this is >her second month in a row as first. what the hell is going on?
This is >her second month in a row as first. what the hell is going on?
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cnn is dying and she is the alternative for the looney left
She's just that good. My fav show by far.
her ratings arent up, everyone elses is down
women are the f*cking future
News ratings are falling so far that she has 2 viewers while everyone else only has 1
why? what happened to hannity?
i used to watch FOX. had to turn it off after boiling went. The liberals accusing everyone over there of sexual harassment then replacing them with controlled opposition was too much to watch.
all his fans died from old age
she used to be up against O'Riley
I just leave the TV on food network now
Nobody watches cable anymore.
>having a cable subscription in the first place
Dude you are overlooking the bigger picture. Cable news viewership is wayyyyy down. It's like she's at the highest point of a sinking ship. It literally doesn't matter, she'll still drown in the end.
know your enema
Cnn is too annoying
MSNBC is biased but they don't pretend like they aren't so it's tolerable
I canceled mine and upped my internet to the highest speed package
>package I was going to get anyway comes with free basic cable
I still have TV and now I never lag
Fake news = Fake ratings
honestly who cares, do you know anyone under the age of 45 that watches cable news? It's John Oliver, Trevor Noah's, Bill Maher ratings we need to worry about.
Yep just canceled my cable
Will never have it again
Feels good bros
The left won, that's what's happening. Trump spooked all the normies into going full liberal.
She is monetizing the trolled by trump crowd like Colbert.
Nobody does the average age of network news viewership is 50+
Without airports CNN would probably be out of business already
Serious question, Sup Forums. What would happen if she and Colbert and all the other talking heads were murdered within a month?
>Falling for the food jew
Nothing bad.
will tomi help Fox with millenials?
>even owning a TV
You joke pretty good user, my sides are non existing now
I am not sure, but it would please me a lot.
>Hey goys, one person changed the channel 2 months ago
>We have the new top news show!
No. She'll be gone before the year's out.
Good for him.
no, she like
megan mcain
and that liberal bitch jessica
are all controled opposition, when trump said both sides were to blame they all basiclly said he needs to resign. LIke grahm mcain and paul, theyre just laying in wait for the right issue to flip sides and scream about Trump to create a news story about conservatives turning away from Trump. They are litteraly lying in wait for a future fake news narrative.
obviously that fag shep, and that dumb spic juan arent mentioned beacuse they are obviously cock sucking globalists.
i dont get it. with the internet and all why do people still have the need to consume that corperate propaganda?
Unironically this
>1 year ago Fox was far and away the top dog
>entire viewership was united in 'Go Trump, fuck Hillary'
>Trump gets in and starts being a dumpster fire
>Fox tries to cater to just the MAGApedes, centrists start fucking off
>ends up having to split between casters pitching a 'we still support Trump but we are concerned' in one timeslot, then let Hannity on to rule up the MAGApedes
>splits their audience
>unified 'fuck drumplthfthf' audience isn't split and let's maddow float to 1st place
White swpls need to get their smugness from a jew. John leibowitz is gone so kike maddow is stepping up.
a combination of the interweb and a change in the nielson ratings formula.
Fuck off shill
Coberts looking a little more masc these days
How did they change? I truly believe this is due to the equivalent of buying upvotes on Reddit and in some way is illegitimate. Perhaps the answer is in how they calculate it.
Look at the fix news lineup and tell me they don't have obvious 2-3hr blocks of hardline Trump support followed by a 2-3hr block of pensive fence-sitting support of Trump. They are segmenting their audience into timeslots based on how full-throated the support of Trump is.
Tucker still beats her. They're jewing around with (((key demos)))
>trump is a dumpster fire
Yeah but he isn't though.
Different time slot.
They're trying to claim she's number one in all of cable news
I watch her online.
her key demo is cat ladies
Fox has gone down the tubes. Tucker and Hannity are the only reasons to watch
Who is she even up against? The five? Whatever CNN has and that's it. Only thing the Five has is Perino's face and Kims legs.
This is what happens when conservatives elect an orange and hope that it will be a good president.
This is why I stopped eating years ago
you idiots are literally experiencing what the Dems went through for the last decade, too stupid to realize it
both sides are radicalizing each other via stupidity
Literally who?
Joe Rogan probably smokes her numbers every podcast
Sounds like bullshit honestly, who even watch this hoe?
What has Trump done?!?!?
This is insane.
Fox cancelled O'Reilly
>TV viewership plummeting
>mainstream news viewership plummeting
>only consistent viewership are elderly neoliberal democrats who lost the general election and elderly neocons who lost their primary
yeah I'm not worried
How many seasons did Ancient Aliens get again? This stuff sells.
All the intelligent people aren't wasting a lot of shekels each month on propaganda anymore.
>Fox cancelled O'Reilly
more like he canceled himself kek
The Five sucks and Tucker Carlson isn't competing with her
Because Fox fired Bill O'Reilly because of false sexual harassment allegations.
Her ratings aren't up, its just that Fox is a stupid piece of shit and keeps shooting itself in the foot.
News networks typically have ~2 million viewers at a time. That's small time as fuck, especially when they pump the numbers in airports and hotels etc.
You can watch Rachel online.Free of charge.
Maybe not in burgerland.The land of the ''free'' kek.
the only conservative media station on air is segmenting their time slots into wether thier hosts support the conservatively elected president.
Why is it you shills cant understand how infuriating this is
Imagain just one time slot on CNN that bashed or "fence" sat on obama, no? MSNBC? NO? ABC? NO? evry station is full on liberal brain wash, and now Fox is 60/40 ratings arent down on fox because some faggets are upset about Trump supporting WE are leaving FOX beacuse of the liberal dick sucking!
SUPPORT the president in every singal way or call yourself what you are a bitch, a SJW, a Liberal, a shill, A muppet scared of some niggers calling you a racist.
some articles floating around about this out in the wild.
>false sexual harassment allegations
If the allegations are false why pay up for a settlement.Go to court like a real man and defend yourself Billy boy.
>in cable news
It's like winning the Special Olympics. You're winning on a dying medium with an over decade-long trend of declining viewership.
the people want the truth
I was listening to her the other day cause my lefty boss streams her sometimes. Literally was quoting and using buzzfeed as a source. Lefties don't care though when it fits their fucked agenda.
This is all you need to know.
General TV, be it broadcast or cable, viewership is WAY WAY down for the
the guys 60 years old when he came up asking a whore if she wanted to fuck was normal, the SJW's older sister and young mom moved into the biz and took his offer to help them advance and fuck as a pthway off their mediocre carrer trajectories to a big ass payday. And they waited years for right untill the liberal elites who own the media could use it to reshape the network, why dod you think it all happend with in 6 months of Trump winning
>ailes who supported Trump ceo out -replaced with liberal
>bill oriley out
>greta out
>boiling out
>hannity accused
5 moved to 9pm now a comedy more then ever
5pm - the specialts one democrat, one "libertarian" and one rotting host with two guests who are usually 1dem 1 conser
At 5 pm when you get off work you can come home to watch 3 democrats tell you about conservatism and where its heading.
its an obvious the murdochs are trying to reshape the network before the next election to use it to sink Trump.
Most Americans are brainwashed fodder who believe in Democracy. What do you expect?
Billy boy why did you pay if you were innocent?
Paying up is an admission of guilt.
Why didn't you take them to court?
So what if Fonzie is number one in a dying media outlet? CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News are all competing for a declining viewer base anyway. It wouldn't surprise me if they cease to exist a decade from now
They count Hannity viewers as 3/5ths to make up for the wage gap.
>what the hell is going on?
Most people HATE Trump.
Maddow specializes in hating Trump.
I dunno, just a big mystery.
>watching cable news
Right wingers don't watch TV news anymore for obvious reasons.
who cares
I don't know anyone under 30 who even owns a talmudvision.
>lefties don't watch Fox
>lefties love dirt on Trump so actually watch the news
>CNN is now a joke
Do the math Senpai.
in 1997 she was fuckable
feminism: dont let it happen to your daughter