How rare is your surname Sup Forums? Can you beat mine in rarity?
Rare surnames contest
Crackers have very common surnames though.
My surname is Ughmadu. Northern Afghanistan reporting in.
Smith is pretty not rare
Also may or may not be my surname
Go away data miner, go away.
my surname has around 900 ocurrences italy, 700 in brazil, and a few in france and morocco
162 in USA
127 in brazil.
My surname must be pretty fucking unique, because I'm not seeing any 100% matches, only 92%s and below.
Shit. Nevermind, I'm slow today.
2300 people have my surname.
Mostly miners who went to the various "new worlds" or all from the same place I'm
2466th most common
highest density in northern ireland, even though my family is catholic
2,193, 533rd. Blessed be ukrainian immigrants
Aw fuck yeah, my ancestors were French nobles.
Mines on the list of top 100 most common British surnames (and it's not Patel)
>Approximately 2,391,310
people bear this surname
Why would you want to be rare?
hapa reporting in
Datamining Thread.
Sage this shit.
Shit. I've never met anyone with my surname that I'm not closely related to. Thought it would be a lot more rare desu
>9,014 in Italy
>3,662 in America
>3,554 in Argentina
>2,544 in Brazil
The Italian diaspora is real. Also there are more people with my surname in Venezuela than in Switzerland or Germany.
I like my name it souds like the bame of a king. please dont call me a burger king.
Tfw they estimate there are 77 people in the world with my surname
I was surprised myself
But apparently I'm a ruskie
>MFW Mussolini lives on
>In fucking Brazil
Italian here.
My surname has
Italy: 481 people
France: 3
Netherlands: 1
Switzerland: 1
Based Tanzania
Both my parents are from India but my name is most commonly found in turkey, Greece and Slovenia. Dafuq?
Better get ta fuckin
Reminds me of the Mr Show Hitler sketch
Ranked in the 15000s
Quite Rare
>south africa
uh oh
Ther are only 68 people with my surname worldwide so i dont really want to show you what is my surname somone can find me just by typing that in google
Woah. Only 2 in the US for my name and only 7 in Italy.
lmao, 412,478th most common. only 633 people bearing it
Whites only baby
Most of us in US but some in England, Australia, Canada, and the Netherlands
Go away, Lee.
Too rare for the site apparently.
ching chong ding dong
Says mine is 144,089th most common
surname in the world.
Get busy and maybe they'll list it.
6,300,947th most common
surname in the world
Approximately 1
people bear this surname
>927th most common
Shouldn't be surprised as it's a name for an occupation.
My surname means: Big, White, and bearer of the broadsword.
>data farming thread
you guys are retarded
439,461st most common
surname in the world
Approximately 580
people bear this surname
try me nigga
Well I'm a super commoner.
The results for Hitler are fun
Tanzania and India as top two
Filthy phoneposter reporting for duty
Approximately 47 people have my surname according to that site.
You have to go back
Niggers and Pajeets give zero fucks. Or Hitler's descendants are building a herd of nigger cattle.
Hey guys, rare bank details thread. Who's first?
>implying they don't have everything they need from you already
127000 in the USA
Or even less according to that site
>131 people in Mexico with surname Hitler
not a nigger
T. Hooker
It's Harvey try and find me
36 ppl w/my name
All USA.
This said, it's totally bullshit. I have cousins living in the Netherlands w/my surname, but they're not popping up. Also, a gasthaus on the island of Borkum bears my name; thus, I should have some hillbilly (Ostfriesland) Kraut relatives too.
get on my level
Kinda feel like a shiny pokemon
Too late, as apparently we are extinct.
I'm pretty rare outside of Switzerand.
8 incidences. Canada and Ireland and they are family. You can't beat this
There are around 15 of us actually.
thanks for the you
In what way can last names be used?
>OK we got em. Just check out all 600000 people with this last name and see which one posts on Sup Forums.
222 in the us
220 in india
71 in indonesia
4 in china
3 in georgia
2 in france
1 in australia
1 in mauritania
1 in russia
not so rare
Well, my surname is not really unique, because it was given to new priests who were either ordained in a Dormition church or on a Dormition day, so that's it. It literally means "of Dormition". Still, it looks quite beautiful in Russian.
My last name is
>uh oh
i think you should learn more about your dutch ancestry if you're saying that mate
This list is not correct - there's only 2 people including me. Other two passed away ages ago.
3,550,585thmost common
surname in the world
people bear this surname
>1381 people bear this surname
Anything over a 100 isn't rare.
God Dammit.
So when are you going to start making babies?
>most prevalent in USA, Israel
Am I a KANG??
After I get married next July.
You should get at it as well, 15 is too little.
Carefull you'll get docts!
feels white as fuck man
Lol literally typing in any Irish name brings up a load of results in US, UK and AU.
global incidence: 4
all in the US
I'm literally one of a kind
America BTFO most cucked country.