
He's rejected the Civic Nationalist pill.
I agree with ASH, what's the point of the tweet?

He even doubled down by Retweeting the tweet to put it higher up on his page.

Massive coon triggering in the section of the comments

the point is a reality check you dumb niggress

Mark's right, though.
Throw a bunch of blacks into an emergency and they turn into a bunch of animals.
Throw a bunch of whites into an emergency and they conquer things that no one imagined possible.


Harvey is better because they're able to loot a car?

This is why white societies were built in the first place.
We may argue, compete against each other, get annoyed at each other, but when things get really bad. For some reason we have always come together and worked in unison with those directly around us to fix it.

Now if only we can come together and stop the biggest problem of all being imposed upon white countries by a bunch of fucking evil ass (((motherfuckers))).

I don't get it. What is he trying to say?

blacks suck

America will end like South Africa, on a massive scale.

good read. 10/10

Actually a very interesting and enlightening read.

short versions: niggers gonna nig.

every white person is secretly a white supremacist prove me wrong

every black person is secretly a nigger prove me wrong

I miss his conspiracy videos from back in the days.

That niggers are scum.

looks like you're wrong, nazi.

There is a cultural problem with african americans in the US.

The problem is that black people that aren't part the problem refuse to acknowledge there is a problem.

>black """""""""""""""""""""""""people""""""""""""""""""""

>MAGA slogan

Pick one

>black people

Truth hurts

>niggers being so triggered by a picture of them looting that they have to immediately jump to calling someone racist.

I am sure Dice wasn't even making it about race, but nogs can't even see a picture of their own societal inadequacies without going on the defensive. My favorate comment was the niggress telling him he didn't live in New Orleans so he can't comment on the effects it had on the people. These retards will try to deflect anyway they can before they can accept the truth.

Denial Americans

>black people are unable to comprehend long-term satisfaction and live their lives expecting the government to pay for them
>we should continue to have the government pay for these people, somehow it will get fixed

Jesus fuck this guy is retarded. At least he's honest enough to admit racial differences exist. Communism is a mental illness.

There aren't that many blacks in Tehas though that's the thing
There's spics, lots and lots of fucking spics I mean ffs Texas is 45% white
But despite spics being the same stripe no matter where you go for some reason spics that live here(especially legal ones from the south) go into full work mode during natural disasters I dress of chimping out
Shit is weird

Don't work that way
The northern Yankee scum and the west coast shitheads aren't even white anymore
And nothing we can do will make them like us or how whites are supposed to be
They're fit only for the quarry or deportation

Dice are swedecucks
They won't touch race with a ten foot pole so it definitely had zero to do with it

>Prove me wrong
We haven't yet cleansed the shitcoloureds from our living space.

Been saying this, but his channel will die out soon due to jewtube restrictions

This, sadly. His channel became too powerful, I was even seeing normies linking to it on kikebook.

Does anyone have any Harvey Loot Crew pics?

You're wrong, it's not a secret.

dice is a meme stealing faggot. he'll take others work and reproduce it as his own. And this is a false narrative he's spreading. shitload of looting going on including people pretending to be ICE going to inhabited houses telling residents to leave then robbing the place. his virtue signalling is for the shekels. fuck you dice and your shitty Sup Forums ad, fake asshole.
