I have bad news, Sup Forums
They found the family and all 6 died :(
I have bad news, Sup Forums
They found the family and all 6 died :(
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oh no, whatever will we do with 6 fewer beaners?
No they didn't all die. The uncle bailed the fuck out without trying to get the kids out. So he lived. And I mean...they weren't his kids, so...
>i dont care because they arnt white
officially i am not a human bean
OHH NOOOOO, that sucks!
This is quite sad :((((
Are you happy Charlie Hebdo, now you have your "nazis" dead.
F, but why the fuck do beaners feel the need to always have so many kids? It's like every beaner family I see has 3-5 kids.
They're still better than niggers though
it was a guy, his grandparents (with alzheimers), and his nieces and nephews
and with that, the amount of whites in the US got lower again :(
so is that gonna up the death count?
>daughters never had a chance to be sluts, and the sons weed dealers
abloo bloo bloo
someone post the charlie hebdo comic
Dead nazis (cover of charlie hebdo is nazis underwater with headline, nazis drowning in Houston)
Dead nazis
They look white washed for beaners. F
Fuxck Drumpf and Fuck White People
>dead spics
Vote here if you're happy they died or not.
As a coastal liberal. These flyover vermin deserve it for Trump.
Charlie hebdo are equivalent of girl going into back alley in mini skirt: some will claim she was asking for it. But then again, if 4 chan was a magazine, it would be this.
christ that sounds like a nightmare
>Relatives told NBC News that Sadivar had just crossed a bridge over the swollen bayou when the road dipped down and the vehicle was swept into the water, which was moving at five knots.
>Saldivar managed to wriggle out of his seat belt and escape the sinking van through a half-open window, he told family members. He grabbed onto a tree branch and urged the others to try to escape.
>"He could hear the kids screaming and crying, trying to get out of the van," his brother, Ricardo Saldivar, told NBC News on Tuesday.
>"He said, 'Climb to the top, go out the back door,'" he said. "But [with] the van pointed straight down, they couldn't climb up the van, much less open the door.
>"He just seen the van go under the water."
those kid probably on their way to Epstein island now
Dead hispanics. Still sad tho.
He'll remember that moment every day.
No white, no care
Waste of good 16yo Latina pussy
this desu
Poor kids. But why the fuck do you post this on pol?
Whites should be having 3-5 kids as well.
wubba lubba dub dub!
They already kind of proved that violence doesn't work against them.
After their frogs got murdered for drawing Mohamed sucking cocks and ramming hams up his ass, they just hired more edgy frogs to draw Mohamed making out with Santa Claus and stuffing bombs down babies' diapers.
It's like if that cheerleader from Heroes went into a back alley in a mini skirt- sure you could rape her brains out and prolapse her anus but she'll come right back the next day.
Wait.. what happened in Mexico???
hindsight is 20/20 but if you are in a major flood crisis with a vehicle. Open the windows, take off seatbelts, etc before trying to ford across something dangerous. That or just wait for rescue.
every white family should think about having that one extra baby, especially if they can afford it. Trump's tax cut plan will really help that.
>bailing without your kids
Surely you just commit suicide at this point?
If I escaped and watched my wife and kids die I'd an hero immediately.
> guess you could say they were real wetbacks
All those future doctors, a tragedy
>Dieu Existe
God Exists
Somehing something drowning neo nazis in Texas. Except it's a blue region. And the most affected areas are poor = mexican and black.
So in classic fashion the violent left celebrates the deaths of minorities to make a political joke.
Post yfw when you readed about this.
Too bad there weren't 7
Superb du bs. Checked
fucking Carlos
>Game theory t-shirt
And nothing of value was lost
Charlie Hebdo is basically if a bunch of French Sup Forumstards ran Mad Magazine.
They just though all of Texas was cowboy country and wanted to be edgy.
To be fair, if I heard there was a big highway accident in the north of France I'd make a joke about it being drunken hicks, because the north is where their drunk hicks go, even though there are probably huge pockets of weirdo minorities in specific areas.
that's fucked up
Why are great grand parents looking over all these children? Where are the grandparents? Where were the parents?
Just the other day I was talking to God and told him how I wanted to move to Texas soon but there were too many Mexicans. Why is God the best? How can people doubt him when he's so based like that?
t. spic
This thread is quite edgy.
>Devy Saldivar, 16; Dominic Saldivar, 14; Xavier Saldivar, 8; and Daisy Saldivar, 6, disappeared along with their great-grandparents while traveling with their dad inside a white van.
>Six family members are presumed dead after a heartbreaking van ride in north Harris County.
>Ric Saldivar is the uncle of the four children whose bodies were found inside the van.
>His brother, Manuel "Sammy" Saldivar, was behind the wheel when he lost control of the vehicle.
>Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez said the van was in about 10 feet of muddy water in Green's Bayou in northeast Houston. He said the bodies of two adults could be seen in the front seat.
The kids were anchor babies and the great grandparents were nationalized after the Amnesty act.
The parents and grandparents had to go.
Welp i was only going for 2 but now the trips says other whys.
Check'd and kek'd!
Any pet with them?
Sup Forums you are ok for being WOKE niggers, but don't make fun of innocent children who lost their lives.
Edgy. That's some pretty edgy racism. Those are actual human beings. Did you think they would all grow into chicano? Obviously you won't even bother to take anything I say into consideration, you're just a little edgy stereotype.
>Kid wearing a game theory t-shirt.
MatPat is going to feel this one hard..
Poor Carlos
This thread is why America is currently going to shit. So much hate and so little insight. No wonder you fools elected someone who literally won't give you what he said.
What a piece of shit, leaving his blood behind like that
Also, I hate the fact I don't mind innocent people drowning because they're brown and in the US. Go back so I can feel empathy again, PLEASE
looters for hire!
He's a mexishit, m8. He'll have another 5 of the little fuckers in like 2 years
Lmao. What is wrong with me.
I saw that they were latinos, so inside my head i said, "well, oh, that's a relief".
Thanks pol.
don't cry user, right now there are 83475897839247329 beanettes with beans in the oven, courtesy of their second cousins.
Thread Theme:
>3-5 kids
isn't this what all the whitebois on here continually strive for?
one only has so much pity to go around
Whoa! You must really not have any respect for society's norms! That's like, REALLY hardcore! Maybe after your mom picks you up from school we can trade Steam IDs and play some Call of Duty together!
or he's just desensitized from a constant barrage of media guilt tripping.
Isn't this the same magazine that promised never to hurt Muhammad's feelings again after Muslims committed an extreme act of love against them?
go make some tacos, paco
>muh dead mudrace babies
this is why america will end up a third world country, all shill groups here should know that Sup Forums talks a big game yet cry over the most mundande thing regarding these shitskins absolute fucking faggots on this board
Fuck off faggots. You're so delusional you think everyone who doesn't celebrate the death of some little kids is a faggot leftist antifa ass sniffer. Fuck you and fuck the left, you're EQUALLY faggots.
Those anchor babies musta been to heavy.
Post nipple colour, taco
>be american
>watch tv and see storm hysteria
>buy house in that area
>see storm coming from miles away
>people start moving their shit and evacuate
>tv tells you to evacuate
>president tells you to evacuate
>stay at home
If they'd stayed in Mexico, they'd have avoided the hurricane
The Uncle got out and clung to a tree but the rest drowned when their van was pulled by the current into the water.
Its so tragic man.
Back. To. Reddit.
If you wanna fuck the mom so bad you can just go down to the morgue, I don't think she's going anywhere.
Nothing more beautiful than natural selection
That's not even that edgy by Sup Forums standards, Mr. Redditor.
>willingly going to the most edgy place on the internet to moralfag
Not much he can do without dying himself.
And the nigger mayor told people to stay. He should hang
You obviously don't belong on this board.
There is a website that you would much prefer, it's called reddit, check it out you'll love it.
Can always have more kids m8