.

I always thought about trying to sell (((used))) panties online. It would be funny if dudes would actually buy them at 1000% markup believing some woman had worn them.

What is that white stuff? I found some on my sister's panties, they had a similar white stain, and I was revolted because I thought it was semen.

>Women can easily earn by selling used underwear and fecal matter online, playing video games and streaming it or offering fake gf services to gamers
>Claim to be oppressed

Depends on the female in question.



taste it and see

its usually girl semen from their obvulating boiclits

I think it could be mucus

used panties are the patricians fetish

lol fag

Would anyone pay for Bavarian twink underwear? :^)

This. Most of the fluids that come out of the body are pretty "standardized".

>How do you feel about this?
I feel like this is only possible within free market system
>Imagine the smell.

To add to this egg whites and semen contain the same primary protein structure.
That's why only faggots eat "no yolk" egg.

it is the men who are pathetic enough to buy these things

>become a pro at using photoshop
>take 30 pictures from a beautiful girl
>shapeshift her in any pic (she has to look the same on every picture)
>do this for 10 other girls
>create fake accounts and start selling their fake dirty panties
>every week you morph another pic, so that people can actually believe that you are a real girl
>do this until someone figured it out

Fuck, is this a legit business plan for a NEET iwth godlike ps skills?

>not getting them for free or from a cheaper competitor.

>paying for used underwear

DESU I live with a couple women and I fuck one of them, and the ones I'm not fucking I've rummaged through their laundry and jacked it to their panties a dozen times

shit is cash, faggots. If you don't like the scent of womens' genitalia you are clearly a faggot

Don't forget there are plenty of online sex stores that sell "female scent" bottles, could easily be done lad

how old are you
how you didn't learn this on school
how can you sleep at night knowing you are an expert about semen and know nothing about vaginas
are you gay?
secretly gay?
I have news for you

Some men are fucking cancer.

Here's the thing though baka. If some chick came up to me and offered to buy my feces and dick cheese the sheer thought of it would make me ill. I would send her straight to the gas chamber.
The thought that there are enough women who would entertain it to the point of it being a viable business model is just absolutely disturbing.

absolute madman

Are they better when fresh? Do they go bad after a couple of days in the laundry?

after a few days it's just sweat
so better take them fresh

Are there women who are willing to buy used boxers with skidmarks from men?


>boipucci is the final redpill

This TURBOREDPILLED user speaks the truth

That's a nigress pussy ofc it's disgusting faggot

>Buyers not realising it's just fat japs dancing around in women's underwear lol

>he doesn't only get off to futa anymore yet

idk but for some reason - the other girls' panties gets me hard but I don't do it with my gfs'. I don't understand why, it might be taboo factor, no idea.

But yeah I get a couple pairs with the mucus stain and you can smell the pussy and the ass..... Mmmmmm hard just thinking about it famalam

"Stereo Total - Wir Tanzen Im Viereck"

This but most people here are childrens/niggers who never take responsibilities for anything. Women are followers, if they're fucked up it's because men are.




i remember this song. used to be played on the music channel in germany 24/7.

>buy a pair of women's panties
>put them on the auction
>some creepy degenerate buys them
>before you ship them,you cum all over the middle
>meanwhile,some degenerate on the other side of the planet is jacking off and sniffing your cum off the panties

Why aren't we doing this?

Because it's degenerate.

Someone should sell poissoned panties or infected ones with aids/herpes to get rid of these sickos

vaginas don't smell like penises. trust me, i shoudl know

Now THIS is a fetish worth exploring

I wish I could sell my dirty underwear to fags for money. Do people do this?

Stale cum smells the same as stale pussy juice.
I would know.
It's the same fishy smell.


I've had a few offers to buy but I always chickened out at the last minute because I found it creepy :^)

If this doesn't prove women have it easy, nothing will.

Vaginas also don't all smell the same.

This looks like a good deal guys. Should i buy it?

How much money did you get offered?

anyone else freeze their cum and put it in a syringe and walk around supermarkets injecting it into yoghurts and potato salads etc?

Ten years ago I put my two fingers into a girl's pussy. It was totally pointless from my perspective because I got nothing out of it but she seemed to like it or pretended to.

Anyway when I was done and she had orgasmed my fingers were covered in snot. It was really gross, my fingernails were a bit long and there was snot like stuck under them even after I washed them. Never doing that again.

Anyway I think that might be that snot stuff they produce.

lol you can buy cyanide online

€20-30 per per of socks. For some reason most of them seem to prefer smelly sox to worn underwear

I think you get some extra flavour if she hasn't washed in a while, i suggest looking for at least 1 week aged

Asian masterace at work

if anything, there are desperate women who would buy your oversized T-shirts that you've sweated into.

t. someone who's ex kept a shirt for 6 months to sleep with because it smelled like me while we were dating

Isn't that a bio hazard?

holy fuck you are telling me
man I used to date some rural bitch who had the foulest smelling snatch I have EVER smelled. And then a punk chick who also had a smelly pussy. But when you get with more preppier girls their pussies magically start smelling almost sweet, like a sugary scent to them rather than fish. That's the good shit. MY gf has the sweet-smelling pussy rn

i do now!

>They sell their cum candida cunt crusts!

Damn, isn't it illegal to ship shit like that through the mail? Nasty as hell. God abandoned us a long time ago.

Why would anyone want dirty underwear, let alone from some random whore? This is peak sexual degeneracy.

my sides

Ok enough of this. Back to racial slurs i go

Holy shit user, that's a good deal you should have done it. Yeah the pervs are creepy but that's easy ass money. Just protect your identity so none of them can track you down. Damn though.

I see why :D

>he doesn't only get off to dick girl (no pussy) anymore yet.

i have some old panties with period stains any high bidders interested?

I heard of that, i don't understand people who buy used panties and people who want to get tortured by women.

I know exactly what you are talking about kek. I live in a pretty hipster liberal city and the pussy here is pretty smelly. Fingered a chick at a party a few weeks ago and even after washing my hands people could smell it on me because it stank so bad. Some dude said it smelled like a cat burp.

>not buying used bras instead

Pleb tier.

Panties have direct contact with a human asshole. There's no escaping that.

The worst thing a bra typically touches is her underarm sweat, and it can always be perfume scented.

I actually don't mind, most people have fetishes and I wouldn't judge anyone for theirs. It's just that the guys who are willing to pay for used underwear are really extra creepy, probably because they're so desperate because they can't attract anyone irl.

This one guy wanted to meet in person to make the deal, he said he wanted to be sure I really was the guy from the pictured, but I really didn't feel like meeting up with him.

And the other guy lived far away and he wanted me to send it by mail, but he refused to pay upfront and I was a bit worried of getting scammed, so I chickened out :^)

Fapping, phermones and desperation create an interesting mix. Taking loved one's undergarments isn't exactly uncommon. For scent related fetishes it's practically mandatory.
It's a case of one man's trash is another man's treasure.

I'll give you 100 dollars if you cut them up and eat them. I only have whoppercoin though.