Creating redpills for children

>Be me
>Be 1998
>Be 6 yrs old
>Parents had just rented Disney's animated version of Robbin Hood
>Watch the movie with my parents
>Like the movie super much and as kids tend to do make Robbin Hood my Idol

So now, when I´m grown up and has been lurking this place on and off for about 3 years I saw a picture of myself as a kid in my robin hood outfit. What i realize now is that that story is pure communist propaganda, with it´s Steal from the rich punchline and heroic visualization of what rely is just a thief.
And what I have decided after i realized that was that I will at least try to write a kids book that is the exact opposite. I just need some help with ideas for a plot line and how to make it subtle enough to be accepted in this ultra Marxist society we have in Sweden. If you have any other ideas than a book i am open to those to.

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sorry you're just a fucking furry

Rockwells Ducks and Hens is pretty good. But it's pretty on the face, so it would have to be distributed by samzidat.

Make Robin Hood steal from the poor and give to the rich.

Better Furry than weebfaggot.

Robin hood steals from the corrupt, not the rich you fucking brainlet swede.

It's not bad if you're red pilled


That already exists. Superciuk from Alan Ford comics

He steals excessive taxes back from the government and gives it to the people that paid it. Robin Hood is a conservative small government advocate.

>the tale of robin hood
>good christian king gets replaced by bother because of nepotism
>he TAXES the shit out of them
>a militia must be formed and go hide innawoods
>the right of the people to dismantle their own government must be maintained
>implying Robin Hood ever disobeyed the NAP

Robin Hood is basically a libertarian fever dream

What you need to realize is at least in the actual Robin Hood story the "rich" he was robbing from got rich by being in a position of government power and robbing the people through taxes thus making them poor. I don't know about the movie but the original story is more anti taxes and anti totalitarian government than anti rich

pic very related.

>stealing can be justified
off yourself commie scum

you dumbass fuck, anyone can be corrupt and rich if some nigger complains about them

>robin hood
>communist propaganda

Fuck off retard.

Thomas the Tank Engine is pretty redpilled

And you have to remember that when Robin Hood was first written England wasn't capitalist. You didn't get rich through hard work or creating something good etc you got rich by being born into government power (gee sounds like the commie regime). It's basically a legend against the same system that the American Revolution overthrew (yes the American Revolution was about independence but it was also very much a capitalist revolution)

>Doesn't know the true story behind Robin Hood
Neck yourself, or go to the road, memeflag

>watch wonderful wizard of oz
>buy book for child to read
>have child read aloud the corollaries with money, political allegories, characters within the movie

this one movie is the beginning of a lifelong lesson when being selective about friends, contracts and building real trust

hehe supercuck

He took excess wealth from the super wealthy 0.00001% that was taxing the shit out of people, therefore destroying their buying power and ability to improve their living standards or businesses.
He just put the money back into circulation, increasing everyone's productiveness and boosting the economy.
Sounds more like like a guy trying to keep up sustainable capitalism.

>stealing can be justified
oh you mean like how the corrupt king stole from the people with insane taxes?

>swindler charlatan fucks that rips people off and laughs at their torment like alex jones the waterfilter kike and the rest of the pyramid schemers should go away scott free
fucking kill yourself before others do it for you you fucking greedy kike

King George in the tale wasnt robbed by Robin hood despite being rich. If you're benevolent, fair and loved by all you will be treated the same. Learn how karma works you retarded nigger.

This, by the way.

As far as I can say, the fox in the cartoon robbed the taxmen and the officials, i.e. the government. So it's not the rich per se, but the statist forces. It's kinda interpretative.

violate the NAP, get the trigger

You uneducated migrant,

Somebody who actually knows the story -->

Have you ever heard of Animal Farm?

we need pic related but real

Robin Hood was an aristocrat who fought a tyrant by returning illegally obtained taxes. In story, the tyrannical king is a classic archetype in contrast to the just/righteous king, which in this story is represented by King Richard. Robin Hood is neither communist, nor anarchist, despite his fighting against the government and redistributing wealth. As soon as Richard returns, Robins ceases his campaign, and order is restored to the realm. You are basically saying that the American Revolution was communist simply because they revolted against taxation, which doesn't make a lick of sense. You have a very poor sense of literary analysis, and should absolutely not make a book, especially not a children's book, which requires far more skill to do right. Ironically, when you talk this way, you are still role playing as Robin Hood.

no child and most adults wont even figure this out by themselves, while le stealing from the rich is like the main theme of this movie.

This and only this.

The problem isn't with the story, it's how the (((left))) twists it and feeds it to kids to form their world view around their own ideas. It's not about stealing from the rich and giving to the poor, it's about stealing from corrupt government and giving to the people. When you interpret Robin Hood appropriately it opposes the modern (((leftist))) ideology, not supports it. The left wants to paradoxically give power to the government to solve the issue of corruption and inefficiency in the government.

I don't trust autistic people to correctly analyze mythos, and neither should you.

I'm glad you cleared things up.

Grab a gun and go full breivik, you dont have time for reverse indoctrination.

>the hens have giant noses like Jews
This is hilarious. Also some quality art, but Rockwell should have toned it down a bit and made the book more subtle.

On what grounds dirty commie

I say you have to look at the Robin Hood story from the perspective of the time it was written

In mideval England there wasn't capitalism the markets weren't free hell even the people mostly were serfs who weren't allowed to leave their area except by special permission or do any jobs except what the king/lord etc said they were supposed to do. With maybe a small exception in some city the government were the only rich people. It's a story that COULD be made to be commie propaganda if the whole "the government is taxing the shit out of everyone and has a stranglehold on everyone's life" part is conveniently left out
What nobody ever does is consider the historical times a story was written in and just try to twist them to fit a modern ideology. Beware of those kinds of people.

The porks do look like muslims tough.

we're the same age user, forget your caliphate country in the making, come to America, help the white race grow

karma is made up bullshit just like nigger victim narratives so whatever you have in your wallet u finna give it up cuz robbin hood says so PRIVILEGED HONKEY BITCH

I remember these threads, lmao

Incorrect, the Robin Hood story is about keeping those in power in power. Price John is not the king, he stole the throne of King Richard while Richard was off crusading. Robin Hood stole from Price John because he was a pretender and as a non-god appointed king, he didn't know how to care for the citizenry. Robin Hood stopped the robbing the rich bit when Richard came back.

Most old stories follow this basic story line - keeping the royals in power.

>be me
>early 2000s
>watch cartoons with anthropomorphic animals
>become furry


Have you read Arne Anka? I'd start with that for an idea of what Svensson will tolerate. If you have a nihilistic anti-hero, then you can get him to say things that are too dark for a regular hero.

TFW you're so neck deep into ideology that you consider basic morality to be a bad thing because you associated it whit communism

What you perceive as ideological symbols are actually detached from ideology itself, they only become propaganda or symbols when you decide to interpret them that way. You could have easily took Robbin Hood in any way possible. The rich might be some foreign oppressors and Robbin is saving his people from them, or perhaps capitalist that steal all the money so Robbin takes the money back. They could be Jews, Capitalists, Nazis, Imperialists, Communists whatever. But no matter in which way you interpret the story, it's still a children story that teaches the basic morality of helping those in need.
This is also what happened in the U.S during the red scare, government used fear of communism as an excuse to prosecute artists, musicians and writers for various acts that had nothing to do with communism. They justified the prosecutions with these "communist" interpretations.

Congratulations, you're so invested in anti-Marxism that you see Marxism everywhere. Kudos

I thought I was the only one who read these comics. Where are you from user ? They were popular only in Yugoslavia and Italy last i remember

Just watched this last night. It is a mix. I can see you talking about stealing from the rich to give to the poor, however the only person Roberto ever stole anything from was PJ and taxes were the big bugaboo that lead to the popular uprising against the usurper.

Taxes were the biggest evil put forth by PJ, once he had an insurgency on his hand he did the thing that every governing body would have done and started arresting the terrorist sympathizers.

There is literally "Coexist" sign on a "Hamnesty international" vehicle in the film

>What i realize now is that that story is pure communist propaganda, with it´s Steal from the rich punchline and heroic visualization of what rely is just a thief.

I can't get over the fact that retarded niggers actually believe this.

You realize Prince John and the Sheriff were overtaxing the people of Nottingham for their own gain right? If anything Robinhood is the ultimate Ancap hero, fighting the government because taxation is a violation of the NAP.

But that would take a higher level of thinking skills than OP possesses.

Only because you want to see them that way. Fictional stories are parables, not secret codes. Angry Birds follows a classic story of the dangerous stranger. Because you feel that way towards muslims now, and because you are looking for secret messages, you have interpreted these elements to mean specific and narrow things. But that's not how stories work. For example, the beard that you think looks Muslim could be taken by others as reminiscent of King Henry the VIII. Heavily manicured beards are frequently worn by villains. It is your own beliefs that cause you to so quickly associate this rather generic villain with Muslims.

This is exactly what I am talking about
seeYou idiots are so invested in your ideologies that you try and project them onto everything. Symbolism that is probably completely random here is being interpreted in ways you want to see and not how it actually is.
You can believe that the movie is about the immigrant crisis, but no matter how hard you try to interpret it it's a movie about birds returning their eggs from the pigs. With a correct use of symbolism, anything can be projected onto these simple plots. You see what you want to see

Only further proves my posts It didn't take long for someone to project Ancap'ism onto the Robbin hood story

Taxation is theft, memeflag. King violated the NAP first.

Ok, what about the eagle then?

That wasn't very subtle.

The legend of robin hood comes from back when jews were hired to collect taxes while the king (dont remember which one) was out fighting a war/crusade. The original story is pretty red pilled in that sense. Also pretty red pilled fun fact. The reason why they started to put small notches/indents on coins is because jews used to file down the coins and use the excess material while still paying with the coins. The jews have been an influencing factor in all of europe for a long time now.

>Robin Hood is commie propaganda
>And what I have decided after i realized that was that I will at least try to write a kids book that is the exact opposite.

A book about taxing commoners until they starve to death? Somehow you've convinced yourself to write something even more communist.

Yup, here's a dude who interprets it as a Jew story
here's one that interprets it as Anticap story
And one that sees it as commie story

really makes you think

Been saving this one for a while

There is also a "boar onboard". Most people do not have a negative view of Amnesty International. You have primed yourself to see these things in a certain way. That's what it means to have a world view. It's a necessary part of being human to create a system of meanings and associations. Even if these connections are intentional, they are not the story. If Angry Birds is in fact "red-pilled", it would be so regardless of any clues. The fact that so many people on this board focus on the small things like this instead of the broader stories is a serious weakness in the culture wars. Then again, this mindset is the same mindset that buys into conspiracy theories, so I'm not sure what I expected.


>super much
Could you be any more Swedish with this sentence structure!?

It was a rhetorical question.
So don't answer.

just write normal tier shit, a prince and a princess, a black mage , a dragon etc

do you have the video that goes along with that picture?

>>Walt Disney
>>communist propaganda

Poop poop serves you right


Feudal society was pretty communist, a small few stealing a lot of the workers with no middle class whatsoever.

Absolutely do not do this. It will resonate with absolutely no one. You can't simply dredge up the old containers of story and expect them to hold the same values they once did. It's not the old tropes that matter and are worth fighting for, it's the old values. Put old values in new containers and then they can be accepted again as new wisdom by the people who never knew what they were to begin with.

Redpill: Medieval, itself, is a concept that was popularized by Marx

>What i realize now is that that story is pure communist propaganda, with it´s Steal from the rich punchline and heroic visualization of what rely is just a thief.
Of course what he's protesting isn't the rich being rich, it's a corrupt government driving its people into insolvency due to taxes.

>Stomping out corruption and supporting those that are crushed by it is communism
You know there is lots of space between Crony Capitalism and Communism, right?

yaaa this is the point of the story. the tyrannous king was destroying everyone with taxes and fees to the point their liberty was crushed

Only McCarthy was right.
Robin Hood is alright but you picked a fucking horrible example. Red scare was entirely vindicated with the declassified documents.

kids understand stuff like that

What bothers me is that wealth distribution is strongly correlated with life quality, strong economies, and first-world democracies in general.

You want a wealthy elite class ruling over the proletariat? Look at "communist" countries with their ruling elite, or any other banana republic or dictatorship.

It's like you dumbasses hate the idea of living in a stable, productive, society where everybody enjoys a decent living standard. Because the opposite of "wealth distribution" is "wealth accumulation", and that's literally how we get ruling family dynasties that take more and more with each year.

Wrong. It was made popular long before that. It's true Marx was a modernist, but by the time he was alive, everyone was. It was the early writers of the so-called renaissance that created this myth. By the 1800's, it went completely unquestioned. After all, if the renaissance was a rebirth, what was reborn? They thought they were the revitalization of Rome. It is this idea which necessitates the believe that there was ever an "in between".

That's the point of redpilling. You are showing something familiar and without negative perspective in a new, not that positive perspective.


About a princess, daughter of a king that recently hanged a bunch of murderous bandits, and that along with her mom (she was the influance that made her feel that way) hated their father for not sparing them despite their pleas. As the king leaves for a day he tells them that they are temporarly in charge, but they can't leave the castle because there still might be some bandits around. Mother tells princess that she can go out but can't talk about who she is. She went into the woods and met a mysterious handsome knight in black armor who at first scared her by being a cold brute and seemed a little aggressive and despised the king for his violent ways. They fall in love instantly and she tells him she's a princess. They schedule a date in the castle in her room for the evening, she is to throw him a rope to climb through a window. In the evening she lets him in along with a horde of bandits climbing in as as he holds her down. They kill everyone else in the castle and usurp the throne. Black knights instantly arranges and prepares his marriage with the princass but the king now viewed as wise entered with his silent troops through a secret entrance and "defeated" the bandits. After that when the leader black knight was the only one left he set fire to the bride and kicked her in the directin of the king and escaped... until he realised he was surrounded. The princess survived but was forever deformed and the king inpaled the black knight through his anus. Feel free to censor

the king hanged the bandits if thats not clear

>main character working his ass of to get money
>blonde, blue eyes
>get qt gf
>supports his family
>live in socialist society
>main character has to give away his money
>money is given to some lazy fags doin nothing (welfare)
>Main character wants to do something about it
>He tells his opinion in a formal way
>gets called "nazi"
>lazy fags rape his gf
>He is getting lynched by the leftwing-police (basically fascism)
>everyone is happy cuz they think he derserves it

10/10 propaganda

>and the king inpaled the black knight through his anus

Except you're missing the point. Which isn't surprising given that you think you're anti-marxist by following a marxist ideology. The forms are secondary. It's the substance that matters. Aesthetics are relative. Quality is a subjective experience. It's the truth that matters.

Yeah, what's Robin Hood's slogan again?

>Robin Hood: Takes from the tax coffers of corrupt governments and gives back mostly to the rich, with decreasing returns for the increasingly poor

Wasn't it?

I'm inspired by how Poland historically treated ukrainians and muslims

Start with the Ragnar danaskjold plot from Atlas Shrugged. The writing is kinda shit but she gave a nice jumping off point for a writer who wants to raise their kids without Robin Hood.

a few would actually enjoy it though.

What's the story of William Tell like? Aside from the apple and such, I don't really remember his motives.

But it might convince people to snipe politicians, so...

this^, "and the king impaled the evil pretenders just like the old king of Transylvania, Dracula"
>the end

that's not traditional, what you're saying there , you actually sound very much like a marxist yourself

Red pilling is a trap and a lie. The truth is not a digestible thing that can be doled out in little bits. The truth is transcendent and can only be approached by degrees. A "red pill" is an illusion no different than leftist "head cannons". Stop focusing on the small things, and start acting on the big things. There is no "red pill" that has any actionable benefit.

Lel no he's not a commie. He's more of a an Anglo Saxon noble skilled with an English long bow hiding out as an insurgent fucking up the Normans who are oppressing the Anglos.


They might but not necesserily.

It's the very essence of tradition. Traditions are rituals established to preserve a spirit. But when you lose sight of the spirit and become overly concerned with the forms of the ritual, you lose the spirit. Your problem is that your are in essence a materialist, like all marxists.

I'm fully erect

no that's fucked up, you are being a marxist dickhead yourself attacking tradition on the fake assumption its communist wtf

old school is best , no relativist marxist crap in here , he just wants to write a tale for kids and you say no redpilling kids

nice dissonance

>Rockwells Ducks and Hens

this is amazing how did I not know about it till now ?

You have terrible reading comprehension. Tradition is not communist. Empty formalism is. Believing that the structures of governance can liberate the oppressed from the oppressors is the essence of marxism. Materialism is demonstrably false. That you can't recognize this is precisely why you are a nazi, which is just a different form of Marxism. The medium is NOT the message. The signifier is NOT the signified. What I'm arguing is not an argument for relativism, but against it. To say that absolute values transcend the inherently subjective experience of phsyicality is not relativism, but idealism. It does not matter what side of the road you drive one. It matters intensely that one recognizes there are two sides of a road.