What's Wrong with Free Speech?

As long as it isn't slander, threats, libel, or hatespeech what's wrong with free speech?

Free speech can be useful as a tool to strengthen the nation, to critique it's weak parts and to offer strengthening solutions. But free speech can also be used by (((cosmopolitan))) groups to subvert and destroy a nation from within. The globalists have effectively unlimited resources to push falsehoods, effectively drowning out the truth. The truth will not be heard if there's a siren besides it, a siren designed to muffle the truth in a sea of noise. Free speech for subversive parties equals silencing the truth.

Any questions?

muh feelings

Nothing. But don't be surprised if someone smashes you in self defense after you verbally assault somebody.


Please elaborate

Define hate speech and why it isn't protect by free speech

imo even that falls under free speech
otherwise this loose word could, like right now, be used to shut up any opposition for thought crimes

((freedom of speech)) ((freedom of the press))

>The truth will not be heard if there's a siren besides it
>effectively unlimited resources to push falsehoods
This is the first time in the history of this board anybody has made a convincing argument about subversion

Free speech is what allowed antifa, anti-white speech, cultural marxism, and communism to rise.

Its a double edged blade.

Its good for us but at the same time bad because it allows our enemy to grow, continue to riot and destroy. With fascism we could crush the Marxist Jews and continue reaching for the stars.

Like saying shit like white nationalism

Same with slander. SAying "Obama was a bad president" could be defnied as slander

and should that be banned?


>SAying "Obama was a bad president" could be defnied as slander
americucks have a retarded law system apparently

good goy

Actually to make the point more correct, it's not a siren the globalists are using to drown out the truth. That's just a more compact way to describe it and easier for normies to understand. In reality, they're using our weakness for fun, pleasure, and comfort, and they're flooding the normies senses with infinite amount of comfortable lies so that when they hear the painful truths, they will not hear them.

It's a Brave New World, not 1984.

Is this good for the Germans? They deserved this?

Slander is defined as being a false statement. Saying "Obama was a bad president," whether it is true or not, is an opinion which can't be judged as true or false, so it isn't slander.

There's no such thing, actions have consequences and we're all dun goof'd.

Yes. Saying shit like all niggers should be exterminated shows sociopathic tendencies and should be seen as possible threats.

Free speech prevents agendas based on lies to take hold. Marxism is based on many lies, they know it and they want to prevent anyone (who would use free speech) from exposing their lies.
free speech exposes other peoples lies. liars (leftists) hate that.
Free speech is pro truth.

I mean under non-American law

makes me sad to still be in this shithole
especially when i was on vacation in the netherlands recently, almost no sand niggers there

Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me.
Unless you are a vagina in which case reeeeeeeeeee.

I'm deeply sorry friend and I apologize on behalf of my country. I hope white nationalism continues to grow. None of us deserve genocide like this.

thanks for your condolences, buddo
what can we do without being shut up by german law for thought crimes though?

>or hatespeech
Fuck off, faggot. I'd rather see you lynched for the color of your skin than to lose free speech.
You ignorant, self-entitled parasites showed your devious, kike-like hands with the smoking issue. NEVER give even so much as an angstrom with you cockholsters: you'll try to turn it into a mile every fucking time.
"People" with shitty ideas like yours should be lynched for the color of your skin. (Good luck trying to argue against my point when your speech is regulated and controlled.)

Restricting speech has historically led to an untold number of wars and conflicts. If restricting speech leads to massive wide scale deaths, it is an investment in the future of human suffering to lynch you "people."

hope tech doesn't reach the point where it can literally read thoughts. because then we're all fucked. lol

I have become an expert in thinkstop. Basically i can stop thinking about something on will.

>you can't get him with mind reading
may i please have your address

How does that libertarian theory work in practice? How has truth been so destroyed in a nation where freedom of speech is still strong?

Free speech to work as according to libertarian theory, one has to assume that people always want to know the truth and spread the truth. They obviously don't. There are extremely powerful people and organizations spreading lies on purpose, doing subversion. Truth does not win if the liers are more well funded and able to work harder for the lies to spread.

Words should not hurt people, but words can destroy nations. A wrecked nation isn't good for the people.

I'm not saying i need to because im not racist but if you read 1984 one solution people had is they trained their minds to stop thinking on will.

still havent read it
even have it around i think, am just too distracted by the vidya-jew

Lawfag here. 1st Amendment professor is DC Cir. Court of Appeals judge. The 1st Amendment is under attack. This "hatespeech" exception has been being pressed since the 90s when colleges sought to create "speech codes." It's now a resurgent idea in the current alt and radical left.

1st Amendment is very powerful and fragile. I believe it's one of the greatest inventions of mankind.


Jefferson is specifically talking about academic freedom, but it's the same rationale. As long as you are free to speak, the best ideas will win out.

Actually threats are perfectly fine unless they're against the president or a military official
Also hatespeech doesn't exist, the supreme Court said so

>should be seen as possible threats.

Mere advocacy is not enough. The current test is from the case of Brandenburg v. OH

>One of the speeches made reference to the possibility of "revengeance" against "niggers", "Jews", and those who supported them. One of the speeches also claimed that "our President, our Congress, our Supreme Court, continues to suppress the white, Caucasian race", and announced plans for a march on Washington to take place on the Fourth of July. Brandenburg was charged with advocating violence under Ohio's criminal syndicalism statute for his participation in the rally and for the speech he made. via Wiki

The test is "constitutional guarantees of free speech and free press do not permit a State to forbid or proscribe advocacy of the use of force or of law violation except where such advocacy is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action."

>inciting imminent lawless action
>likely to produce such action

>can literally read thoughts

Would have a much greater impact on criminal law, as "thoughtcrime" isn't legally recognized yet.

Check out minority report which ham handedly touches on this issue.

>How does that libertarian theory work in practice?

You are posting on a board that shows exactly how it works in practice.

>How has truth been so destroyed in a nation where freedom of speech is still strong?

That's your perception, and I can understand why. It is not the opinion of the majority of Americans or the Supreme Court. That's why this is an important principle to defend.