Can we defend him? He wasn't that great but I don't like the left having good reasons for their ideas
Is Columbus a lost cause?
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let them continue to break statues, it'll only serve to hurt their cause
Yeah but not just the statues, in general theres no good way to defend Columbus as a person
Why would you want to defend him to begin with? Morality, defined by society, changes with time and that's just the way it is.
Literally why
I got mugged by that statue there by niggers, up the hill is Oak street one of the most nigger infested shitholes in N.Y, Been told that now is Mexican clay, Can anyone corroborate?
This is good. The older chinks here see this as a repeat of the cultural revolution and are swinging to the right fast.
Tell them they aren't going to play into a Rube Goldberg deconstruction of the past of white people, that we made this western democracy beyond heirarchy and commands for ourselves because that's who we made, and we don't care about your outrage. That we will hold power, and defend our history as ours.
Christopher Columbus set forth a new land for white people and connected the continent to the white man. And we respect and honor his achievement as the land Columbia. We are not here to be the shopping mall and breadbasket for the assorted other races that could not get out the door and take the world on their own. We have nothing to apologize for, we will NEVER apologize for it, and you can fight us and rightfully lose if you have a problem.
The white man is done playing these purity spirals. We are defending our past to protect our future, and your bleating is empty. Fuck off you assorted mud, we are not going to give you ground anymore.
>user, that sounds like White Supremecy
>You're not a white supremisct are you?
Columbus was an Italian hero
honestly we should dig him up and put his corpse on trial. Nothing he did was helpful to the world in any ways what so ever and he broke the law.
(((((((((Columbus))))))))) was a jewish Fraud just like (((((((Einstein)))))))).
TRUE Discoverer of America was LEIF ERIKSSON!!!!!!!!!!!!
Testing. I should be Belgian now
No you retarded nigger, it was discovered by asian nomads about 30 to 40,000 years ago.
>not having the balls to say in front of god and your whole family that whites are by and large objectively the mlst evolved
What's it like being a cuck?
>oude columbia
>There's only one race, the human race.
Fake fucking statue made of plaster and paint. Movie props, people. Wake up
let them have it
Those damn Vandals.
No good reason to attack a dead man either
How does it feel to know that white supremacy is coming to an end?
all im saying is (((Columbus))) was a FRAUD, KYS Beaner.
Once you give them one statue, it'll become two statues, and then three statues. It's a domino effect. Stand your ground and don't give them an inch.
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
Idolatry must go. Their religion demands it.
Like Russians and Indians?
Somebofy redpill me on columbus
Did he do capital G genocide on natives or little g
I'm pretty sure our capital can be saved.
Hinga Dinga Dürgen
>in general theres no good way to defend Columbus as a person
This fuckinh nigger made 4 trips across the Atlantic Ocean in the 1400s. Fuck what you read by Howard Zinn, that's some impressive shit itself.
You're the one who interpreted whites coming into their own, and defending their own, as a supremacist movement. It betrays your thoughts that you think whites are superior to you when they have a history, and have a culture. It's unfortunate that you think of yourself as inferior to me, but whether you are or not, your neuroses are none of my concern. I am who I am and I will defend what is a part of me and my people, you will simply have to decide whether to accept or assault that, because it won't go away with your deconstructive scum-talk.
they'll go after:
lyndon b johnson
washington/jefferson etc
julius caesar
anyone else?
shakespeare is fine cause he was black
First it's his statues and then quickly after they'll be trying to rename DC since it honors him. I guarantee there will be a movement to rename the city Lincoln DMLK
Good, that fker is resonsible for the genocide of my people.
Why should I give a fuck about this country? It stopped caring about me a long time ago. I say let it all burn.
LBJ signed the civil rights act so he's good. Also julius caesar is not american you idiot
Fuck Churchill.
We win and I will come after Churchill.
wogs truly are the best Australians
honestly this stop stealing my peoples history
he made comically racist statements didn't he? unless i got fake news'd by pol, regardless he tried to whitewash the civil rights movement and all his shit should be replaced by malcolm x or whoever
We don't have to defend him as a person you anarchist brainlet. He's of cultural importance
>Columbus was Italian
Fuck LBJ, he created a shit ton of gibs programs to buy votes.
>Kill 5 million native and replaced them with blacks
>Help kill 20 million more etc
Colombus was a fag, he killed major civilizations Erikson is our guy.
meh. He was a product of his time. Not everyone's perfect. Even MLK had multiple affairs yet he was preaching about God and shit
That was Cortes and Pizarro, not Columbus.
And the Inca and Aztecs still fucking exist, so do the Maya.
>killing retarded native populations
The irrelevancy of hating on a 500+ year old Spaniard who ran into the wrong continent is too stupid for me to give any serious thought
>you know who really grinds my gears!! That charlamagne! We should erase him from history
Columbus, in a sense, was one of the least relevant people playing a role in the exploitation of native Caribbean people.
He just set out with a small budget to test a theory and possibly find some good trade deals.
He was a hardened Explorer and organiser... But even if you look at his few actions undertaken as local governor... You will see the entire crap that came out of colonialism has its source elsewhere.
Colombo is no actual symbol of anything except the discovery itself. Is the left implying he should have left things as they are?
What the fuck is the so-called left doing? Are they acting "conservationists" towards native Americans? This sounds like some post-colonial bullshit such as
>we should have left the tribals alone
Holy shit they're not Greens. They're just green.
Also, it's not entirely clear this logic
>when the right does it, it is wrong
>when we do it, it's right
Remember the Blues Brothers? Running over people with a car was cool as long as Nazis were the victims. Now that the victims are leftists... Everyone cries but nobody shuts down the movie.
Same goes for statue-shaming. Are the leftists the new Taliban? Is taking down the Statue of Colombo the same as taking down that of Stalin or just an old Buddha monument in Afghanistan?
Holy crap. Aren't they green.
The fun thing that it started way ago, but none had noticed. They attacked Jesus Christ first as the most vulnerable and same time most important man in western history.
>judging the morality of people who lived in medieval times
Maybe we should call him a hero for killing off those canabalistic patriarchle war-like Indians
he's one of the most relevant figures of the history and what he did change the world forever, are you retarded?
>He was a product of his time.
so was columbus
Cortés and Pizarro came with less than a thousand men into America. The civilizations simply imploded from inside once they had faith the Europeans could remove the Aztec Inca yoke from them.
They had de-population, with Inca's making them work for free and the Aztecs killing 20,000 a year in ritualized sacrifice, not to mention unrestricted enslavement warfare, coupled with smallpox and flu wiping the fuck out of them, it is no surprise their civilizations collapsed.
All we had to do was show up and everyone went apeshit.
>mexican education
hope a lot of your kind drowned in texas
Columbus is dead..
Well, it kind of did.
Native americans are mongoloids far removed.
Some say they came from polynesia instead of crossing the frozen bering strait.
why do you care if your an anarchist degenerate.
>>judging the morality of people who lived in medieval times
He was in the renaissance you fucking idiot burger.
>>judging the morality
The people AT THE TIME judged him a monster. He was also a lying cunt trying to justify his expeditions.
Not every person the left dislikes is worth trying to save the reputation of. You'd have much better ground to stand on stopping the exaggerations and lies around diseases killing natives and the "natives dindu nuffin" narrative.
>no good way to defend Columbus as a person
We don't have Columbus day because we celebrate who he is as a person. We celebrate Columbus day because of what he had accomplished.
Christopher Columbus jump-started the colonization of the New World.
This 100%
When is this supposed blowback coming? You guys keep implying it's any day now as niggers and spics are destroying our history. What after x amount of statues are broken THEN people will get up and do something? What is x?
>meme flag poster
Opinion dropped like a turd in the loo.
>Checks flag
>savages want Cecil Rhodes statue taken down from Oxford university
>Oxford say no and actively protect the statue
For once I felt a little national pride when Oxford uni refused to get rid of Cecil Rhodes statue, he was a great man in ways only white people could appreciate.
The same people who desecrate/insult Christopher Columbus probably ask their manager's if they get that day off from work
yeah, it's amazing how fragile native american civilization really was. Really when you think about it whites dindu nothing, most natives just straight up died from illness shortly after contact.
>posting this with american flag
Wew lad
Fuck that, faggot.
>Just let them destroy history
>When is this supposed blowback coming?
It comes when people vote in their own best interest, influenced by the mistakes of the enemy.
Try to ignore the day of the rope memes, as sexy as they are.
this desu
But you're a nazi user
Leif Eriksson's group never made a lasting settlement and had no idea they even left europe
>to defend Columbus
You mean white men? , These fucker's will remove Founding Fathers after they remove Confederacy
Get rid of founding fathers and English history make you nothing but burglar who don't know about where he/she came from
It's make easy to jewish jobs
South africa control control by jew and hindu banker
Actually nigger don't have power in this country
If "you" neutralize white men, Than "you" gets them to do whatever you wants
>white women are the most privileged living beings in history
> white women will be next on the chopping block after they get rid of the white men
Here, despite the 'oh its so bad, the tragedy!', this article delineates accurately the conquest on what became the Vice Royalty of New Spain.
injuns aren't human
The mob just joined the alt right YES YES Ronny and The Situation gonna fist pump some leftists
Fucking this
>white women are the most privileged in all of history
>be white woman
>all the benefits and protection of western civilization
>muzzie, indian, and Asian women experience repression, forced marriage and control on a mass scale
>have none of the backlash for being white like white men get
>men pander to them all the time
>gets handouts from all governments just for bitching
>actively seeks to destroy the west
It's almost like.....they want to be dominated and controlled
Our women are going to be our downfall if we don't do something
Yes! This.
there's no way to defend Muhammad as a person and yet here we are
Remember (((they))) wanted to replace your Benjamins with black women at one point
hahahahah Yeah voting? VOTING FOR WHO? Fucking GOP? Are you serious you god damn faggot fuck leave and go back to fucking T_D you shit for brains
>as niggers and spics are destroying
Fuck off puto, is white cucks and jews doing this shit, spics we go as far as scrabbling unintelligible gratify adoring some chimp gang on priceless momentsmoments but not destroying the monument
sure you do spic
Will the Mafia go after Antifa now?
>your precious Columbus is down
>next is all the idolatry of the white racists that founded this country
Honestly pol it's fine that these characters helped found this country, but they were mostly white-racist slave owners. Do we really need to praise them like they were Gods? We need to use just a tiny bit of sense here
>implying a Mediterranean discovered America
okay Giuseppe
>le day of le rope xDD
If you're pretending to be retarded, you're a class act.
You are a fucking blue pilled faggot that doesn't know whats going to happen when the retard GOP get voted in or rather never get voted in. You actually trust this democracy its a fucking sham and you will know it eventually.
In Australia Liutenant Cooks statue was recently vandalized with"genocide" spray painted over it.
Despite cook always treating the natives peacefully and getting killed for his trouble.
>I don't like the left having good reasons for their ideas
Fucking lol.
I don't think he could have ever guessed the inplications of his actions. He just wanted an encomienda, pigs, and some sugar cane islands.
Columbus IS a hero for his exploration and courage. Sorry sweetie, you sail across pic related in a 1490's caravel with a few dozen crew into a hostile unknown world. The Caribbean is hot as hell and the flora and fauna were totally alien. It's actually an amazing feat. Look at pic related and look at the tools he had to work with.
Beating up on 500+ year old dead guy is so easy it's pathetic.
build new statue of Columbus?
Take all the fucking nazi monuments down because they all symbolize white supremacy
A free, democratic society isn't perfect, but it's the best way we know. If you were to gamble for a society to live in during any point in history, then you'd be exponentially worse off in any other system.